Pledge Oneself

A day later, the special airplane that the League had arranged for Aisha and Summer arrived at Devon Co's airport.

Before Aisha and Summer boarded the plane, Steven, Wallace, and Lance also arrived at the airport to see them off.

"Aisha-kun, see you again sometime!"

Looking at Aisha's face, Steven revealed a regretful smile and said, "Aisha-kun is really my soulmate, getting along for such two days is just too short."

Aisha was undoubtedly a lifesaver for Steven.

This talented young man's strength, knowledge, and character also perfectly corresponded to Steven's appetite.

The two of them could be said to have known each other at first sight.

Unfortunately, after knowing each other for two days, the two of them had been busy with the issue of Groudon and Kyogre, Steven was busy searching for the Three Pillars first, and then he put himself into the battle against the Primal Kyogre, so he and Aisha didn't even have a lot of time to exchange some things.

It was only when Steven gave Aisha a gift of Beldum as a gift that the two of them had some time to talk.


Aisha waved his hand before the airplane, relieving Steven who had a regretful look on his face.

"The Hoenn region is so great, when I have time in the future, I'll definitely take a serious tour!" Aisha's words were filled with sincere feelings as he said, "At that time it will be necessary for Steven, a local, to laboriously arrange my trip."


After hearing Aisha's words and realizing that his soulmate seemed to be particularly fond of the Hoenn region, Steven was naturally in a good mood, and a bright smile filled his handsome face.

"I'll definitely make serious plans for Aisha-kun's trip to tour the Hoenn region and take in the customs of the various towns."

As a former Hoenn Champion, Steven had a deep love for the region.

Now, hearing that Aisha, a powerful trainer, also loved the land of Hoenn so much, Steven's favorability towards him had simply exploded.

"This region must not possibly disappoint!"


Aisha was not being polite.

As the most dominant stage of the third generation of the game 'Pokémon', the Hoenn region was undoubtedly a very precious memory and sentiment for Aisha.

Although it was said that the Kanto region was the place where the dream began.

However, for domestic Pokémon game players, the most familiar region was undoubtedly the Hoenn region.

Aisha very much wanted to try it out, using his own feet, carrying his close companions, personally traveling through the beautiful and carrying countless memories of the Hoenn region, collecting the eight badges within his memories that had taken up quite a bit of weight, and participating in the League Conference - the challenge between the Elite Four and the Champions in the game, of course, is not so straightforward in reality - to get the taste of victory.


At this time, Wallace, however, approached Aisha's side with a disgruntled face, hooked his neck, and said, "I'm also a Hoenn Champion, and even the current Champion, this Steven guy is just an old guy who retired from his position, so why does Aisha-kun miss him all day long?"

His words were filled with flirtatious overtones.

"Steven this guy all day and night inside the mine soaking and digging stones, he does not understand what romance and the charm of traveling, you can not learn from him, I'm the best choice for you!"

"Alright... alright."

"You guys wear such revealing clothes, Aisha-kun probably wouldn't want to travel with a pervert like you all day long."

After Steven was exposed by Wallace as the Stone Maniac true nature, he decisively revealed Wallace's black history.


Wallace, however, showed a proud expression like a dead pig, quickly opened the pendulum and said, "I just like these clothes, what's wrong?"

Such a pair of happy couple uncovered each other's black history above the airport, the three onlookers then revealed helpless smiles.

The five of them had gotten a lot closer through this intense battle, and now even calling them close friends wouldn't be too much to ask.

Together between the storm and the rain's roar, shoulder to shoulder to fight the Primal Kyogre's experience, the normal trainer ten lifetimes is estimated to not have a time...

Such a legendary over-life experience was not the kind of fellowship that normal friends could have.

"Lance, are you still prepared to stay over here?"

Summer sent an inquiry towards Lance.

"Well, my cloak was damaged by the heavy rain of Primal Kyogre, and yesterday I used the public funds of the Hoenn League to customize a batch of brand new styles at Wallace's clothing store, so that means I need to stay in this place and wait for them to be made."

Lance responded very honestly to Summer's inquiry.


Summer was unperturbed on the surface, but in fact, she had already said "fantastic" in her heart.

There was no way around it.

After all, Lance was really too much of a straight man.

The most fatal problem was...

Lance was not only straight, he was also a ridiculously powerful light bulb.

Summer didn't care about how far Lance would be single under his own straight male attribute, she was only worried that Lance would get in the way of her time with Aisha.

'It's just great that Lance doesn't have a peer.'

Summer celebrated Lance's act of being lazy.

After that, this head of Dayan's Elite Four looked at Aisha next to her and couldn't help but reveal a gentle smile.

"I got at least an afternoon alone with him."


"Speaking of which... Does Aisha-kun have any trips after that?"

Wallace curiously inquired about Aisha's schedule.


Aisha didn't hide his thoughts and simply stated his schedule afterward.

