Blue's Expectation and Charmander

Removing the Ultra Ball that appeared along with the operation of the transmission system, Aisha's eyes also saw the Pokémon that quietly stayed within the Ultra Ball, waiting for its new owner, through the translucent cover that was intertwined with yellow and black.


Seeing the true face of this Pokémon clearly, Aisha was a bit surprised.


Summer also saw Aisha's expression and came up a little curious.


Aisha pronounced its name.

Within the Ultra Ball, a small lizard with orange skin and a cream colored belly was gazing at Aisha with a curious expression.

Its dark green eyes were filled with curiosity, and when it saw this new master, the flame that was burning at the end of its tail became a bit more vigorous, expressing a joyful feeling in a spiritual manner.

Yes, the Pokémon that Blue had prepared for Aisha was none other than the Charmander, one of the highly popular Three Royal families in the Kanto region.

"Ah... This one I hadn't thought of."

Aisha had actually thought a little bit before about what Pokémon Blue would prepare for himself.

However, Aisha was still a bit surprised that this former Kanto Champion had actually taken out a Fire-type of the Three Royal Family in such a big way.

Charmander... This Pokémon's final evolved type, Charizard, was a protagonist-level Pokémon with the reputation of being Masuda's own son.

Not only is it the bearer of face value and popularity, but it also has two forms of Mega Evolution and the G-max that belongs exclusively to Galar region, so its treatment is simply too good to be true.

Such a Pokémon came to the reality of the unrestricted system, the intensity is naturally explosive.

I wonder if the operation of G-max Mega Y Charizard opening a sunny day by itself and then burning G-Max Wildfire could be realized?

"Oh~ Blue that guy probably really treats you as a real friend."

Seeing Charmander, Summer's expression was a bit strange.

"What's wrong?"

"This Charmander is probably the child of Blue's ace Charizard, so it's been carefully nurtured by Blue since it was in egg form, and you know what this 'nurturer' is capable of, so a Pokémon that has been cared for by him since its birth naturally has a bright future. "


Hearing Summer's description, Aisha immediately sucked in a breath of cool air.

Now the favor was really owed big time.

"Alright, there's no need to dwell on anything, Blue is willing to endure the pain because he trusts your strength."

Patting Aisha's shoulder, Summer's words also dispelled his concerns.

Obviously, for the matter of Aisha exploding Blue's gold coins, Summer was still quite happy.

"You can tell by looking at this child's reaction that it likes you too, hurry up and find a place to let Charmander out to get acquainted!"


Taking Charmander's Ultra Ball, Aisha and Summer also arrived within the courtyard of the Pokémon Center.

"Charmander, come out."

Throwing out the Ultra Ball, the Charmander appeared in front of Aisha bathed in light.


Standing on top of the thick ground, Charmander also looked around for a moment before looking at Aisha - its new master.

"Charmander, you..."


Aisha had originally pulled out Azurill's Poké Ball and was ready to say that if Charmander was unconvinced, he could show his strength by fighting against it.

As a result, before he could finish a sentence, this little orange lizard flung its tail that was high with flames and pounced up at once, hugging his calf.


"You really are Pokémon's favorite."

Looking at the little guy who was frantically rubbing against Aisha's calf, who was more like a Growlithe than a Charmander, Summer's expression was inexplicably a bit disgusting.

"But this is good, it saves trouble."

"Well... Azurill and Caterpie, you guys come out too!"

Looking at Charmander that seemed to particularly like himself, Aisha could just as well not help but be in a good mood, and at that moment, he also directly threw out Caterpie and Azurill's Poké Balls and called out to them.

"This is Charmander, from now on it will be our new companion."

Caterpie and Azurill landed on the ground, looking at Charmander from left to right.



Caterpie didn't have much of a reaction, just a friendly look at the little fire dragon.

Azurill, instead, stared at it a little unhappily, after which, with a jerk, it scurried right up next to Aisha and hugged its master's other leg.


Looking at Azurill's suspiciously jealous behavior, Aisha was also a little bit in tears.

"Well, we're all going to be together forever from now on, so make sure you get along with each other."

Leaning down to pet Charmander and Azurill's head, Aisha also smiled and knocked the latter's head.

Suddenly there was a feeling of parenthood...



Charmander naturally responded to Aisha's words with alacrity - this child had a good personality.

Azurill was similar, this child didn't hold grudges or remember things, and belonged to the type that was straightforward.


Caterpie stared quietly at Aisha from the side, a touch of helplessness revealed between his soulful eyes.

Trainers really are all big pig's hooves.

Caterpie couldn't help but look into the distance, which was the direction of the Hoenn region... It felt during this time that the breath of those two behemoths was getting more and more agitated, like two active volcanoes that could erupt at any time.

Forget it, just keep on refueling and exercising 'Dragon Ascend'.


At this time, Aisha's Line transmitted another message from Blue.


Aisha opened the chat interface, and such a file was sent by Blue on top of his cell phone, with a message attached below.

[Ai-kun, this is the breeding program I originally prepared for the little fire dragon... However, if it was Ai-kun, he would have been able to come up with a new breeding plan, so I'm just using this file as a reference for Ai-kun to read.]

"Blue also thinks too highly of me."

Saying a little thank you, Aisha also put away her cell phone and hugged Charmander with a little headache.

"Blue is already the number one 'Man of Breeder' in the breeding world, what do I have to do to cultivate you to a level that he can't even consider?"


Charmander obviously didn't know the problem that this new master of his was struggling with, it only knew that this teenager's body had some qualities that he particularly liked... It could be the outstanding looks, or it could be the ethereal temperament, in short, it just liked it very much.

It was very satisfied with Aisha as its new master.

"I can't raise you with the Water Absorb trait, can I?"


In the next moment, Aisha's pupils shook.

  1. one of the creators of Pokémon games