Girl With a Good Figure

While Aisha led Caterpie in a continuous exercise of 'Dragon Ascend' above the Altar of the Dragon God at the top of Sky Pillar, Steven's exploration of the 'Eternal Pokémon' had made new progress.

The desert of Route 111.

The island of waterway Route 105.

The ruins of Route 120.

Aisha had already clearly told Steven within the meeting room in Devon Co that these three places were the locations of Regirock, Regice, and Registeel respectively.

In any case, finding them first was the right thing to do.

Steven had already arranged for some people to go to these three places the night before.

The following day, just as Aisha had traveled to Sky Pillar, the former Hoenn Champion himself took the lead and headed to the route 120 waterway, the closest to Rustboro City.

Highlighting a matter of course.

After a morning of careful searching, Steven, with the help of the Metagross' powerful superpower detection and scanning, managed to locate the mysterious island close to the middle of the afternoon.

Elite Four Sidney was also at this place.

"Hey, Steven."

Sidney, who looked like a little rascal, scratched the only red hair left above his head.

"What's wrong?"

Steven, who had stood on top of the island and looked around, also looked at Hanayuki and said, "What have you discovered?"

"No, not found something..."

Sidney's temper wasn't too good, but he still had great respect for Steven.

This rogue dark attribute elite shrugged his sleeve a bit and smacked his lips a bit as he looked around the island's surroundings wrapped in an azure ocean with a bit of annoyance.

As one of the Elite Four of Hoenn, Sidney himself had been drifting over the ocean all day long in pursuit of the leaders and cadres of Team Magma and Team Aqua.

He hadn't made much progress in his pursuit mission and was depressed as hell.

Now that he was suddenly pulled over by Steven and inexplicably began a search mission for the Three Pillars, Sidney's heart was naturally a little uncomfortable...

"No, Steven, do you think that kid's words can really be trusted?"

"You mean Aisha-kun?"

Steven naturally knew who Sidney was complaining about.


"No, I'm not saying I don't trust your vision either, I'm just saying... You also said, that child's Pokémon cultivation and powerful, the strength of the battle is also strong, and as a result, now also for the Three Pillars, Groudon, Kyogre and these Legendary Pokémons have researched, is he not too demonic?"

"Well... There is always no shortage of geniuses in this world."

Hearing Sidney's words, Steven instead smiled sardonically and patted this fellow colleague on the shoulder.

He had initially chosen to believe Aisha's words, and it was indeed a bit of a desperation factor.

However, when Steven actually set foot on this island, he, who had years of experience in excavating mineral deposits and archaeology, realized almost immediately that the land under his feet was a bit unusual.

"There are some hidden energy fluctuations on this island, even without the presence of Regice, there might be some precious secret treasures hidden."

Saying so, Steven's inner expectations rose considerably.

Worthy of being Instructor Ai...

"If you're not happy, big deal, I'll just give him to you after we find the secret treasure."

"Tsk~" Sidney instead revealed a disdainful expression and said, "I don't believe your bullshit, the secret treasures that this kind of ghostly thing can hide must all be some strange and bizarre stones, if you really stumbled upon some gemstone, how can you, a stone maniac, still be willing to give that thing to me? "

Sidney did know this partner of his very well.

"Later on, if we really find Regice's cave on top of this island, then even if I, Sidney, admire that brat, at that time, he will also be considered as a great contributor to our Hoenn League, at that moment, I'll take the secret book of dark attributes that I've researched for so long as an Elite to give it to him to use, is that okay?"

"Good, I'm just waiting for what you can come up with to give Aisha-kun as a gift."

Laughing out loud cheerfully, Steven also began to command his search team to start a careful investigation on top of the island.

A similar scene was also played out in the desert on Route 111 and the ruins on Route 120...

Elite Drake took charge of the search for Regirock, while Elite Phoebe and Glacia started the search for Registeel.

The former champion of Hoenn and the Elite Four began a new round of miserable overtime...

Summer, on the other hand, was free.

The affairs of the League are not her turn to help deal with Dayan Elite, the Elite Four are present, Steven also naturally do not bother her to help find the trace of the Three Pillars.

Aisha had run off to the Sky Pillar again.

Therefore, Summer now decisively returned to her otaku posture and began to stay in the hotel room.

Once in a while, Summer went out to Devon Co's training grounds to test Gengar's use of dirty set tactics.

Other than that, Summer was pretty much focused on studying the theories Aisha had taught her inside her room.

"Good job, Gengar."

Seeing that her Gengar had gradually gotten used to the use of the "Toxic, Protect, and Substitute" combo, and that the speed and success rate of the three alternating moves were methodically increasing, Summer also praised it in a good mood.


The Gengi clapped its own hands and let out an eerie but joyful laugh.


For Gengar whose heart itself was dirty, the routine that Summer had commanded it in exercising and getting used to during this period of time was especially enjoyable for it as well.


At this time, Aisha's communication hit on top of Summer's cell phone.

"Yo, Aisha, how's the investigation of Sky Pillar going?"

After connecting the video, Summer looked at Aisha, who stood on top of Sky Pillar and was blowing a cold wind, smiled and teased, saying, "Did you find anything good?"

Everyone actually knew that Sky Pillar was the habitat of Rayquaza.

Aisha's trip to Sky Pillar could only be for the purpose of searching for that one Ultra Ancient Pokémon.

However, for Summer, who was aware of Aisha's relationship with Rayquaza, his behavior of having traveled to Sky Pillar was instead more like hiding his identity...

"I didn't find anything good, but I bumped into a girl with a good figure."

Aisha answered Summer's flirtation honestly.

Indeed, Zinnia was considered extremely good even within the realm of adults, and even more amazing when placed at her age.

"What did you say?"

Summer's eyes sharpened considerably.