Caterpie's Ambition

Spearow is a flock Pokémon.

Generally in the wild, as long as they met a Spearow, then the trainer and his Pokémon would have to be prepared to directly face dozens of Spearows.

However, Aisha's luck was obviously good.

It was now midday, and the several Spearows that had attacked him and Caterpie should be out searching for food, and there was no place for these Pokémon to swarm in the vicinity.

"Under normal circumstances, I still don't recommend that you provoke Pokémon such as Spearow, which are highly aggressive, cautious, and live in large groups in the wild... prevent yourself from being chased and beaten by hundreds of provoked Spearows."

Thinking of a certain Chosen One who encountered a crazy attack by a flock of Spearows as soon as he made his debut, Aisha also slightly reminded the group watching the live broadcast, and received the unanimous approval of everyone - that said, he still didn't know if Ash existed in this world or not.

In the future, it was possible to go to Pallet Town to get to know this ten-year-old trainer with twenty years of travel experience.

Back to the topic...

Newbie trainers all have a consensus - in the wild, do not mess with Spearows.

Generally, new trainers don't have the ability to deal with them head on, especially since these guys are flying Pokémon that specialize in speed and chasing prey, so even if the victim escapes, it will be difficult for him to do so after really messing with them.

In particular, there will certainly exist a Fearow within the Spearow flock, once they also participate in the pursuit, the level of danger is almost linearly increased, especially horrifying.

Wild Pokémon don't care about "martial arts".

Every year, there were many trainers who fell under the sharp claws and beaks of Pokémon such as Spearow and Fearow, and were either injured or killed.

Of course, Aisha and Caterpie were not among them.

"Indeed, but Instructor Ai is indeed handsome."

"Anchor must take care of your own safety, we're still waiting for you to come back to live broadcast the network sparring match to continue Hydro Pump Triple MISS."

"Anchor and Caterpie's coordination is awesome."

Witnessing the image of Aisha and Caterpie cooperating to crush three waves of wild Pokémon, the water users watching the live broadcast gradually mobilized their emotions, and everyone actively sent pop-ups in response to his words.

It had to be said that a clean battle could indeed give viewers a pleasing experience.

Especially after Aisha was able to determine the enemy's position almost by virtue of his ability to hear the sound, the scene where Caterpie struck out without any instructions and quickly protected the trainer was even more exciting.

For a moment, gifts flew about on top of the screen.

Aisha's smile became even more rampant.

"Well, good work, Caterpie."

After confirming that there were no longer any wild Pokémon spying on him and Caterpie in the vicinity, Aisha also reached within his belt pouch and pulled out a Pokéblock that belonged exclusively to his own Caterpie and tossed it to him.


With a nimble leap, the Caterpie swallowed the Pokéblock.

Compared to exercising, fighting did consume more stamina from the Caterpie.

That's why it said that its stamina needed special Pokéblock to replenish, ensuring that the only combatant in Aisha's hand nowadays could maintain a full state at all times.

However, even though its stamina had been depleted a bit, the Caterpie's spirit was extraordinarily good.

Fighting indeed made it experience a feeling that it had not felt in the past when it exercised alone, and the pleasure of defeating the enemy with its own strength was also a little bit overwhelming.

Caterpie was in a good mood.

The exhausting workout of the previous period of time, which was almost a waste of sleep and food, was indeed a serious demonstration of results worthy of its own efforts.

Waiting for his divine skill to be accomplished, he would definitely explode and kill that monster that couldn't fly and the fat-headed fish!


Caterpie swallowed the Pokéblock and looked at Aisha with eyes that almost popped with little star.

"Good, let's move on now and try to reach that garrison I had planned before sunset."

Realizing that Caterpie was in excellent condition, Aisha, who was secretly rejoicing that there was nothing wrong with his cultivation plan, also stepped forward, leading Caterpie to continue through the dense woods, around the grass, and towards the planned place.

"What type of Pokémon is the Anchor planning to take in?"

"Instructor Ai is so good at breeding Caterpie, is it possible that he's preparing to become a trainer specializing in bug attributes?"

"Instructor Ai, and you call yourself a newbie trainer!"

"Is Anchor preparing to blood-wash 'Mt. Chien'?"

"Bad, the contestants of 'Rookie Tournament' are in trouble, stumbling upon such a fish frying contestant."

Along the way, the water users' pop-ups also raised a lot of questions.

Quirky jokes and banter were also endless, so sandy that one couldn't help but laugh.

The popularity of Aisha's live room was rapidly soaring, and quite a few new viewers came in.

Everyone was surprised that there were actually people who were actually live-streaming wilderness exploration.

It was like what Red and Blue were discussing.

Most experienced trainers or breeders will choose to keep their brooms to themselves and not share their experiences and insights. A few teacher trainers such as Roxanne choose to appear on the Internet due to work reasons, and most of their live broadcasts are serious and solemn. The boring academic explanation makes people have little interest in watching it.

It is really rare to see live broadcasts like Aisha's who directly took a Caterpie into the deep mountains and old forests, and immediately attacked wild Pokémon when encountering them, and won the victory in a clean and tidy manner.

Nothing can attract more eyeballs than serious battles and thrilling exploration.

Aisha could be said to have captured the traffic code.

However, this traffic code wasn't something that everyone could catch.

Aisha and Caterpie's strength was indeed recognized by the water users.

"The Anchor hasn't figured out exactly what type of Pokémon he wants to take in, but with Caterpie he probably won't continue to take in Bug Attribute Pokémon, and his future development will probably be skewed in favor of a Multi-Attribute Trainer."

Taking the time to glance at the pop-ups, Aisha also picked out some important questions to answer.

"But it doesn't matter, in fact, compared to strength, I for one care more about my bond with Pokémon."

Aisha stated his thoughts on taking in Pokémon.

Highlighting a rather than a lack of it.

Aisha didn't have much energy to work out too many Pokémon, and the number of handheld Pokémon would be fine as long as it was enough for his own use.

"Well, as long as they meet eyes, even Wynaut, I will definitely train him into a Wobbuffet who can use 'Mirror Coat' to defeat Pluto Dragon - Giratina in the future."

Getting closer and closer to his destination, Aisha also relaxed a little and joked in response to his water friend's words.

"Laughing my ass off, Giratina is here."

"What are you laughing at, Instructor Ai must take in a Legendary Pokémon!"

"When will Anchor bring his brothers next door to the Hoenn region to subdue Groudon and Kyogre?"

"Doesn't Rayquaza want to lose face?"

"Isn't Rayquaza right next to the anchor?"

"Can't hold it in, is it a Ray-Caterpie?"

Almost ten minutes later, Aisha suddenly stopped her advance and looked into the depths of the trees.


A slight but clear enough insect sound reached his ears.

"Caterpie, a big dish is coming."

Aisha looked towards the Caterpie that was just as excited from sensing the presence of the enemy and revealed a smile.