Caterpie's Little Thoughts

['Dragon Ascend' Proficiency - 25%].

"Hmm, not bad."

Looking at the system panel, Aisha nodded his head with considerable satisfaction.

Caterpie's strength had increased by one, and his own bottom line had increased by one.

The proficiency of 'Dragon Ascend' could be increased with the exercise of the move day in and day out, and Caterpie had already managed to master the use of this Rayquaza Exclusive Move and some of the tricks with the aid of the system by virtue of his own talent and hard work.

However, even a new trainer who has acquired a Pokémon for the first time knows that simply exercising the moves will not help much in improving the strength of the Pokémon.

Aisha naturally knew this.

In reality, the means by which a Pokémon could raise its strength was nothing more than two aspects.

That was exercise and sparring.

The two aspects of special training can be said to be indispensable, only a combination of the two can completely develop the potential of the Pokémon, the perfect use of its talent to transform into actual strength.

Considering the situation of Caterpie Pokémon, Aisha had already formulated a perfect cultivation plan...

At that time, the system hadn't appeared yet, so Aisha's plan was to simply work on Caterpie's moves, paired with physical fitness exercises to keep putting in some high-quality cultivation resources, rapidly developing its potential while the energy accumulated from the resources could also support it to maintain and have the physical strength to work out even after it evolved into an Metapod.

This cultivation had no plans at all to fight against each other.

After all, Caterpie and Metapod really didn't have much combat power.

Legitimate Caterpie could only learn a total of four skills, and the 'Electroweb' skill wasn't something that any Caterpie could learn.

Aisha wasn't going to be like a normal bug catcher with a cannon fodder bug Pokémon to be used as an experience pack for the new trainers of Three Royal family to use as targets.

That's why he was planning to train Metapod until it had developed the potential of its form and perfectly evolved into a Butterfree with the ability to fight head-on and important battle moves before bringing it into a formal Pokémon battle... However, this plan is now destined to fall through and become a piece of paper.


Caterpie had already finished eating the Pokéblock, squinted its eyes towards Aisha who was thinking about the mission and the 'Rookie Tournament' matter, and let out a chirpy sound.

"Uhm... Oh."

Hearing Caterpie's voice that seemed to be a call, Aisha also returned to his senses.

"You have already abandoned the evolutionary route that originally belonged to Caterpies."

After a little thought, Aisha looked towards Caterpie whose figure had already surpassed that of its normal counterparts by a large margin, completely overdeveloped in appearance, and pointed out its situation by virtue of his own observations and calculations during this period of time.

"So that's why there's no need for us to wait for you to evolve into a Butterfree before committing to a sparring match right now, hmm... Although it is said that the skill 'Dragon Ascend' should not be exposed easily, however, with your current values, even if only String Shot, Tackle, Bug Bite and Electroweb can be used as a normal sparring match, it's already enough to deal with some of the newbie trainer's Pokémon."

Now, thanks to the correction of 'Dragon Ascend', even though the Caterpie hadn't really begun the route of evolving into a Rayquaza, its level of life had already departed from the level of Caterpie as a race, and gradually changed into a completely new kind of existence.

Simply put, the data has been raised.

Caterpie can now also fight head-on battles!

"After a while... No, there's no need to keep putting it off, I'll take you to find an opponent today, and we'll officially start the actual sparring exercise method."

Scratching his hair, Aisha also quickly thought of a plan for today.

According to Aisha's calculations, Caterpie was actually fully qualified to evolve into a Butterfree right now, so the time to devote to actual battle exercise wasn't really that far off.

Then, the venue and object for it and himself to exercise for a period of time afterward would no longer be the small yard inside the home and the targets for Pokémon moves, but rather the wild Pokémon gathering place in the wilderness with the weaker wild Pokémon.

Preparing to brush the wild monsters.

In fact, Aisha had initially planned to travel to the Hoenn region to look for the real Rayquaza and then do some field workouts along the way, so that it would be a two-way street.

The problem was, probably because the danger factor of the whole region was gradually rising, now Hoenn region had unilaterally cut off the routes to other regions, only those who were still in Hoenn region could touch the outside, and there was no way for those outside to enter the inside by normal means of transportation.

Unless Aisha rides a Pokémon and forcibly crosses the sea...

This situation was obviously not very realistic when placed in today's world.

Therefore, Aisha's eyes were set on some wild Pokémon gathering places not far from the Magic City he lived in, and the 'Rookie Tournament' that he was previously prepared to put on hold for the time being came back into his sights.

