Origin Pulse


Wallace lapsed into silence.


Only lightning watched his advance.

The pouring rain that fell above the sky turned into a boost for Milotic, helping to condense it more easily into a runway of ice for the advance.

Wallace was about to meet Kyogre and fight.


After thinking about it, even though he was already numb, Wallace still sighed.

Though it was said that Steven was doing a lot of the work for him during this time.

However, Wallace had certainly been the one who had been under the most pressure.

He was the current champion of the Hoenn League.

After receiving the information about Kyogre's possible appearance, Wallace had also left everything behind and arrived at Sootopolis City without hesitation.


Milotic slowed down advancing, and her bushel-like wide but gorgeous to the point of streaming tail lightly slapped Wallace's shoulder.

"Sorry, my bad mood seems to have infected you."

Wallace smiled apologetically and stroked Milotic's cream-colored neck.

The Water type Coordinator hadn't taken shelter from the rain, and now he was in a sorry state - his gorgeous clothes were soaked with rainwater, and his hair, which had been exquisitely groomed, clung to his face, something Wallace, who cared about his appearance, would never have been able to tolerate if he'd put it on in the past.

Now it was different...

The pressure of facing the gods left Wallace without the mind to consider anything else.

Steven had just gotten on the phone with Wallace, expressing the news that he had already rushed this way... Not only him, but the gym leaders of Mossdeep City - Tate and Liza - had also departed from Mt. Pyre, and the superpowered twins would be there to help him right away, so that meant that Wallace would actually only have to face Kyogre on his own for a very short period of time.

Still, that too was a god after all.

The pressure wasn't going to go away anyway...

"We're going to face the god-sama."

Wallace's eyes peered ahead - the level of the rippling sea was already in his sights.


Milotic responded to his words with an ethereal voice - it didn't matter if it was a god or a ghost or a Pokémon, as long as it was their trainer still by their side, they dared to do anything.


Milotic's response brought a smile to Wallace's face.

The Hoenn champion then looked out to sea.


It was precisely at this time that a lurid 10,000-foot tsunami rose above the unsettled sea, and a bizarre blue light reflected the shadow of a huge whale sweeping up into the sky, and vaguely there seemed to be a bright red light flickering, illuminating the earth that had been transformed into a darkened sky under the rain curtain.


A piercing whale song resounded through the sea and the sky.

"Everyone, come out!"

Wallace flung out five Poké balls almost without hesitation, releasing all of his partners.


Between the flashes of light, Ludicolo, Walrein, Laplace, along with Seaking and Swampert leapt into the sea almost immediately, stopping in front of Kyogre and forming a barrier.

"Seaking, use Waterfall!"

"Ludicolo, Energy Ball!"

"Walrein, Icy Wind!"

"Laplace, Freeze-Dry!"

"Swampert, Mega Evolve, Waterfall!"

Without hesitation, Wallace pressed his Evolution Keystone, and watched as Swampert transformed into a muscular form after its Mega Evolution, leading the other four partners to launch the first round of attacks with moves that either restrained Kyogre or had some control effects.

Kyogre's Drizzle is just as much of a bonus for him as a Water Attribute Pokémon Trainer.

The speed of Ludicolo, Seaking and Mega Swampert, which had Swift Swim, had been increased tremendously.


Kyogre was staring at the city in front of him and didn't notice a few small bugs launching attacks towards him.


The power of the Energy Balls, Icy Wind and Freeze-Dry couldn't even stop Kyogre's advance for an instant.

It did notice the Seaking and Mega Swampert in close combat.

The problem was that the two guys that weren't even qualified to be called Phantom Beasts, were really like two little bugs to Kyogre, who was a few dozen meters away.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Two shots of Waterfall, one after the other, hit Kyogre.


Kyogre swam out hundreds of meters with just a flap of his fins.


At this time, Wallace on the shore locked eyes with Kyogre.

He had thought that the eyes of gods were emotionless.

It was like those Immortals who were too far gone inside the Dayan Immortal Cultivation novels that he had enjoyed reading once upon a time.


Today, when Wallace really saw Kyogre's eyes, he realized what a violent pair of golden eyes, full of madness and cruelty they were.

Along with this destroyer gradually close to the city, the monstrous waves and pouring rain has been indistinguishable from each other, skyscrapers and buildings of various colors in the flood under the destruction of the collapse, one after another into a pile of pile of ruins.

Kyogre just existed here, and the fear of destruction kept spreading...

"This sucks."

Wallace grumbled through his teeth, before ordering his Pokémon to launch a second attack.

"Seaking, use Waterfall!"

"Ludicolo, Energy Ball!"

"Walrein, Blizzard!"

"Laplace, Freeze-Dry!"

"Mega Swampert, Waterfall!"

To the gods, any tactics or routines were meaningless.

The only thing Wallace could do was to fire away with the most primitive forceful brick flying to shell Kyogre, who had gotten close to the city.


Energy beams of various colors flew in unison, covering the two Waterfalls and hitting Kyogre's body together.


Taking the attack without avoiding it, Kyogre's whale song was colored with a touch of cruelty.


Wallace seemed to see a flash of sardonic smile above its huge mouth.


In the next moment, Kyogre rushed into the sky on a monstrous wave, its huge body leaving the sea water and being completely exposed to the sky.

Its huge head turned towards Wallace's Pokémon and opened up, terrifying water-attribute energy and wave-like aura rapidly condensing.

"Come on, hold it!"

Wallace's brain dazzled for a split second, and then he yelled frantically.

Because, Kyogre had already formed several water balls around its mouth... That was its exclusive move.

Origin Pulse.


Origin Pulse suddenly descended, sweeping everything in the earth and ocean.