The Final Dragon Ascend

Following Aisha's movements, the bronze sword entwined with an icy aura blossomed into a million lights.


Vaguely, there seemed to be a ferocious beast emitting a heart-shattering roar.

The extreme cold atmosphere froze the raindrops floating in the sky into sharp ice cones.

A curved moon shaped scythe blossomed from above the blade, wrapped in a brilliant light, and flew straight in the direction of Cave of Origin.


A crescent-shaped sickle bloomed from the blade, wrapped in bright light, and flew straight in the direction of Cave of Origin.


The violent shockwave exploded the ruins of Cave of Origin, and debris and rubble flew into the sky under the sweep of Hurricane.

The icy cold aura then quickly climbed up the rain curtain that covered the sky, quickly freezing out a field of cold ice, and a radiant ice flower blossomed out in front of the gate of Cave of Origin.

"What happened?"

Lance, Steven, Wallace, and Summer also looked at Aisha in unison.

"An ice attribute Second-level Legendary Pokémon?"

As a trainer specializing in the dragon attribute, Lance's perception of ice-attribute Pokémon was exceptionally sharp, and almost immediately recognized Aisha's Bronze Sword as a Second-Level Legendary Pokémon.

"Not only is it harnessing Rayquaza, but it even has other Legendary Pokémons?"

Steven couldn't help but suck in a breath of cool air, his marvel at Aisha deepening by another point.

"Elegant, too elegant!"

Witnessing Aisha stepping on the ice condensed by raindrops in the sky above, and swinging the scythe with a single sword - the teenager's dashing appearance made the current Hoenn Champion, who was a coordinator in his own right, do a double-take, but... Wallace realized the target of Aisha's attack was the ruins of Cave of Origin.

"Cave - of - Origin -!"


Summer, who was riding on Dragapult, saw something eerily vestigial in the body of Aisha, who was carrying a sword.

Carrying a sword and going into battle by himself to kill the enemy... Instructor Ai's purity too high.


Outside the Sootopolis Gyn, Juan, who was watching the battle, saw a new explosion before the gate of Cave of Origin and couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

He also realized that something was wrong, so he said that he immediately jumped onto the spine of his Crawdaunt and swam in the direction where the ice flower had bloomed.

As for Aisha...

After clutching the bronze sword of Chien-Pao and unleashing a terrifying attack in the direction of Archie, Aisha lost his place of catching in the sky above and crashed down in the direction of the sea.


Seeing Aisha falling towards the sea, Rayquaza also roared angrily and quickly flew in the direction of his master.


Primal Kyogre, who had managed to shoot down Aisha, on the other hand, naturally couldn't possibly go along with it.

Primal Kyogre could sort of see that...

Rayquaza had not only suffered an inexplicable weakening of its strength, but its battle sense was also not as good as it used to be.

Now, after losing the human's orders and command, Rayquaza's battle awareness was even lower than the several Pokémon next to it.

After taking care of that human, Primal Kyogre will have nothing to fear.


Accompanied by a sharp whale song, Primal Kyogre gathered icy cold energy.

When Rayquaza thought that Primal Kyogre was about to unleash the Ice Beam move, the water current of Origin Pulse rushed up into the sky without warning.

With its swift speed and terrifying power, the raging current managed to intercept the green dragon's rescue of Aisha.

Rayquaza was helpless, only dodging Primal Kyogre's attacks, while at the same time desperately attempting to get closer to Aisha's direction.


A stream of root fluctuation struck Rayquaza's torso, triggering a strong explosion.

"Everyone, protect Rayquaza and Aisha!"

Steven immediately saw that Rayquaza was at a disadvantage under the original Kyogre's sniper attack, so he quickly drove Metagross to stand in front of the former, and used Protect to resist a beam of Origin Pulse.

"Dragonite, Thunderbolt!"

"Milotic, Hyper Beam!"

Lance and Wallace, on the other hand, swiftly gave orders to attack, finally intercepting the Primal Kyogre's sniping that could be described as madness towards Rayquaza.


Summer didn't say anything.

Because, she had already rushed in Aisha's direction by harnessing Dragapult.

"Dragapult, hurry!"

While the icy raindrops and raging wind smashed above Summer's face, the head of Dayan's Elite Four urged Dragapult regardless.


Dragapult's speed was driven to its limit, and the ghost dragon transformed into a wisp under the curtain of rain that covered the sky and flew below Aisha in time.


Changing from his usual playful appearance, Gengar with an extraordinarily serious expression floated out from within Summer's shadow, and a marvelous supernatural light flashed between his scarlet eyes.


Gengar gave a sharp cry, and the light of Psychic wrapped around Aisha's falling body, unloading the impact force that had built up on top of the teenager's body as he descended.


Aisha was placed on top of Dragapult's spine by Gengar's psychic power, and it was only then that Summer's party finally revealed an expression of relief.

"You... This guy, is simply too messy!"

Groping his body with a worried face, Summer also stammered her voice and nervously complained about Aisha's impulsiveness.

