Cynthia Enters, Ash Arrives

This live broadcast of the Gym Challenge was clearly very successful.

Although it was said that Aisha and Lt. Surge did not show any despicable tactics or mental calculations at all within the course of their battle.

However, the hard-hitting head-to-head battles and the battles that tested the Pokémon's and trainer's on-the-spot reactions were still well-fought, and the water users as spectators were just as entertained as they were.

Especially the game between Electivire and Charmeleon.

It is wonderful.

The water friends as well looked forward to the process within the sparring match between Lt. Surge and Aisha, making a pact to have a chance to have a proper all-out duel in the future.

"If I remember correctly, Lt. Surge's most proficient fighting method should be indiscriminate wild fighting?"

"Don't touch the porcelain, my evaluation is that Instructor Ai is just as much a god of wild fighting."


"It kind of makes sense, Lt. Surge may be very powerful in indiscriminate wild fighting, however, this Gym Leader is ultimately a trainer who relies on Pokémon to fight, Instructor Ai is different, even without a single Pokémon, his physical strength isn't that simple!"

"Instructor Ai, my Superman!"

Obviously, after seeing so many of Aisha's live broadcasts, the water users were really favoring the invincible Instructor Ai.

The number of times of meleeing Pokémon was very frequent.

There weren't many people who could still be alive and kicking all day long even so.

Aisha was certainly one of the very few people...

"OK, viewers, today's live broadcast content will end here."

Aisha walked over to the side of the live broadcast drone in a bit of a daze after finishing his conversation, pulled out the orange badge that Lt. Surge had handed over to him, and said, "Today, we've completed three gym challenges, and we're one step closer to collecting the eight badges we need to participate in the League Congress."

After pondering for a little while, Aisha spoke about the arrangements afterward.

"After that, the Gym we need to challenge is the famous Celadon Gym in Celadon City, and the Gym Leader is that Ms. Erika who is proficient in Grass-type Pokémon."

Aisha went over the not-so-complicated map of the Kanto region within his head.

"Vermilion City is a bit of a distance from Celadon City, and the next Gym challenge is a bit of a long way off, so within this process we can continue to play live field workouts and online matchmaking games." Aisha waved his hand and said, "So with that said folks, see you next time!"

Words spoken, Aisha immediately displayed the mastery of going off air at the speed of light.

The speed was so fast and the movements so sudden that even the veteran viewers gathered within the live broadcast room froze for a moment.

"Outrageous, is it hard for Instructor Ai to be in a hurry for something?"

"Lt. Surge seemed to say something towards Instructor Ai, it seems like something happened between them that needs to be dealt with... I don't know what exactly?"

"Hey, it doesn't matter, anyway, Instructor Ai posted a video of the narrowing tactic yesterday, my Grimer just happens to be able to exercise this tactic, the means of killing time has increased!"

"Is that brother up there the ruthless one who always says 'I'll suck a mouthful of Grimer if I lose a bet'?"


Some interesting interactions seemed to appear within the barrage screen.

However, Aisha no longer cared.

After he put away the live drone, his eyes glared at the smiling Lt. Surge, his palms retracted within his somewhat wide sleeves, each pinching Caterpie and Chien-Pao's Poké balls, already prepared to immediately roll over and fight for his life once the other party made a move.

"Hey, don't be nervous."

Lt. Surge could see Aisha's nervousness despite his roughness.

"Instructor Ai, I think you should have misunderstood something." Lt. Surge probably realized that he looked like a villain who threatened the good guys within the anime, so he said that he hastily spoke his position and made his attitude clear, saying, "Although Sabrina, Koga, and I said that we once held the position of the three cadres in Team Rocket, however, the current us has completely detached ourselves from Team Rocket, and although we said that we don't actively fight against the old boss, it's not like we're helping Giovanni continue to be a bully now, so there's no need for you to worry!"


Aisha's expression changed.

"What do you mean?"


Lt. Surge pondered for a little while.

He also of course understood Aisha's meaning, as much as he knew that this teenager wasn't a fool that could be casually fooled, so he said that he still honestly told the truth, saying, "Because our three cadres hate Carr very much, and that guy is now under your sanction, so that means we are very interested in you, and are willing to help a little bit if we can. "


Hearing Lt. Surge's reasoning, it was instead Aisha who stared in great surprise.

This guy's expression didn't seem fake, and his words were even filled with sincere feelings.