"It's all experience packs anyway, it's not that much of a difference, so it's just the right time to experience the difference between a wild Pokémon and a trainer-bred Pokémon."

With a clap of his hands, Aisha also went in the direction of the warehouse, preparing the equipment and tools for camping and wilderness survival.

Doing what he said he was going to do was his strength.

Before entering the warehouse, Aisha twisted his head to look at Caterpie that was preparing to head to the small yard to continue working on its moves, stopping it in its tracks.

"Today, we're suspending the 'Dragon Ascend' workout, so take a rest on your own first and nourish your spirit, and never rush things like workouts, so be sure to remember that."


Hearing Aisha's concern, Caterpie also squinted its eyes in response.

After that, the big green bug obediently squirmed its short feet and leisurely nestled inside the small nest Aisha had carefully chosen for it, closing its eyes.


It was true that resting was the most comfortable.

Exercise and whatnot is really still exhausting...

Actually, Caterpie wasn't a hardworking Pokémon.

Although it has an outstanding talent, it has been prepared since it remembers to lie down and leisurely catch fish, and live out its life in a calm but steady manner - after all, most of the insect-attribute Pokémon's lifespan isn't too long, and even with the trainer's cultivation and exercise it can't be prolonged for long, and most likely it won't be able to accompany the Pokémon that picked it out, just as other attributes can do. After all, most Bug Attribute Pokémon don't have a long lifespan, even if they are nurtured and trained by their trainers.

It is really ironic that it is just a Caterpie, even though it is undoubtedly the pride of heaven in terms of talent alone...

Caterpie had always known that there was a limit to what a Butterfree could do.

Even though he is very efficient in whatever he learns and can quickly become proficient in the moves he learns, his body's toughness and energy utilization techniques are extraordinary, but... In the end, after evolving into a Butterfree, it still couldn't become a powerful Pokémon, and couldn't even compare to the Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander next door.

In that case, the pendulum has swung.

Caterpie, who is not very old but has an extraordinarily mature mind, decisively chose to eat and wait for death.

It also thought that according to this character of its own, it probably wouldn't meet a trainer who was willing to choose it.

Then... Aisha then appeared.

The first time he saw that handsome young man, Caterpie's heart will produce unprecedented flutter, can not help but want to run over to get close to him, but the result is confusingly on Aisha's eyes.

One person, one Pokémon, and one person feels like old friends at first sight.

The green caterpillar that had already made up its mind not to look for a trainer almost broke its head after hearing Aisha's question "Do you want to become my Pokémon, I will seriously nurture you".

One person and one pet formed a pair of alternative partners.

Bad, I'm a face dog - this was Caterpie's sharp comment about himself after coming to his senses.

A face dog is a face dog - this was the thought that a sober Caterpie had after seeing Aisha's face once again.

Maybe this was karma?

The fate of a trainer and a Pokémon is really something that can't be said or understood.

Anyway, after following Aisha to the house and listening to this cheap master carefully explaining the training contents planned for himself, the Caterpie's feelings were a bit complicated.

Maybe a bit mixed, but it must have been very happy.

"This teenager will really take a Caterpie seriously..."

Aisha was practicing that promise from the time of the encounter.

After that, the Pokéblock Caterpie directly changed its usual attitude of mucking around and fishing, very actively cooperating with Aisha's plan to work out its moves and body, regularly consuming the Pokéblocks and secret treasures he gave it, and its strength increased by leaps and bounds, which was an unimaginable experience for the previous one.

Perhaps, one could become the world's number one Butterfree - Caterpie had confidence in Aisha.

Well, not for itself, but for its trainer.

However, the trainer gave it a much bigger surprise than it could have imagined...

That day, Caterpie and Aisha looked at each other in a daze, shining with the light of evolution to become Rayquaza.

What happened after that is known to everyone.

Maybe this is the so-called heaven will descend on the people, not only Aisha, even the heavens do not want Caterpie to continue to be a munching and waiting for death to spend their days leisurely pendulum.

Butterfree's ceiling is limited?

Then now your upper limit is no longer Butterfree.

Caterpie: "This high end game."

I'm done being a Caterpie!!!!!


Opening his eyes, he looked at Aisha, who was tired and sweating from rummaging around inside the warehouse looking for tools, Caterpie couldn't help but reveal a serious glint within his eyes.


I will definitely answer your expectations!

I will make you the world's number one!