"I trusted you and Dragapult's speed from the start."

Aisha, on the other hand, showed an excited expression and sat down paralyzed on top of Dragapult's spine, and even laughed out loud.

"Ha~ Problem solved!"

"No, what exactly happened?"

Summer, still in a daze, inquired about the reason why Aisha had inexplicably added a sword towards the ruins of Cave of Origin.

"What are you doing?"

Not only Summer, but Steven, Lance, and Wallace, who were entangled in the Primal Kyogre in the sky and above the ocean, were also three-faced dumbfounded, not knowing what Aisha was doing...

However, due to their trust in Aisha, the three of them didn't ask anything, and wholeheartedly intercepted the Primal Kyogre's sniping at Rayquaza.


Aisha coughed and explained towards Summer the reason why he had launched an attack towards Cave of Origin, saying, "Rayquaza just sensed the aura of 'Red Orb' in close proximity to 'Blue Orb', so I guess it should be the Archie was hiding."

"He's trying to take over the position of Maxie and continue assisting Kyogre in his Primal Reversion?"

Summer wasn't stupid, and when Aisha said that, she guessed the core of the problem.


Aisha agreed with Summer's words.

"Even if it's not Archie, we definitely can't let other ill-intentioned people continue to hold on to 'Blue Orb'."

"Tsk." With a smack of her lips, Summer responded to Aisha's words and said, "Indeed."


Aisha peered out into Cave of Origin.

"Gym Leader Juan should have already traveled to Cave of Origin." Thinking of that Wallace's master, Aisha also revealed a smile and said, "Even if my attack misses and I don't slaughter Archie with a single sword, according to the strength of Gym Leader Juan, at least entangling this fellow isn't a problem."


Hearing Aisha's trembling words contained a touch of imperceptible killing intent, Summer didn't say anything more.

Thinking about it carefully, whether it was commanding Rayquaza to attack Maxie with Hyper Beam, or carrying the bronze sword of Chien-Pao to slash Archie, Aisha didn't have the slightest hint of retention...

Summer was indifferent to this.

Maxie and Archie were originally terrorists.

Everything was because of them.

For the sake of their own insane ideals, these two psychopaths, who had nothing better to do, attacked Mt. Pyre, snatched 'Red Orb' and 'Blue Orb', and awakened Groudon and Kyogre before triggering these crises.

These two people should be shot a hundred times but it's not too much...

Summer naturally wouldn't blame Aisha because of them.

It would be better to say that if Aisha really solved Maxie and Archie, Summer would definitely be the first one to help him apply for big credits.

"Rayquaza, 'Dragon Ascend'!"

Aisha ordered a strong attack towards Rayquaza, who was using Hurricane against Primal Kyogre's Origin Pulse in the distance.


After seeing Aisha unharmed under Summer's timely rescue, Rayquaza also metamorphosed and let out a roar that resounded through the sky, his slender body quickly tightened, wrapped in the flying attribute's rich energy, quickly tore through Primal Kyogre's spray of water and slammed on top of its head - a blow of pent-up fury, even though the not having a long time to build up its power, Rayquaza still repelled the Primal Kyogre.


After taking a hard hit from Rayquaza's 'Dragon Ascend', the Primal Kyogre also noticed that 'Blue Orb' had lost control of its target with its own spiritual power.


In the next moment, Primal Kyogre's eyes, filled with resentment and violence, locked onto the body of Dragapult, who was carrying Summer and Aisha on his back in the distance.

Needless to say, it must have been Aisha who sabotaged its actions.

Primal Kyogre already had enough.

This human is too scary...

Feeling the Primal Reversion energy gradually drain away from within his own body, Primal Kyogre also realized that he was already in a grave position.

There was no longer a single human who could remain under the control of 'Blue Orb' as a puppet to assist it in maintaining Primal Reversion.


Primal Kyogre's violent eyes looked towards Rayquaza hovering above the sky - this fellow, even though he had become weaker still kept getting in his way.

Primal Kyogre was already furious...

Even if I'm already going to lose, I must desperately bite a piece of flesh on your body.


Primal Kyogre was on fire, and the sea raised a shocking wave at its call.


The sea water was extremely compressed into sharp blades of water, which was the most terrifying manifestation of Origin Pulse - the compressed blades of water vibrating at a high frequency could effortlessly cut through any object that existed in this world, and even the strongest things could be broken in two.

Primal Kyogre had already lost hope of winning.

Therefore, the current one was going to attack regardless!

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"

Origin Pulse's water blade rushed up into the sky.

Dragonite and Dragapult barely dodged the attacks of Primal Kyogre under continuous flight.

Metagross that didn't have enough speed, however, took a shot of Origin Pulse and landed straight into the sea... Wallace, however, caught Steven and Metagross with Milotic.

"Almost there."

Seeing that the Primal Kyogre was now at the end of its rope, Aisha also revealed a smile.

"Everyone, Primal Kyogre's Primal Reversion has entered its final stage, after surviving this long, we'll win!"


