Dayan's Elite

Blue had once obtained a Charmander within Professor Oak's research institute.

Under his nurturing, this Charmander quickly evolved into the incredibly powerful Charmeleon, Charizard, and later became his absolute mainstay and even ace Pokémon.

Anyone in this world who followed the trainer-Pokémon battles knew that the former champion of the Kanto region and current Gym Leader of the Viridian Gym - Blue's Charizard had won him countless honors and was practically synonymous with victory.

Its flames could burn the sky and its sharp claws could slice through the earth.

Even the G-max Charizard of that Galar Champion, Leon, did not necessarily have a solid victory over the Blue's Charizard.

Nowadays, Blue, who was the 'Man of Nurture', had also been the one to cultivate more than one team.

As the ace team's veteran Pokémon, Blue was naturally strict to the extreme when it came to pairing up Charizard.

Within Charizard Valley, he carefully selected an extremely outstanding female Charizard as his Charizard's mate, and after a tedious and exquisite breeding, gave birth to a Charmander with outstanding talent...

That was the little guy that had stood on top of the training ground, using a jet of flame on Arcanine.

At first, Blue planned to raise this Charmander himself.

According to his cultivation plan, this Charmander would probably strictly and meticulously follow its father's growth path to gradually become stronger and stronger, and with some improvements and additions from Blue, evolve into a powerful Charizard.

In the future, its strength might be able to surpass that of its own father as well.

But... Right now, Blue was unwilling to let this child live such a conformist life.

It shouldn't have lived its entire life under its father's shadow.

Blue, who had grown up under the great shadow of his grandfather, Professor Oak, accepting everyone's expectations and pressures all his life, understood very well how bad that was.

Especially since Blue now knew Aisha.

After almost an hour of conversation, Blue had realized that Aisha was a Pokémon Master whose nurturing ability was no less than his own.

This master breeder's knowledge was so profound and his character so noble that even the condescending one could only claim admiration.

Moreover, Aisha's ability wasn't weak at all - even the naturally weak Caterpie had become a Pokémon so powerful that it had swept away a colony of Beedrills with its basic form in Aisha's hands.

Therefore, the Charmander could definitely have a new future under his nurturing...

"I believe in him."

Looking at the Charmander above the training ground that had worked hard to spew out flames in exercising its temperature, not stopping even when it was exhausted, and the flames burning above its tail were just as hot, Blue couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"It deserves a new trainer too."

Blue would not doubt his vision.

Not only was the Charmander worthy of Aisha, who he thought was powerful, Aisha was also worthy of the Charmander he had carefully nurtured.

"Maybe, in the future, we can fight against this child as well."

Looking at the Charmander, Blue's eyes flickered with a hint of anticipation within them.


Seeing Blue's expression, Red did not say anything more.

He knew his dear friend's temperament, although he would not change once he had decided on something, he must have thought carefully before making up his mind.

"Then let's look forward to it well, how exactly is this trainer's ability..."

Seemingly thinking of his matchup with Aisha, Red's emotions gradually rose.

Smiling at each other, the two Kanto champions silently pulled out their Pokémon balls.

Now, they were going to have a sparring match to get over it!

In fact, it wasn't just Red and Blue, there were actually quite a few other big names who were paying attention to Aisha, even a bit earlier in time.

Dayan region, Pokémon League headquarters.

"The live broadcast is over."

Within a spacious office, a dark-haired woman whose age was around twenty or so, young and pretty, also squinted her pretty purple eyes and leaned on top of the soft office chair with a lazy face.

"Dong, dong, dong."

The office door was knocked.


The door was pushed open, and a young woman in a secretary's uniform entered her office holding a file bag.

"Elite Summer Yield, this is the information you need."

The secretary put down the file bag and gazed with adoration at the dark-haired woman in front of her who had a pretty face and couldn't hide her elegant demeanor even with a lazy face.

Yes, Elite.

The head of Dayan's Elite Four, the Ghost Elite - Summer Yield.

This was her identity.

"Well, hard work."

"No, no hard work!"

The little secretary was instantly flattered and kept waving her hands, inwardly touched by the fact that she, a beat worker, could actually receive the concern of a Dayan top tier trainer.

Summer was a legendary trainer who had harvested a huge wave of popularity in the Dayan region with her terrifying strength and beautiful appearance, and could be called the biggest idol of the young people.


Picking up the dossier bag presented by the secretary, Summer smiled at her and said, "There's nothing much going on, so go about your business."


The little secretary didn't dare to continue disturbing this Dayan Elite, and came to walk out of the office with a joyful mood, carefully closing the door in the process.


After confirming that the little secretary had stayed away, Summer also unwrapped the file bag, scrutinizing the file that recorded Aisha's information, looking at the teenager's picture and revealing a thoughtful expression.

Above her computer screen hung Aisha's no-longer-available live broadcast - if Aisha had seen her ID, she would have instantly recognized that this Ghost Elite was his own rich lady fan.

She had been following Aisha for some time.

"Traveling in the Hoenn region when it coincided with the appearance of the three Ultra Ancient Pokémon, and then attempting to retrace your steps to Hoenn region afterward?"

Confirming Aisha's travels, Shay seemed a little more determined about some of her suspicions.

"About time we should make contact."

Her slender fingers rubbed the bag, her expression gradually coming alive.

Aisha also had her own thoughts, so after obtaining Aisha's file, she immediately utilized Elite authority to block this teenager's file, isolating anyone under Elite authority from obtaining his details.

"Although it is said that this file of yours must have gone through some processing... However, it's better for me to help you protect it."

Muttering to herself as she brainstormed something Summer also picked up the picture that was placed next to the computer, the one from Steven's share.

  1. original character, the name is fan translated