Zinnia's Request

Gazing at Aisha's face, Zinnia's emotions were extraordinarily complicated.

Although she pretended to be calm on the surface, after really seeing the trainer recognized by Rayquaza, this young girl still couldn't help but feel a tinge of sourness in her heart.

Obviously, I have worked so hard for Rayquaza.

As a result, it had become this teenager's Pokémon.

He wasn't even a Meteor Village folk.


After a long period of silence, Zinnia was gradually calming herself and looked at Aisha again.


The young woman's finger pointed backward - countless little people holding hands, clustered around a mural of a shooting star.

"These are the stories that have been passed down from generation to generation by my ancestors, the People of the Meteor, and now let me pass them on to you!"

With a leap, Zinnia nimbly jumped onto a nearby ladder and ascended higher.


Aisha stopped at the same spot and after a moment of silence, he likewise followed this young girl's footsteps - based on his understanding of this character, Zinnia wasn't the type of guy who would like to play underhanded tricks to trap people, and it wasn't impossible to trust her a little bit.

For a moment, within the empty Sky Pillar, only the sound of the silent duo as they kept climbing the tower echoed.

"A thousand years ago, there was once a huge meteorite that struck this planet."

Finally, stopping before the mural inscribed with the meteorite, Zinnia crouched down, her slender fingers caressing her anklet that was inlaid with an evolutionary keystone.

Aisha also looked at the mural.

The gene chain pattern belonging to the Evolutionary Keystone was clearly inscribed between that meteorite.

"The rich natural energy contained in the land of Hoenn explodes as a result."

On both sides of the tower were inscribed murals of Groudon and Kyogre.

Listening to Zinnia's words in silence, the image of the two Ultra Ancient Pokémon fighting a battle for energy also seemed to float before Aisha's eyes.

Of course, Aisha did see their fight with his own eyes...

"In order to compete for that abundant energy, the primal reversion of Groudon and Kyogre began a great battle and scramble week after week."

Zinnia kept walking towards the top of Sky Pillar, and more and more murals appeared in front of Aisha's eyes along with her narration.

"The people could do nothing but wait in fear for the battle between the two to end." Speaking of this, the young girl's tone was suddenly a bit agitated, as if she was proud of something, pointing upwards to the mural of countless humans clustered before the altar, as if they were praying for something, and said, "Because of this, people began a sacrifice in order to pray for salvation to come, praying for the mysterious green Pokémon - Rayquaza."

"Then... After the people and the Pokémon became tightly linked through the prayers, the Pokémon's posture changed!"

Zinnia spread out her arms and smiled at the mural of Mega Rayquaza.

"It's like a Mega evolution!"

Above the mural, Rayquaza's stance was more than just more majestic, the shimmering golden lines on both sides of his body seemed to leave his body as if they were two ribbons, just like a true divine dragon.

"Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre disappeared at the end of the earth and the ocean respectively, and the world has thus returned to peace."

Without realizing it, along with Zinnia's occasional narration, she and Aisha were already near the top of Sky Pillar.

"After that, my ancestors built this Sky Pillar."

Walking up to the top floor and standing on top of the triangular altar, Zinnia also clarified her intentions: "The People of the Meteor made the prophecy that the meteorite would strike this planet again, with a power more terrifying than the previous times, and on a scale so large that I'm afraid even the entire world would be destroyed."

"So, your intention is to take advantage of the fact that Groudon and Kyogre have awakened and started a great battle once again, to awaken Rayquaza to become your own Pokémon, and then solve the future meteorite crisis?"

"Right... It's really true that you see through everything."

With a helpless smile, Zinnia looked over at Aisha.

"Worthy of being a trainer of Rayquaza... Even my purpose was guessed."

With a grim smile, Zinnia's tone was a bit lost as she said, "You can rest assured that I won't try to take away Rayquaza from your hands, after all, I believe in the vision of the Divine Dragon-sama, and the trainer it chooses must be someone even more outstanding than me."

However, Zinnia did not overly dwell on her defeat.

After all, her purpose itself was to harness Rayquaza to solve future crises.

Now that Rayquaza had chosen someone more suitable as a trainer, Zinnia naturally had no reason to be unwilling...

"Then, this little brother, since you've already obtained Rayquaza, what is the purpose of coming to the Sky Pillar now?"


Hearing Zinnia's words, Aisha couldn't help but frown.

Zinnia had taken his Caterpie as the real Rayquaza...

In other words, even she who was the People of the Meteor was already unable to find out where that real Rayquaza?


Aisha scratched her hair with an annoyed face.

"This sucks."

Rayquaza had actually disappeared?

This fellow, couldn't it be that he really saw his successor and then drilled into the ozone layer to watch the show?

It is also too crumbly...

In that case, what should he and Caterpie do?

"What's wrong?"

Noticing Aisha's abnormality, Zinnia couldn't help but speak out and ask him as well.


Aisha didn't know what to say either.

Couldn't really tell Zinnia that his own Rayquaza was just a product of Caterpie's evolution, and that the real one had probably started happily touching the fish by now, right?

Zinnia would have to tear herself apart...

"By the way, your purpose should be to ride Rayquaza against the awakened Groudon and Kyogre, right?"


Confirming Aisha's thoughts, Zinnia also pulled out a scroll and handed it to Aisha.

"This is a scroll of the most important move for Rayquaza that has been passed down from generation to generation by our Meteor people - Dragon Ascend."

Not caring what Aisha thought, Zinnia shoved the scroll inside Aisha's hand and said, "After learning this move, Groudon and Kyogre will definitely not be a match for Rayquaza, you just have to promise me to bring Rayquaza to smash that meteorite when it descends in the future!"

"Thanks a lot..."

Gripping the scroll tightly, Aisha was also a bit thankful.

Even if he couldn't find Rayquaza, he could at least utilize the scroll of 'Rayquaza' to further enhance Caterpie's proficiency in this move, it wasn't a wasted trip.

"It's nothing, it should have been yours in the first place."

Zinnia took a few steps forward, and finally, looking seriously at Aisha, she said, "Then, as a request from me, could I ask you to spar with me?"

"Let me see just how far away I am from the trainers recognized by Rayquaza?"