After that, Rayquaza sat under Aisha's instructions and quickly flew around him, Summer, and Lance.


Rayquaza's slender body took on a circular stance and flew rapidly around them.


Thunderous thunderbolts cut through the sky, tearing through the furious rain and dark clouds.

The violent tornado broke through the dark clouds under the cover of the rain curtain and followed Rayquaza's flight, protecting Summer, Aisha, and Lance, who were flying above the sky to avoid Origin Pulse.

After that, the almost overwhelming tornado also covered the rippling sea, Milotic, Metagross, and their masters who were drifting along with the raging waves were also protected by it.

"Got it!"

Seeing Rayquaza's movements, Lance also understood Aisha's intention-


At this last moment, everyone didn't need any micromanagement, so that being said, Lance didn't hesitate to throw out the five Poké balls he had left, releasing Salamence and Garchomp.



As soon as they appeared, the two dragon-attributed Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon matched Lance's Dragonite and together they made a tornado that merged within Rayquaza's defenses.

"Milotic, this stage is enough for you to show your beauty!"

Above the sea, seeing Lance's movements, Wallace also commanded Milotic to make an Aqua Ring - as the only champion who had balanced the two professions of Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator, Wallace could be considered a true master of micromanagement!


Milotic made a melodious sound.

The clear water flow wrapped around the tornado linking the sea and the sky under its control.


Following the climb of the water currents, the surface of the tornado was protected by an additional layer of water currents - the tornado Rayquaza was sitting on had itself swept up raging seawater, and Melotic simply guided these cold water currents from being an obstacle that hindered the tornado, to a force that aided in the tornado's defense.

"Metagross, Psychic!"

Steven also saw it.


Metagross released a strong superpower wave under Steven's command, stabilizing the water current's defense and preventing the water current called out by Milotic from becoming a boost to Primal Kyogre.

"Everyone, Psychic, stabilize the defense of the water current!"

Summer threw out the four remaining Poké balls she had at this time - Mimikyu, Chandelure, Runerigus, and Froslass each held the four directions of the tornado between the rays of the light, and together with Gengar, they made Psychic, which blended in between the streams of water and stabilized the double layer of defense of the storm and the seawater.

"Please, Chien-Pao..."

In the end, Aisha gritted his teeth and braced himself to stand up straight physically.

He seemed to be lifting up Arthas's Frostmourne, or Artoria Pendragon in pulling out the Sword of Promised Victory, raising the bronze sword wrapped in cold air.

While the effect of the 'Primordial Sea' was gradually weakening, the weather-type move called Snowscape could be deployed on a small scale within the tornado.

The snowflakes called out by Second-level Legendary Pokémon then wrapped around Aisha's body and merged between the storm winds and the water currents, transforming into a final layer of defensive power enhancement.


The tornado of water and ice transformed into the strongest defense under the efforts of the five, linking the sea and the sky against the Primal Kyogre's attacks that could be called insane.


Beyond the tornado, accompanied by Primal Kyogre's hysterical whale song sound, Origin Pulse's water blade continuously slashed the Hurricane and water current that served as a defense.


Such an extreme defense was a spectacle that had been constructed by combining all the power and efforts of Dayan's head of Elite Four, Kanto's Champion, Hoenn's two Champion, and the Messenger of Gods, hand in hand!

How could Primal Kyogre's firepower, which was weakening along with the power of Primal Reversion that was constantly flowing away, possibly break through it?

"The power of Origin Pulse is weakening!"

"The rain is also getting lighter!"

Steven and Wallace, one above the sea and the other above the sky, respectively noticed that the effects of Origin Pulse and the 'Primordial Sea' were weakening.


Aisha, who was holding his sword up, had no time to respond.

The teenager's face was expressionless, and the sweat that surfaced above his forehead was condensed into white frost by the cold.


"Bravo, Mr. Aisha!"

Both Summer and Wallace looked at Aisha with eyes that were bubbling with bright starlight.

Especially Wallace who was looking up at him from above the sea - Aisha stood within the storm of snowflakes and seawater, holding his sword in a manner that was not too much to call a "brave man", and with him riding Rayquaza to defeat Groudon, he now led them to force Kyogre to return from Primal Reversion to its original state, he was undoubtedly the greatest and most admired savior of Hoenn region!


At the same time, along with the last Origin Pulse being countered by the tornado of water and Iie, Kyogre's body withdrew from its Primal Reversion stance under the dissipation of the light, and reverted to its normal stance.


Kyogre's voice was a bit weak.

"Rayquaza, 'Dragon Ascend'!"

At this time, Aisha, who was keenly aware of the enemy's state, then swung down his sword, the blade pointing straight at Kyogre's head.


Rayquaza then wrapped up the raging energy, and the tornado of water and ice constructed by gathering the power of Aisha, Summer, Lance, Steven, and Wallace also transformed into its sword, rushing straight towards Kyogre and tearing the sky!

  1. a weapon from Hong Kong comic series, 'Weapons of the Gods'
  2. from Warcraft (Warcraft III)
  3. from Fate/stay night