Cynthia is Also Interested


"What's going on?"

"Caterpie used Dragon Pulse, not only did it use Dragon Pulse, the power even overpowered Gyarados's Aqua Tail, is this Caterpie of yours even legal!"

"I only knew that Instructor Ai's Caterpie was powerful, I didn't know that it was actually outrageous to this extent?"

"Instructor Ai's Caterpie can't be the offspring of a Butterfree and a Dragon type Pseudo-Legendary... Whose Dragon type Pseudo-Legendary has nothing better to do than scourge butterflies?"

After a momentary lull in the live broadcast, the barrage screen instantly brushed the entire screen.

The water friends watching the live broadcast were particularly shocked by Caterpie's act of spewing out Dragon Pulse.

Although it was said that Dragon Pulse was not an exclusive move for any dragon type Pokémon.

However, a Pokémon that could learn this move was more or less tainted with a bit of dragon.

What's the deal with Caterpie learning Dragon Pulse?

What kind of dragon is your Caterpie?

It's not a dragon at all!

The usual Pokémon of Elite Lance, who specializes in dragon type, also have a number of Pokémon that can't learn Dragon Pulse.

Today, a Caterpie used Dragon Pulse, how can Elite Lance have face?

"Bad, Elite Lance is the biggest clown, Caterpie is more like a real dragon than an Aerodactyl."

"Caterpie's moves aren't that many in total... What's up with this Dragon Pulse?"

"Can't it be that a Pokémon with the ability to transform and the Illusion trait has turned into Caterpie's appearance, and Instructor Ai is trying to confuse everyone who's in public?"

"A Pokémon that can transform can't learn Dragon Pulse."

The live broadcast barrage were still heatedly discussing Caterpie.

It was no wonder that people were excited.

The main reason was that the notion that Caterpie was synonymous with weak Pokémon had been ingrained in everyone's consciousness from the moment they learned about trainers and Pokémon.

There are only a few moves that Caterpie can learn.

Tackle, String Shot, Bug Bite.

At the end of the day, there was one more Electroweb.

Electroweb was not a high-end move that Caterpie could learn.

Today, Aisha suddenly threw out a Caterpie that could learn and use Dragon Pulse.

The dragon attribute had always been synonymous with powerful Pokémon.

A Pokémon that was recognized as the weakest used a move that was recognized as the most powerful attribute...

Not only was it ironic, the show's effect was drawn out.

"What's the situation... Caterpie used Dragon Pulse?"


"I always felt that Instructor Ai's Caterpie wasn't quite right, and sure enough!"

After the audience, Blue, Red, and Yellow also separately revealed expressions of astonishment.

Around them, the spectators who were watching the sparring match were also discussing Aisha and Caterpie with the same warmth and amazement.

As Champion and Elite Four level trainers, although it was said that Blue, Red, and Yellow could understand a lot more than normal people.

However, Aisha had taken out an illegal Pokémon so grandly.

They didn't know what was going on either...

"Instructor Ai's Caterpie has not evolved. Before, when he was talking about this matter with the old man, he said that his Caterpie was developing a new evolutionary form." Rubbing his chin, Blue's brain was spinning at a rapid speed, After splicing the current information from Aisha's words, he made a guess and said: "Is it possible that the Caterpie's evolved form developed by Instructor Ai is the form of a dragon-type Pokémon?"


Red remained silent.

"There is indeed this possibility."

Yellow picked up on Blue's words.

She was also a trainer of Butterfree, especially with Viridian Power, she naturally knew the details of the Caterpie class of Pokémon.

"Because of developing the potential of a dragon type Pokémon, it is said that Instructor Ai's Caterpie learned Dragon Pulse..."

Blue also got anxious and fidgeted a bit.

He was too excited.

Before, he only knew that Aisha was powerful.

However, no matter what, he didn't know that Aisha was actually powerful to this extent ...

Nurturing Caterpie to learn Dragon Pulse wasn't a big problem, however, with his own strength suspected to have developed the evolutionary form of the Dragon type Pokémon in Caterpie's body, this was a big problem.


