Serene Grace Rock Slide Blissey

The core of the Minimize tactic was this simple.

Chansey relied on its excellent defense to successfully use Minimize to increase its evasion rate. After that, it was very difficult for the enemy's attack moves to successfully hit it under normal circumstances. Even if the opponent was really lucky and hit Chansey continuously, it can also rely on Soft-Boiled to restore lost hp at once, and continue to use the move Seismic Toss to stably drain blood for output.

Enemies can't hit Chansey at first, and they can't hit Chansey afterward.

Even after finally hitting Chansey, the hp that Chansey had deducted immediately recovered without mercy. It can be called a hypotension treatment machine.

Aisha's Minimize tactics with Chansey continuously tormented a lot of players.

The water friends watching the live broadcast were saying that Instructor Ai was too dirty while recording Instructor Ai's experience and tactical explanations, learning this dirty routine.

"After watching Instructor Ai's live stream, Chansey, Clefable and these cute Pokémon gradually changed their appearance inside my eyes."

"Instructor Ai didn't change?"

"There's nothing more serpentine than this..."

"Now that only Chansey is outputting, what purpose do Clefable and Wigglytuff serve?"

"Can Instructor Ai tell us a little bit about why he chose these three Pokémon?"

Someone noticed Clefable and Wigglytuff who didn't have much presence.


Aisha saw the barrage and slightly explained the reason for this team's choice.

"Chansey is a Pokémon that Instructor Ai's friend asked Instructor Ai to use."

"Clefable is one of Instructor Ai's favorite Pokémon, so that's why we said we'd use them for today's team."

The friend Aisha spoke of was naturally Nurse Joy.

As for why he liked Clefable...

Aisha posted a photo that was taken by Rotom phone when a group of Clefable and Clefairy surrounded him for a hug after he saved the Clefable clan on top of Mt. Moon Square.

A group of cute little and big guys surrounded the black-haired beautiful boy, although the background was said to be a bit shabby, everyone's smiles were very sincere and bright, such a picture of people and Pokémon embracing each other was extraordinarily harmonious and moving.

"Munchkins and beauties, I can."

"How is Instructor Ai so liked by the Pokémon?"

"Too envious, I also like Clefable."

"Instructor Ai, my Superman!"

"The creatures that like Instructor Ai aren't just Pokémon, humans are the same, it's reasonable to suspect that Instructor Ai is a half-Pokémon that has mixed into human society."

In response to Aisha's photo with the Clefable clan, the water users sent out barrage of envy, jealousy, and hatred.

The Clefable clan was not a common Pokémon.

Aisha, however, was loved by a large group of Clefables and Clefairys...

Some people tried to inquire about where Instructor met such a large group of Clefable.

Aisha, on the other hand, did not respond.

Those Pokémon shouldn't be bothered by humans all day long.

Well... Aisha didn't mention why he chose Wigglytuff.

Because Wigglytuff was indeed the Pokémon that made up the numbers.

The water friends as well didn't care about Wigglytuff.

So it was said that the world where only Wigglytuff was hurt was reached.

"Narrowing down the tactics explained and demonstrated is almost done." Aisha modified the team, Chansey were replaced with Blissey, and by the way, changed the configuration of some moves and props, and said, "We'll now start explaining another type of tactic, this one is a bit unstable compared to the Minimize tactic, and can be used as an entertainment tactic."

One had, after all, promised Nurse Joy to promote the tactics of the Blissey family.

Introducing a Minimize Chansey on its own did not quite qualify.


Compared with Chansey, Blissey have more little girl decorations, such as small wings and skirts, showing a cute and naive smile on the game interface.

However, after seeing just how dirty Chansey was in Aisha's hands, the water users saw its smile, they really still felt a terrible feeling.

Instructor Ai said entertainment...

I'm afraid that the opponent when his entertainment object.

Aisha: "Understand it too well, it's worthy of being my water friend!"

Pokémon: Masters, as a phenomenal game that has taken the world by storm, has not only become an aid for some of the best trainers to delve into their tactics, it has also fulfilled the desires of quite a number of people who are unable to become a trainer due to a number of reasons, but who are known to harbor a dream in their hearts, which is why the number of people online has also been very high since the very beginning.

