Nurturing and Tactical Genius

Aisha, who had gotten off the air, naturally didn't know that he had already become a big brother trainer with a great pattern and not too weak in the eyes of his friends because of a phrase known to all Pokémon fans in his previous life.

At this moment, he was already walking straight to the back is the middle of the small courtyard, bending down to pick up the weak Caterpie.


Caterpie closed his eyes, mouth issued a steady breathing.


After realizing that this fellow was already tired to the point of falling asleep, Aisha sighed like an old father with a heartbroken child.

Taking a glance at the improved proficiency of 'Dragon Ascend' above the system panel, he also had to sigh at Caterpie's effort and persistence.

However, the help given by the system to Caterpie would maximize the protection of its body, so Aisha wasn't worried that such an intense workout would leave the roots of disease in this child's body.

This was probably the only thing that the system made Aisha go along with.

If not for this... Even if it was the case that when Groudon and Kyogre came to the door in the future, Rayquaza's strength would be lacking due to the lack of proficiency in 'Dragon Ascend', there was absolutely no way that Aisha would have let the present day Caterpie come to exercise this skill in such an overload.

"Alright, take a rest, this period of time has also been really hard for you."

Carrying Caterpie and placing it inside its nest, Aisha also sat down before the table in the living room, eating the takeout that had been cold for a while while calculating his plan.

On the other hand, after seeing Aisha's light-speed off-air maneuver, Red, who had watched enough of the sparring match, also exited his live room with satisfaction, slightly flipping through the anchor's channel.

"Eh, in addition to sparring, this anchor also seems to be very good at breeding Pokémon?"

Yellow also followed Red's gaze to see a few of Aisha's video covers - these were invariably the daily routines he shared with Caterpie, and the match between the beautiful boy and a big green bug instead created a contrast, thanks to Aisha's face and Caterpie's match, and the humorous and witty lines and good show effects complemented each other. So much so that the video's airplay were all still considered good.

However, the heart already belongs to Yellow naturally will not be confused by Aisha's face value.

As a senior trainer with good strength, Yellow could see something worth paying attention to.

"This Caterpie was cultivated very well, and it looks like it's a Pokémon that has poured enough affection and energy into exercising and caring for it."

Looking at Caterpie within the video cover that had already grown a meter in length, both the pink tentacles on top of its head and the green scales that carried the scale powder had developed differently from its normal counterparts, and its watery eyes were radiant, even Yellow couldn't help but praise it.

She herself was also a Buterfree trainer, and she knew a lot about Caterpie and other Pokémon.

However, Aisha's Caterpie still gave her a feeling of amazement - even when she herself, who possessed the 'Power of Viridian', was nurturing the Caterpie that had already evolved into a Butterfree, the development of that child was obviously not as good as this anchor's Caterpie.

"Well, I followed Aisha in the beginning because of his cultivation videos."

Red also agreed with Yellow without hesitation.

"Looking at Aisha's tactics in today's live broadcast, he should have cultivated a powerful Butterfree as a supporting hand inside his main team." Fingers were rubbing his chin, Red also deduced the origin of this Caterpie, saying, "This kid inside the video is probably the offspring Pokémon of that main Butterfree, with a good qualification so it got Aisha's focused attention and cultivation, and in the future, it should be one of the main forces of his second team."

"Really use Butterfree as the main Pokémon... Or two teams in a row?"

Hearing Red's deduction, Yellow couldn't help but reveal an astonished expression.

This young girl obviously couldn't have imagined that besides herself and a few gym leader who specialized in the Bug Attribute, there was actually a trainer who was strong enough to use the Butterfree as a member of the main team.

It stands to reason that most trainers at Aisha's age should be single-mindedly chasing after powerful Pokémon, such as, say, Pseudo-Legendary or from Three Royal family with strong racial values, and wouldn't be paying much attention to weak Bug-attribute Pokémon, especially when his main team should have already trained a Butterfree...

"That's what I admire about him."

When it came to topics that had to do with Aisha, Red also seemed to be extraordinarily energized, and he, who had never been much of a talker, went against the norm today and spoke so eloquently about how much he admired the anchor that the small yellow beside him was a bit taken aback.

"Even relying on the so-called 'weak and unbearable' bug-attribute Pokémon under the world's evaluation is still becoming a powerful trainer, and even drilling out exquisite tactics to make up for the shortcomings of the Pokémon itself."

The more Red thought about it, the more pleasantly surprised he became, and his curiosity about Aisha gradually transformed into admiration and anticipation, as if he was treating a formidable rival who could be an equal, saying, "Aisha's understanding of his Pokémon has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach, and he can be called a master of theory and tactics, and someone like that is surely not weak in reality either. "

"Not only that, he also said that he would keep bringing in more ways to use 'weak' Pokémon, this is clearly a person who intends to change the world's discrimination and prejudice against bug-attribute Pokémon by virtue of his own efforts... Hero, at least to those Pokémon and the trainers who use them, Aisha is a hero."

Red also felt a lot of emotions.

Once upon a time, when he was still young, his own handheld Pokémon were, in the eyes of his partner who was good at breeding, "inferior" Pokémon with limited talent and destined to have little future from birth.

However, Red was worthy of being Red.

Those so-called "inferior" Pokémon with limited talent had succeeded in shining in his hands.

With hard work, sweat and perseverance, they fought continuously, following in Red's footsteps, and in the end, they also successfully grew to become powerful existences, defeating that rival's "high-quality" Pokémon on more than one occasion.

Now, Aisha, who had also broken away from the world, and was even prepared to selflessly teach him the tactics and theories that he had painstakingly researched, was quite a bit of a "confidant" in his eyes.

Red also remembered Aisha's heartfelt words before the broadcast.

"'There are no weak Pokémon, only weak trainers who can't realize their potential'... Well said."

Red clearly agreed with this statement in a million ways.

"What a great pattern, he's the real trainer."

"Good, so powerful..."

Red's praise had clearly startled the nearby Yellow.

After all, even though they had already known each other for a long time, Yellow had never seen Red praise a trainer in such a way that he did not mince his words of praise. This is an honor that neither 'breeder' nor the many 'Pokédex owners' who will follow as their descendants can enjoy.

"I made the right friend."

Gradually restraining his joyful smile, Red also returned to his usual poker face.

However, the upturned corners of the 'Man of Battle's' mouth were also still revealing the pleasure he felt in his heart.

"After that, I'll introduce Blue to Aisha to get to know him as well."

Thinking of that formidable enemy of his, Red thought that he and Aisha could definitely become friends.

"They're both trainers who specialize in Pokémon breeding and theoretical tactics, so the topic will definitely be more opportune, and they might even be able to inspire each other and progress together..."

When Blue and Aisha didn't know anything, the self-talking Red had "properly" arranged for the two of them.

  1. 'Three Royal family' in Chinese Pokémon often refers to the three fire-water-grass type starter Pokémons in the game