Beldum's Preciousness and Couple Costume


"How does it feel?"

Steven was very satisfied with Aisha's reaction, and a wide smile appeared above his handsome face.

"Shiny Beldum."

A touch of pride colored within Steven's smile.

Everyone in this world knows and knows that the former Hoenn champion, Steven's ace Pokémon, is an extremely precious Shiny Metagross.

Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon were already incredibly rare, and Shiny Pokémon were even more so.

When the two are combined, the degree of preciousness is terrifying to the point of being outrageous.

There probably weren't many shiny Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon in the world.

Now, Steven actually waved his hand and directly took out a Beldum as a gift for Aisha...

Rich guy, cool!

"Too precious, this shiny Beldum..."

Holding the Ultra ball of the shint Beldum , Aisha also felt his hands trembling.

Originally, Aisha thought that the Beldum that Steven had prepared to give to himself should be an excellent Pokémon that was well endowed and probably possessed some unique talents.

Now, Steven had told Aisha with his actual actions - looking down on who?

"What local tycoon?"

A valuable shiny Beldum, which Steven had prepared as a gift for Aisha, now fell into his hands so easily.

The value of a single shiny Beldum could completely support Aisha's cultivation of five Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon from their base form to their final form.

There was no exaggeration at all...

After all, the handsome appearance of the shiny Metagross possessed complete attraction in itself.

Steven and his shiny Metagross had also struck a chord of fame for this Pokémon.

"With such a shiny Beldum, after I sell it, I can probably buy a neighborhood inside the capital city of Hoenn region?"


Steven responded to Aisha's words with a show of hands.

"It's just a bit too much pressure on me with you making such a great offer."

Aisha didn't make too much of a fuss, and after pinching the Untra Ball of the shiny Beldum, he let out a complaint filled with a sense of helplessness towards Steven.

This shiny Beldum, without any surprises was probably the heir of Steven's shiny Metagross...

Aisha didn't know how the shiny Metagross had given birth.

However, other than that possibility, Aisha really couldn't guess the child's origin.

"That serious?"

Steven also laughed and joked.


Aisha sighed.

This shiny Beldum must be the Pokémon that Steven had high hopes for.

Now that this child was in his hands, Aisha must carefully nurture it, or else he would be slapping Steven's face.

"This script is a bit familiar... Blue did it too."

Aisha took out the Ultra Ball containing the Charmander again.

Now, there were already heirs bred by the ace Pokémon of the two champions inside his own team.

"You champions are all so fond of giving away Pokémon to others?"

"Looking forward to our partner's children thriving inside the hands of other excellent trainers is certainly something we old guys enjoy."

Steven's words gradually overlapped Blue's words within Aisha's mind, and he also revealed a headache.

"Why do you guys trust my abilities so much?"

"How could Aisha-kun's excellent strength still need to be doubted?"

Aisha didn't say anything.

"Alright, I'll take this child."

"I knew that Aisha-kun would not refuse my gift."

Straightening his delicate tie, Steven revealed a confident smile - a confidence that came from the eternity of a rich guy.

"Okay~ You're the rich man~ You're good~"

Steven's glittering golden smile flashed into Aisha's eyes, and he then enlarged the Ultra ball containing the shiny Beldum and summoned the Pokémon.

"Come on, Beldum, let's get acquainted!"


With a flash of light, the shiny Beldum let out a sound filled with a mechanical texture while floating in front of Aisha.

"Beldum... This trainer is the owner I'm looking for for you."

Steven also walked to the side of the shiny beldum and introduced Aisha's identity.


Following Steven's introduction, shiny Beldum also turned its round head, embedded in the strange structure of silver-white steel, and its bright red eye shined with cold light also stared at Aisha's face.

"Beldum, I am Aisha."

Aisha revealed a warm smile and extended his hand towards Beldum.

Taking a closer look, Aisha had a new understanding of the shiny Beldum's face.

The colors of silver-white and gold were intertwined, forming a wonderful color scheme that was noble and exquisite... This was a configuration that countless shiny Pokémon were envious of, and the shiny Beldum family undoubtedly possessed the highest degree of face value within the shiny Pokémon.

Its shiny silver-white body and sharp golden claws also show that Steven must have used the most advanced and pure steel attribute secret treasures to maintain Beldum's body, so that this Pokémon's body is also glittering with the luster of metal, colorful and sturdy.

It's so beautiful...

If this child evolved into a shiny Metagross in the future, Aisha would be able to fly in it to his heart's content in the sky, and to drive it in a wild car race on land.

Owning such a silver and gold steel chariot was simply a fatal temptation for a boy.


Aisha's eyes lit up with a brilliant light within them.


The shiny Beldum watched Aisha for a moment, after which the steel body, driven by magnetic, superpower fluctuations, floated to his front and landed on top of the teenager's palm, its bright red eyes narrowed into crescent moons, clearly happy.