Aisha matched with an opponent at once.

"Hey, the victim appeared!"

Aisha showed a wicked smile.

The water friends suddenly showed expressions of sadness and indignation - Instructor Ai didn't even want to pretend anymore.



Hoenn Region, Littleroot Town.

Within a house that wasn't very eye-catching, an elegant teenager wearing rimless glasses and a white woolen cap with a bookish look sat down in front of the computer, revealing an expression of a bit of surprise, an exclamation of surprise but tinted with some colors of surprise.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing the teenager's exclamation of surprise, the girl who knew his character also came over with a curious face.

"Stumbled upon something strange, Ruby?"

The girl called the teenager Ruby, and Ruby moved away from the computer screen a little, pointing at the top of the game page of Pokémon: Masters, matching up his Aisha, and said, "Sapphire, take a look, isn't that person the Master and Mr. Steven were constantly chattering about a while ago, Instructor Aisha!"


Sapphire stared at Aisha's avatar and revealed a distressed expression.

A moment later, the girl touched her hair, revealing her small tiger teeth grinning a silly smile, saying, "Hey... Forgot."

Ruby: "..."


Ruby covered his forehead with a helpless face and said, "Hoping on your memory is really my fault."

"What do you mean?"

Looking at Sapphire who seemed to be immediately ready to tear herself apart with her hands, Ruby also hurriedly moved to the words of Wallace and Steven.

"Uh, Master and Mr. Steven said that this Instructor Ai is a trainer who has surpassed them, and that his strength is so strong that even if a god stood in front of him, he would only be bowed down!" Although Ruby also felt that it was a bit exaggerated, however, he also still relayed it to Sapphire, saying, "They told me to maintain respect when I see Instructor Ai in the future, but today, I was matched with him, Sapphire, aren't you curious about what level of trainer is so powerful that he can obtain such an exaggerated evaluation from my Master and Mr. Steven? "


Hearing Ruby's words, Sapphire, who was bent on becoming an awesome trainer, instantly behaved herself.

After that, she sat down next to Ruby and looked at the game interface displayed above the computer screen with a serious face.


Ruby also smiled helplessly.

This childhood friend of his was not too smart, however, having himself was enough.

"Instructor Ai..."

Ruby also turned his head towards the computer, revealing a serious expression.

"I'm so curious... What's your strength really like?"

The sparring match, begins!

Twenty minutes later.


Ruby was sprawled on top of the ground holding his head, losing all the elegant and confident look he just had, his brain was constantly banging against the wooden floor.

"What, ahhhh, how can there be such a disgusting trainer?"

Ruby felt like he was going crazy.

In the battle just now, Aisha's Blissey hit Rock Slide as soon as it came on stage. The original 30% chance of this move making people flinch was increased to 60% with the help of Serene Grace characteristics, which immediately stunned Ruby's Pokémon, by the way, he was waiting carefully before smashing the computer screen.

Blissey with Rock Slide?

Aisha told Ruby with practical actions that Blissey can not only use Rock Slide, but can even use Rock Slide alone in a battle.

Rock Slide's flinch effect was constantly triggered by the Serene Grace characteristics, and Ruby's Pokémon couldn't even move a bit before the first and second Pokémon were buried under the sea of rock from Rock Slide without any fighting ability.

Even because the strength of Blissey was too scummy, Ruby sat in front of the computer for ten consecutive minutes, watching his Pokémon being punished by Blissey.

Extremely tortured.

After the third Pokémon came on the scene, Aisha's luck suddenly ran out. Even though Rock Slide received the blessing of Serene Grace characteristics, it still did not trigger the flinch effect twice in a row. Ruby's Pokémon also played a considerable amount of damage. The output is so good that he can at least defeat this guy.

The result...

Aisha backhandedly commanded Blissey to use Soft-Boiled.

Ruby watched in despair as Blissey's hp bar returned to the healthy category all of a sudden.

This was not the most desperate thing.