"After returning to Dayan, I need to participate in a 'Rookie Tournament', and after that it's almost time for the university to start." Aisha pondered for a moment, stating his thoughts about college, saying, "How do you mean... Actually, if it's possible, I don't want to continue studying and attending classes inside the school, it's a bit too much of a waste of time, so that's why I'm going to discuss taking a break from school or taking a leave of absence after I'm done playing the 'Rookie Tournament' at the school, and then take that free time to head to the Kanto region for some traveling. "


Lance also revealed an agreeable expression and said, "Traveling is indeed the most intuitive and effective way for a trainer to improve their strength, Aisha-kun is so powerful that those school teachers probably can't teach you anything, taking a break from school or taking a leave of absence to avoid wasting time within the school is indeed a good choice."

"Although we in the Kanto region also have the so-called academy school, however, those weak guys learn things on paper in the classroom, but in the end, by virtue of the academy's preferential treatment and developed a haughty appearance, the stage of the Indigo Plateau Conference does not have any academy trainers at all, it's too shameful."

Mentioning the academy school, Lance also revealed an expression of disgust and contempt.



Steven and Wallace also agreed with Lance's analysis.

The two of them didn't have as much prejudice towards the Academy School as Lance did.

However, the two of them were aware of Aisha's true strength - if not a champion, then certainly an Upper Elite.

What kind of university teacher was so powerful that he could teach a trainer of this level?


Suddenly, Wallace realized something.

"You said you need to participate in a 'Rookie Tournament'?"

The Hoenn Champion looked towards Aisha, who had commanded three Champions and an Elite to defeat the Primal Kyogre on top of the ocean yesterday, with a confused look on his face.

Yesterday, you rode Rayquaza on top of the sea with such vigor.

Today, you are in the 'Rookie Tournament' on top of the field to fry fish?

"This world is probably crazy."

Wallace covered his head and mumbled to himself about Dayan's problems, saying, "I heard about the prevalence of inward scrolling in the Dayan region when I debuted, and it's really true when I see it today."

An Upper Elite fry fish in the 'Rookie Tournament', and Wallace felt extreme consternation at this.


Steven, however, had a different thought than Wallace regarding Aisha's choice.

"Aisha-kun must have his deeper meaning in choosing so."

Combining Aisha's information, Steven began to think...

Lance, however, didn't think much about it.

Johto's Dragon Champion didn't care much about Aisha's preference for frying fish - he was as much of a fish fryer himself, and hadn't been at all soft when he'd used his Hyper Beam towards Red and Blue in the past.

Lance almost laughed out loud when Aisha blasted away Maxie with a shot of Hyper Beam that time.

Well played!

I'd like to make up a round of Hyper Beam as well!

Slaughter him!

"Experiencing a bit of traveling is a necessary part of every Pokémon trainer's experience, and after that Aisha-kun might want to try attending the Indigo Plateau Conference once he arrives in the Kanto region." Wataru made a suggestion for Aisha, saying, "Accompanying your Pokémon partner while traveling to improve your strength, collecting gym badges, and finally participating in the League Congress... It's indeed good to experience it, I support you!"

"I'll see you in the Kanto region."

Aisha also smiled in response to Lance's suggestion.


Lance responded and began to figure out how to pick out a Dratini that had inherited Extreme Speed within the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn City to give Aisha as a gift.

"Without further ado, we should get going."

Hooking Aisha's neck, Summer pulled him onto the airplane.

The three people below happily watched Summer's behavior as if she was jealous, waved their hands, and sent off her and Aisha.


The airplane roared up into the sky.

"Say, Summer and Aisha, should it be a woman chasing a man?"

Wallace looked at Steven and Lance with a smile on his face at this moment.

"Well... Probably."

As the noble son of steel, Steven who was hanging around within the mine pit all day long actually didn't quite understand the issue of love and affection, so he said that he responded to Wallace's inquiry with a half-understanding.

"It's a good thing Aisha-kun is already an adult."

Watari was still thinking about Aisha's age and whether Summer had committed any crimes.

"Umm... I think so"

Seeing the way they looked, Wallace was speechless.

"Come on, I still have to be the one to play assist in their affairs."


On top of the airplane, Aisha released her Pokémon.


As the absolute senior within the team, Caterpie could be said to be a representative of maturity and stability, even after coming out of the Poké ball it was still nestled next to Aisha, resting quietly - Aisha was very tired, Caterpie was actually almost the same, even though the system assisted it to evolve into a Rayquaza, the battles were still depleting its stamina, energy,... There was no substitute for the pain of an injury.

"Good boy."

Instructor Ai's smile hid a touch of heartache within it.

His fingers slid lightly on top of the Caterpie's body, precisely pressing some key positions, using massage techniques to soothe its fatigue.

"You know massage?"

Summer couldn't help but issue an inquiry.

"I learned some techniques in Alola."

"This stunt is too old!"

After finishing their poor talk, the two of them also looked at each other helplessly and smiled.