The silent Red flashed a light inside his eyes.

"I see."

Blue looked at him with a confused expression.

"Understood what?"

"Instructor Ai wanted to take the opportunity of Cerulean Gym Challenge to publicize the results of his Caterpie all at once..."

"I thought you understood how he bred Caterpie, tsk~"

With a wave of his hand, Blue scoffed at Red's understanding.

He was also certainly seeing it.

What was Aisha's idea of exposing Caterpie's strength at this point in time...

"I have a hunch."

Red ignored what was going on and opened his mouth straight away, saying, "The strength of Instructor Ai's Caterpie is much more than what is being exposed right now."


This idea, Blue did agree with.

"Since this stage was picked as the theater for the performance, then Instructor Ai must have something even more exciting..."

The duo instead quieted down quite a bit.

Concentrating intently, they looked towards the sparring ground.

The main reason was that the two of them were not good at similar fields, and compared to rushing headlong into speculations and arguments, it was instead better to enjoy Aisha's performance in peace...

"This is my trump card, Misty."

As the center of the conversation, Aisha himself seemed to be unaware of what was going on, standing on top of the sparring ground as if nothing had happened, looking directly at Misty on the opposite side.

He himself didn't need to explain anything...

He also didn't need to explain towards others what was going on with his Pokémon.

Now, Caterpie's peculiarities have been demonstrated.

Then, all that was left was to fight beautifully and gain a victory!

"This trump card is quite a surprise, Instructor Ai..."

Misty wiped her sweat.

She was shocked.

However, the sparring was still going on.

There was no way Misty would admit defeat like that.

Her Gyarados also stood up and glared angrily at Caterpie.

"Gyarados, Aqua Tail!"

"Caterpie, Ancient Power!"

Gyarados and Caterpie made their respective attack at their master's command.

The deep blue long dragon raised its thick tail, and the raging current of water swelled in power even beyond that previous move as it was galvanized by its anger.

Caterpie, on the other hand, gathered solid rock and met Gyarados's flowing tail.



Aqua Tail smashed Ancient Power in succession.

Gyarados itself also suffered damage from the two times restraint.

Although Gyarados's special defense is greater than its physical defense, Caterpie was intimidated once at the beginning, and after its physical attack level was lowered, it was not as effective as its special attack in twice as many damage.

Anyway, Rayquaza has two swords...

"Caterpie, Air Slash!"

Aisha and Caterpie chose to ride out the attack.

Gyarados hadn't completely burrowed into the water yet when Caterpie's Air Slash sliced through the clear water current and slashed on top of its thick scales in one fell swoop.


"Gyarados, burrowed below the surface of the water and use Dragon Dance for reinforcement!"

Misty hurriedly made the order to goad the hand.

Caterpie's firepower was too strong.

Gyarados in close combat was too disadvantaged.

Might as well strengthen the wave.

Gyarados swung its stout body under the pool, even as the water of the pool swirled, no doubt it was the one that unleashed Dragon Dance underneath.


Aisha revealed an amused expression.

"Caterpie, we are also strengthening it with Dragon Dance!"

Aisha was still agonizing over what should be done to strengthen the wave, but as a result, Misty actually gave a chance to strengthen it for nothing.


Caterpie heard the order, and at once, excitedly swayed his body which was very robust in comparison, and the aura belonging to a dragon permeated above its body, so much so that this guy's dance not only didn't have any silliness, but instead was very compelling, as if he was a submerged dragon in the abyss.

So the question arises, who can't learn Dragon Dance?

The answer was Garchomp!

"No way, Gyarados, Ice Fang!"

Looking at Caterpie's Dragon Dance, Misty was also anxious and immediately commanded the Gyarados to attack.


Gyarados, whose physical attack and speed had been strengthened for a period of time under Dragon Dance, rushed out of the water in a single breath, and a morose cold aura lingered between its bloody mouth.

Misty didn't know what attributes Caterpie had now.

However, Gyarados itself didn't have any moves against bug type.

