Foul Mouthed Kyogre


Diving under the sea, Kyogre swam happily through the cold waters, swiftly moving towards the city where the battlefield awaited.


Occasionally surfacing, Kyogre's golden eyes scanned behind him.

Right now, those two trainers who harnessed Milotic and Metagross are probably still waiting, preparing for a new round of attacks...

Two brainiacs. Kyogre sharply commented on the two champions of the Hoenn region who had blocked him.

They seem to think they have some kind of 'godly honor' and won't leave the battlefield in the middle of the fight?


For the easily agitated Kyogre, anyone impeding him needed to be dealt with.


While dealing with Steven's Metagross and Wallace's Milotic, he suddenly sensed the scent of his beloved 'Blue Orb'.

This item would grant him the power of 'Primal Reversion' upon retrieval, potentially ensuring his victory if obtained before Groudon.

Imagining himself in his 'Primal Reverse' stance, harnessing the power of the Primordial Sea and dominating Groudon and Rayquaza, Kyogre felt exhilarated.

A Dumbass Who Can't Fly - Groudon always opened up whenever Kyogre tried to show him some respect.

A trash that can only fly.

None of it mattered once I return to my primal form!

It's fantasy time.

Decisively abandoning Steven and Wallace, Kyogre followed the scent of the 'Blue Orb' to Sootopolis City.

My 'Blue Orb' is actually leading me straight to the battlefield. Kyogre happily thought, sensing the path the orb was taking.


Roaring out a melodious whale song, Kyogre accelerated with a flip of its tail.

... ...

"Haha, hahaha, hahahahahahahaahahahah!"

Exiting the Submarine Explorer, Archie stood outside, basking in the orb's energy, laughing heartily.

"...They've made their move."

Beside him, Maxie pushed up his glasses, observing six cadres who had harnessed flying Pokémon, gathering at the coastline square, finally revealing a smile.


The three admins of Team Magma and three admins of Team Aqua had traveled to the coastline as instructed by their respective leaders to intercept the potential support from the gym leaders for Sootopolis City.

"Are you sure about this?"

Maxie looked at Archie, who was enjoying the rain, saying, "Leaving the Submarine Explorer has leaked the aura of the 'Red Orb' and 'Blue Orb,' perhaps drawing Groudon and Kyogre directly to us, leaving you unable to swim."

This explained Kyogre sensing the 'Blue Orb' halfway through the battle.

Submarine Explorer had followed Groudon all the way, the beast unaware that the 'Red Orb' for its 'Primal Reversion' was nearby, leading to its defeat by Rayquaza.

Kyogre, miles apart, pinpointed the 'Blue Orb' due to the weaker opponent, Archie voluntarily exposing himself to the rain.

"What's next?"

Archie scoffed at Maxie's concern.

"Regardless, we'll reach Sootopolis City first... There, we'll have help against Groudon and Kyogre."

If the six cadres blocked gym leaders as planned, it would keep the number of Hoenn trainers gathering in Sootopolis City manageable, aligning with Maxie and Archie's plan.

"Maxie... Maxie?"


Maxie remained motionless, startling Archie as he stared back. Maxie's calm demeanor had vanished, replaced by a fierce look, holding the 'Blue Orb' with red lines crawling up his arms and face, a cold blue tint enveloping his eyes.

... ...

"Tsk, Primal Reversion?"

Perched atop Rayquaza's dragon head, Aisha calculated the power difference between Kyogre and Rayquaza after Primal Reversion.

"Not good."

Frowning with concern, Aisha glanced at Rayquaza.

Against Primal Kyogre, if Groudon lost to Rayquaza earlier, he feared Rayquaza might lose now...

Primal Reversion could be too terrifying.

And what of Kyogre?

Steven and Wallace were likely gathering gym leaders, making it hard for Kyogre to gain an advantage against such a strong group. Could it be that Team Aqua and Team Magma, previously in hiding, approached Kyogre instead?


Realizing the likely truth, Aisha grew annoyed. The awakening of Groudon and Kyogre was caused by the two psychopaths, Maxie and Archie, creating the current chaos.

All the problems he faced now were because of them.

Aisha, Steven, and others were fighting to stop Groudon and Kyogre, and these troublemakers had the nerve to cause more chaos?

"Aisha-kun." Lance, receiving a message from Steven, joined Aisha, reporting, "Steven and Wallace suspect Kyogre is headed to Sootopolis City. The support that hadn't arrived will redirect there."


Filled with determination, Aisha steered Rayquaza towards Sootopolis City, leaving Lance bewildered by his sudden anger.

"Who provoked him?"

Aisha ignored Lance's question.

"Maxie and Archie, I'm coming for you!"