Seeing the reaction of the shiny Beldum, Aisha also knew that this child was already recognizing himself, and couldn't help but reveal a smile of delight.

Pokémon trainers were like that.

Every time they obtained a new Pokémon, gained its approval, and concluded a new bond, the feeling of surprise filled their hearts, and the feeling of satisfaction and happiness was beyond words.

"Not bad... Huh?"

Seeing Aisha's interaction with the glittering Beldum, Steven, while happy that their one-person, one-Pokémon bond was a perfect match, suddenly noticed something small.

An average Beldum's standard weight was 95.2KG, but under Steven's careful cultivation and maintenance, this Beldum's size and weight had already surpassed that of an average Beldum, and was now about 120KG.


After such a sturdy and heavy steel little monster fell on top of Aisha's palm, his arm actually did not have any reaction, and after that, it easily lifted the shiny Beldum?


Steven looked as if he had seen a monster.

"The purity is too high... It's worthy of being a trainer who practiced kung fu in the Dayan region."

Steven recalled the scene where Aisha had once raised a bronze sword above the sky and stepped on raindrops that had condensed into ice as he sniped at the primal Kyogre.

The Dayan region was as terrifying as it was.


Aisha didn't notice Steven's abnormality, he opened the system's panel after holding up the shiny Beldum.

[Race: Beldum]

[Attribute: Steel + Psychic]

[Characteristics: Clear Body]

[Skills: Tackle, Take Down, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Zen Headbutt]

[Evaluation: Genius, no doubt genius, the shiny pseudo-legendary Pokémon interprets its identity. In the world of Pokémon, it must be as rare as the protagonist of the novel. Having it is equivalent of success. In the future, it will definitely be the core and most important force of trainers... It is recommended to focus on all-round training. When it is fully developed, it will definitely become a terrifying steel behemoth, serving as your sharpest spear and strongest shield.]


Seeing the panel of the shiny Beldum, Aisha also sucked in a breath of cool air.

The system was actually giving a Pokémon such an excellent evaluation, it was really out of his expectation...

Not only that, the shiny Beldum's skill list was just as excellent.

In addition to the basic impact and slam, it also has Iron Defense, a move that strengthens defense, as well as Iron Head and Zen Headbutt, two steel and psychic attribute moves, even now in the Beldum's posture already has a certain degree of combat power.

"That's awesome, Steven."

Aisha couldn't help but praise the excellence of Steven's nurturing.


Steven waved his hand and smiled as he gave a modest explanation, saying, "I'm different from you guys, Aisha-kun and Blue are excellent Pokémon breeders, and Wallace, as a Pokémon coordinator trainer, is also involved in the knowledge of Pokémon breeding, but I'm not the same, I'm just a simple Pokémon trainer, so that's why, when cultivating a Pokémon, I only have to keep on smashing down the most outstanding resources to keep up with you."


After hearing Steven's explanation, but it turned out to be full of Versailles' boastful words, a question mark appeared above Aisha's head.

"Never mind, no kidding."

Steven also gave a bright laugh and said, "Besides the Beldum, the resources I promised you in Sootopolis City before are already being prepared, the resources from the Beldum to Metagross must be the most excellent resources for Steel and Psychic types."

"Too rich."

Aisha also lamented Steven's wealth.

It was worthy of being the number one rich brother.

Suddenly, Steven looked at Aisha as if he had remembered something.

"By the way, Aisha-kun should also have research on Beldums?"

"Ah, if it's some of the uses that a Metagross can make within a sparring match, I do know a thing or two about it."

As soon as he said Metagross, Aisha wasn't sleepy.

After all, the powerful and handsome Metagross were once his favorite Pokémon.

"Great, I made the right choice by giving Beldum to Aisha-kun."

Steven's eyes lit up as if he had met a fellow Pokémon fan.

After that, Steven's and Aisha exchanged some questions about the cultivation of Beldum and Metagross' battle strategies.

At first, Steven was a bit excited.

After all, Aisha knew the abilities of a Pokémon like Metagross like the back of his hand.

Some of his tactical uses did amaze Steven as well.

Then... Aisha mentioned that Metagross could use Explosion.


Steven's brain went numb.

"Explosion, Explosion, Explosion..."

"Yes, Explosion, but there's no need to use it now, there's a better maneuver Metagross can use."

Although they didn't continue the topic of Explosion, however, the duo's conversation about Metagross changed the picture all of a sudden.


Steven's shiny Metagross revealed a frightened hairy look within the Poké ball.


Twenty minutes later, Aisha said goodbye towards Steven and walked out of Devon co.

After retrieving the eye-catching Shiny Beldum, he strolled through the streets of Rustboro City at night by himself.