Might as well bet on Ice Fang that restrained dragon type.

"Caterpie, Extreme Speed!"

Accompanying Aisha's command, a beam of green lightning butted past the Gyarados's Ice Fang and slammed into the top of its chest at once.

Gyarados reared back from the impact.

"Dragon Pulse!"

Caterpie then raised its head and blasted a mouthful of Dragon Pulse above Gyarados' jaw, forcing it to close its mouth.


"Caterpie, Ancient Power!"

Realistic Pokémon battles were so instantaneous.

Make a wrong move, the opponent who has caught the rhythm will have no mercy...


The rock from Ancient Power smashed at Gyarados under Caterpie's command.

Though it was said that Gyrados did its best to resist Ancient Power by waving its tail.

Caterpie, who had already managed to land on the platform and stabilized itself, followed Aisha's command and swung out an Air Slash, which instantly passed over Ancient Power rock and slashed the Gyarados' head.

The remaining rocks also smashed into the Gyarados's body in one breath.


Gyarados's body fell with a loud splash.

"Gyarados has lost its ability to fight, Gym Trainer please choose the next Pokémon!"

The referee immediately declared Gyarados's defeat.

"That was awesome..."

Misty retrieved Gyarados and took out another Poké ball.


Aisha, on the other hand, smiled without saying anything.

The audience and within the live broadcast room were in an uproar.

Caterpie had actually really defeated Gyarados head-on, and had even displayed a higher move like Extreme Speed and Dragon Dance.

Some people already suspected that Aisha's Caterpie's parent was a Dragonite.

Otherwise it couldn't explain the problem of a Caterpie actually learning these moves.

"I seem to have a bit of an impression that Instructor Ai wasn't producing network battle videos but specialized in producing videos of cultivation in the early stages of video production, and he kept saying that the cultivation he gave to Caterpie was different from that of normal Caterpillars, but there hasn't been much concern about it, and later on, Instructor Ai didn't produce dubbed videos either... Can't it be that the so-called abnormal cultivation is that his Caterpie broke through the limits of the Caterpie as a race and learned moves that were originally impossible for a Caterpie to learn?"

"I seem to have some impression that in the early days of making videos, Instructor Ai was not making online battle videos but specifically making breeding videos. He always said that the way he cultivated Caterpie was different from normal Caterpie, but no one cared about it, later, Instructor Ai did not make breeding videos later... Could it be that the so-called abnormal cultivation is that his Caterpie has broken through the limits of the Caterpie race and learned moves that Caterpie could not originally learn?"

"Hiss, thinking carefully, it kind of makes sense."

"Instructor Ai, with such a handful of maneuvers, not to mention a doctorate, taking the position of researcher for a bit should not be a problem!"

"I'm still more inclined to the possibility of Dragonite making a mistake..."

"What's wrong with you?"

In the barrage, there were even some water friends who pretended to understand and began to explain on Aisha's behalf.

"Caterpie can learn Dragon Dance, why can't Garchomp learn Dragon Dance."

Suddenly, a pop-up screen that flashed with golden light crossed the screen.

The ID of this water friend is Garchomp Can't Learn Dragon Dance, followed by a series of dazzling golden suffixes and titles, such as Champion of the Sinnoh League and the Researcher of Myths.

Her identity was already calling out as well.


"Cynthia I love you!"

"Cynthia is here too?"

In front of the screen, a blond beauty blinked her beautiful gray eyes and glanced at the crazy barrage of water friends with a confused look on her face.

"I wonder how the hell this boy trained a Caterpie to learn Dragon Dance."

The big blonde beauty looked over to the shark-like behemoth next to her, a wicked smile flashing within her eyes.


She handed her cell phone to her ace Pokémon and said, "Two Pokémon without Dragon Attribute can use Dragon Dance, so how come you, a Dragon type Pseudo-Legendaru Pokémon, can't learn Dragon Dance?"


Garchomp gave Cynthia a speechless look - apparently, this beauty master had teased itself for not being able to learn Dragon Dance not for the first time.