Charmander and Azurill were chasing and jostling - anyway, the special airplane prepared by the League was spacious enough that the two little ones didn't take up much space.


Shiny Beldum, on the other hand, quietly hovered next to Aisha.

Its bright red eyes were attentively watching the way Aisha was massaging Caterpie, after which it looked at its own sharp golden-colored claws and sadly gave up the idea of learning to massage for its master's experience.

"Steven is actually so generous."

Summer also looked over at the shiny Beldum.

"If this kid showed up in the 'Rookie Competition', then all the rookie trainers that the sponsors are going to promote are clowns, and you are the protagonist."

"...My third Pokémon should logically be Chien-Pao, this thing is much more ha-ha than an Beldum when it's on the field."

Aisha echoed Summer's teasing.

Summer spread her hands and said, "You are indeed awesome, if there are still contestants with Pokémon that are in the Honedge family, after you guys run into each other, you might even be able to trainers themselves to carry their swords and spar on top of the field."


Hearing the name of this Pokémon, Aisha also revealed a thoughtful expression.

Aisha was also quite interested in this Pokémon.


Summer approached Aisha with a flirtatious face and said, "Like it?"

"Indeed kind of like it."

"I'll prepare one for you?"

"Ghost-type Pokémon I actually prefer Dragapult."

"A fully matched Dragapult is equal to a combination of three Dreepy." Summer was also speechless, complained about the suffocating operation of the rich man Steven, "That miner gave you a Shiny Beldum also attached the resources for the most top-tier cultivation, so how could I be inferior to him."

"Then you marry me."

Summer spread her hands.

"Three Dreepys and their matching resource rights should be my dowry."


"You're the idol recognized by Dayan trainers, if I abduct you, won't I become everyone's public enemy?"

"You can also become an idol whose popularity surpasses mine." Summer smiled and said, "Anyway, our Instructor has now turned into a popularity UP master, after Steven and Wallace finished telling the story on top of the press conference, your popularity can definitely face a wave of upsurge, seizing this opportunity, along with your dryness and mold, it's not much of a challenge for you to become a big anchor."


Summer leaned on top of the table, her palms holding her face, smiling and planning Aisha's path, saying, "If you become a Dayan Champion in the future, in turn, I won't be able to match you."

"Too far."

Aisha ended the massage and put down the Caterpie.

Watching this big green bug intercept Azurill's jostling with Charmander with a single jump with precision, Aisha also revealed a smile.

Pokémon were a trainer's most important companions.

Even if the trainer was alone, as long as his Pokémon was still around, the atmosphere of home came out.

"Hmm... Exhausted."

Looking out the window, the clean sky and the clouds stretching into the distance, Aisha finally relaxed and leaned back on the soft chair.

"'Rookie Tournament'..."

For a moment, Aisha also felt a lot of emotions.

If he hadn't awakened this system, he would have already been preparing for the 'Rookie Tournament' in earnest by now.

However, now that he had finished the high-end game, was talking and laughing all day long with the Johto Champion, the two Hoenn Champions vying to be the tour guide, and the leader of the Dayan's Elite Four talking about when he can get married with her.

It could be called a winner in life.

"Hey, I'm not willing to eat soft rice."


Aisha and Summer chatted quite a bit on top of the airplane.

After that, the topic of the two gradually shifted to themselves.

Summer said that thanks to Aisha, she improved her performance this time in paddling. After returning to the Dayan region, the Dayan League must have given her a lot of rewards. Groudon and Primal Kyogre also had a lot of achievements. With the contributions they provided, she can stay at home and live peacefully for a while... At the same time, Aisha serves as his foreign aid, and his rewards are merged into Summer's rewards.

Eating the rewards of both Leagues at the same time, Aisha's wallet instantly swelled to the extreme.

Afterward, he could also eat Farfetch'd Burrito with indulgence and throw one away whenever he wants.

No, what Farfetch'd Burrito is there to eat now...

Instructor Ai wants to eat Kobe Tauros!


While Aisha was figuring out what to do with the money to buy nurturing resources for the children, the airplane landed within the airport.

They had arrived home.

"The past two days have really been a blessing."

Standing before the gate of the airport, taking advantage of the night, Aisha uttered words of thanks towards Summer under the light of the street lamp.


Summer, who didn't like being polite, instead got a headache from Aisha's politeness.

Although she knew that the other party didn't mean it that way, however, the teenager's words that went overboard with politeness still made her feel some sense of detachment.

Miss Elite expressed her dissatisfaction at this and said, "Saying thank you a hundred times is not as good as giving your body!"


Aisha gave an unexpected response.


Summer was dumbfounded.

"Didn't you say on top of the airplane that it would be fine if I became the Dayan Champion."

"Damn it, I think you're deliberately planning to let me end up alone!"

Under the shadow of the lamp, the jostling duo laughed and ran in the direction of home.

  1. also known as 'straight-line-thinker', refers to men with low EQ
  2. men who replied on women to survive
  3. kobe beef