Three Legendary Pillars

"'Eternal Pokémon'?"

Steven's pupils shrunk, his attitude suddenly became quite agitated, and he even looked at Aisha with a bit of incredulity.

"You, know what the 'Eternal Pokémon' is?"



Watching Aisha respond to his words, a look of great joy spread above Steven's face.

The former Champion of the Hoenn region, Steven Stone, was passionate about ore mining and a part of archaeological work, and he had a deep knowledge of the myths and legends of the Hoenn region.

Not only Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, but also the three 'Eternal Pokémon' that were hidden in the three directions of the Hoenn region, sleeping, he also knew of their existence.

"Legend has it that the 'Eternal Pokémon' - Regice, Regirock, and Registeel - have the power to stop and fight against Groudon and Kyogre."

Steven stated his understanding of the 'Eternal Pokémon'.

"If we find them, the future battles will definitely be more certain!"

Previously, due to the fact that there was too little information, although Steven knew about their legends and had the same intention of searching for those Pokémon, he was unable to do so from the beginning.

These legendary Pokémon simply do not know where to sleep...

Now, Aisha's appearance was like a divine weapon from heaven.

This young man who had researched myths and legends had perfectly complemented his lack of information.


"As you said... The true bodies of the 'Eternal Pokémon' are in fact the legendary Pokémon that are part of the Giant Clan - Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Regieleki, and Regidrago."

By this point, Aisha didn't skimp on the sharing of information, naming the five Legendary Pillars.

"Regieleki and Regidrago?"

Streven was startled, repeating the latter two somewhat unfamiliar names.

According to that format, they should be some of the Legendary Pillars as well.

He was very surprised that Aisha's research on 'Eternal Pokémon' was already beyond himself.


Gazing at Aisha, Steven's heart surged.

"They are within the legend as a product of the Legendary Pillar King - Regigigas made from rock, ice, lava, electricity and dragon crystals, the ancient people feared their power, so it's said that the Five Legendary Pillars were sealed in the Hoenn region and the Galar region respectively."

Thinking of the electrical Legendary Pillar whose speed racial value had reached 200, Aisha's scalp tingled.

This electric Legendary Pillar had relied on its extreme speed to rule the battle environment for a while.

A speed racial value of 200 was just too scary.

However... The Pokémon targeting it seemed to have appeared.

"Regieleki and Regidrago are just too far away from us right now, so this time we're only thinking about the first Three Legendary Pillars."

Returning to his senses, Aisha walked over to a table - on top of which lay an equal-scaled-down map of the Hoenn region.

"Regice, Regirock, and Registeel are being sealed in three locations in the Hoenn region."

With his memory, Aisha was trying to overlap the in-game map of Gen 3 Hoenn Region with the map of the real world's Hoenn Region, searching for the locations of the three legendary pillars.

"It's probably these three locations anyway."

At this point in time, Aisha wasn't willing to continue hiding.

Groudon and Kyogre were simply too strong, they were two moving heavenly disasters, and even if the entirety of the Hoenn region was mobilized, it might not be possible to guarantee a 100% victory.

Team Magma and Team Aqua, who were lurking in the shadows, were even two poisonous scorpions that might appear at some point to hinder their battle.

There were too many enemies.

Aisha had to gather all the forces available to him.

"Located within the desert on Route 111 is Regirock's hideout, on top of waterway Route 105 exists a small island with Regice hidden within the cave at the end, and Registeel's location is within the ancient tomb on Route120..."

With his memory of the game, Aisha reported the hiding places of the three legendary pillars.

Steven had been so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

He originally thought that Aisha was just more aware of some of the myths of the 'Eternal Pokémon'.

As a result, this teenager actually directly reported the exact location of the Three Pillars.


Steven instantly felt a bit ridiculous about his agony some time ago.

'You, what exactly are you?'

Although, Steven was now curious about Aisha's details to the point of no return, however, hindered by the issue of the greater good, this former Champion of the Hoenn region held back his emotions and opened his mouth a bit hoarsely, inquiring him, saying, "Aisha, this information... Are you sure it's true?"

"80%, at least 80% probability."

Considering the gap between reality and the game, Aisha quoted a more secure figure.


Steven fell silent.

Gazing into Aisha's eyes, he later looked at Summer next to him.

Steven finally chose to trust these two people who could probably be called partners.

"Good, I will now immediately arrange for people to head to these three locations to search."

For Steven, as much as any glimmer of hope must be grasped.

"Well, please."

After saying that, Aisha couldn't help but feel a chill in his hands and feet.

It wasn't that he wasn't afraid of being suspected.

After all, it was a matter involving a Divine Beast, and the stakes were so high that even Aisha himself had gone through a period of thinking, weighing the pros and cons before deciding to find a time to confess to Steven.

Now, the facts proved that he had gambled correctly.

Steven chose to believe Aisha's words.

Steven actually had his own considerations.

A trainer who had received such a high evaluation from Blue's mouth, if he specialized in the study of myths, it was indeed not impossible for him to find the location of the Three Pillars before he did.

Wasn't that female champion of the Sinnoh region also a practitioner of archaeology and mythology?


Aisha who exhaled a breath of relief, apparently underestimating the box Blue had folded for herself also looked at Summer next to her.


Summer was also clearly surprised by her party's words.

Even after overestimating Aisha as much as possible, the teenager's performance still surprised her.

"Not bad for you."

However, once Summer thought about Aisha's relationship with Rayquaza, she instantly also felt that the Three Pillars were nothing.