With a disgruntled roar, Garchomp simply plopped down on top of the ground and closed its eyes.


If I learn Dragon Dance, what's the matter with other Dragon type Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon?

I'm a fellow benefit maker...


Cynthia covered her mouth like a little schoolgirl and let out a little giggle.


Cynthia looked again at Aisha, who was confronting Misty within the live feed.

"Steven said that this teenager is no less knowledgeable about mythology than I am, that guy shouldn't be exaggerating, and I'm kind of curious."

Steven loves rocks.

Cynthia loved relics.

The two were considered peers and had a good relationship.

Some time ago, Steven found the relics of the Three Pillars with Aisha's assistance, and naturally found Cynthia to fool around a bit when he had the time.

By the way, he pronounced Aisha's name.

Steven has already vaguely had the feeling of "Aisha's number one fan"...

The attitude of this former Hoenn Champion led to Cynthia's interest in Aisha, the hidden mythologist, and idly watched his live broadcast.

"Kind of interesting to get to know..."

Cynthia, who had a difficulty in choosing, was instead much drier on this occasion.


Suddenly, Cynthia revealed a surprised expression.

"It's actually that?"

Because within the live broadcast, Misty released a Pokémon.

It was a pink, earth-colored Pokémon with a form similar to a slug and a cow.

Its soft body got wet after falling into the pool, and its three eyes were a bit dumbfounded as it gazed at Caterpie standing on top of the platform and Aisha at the back.


Within the live broadcast screen, Aisha pronounced the name of this Pokémon.

For a moment, even he frowned.

Gastrodon was also known as Kyogre's own father.

When Primal Kyogre was surrounded, Aisha regretted why Wallace hadn't prepared a team of Gastrodon...

At that time a row of Gastrodon guarded Sootopolis City, Primal Kyogre would be less difficult to deal with.


Realizing Misty's sinister intentions, Aisha's mood heaved slightly.

His own team now had an obvious shortcoming.

Now, in the Gym Challenge, Misty sent out Gastrodon, which had the composite attributes of ground and water, but also had the ability to draw water, and she completely sealed his Wash Rotom.

Marill, Charmeleon, and shiny Metang can't beat it either.

Eevee is a decoration.

With such a Gastrodon on the field, it was equivalent to targeting Aisha's entire team.


Or else a whole Sprigatito?

Unfortunately, Aisha used Caterpie this time...

Misty's wishful thinking fell flat.

"Caterpie, Hurricane!"

"Gastrodon, Ice Beam!"

The hurricane and the light rays of ice collided on top of the water field, and some tiny pieces of ice fell within the pool with a splash.

Although Hurricane broke through Ice Beam neatly, Gastrodon had already nimbly got into the pool, and the water had resisted a lot of damage to it.

"Gastrodon, Scald!"

Gastrodon poked out a head and sprayed a mouthful of boiling water at the Caterpie.

"Caterpie, Protect!"

The green barrier blocked the boiling water.

"...Since this is the case, there is no need for us to continue hiding." Looking at Gastrodon that kept rolling around within the pool unwilling to confront it head on, Aisha also pulled out a smile and said, "Caterpie, Draco Meteor!"

This time, the goal itself was to show off Caterpie's specialties, and in the process, test its strength.

With the goal achieved, there was naturally no need to waste time...


Caterpie instantly raised its head, and furious energy converged on top of its mouthpiece.

"Not good, Gastrodon, hurry up with Ice Beam!"


Gastrodon spewed out a mouthful of Ice Beam and managed to hit Caterpie.

However, Caterpie's body didn't stop at all after shaking slightly, and all of a sudden, it threw out a ball of energy from the meteor cluster, hitting the surface of the pool straight away.


Sizzling energy filled the pool, and berserk power was unleashed to the fullest.

After the blinding steam dissipated, the water in the pool had reached the bottom. The fainted Gastrodon lay on the bottom of the somewhat dry pool, with its swirling eyes exposed.

"Gastrodon has lost its ability to fight, Gym trainer please choose your next Pokémon!"