After strolling for a while, Aisha also realized that there were quite a few more pedestrians on the streets of Rustboro City today.

Their faces were filled with happy smiles.

Together with their friends, relatives, and loved ones, they walked between the streets and alleys without any worries, and whoever they were also revealed an easy smile, no longer suffering from the pain and sorrows of the past.

Some stores also opened their doors.

A number of stalls selling food and small things appeared on the streets.

The city had regained its previous bustle.


Aisha naturally knew the reason, the reason why the passersby were so happy.

"With Groudon and Kyogre defeated and peace restored to the Hoenn region, they're naturally in a better mood as they've gone from needing to be on their toes all day long, fearing that they might not know when their families would be destroyed under the battle of the two gods, to returning to their old uneventful but life-threatening lives."

Summer's voice reached Aisha's ears.

"You are their hero."

Summer smiled as she walked next to Aisha and handed out a box of octopus balls.


Aisha was also hungry after being dragged by Steven to talk for such a long time, so he said that he picked up a skewer of octopus balls and filled his mouth.

"It tastes good."

"It's my vision after all." Summer gave a shrug.

After swallowing the octopus balls, Aisha also looked at Summer with a bit of surprise and said, "It's too coincidental that I actually met you in this place."

"I don't recognize the road outside of Devon co either, so in order to prevent myself from getting lost, so I said that I've been wandering around the nearby area."

Summer was talking nonsense with her eyes open.

By the way, it also cue Galar's Road Idiot Champion.

Of course, she would not admit that she had been waiting for Aisha outside of Devon co, until the teenager walked out of Devon co, then she followed his steps and deliberately ran to this side, creating a "chance encounter".

The two shared a box of octopus balls under the moonlight, chatting one after another.

The pedestrians all cast envious and blessing glances towards them - the combination of a handsome man and a beautiful woman was too eye-catching.

After that, Summer extended her hand towards Aisha.

"Going back to the hotel together?"

"I see that you're also tired, there are still some official matters that need your cooperation tomorrow, and doesn't Steven still have a celebration banquet to organize?" Summer added.


Aisha patted Summer's hand and smiled as she stood up straight.


Summer looked at her hand, a little speechless, and pulled Aisha's shoulder in the direction of the hotel.

"See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

The two said their goodbyes outside their room, and Aisha entered the hotel room first.


Looking at the door of Aisha's room, Summer also sighed and complained to herself about Instructor Aisha's reaction, saying, "This guy can't treat me like a brother, can he?

"That would be too much."

Sighing as he approached his room, Summer also took stock of the new operation, planning to clear Gengar's sins in the process.

Little fat black guy, jeopardy.

The next day, Wallace knocked on the door of the duo's room.

"Both of you, it's not good to attend the celebration banquet but not have a dress, quickly, follow me to try on some clothes!" The world's number one Pokémon Coordinator revealed an elegant smile, and said it was an invitation, but in fact, he directly pulled Aisha and Summer to scurry into the car and ran to the store where they tried on dresses.

Thirty minutes later, Aisha and Summer examined each other's clothes within the clothing store, revealing perplexed expressions - the duo each wore a gift set with elements of the Dayan region, as if they were a couple's outfit.

"What's going on here?"

"Yeah, what's going on here?"

Aisha and Summer were also at a loss.

"Ah, sorry, the two of you." At this time, Wallace, however, revealed a smile of embarrassment and shame and said, "I thought you two should wear dresses with Dayan's characteristics, but..."

Wallace shook his head in shame and said, "The profound Dayan culture is still a bit difficult for me to understand, and the culture of clothes is even more so, so the clothes prepared for the two of you this time were a bit rushed, and the overlapping of looks was even more unavoidable."

"Ah, it's nothing."


Aisha and Summer couldn't complain about anything.

The dresses Wallace prepared for them were indeed prepared with care.

The styling was beautiful but not ostentatious, accentuating Aisha and Summer's figures and looks and temperament.

After that, the duo was pulled to the side by the stylist.


At the same time, Lance, who idly ran over here to join in the fun and took the customized cloak from public funds in the meantime, also asked Wallace, saying, "You don't know Dayan's culture and still casually find clothes for people, aren't you afraid that they won't like it?"


Wallace turned towards Lance but revealed a contemptuous smile.

"You really think I don't understand?"

"Huh?" Lance looked confused.

"I just coaxed them... Elite Summer's emotional intelligence isn't too good, and the way she's operating... don't know when she'll be able to get Aisha-kun, so that's why I had to create some opportunities for them, such as a couple's costume or something.

"If they wore it for the first time today, they can definitely wear it for the second time..."

Lance instantly showed a horrified look.

Teacher Wallace is really capable.

  1. refers to people who live a noble and luxurious life and want to inadvertently reveal their superior life through some reverse expressions
  2. people with no sense of directions and can easily get lost