The most desperate thing was that Blissey, after regaining its blood level, switched its offensive tactics to start getting smaller.

There was no need to talk about what happened after that.

Ruby's Pokémon was unable to slaughter the pink demon with excellent defense before Blissey's full evasion rate, and after that, it was incapacitated by Seismic Toss within the infinite miss.

"That was dirty, what's wrong with this guy?"

Ruby was on the verge of breaking down.

Twenty minutes of mental torture made him completely understand Aisha's strength.


Ruby originally liked Blissey very much.

This kind of cute Pokémon is undoubtedly a great XP for him as a coordination trainer.

Unfortunately, after today, Ruby will inevitably have some PTSD from pink Pokémon...


"Eh... This person seems to be the anchor?"

Next to him, Sapphire ignored the fuming Ruby and found Aisha's live room.

Sapphire entered Aisha's live room.

"Did everyone see that?"

Aisha's voice reached Ruby's ears at just the right time.

"If Rock Slide cannot trigger the flinch effect, our Blissey can also switch to the Minimize tactic instantly, seamlessly." Aisha seemed to be educating the water friends watching the live broadcast, saying: "The quality level is compared to ordinary people. The Minimize tactic is also a step up and can put a smile on our opponent's face."

"How can you possibly make someone smile against a battle like this!"

Ruby immediately accused Aisha of atrocities.

As expected, as soon as Aisha's words came out, the water users who were sending out barrages also immediately accused him of being bad.

"Instructor Ai, too harsh."

"Instructor Ai is too inappropriate..."

"That youngster on the opposite side seems to have gone offline, his mentality broken by Instructor Ai?"

"A teenager lost his dream of becoming a trainer."

"The sea of bitterness is endless, turning back is the shore, Instructor Ai has great merit!"

Sapphire read out these barrages.

Ruby instantly became even more uncomfortable.

"Master, Mr. Steven, and Instructor Ai seem to have a good relationship." Ruby raised his head, remembering his elegant masters, the Artist of Water-Wallace and the Noble Gentleman of Steel-Steven, and couldn't help but start worrying, saying, "Will the two of them become this dirty, suffocating look in the future?"

As soon as he thought of that possibility, Ruby fell into despair.

"Don't do that kind of thing!"


After broadcasting live for several hours in a row, Aisha was tired.

Mainly because facing a computer screen for a long time wasn't very comfortable either.



Eevee and Marill jumped into Aisha's embrace at the same time, and after that, each took half of it, rather peacefully sharing Instructor Aisha.

"Well, hahaha~"

Aisha also couldn't help it, revealing a helpless smile, stroking the two little ones' heads that had opposite, but very comfortable, feel.

The water users watching the live broadcast also liked the two little guys.

"Eevee is too cute~ Plush little guy, I especially like Eevee too!"

"Marill is the cutest in the world, old fans all know that Marill has been following Instructor Ai since the beginning, Marill is the sky!"

"No, why is Instructor Ai who is holding the little one so pretty when he smiles, I will always love Instructor Ai!"

The last entry was a barrage from Summer.

"Well... Today's live broadcast is almost done."

Aisha Rua'd the two little ones and then glanced at the time.

The water friends heard Aisha say this and instantly panicked, fearing that this crumbs of a man would once again perform the ancestral skill of going off air at light speed, so they begged Instructor Aisha to broadcast one more game without dignity.

"Well... OK."

Instructor Ai was clearly conscientious.

Considering the fact that he had limited time to live broadcast network matches due to traveling, it was hard to have enough time today, so he said that it was fine to live broadcast an extra game.

The water users immediately cheered.

Then, Aisha matched with the player [Electric☆Streamer].

Aisha: "..."

Iono: "..."

The cheering water users in the live broadcast also paused for a moment.

It was because Aisha had said that Iono didn't have the time when he started the live broadcast.


Big problem...

After that, Aisha, in order to console Iono, specially commanded Blissey to use their family's most terrifying tactic - Toxic-Protect-Substitute.

"Ah, sure enough."

After winning the matchup, Aisha revealed a satisfied smile.

"Persecuting Iono makes the video's material meaningful..."