Aisha didn't expect the three cadres who were so sophisticated to choose to help themselves for such a simple reason.

Not even mixed with any factor of interest.

Too strange.

"Carr is really too cheap..."

Aisha rather sighed.

"Definitely, you sure found it too!"

Lt. Surge very happily badmouthed Carr.

"So, what's the situation with Giovanni?" Aisha finally asked that vital question, saying, "You said that Giovanni is a bit interested in me?"


Lt. Surge agreed with Aisha's words.

"At first, I didn't know why that man was interested in you." Lt. Surge looked at his grid door that was electrified with high voltage again, and his words were filled with the color of enlightenment as he said, "Now, I finally do understand."


Aisha was also speechless.

This wave of scaring Lt. Surge was indeed his own problem.

"Giovanni likes physically strong men?"

Aisha suddenly popped out this sentence.

Lt. Surge: "?"

"Don't rule that out."

He also responded to Aisha's words with a fervor.

"But." Of course, Lt. Surge still showed a serious expression and spoke the information he knew, saying, "I don't know if you know, once, a Pokémon appeared in the Kanto region, is psychic type with terrifying strength, a Pokémon born from the combination of a Mythic Pokémon's genes and the genes of human beings."


Aisha pronounced the name of that Pokémon.


Lt. Surge wasn't much surprised.

It wasn't surprising that a trainer of Aisha's level was even aware of the existence and origin of Mewtwo.

"What does Mewtwo have to do with me..."

Suddenly, the blank-faced Aisha revealed a surprised expression.


Lt. Surge spread his hands and said, "You've probably guessed the reason why Giovanni has taken an interest in you."

"The Team Rocket Exploration Unit has successfully searched for the fossilized body tissue of the Mythic Pokémon, and the odds are that its genes have been extracted, and now it needs a... uhh." Lt. Surge glanced at Aisha and said, "The genes of a human powerful enough to be used as fodder for the creation of a mewtwo."

"I made onto Giovanni's alternative list?"

Aisha's expression was a little stomach-churning.

"It should be the only one on list."

Lt. Surge then added without mercy.

"We humans, in the final analysis, are not much different above our genes, and if Giovanni said that he was prepared to create a Mewtwo that surpassed the original Mewtwo, he was inevitably prepared to choose genes that surpassed Blaine's, so that means that his alternatives are only those who are burdened with special abilities." Lt. Surge also read out some familiar names as if he were counting them, saying, "For example, the physic, Sabrina, the Imperial Dragon's Lance, and the child of Viridian , Yellow."

"They're all hardcore, so that means Giovanni has his eye on me?"

Aisha felt her stomach hurt a little more.

He had actually turned into a soft target?


Compared to the three above, he was indeed soft under normal circumstances.

"Giovanni himself is a child of Viridian, wouldn't it be more convenient to say that he used his own genes?"

After raising this question, Aisha realized the answer to the question.

"Oh, Blaine almost mailed it because of the gene mixing."

It was stupid question.

"You know quite a bit." Lt. Surge looked at Aisha with a touch of amazement colored within his eyes, after which, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "That's why if you don't want to suddenly have a child whose mother is still a Mythic Pokémon when you don't know it, try to stay away from the surrounding cities for a little bit during this period of time, and avoid Giovanni by hiding farther away if you can. "


Aisha had mixed feelings.

Mainly because Lt. Surge wasn't sure exactly what his stance was right now.

One didn't even know if this guy's words could be trusted...

Later on, it would be good to look for Lance, an insider, and ask about the relevant things.


Aisha sighed.

He was never prepared to cause trouble, but trouble came to him one after another.

It was too hard.

"I was just preparing to become an ordinary new trainer, why have things turned out like this?"

Aisha was puzzled.


Lt. Surge's eyes jumped after hearing his words.

You're a newbie trainer?

What am I?

Dayan trainers like to hide so much?

"Instructor Ai, eating or not?"

Lt. Surge gave up thinking and issued an invitation to eat.


Aisha slapped his thighs, turned his grief and anger into appetite, and decisively agreed to his invitation - anyway, he wasn't afraid of poisoning himself, but instead, he could test what attitude Lt. Surge had.


After tea and dinner, Aisha and Lt. Surge parted ways before a large restaurant in Vermilion City.

Aisha took the time to ask about Lt. Surge, Sabrina, and Koga, Lance's response was that he could be trusted, although the three were a bit of a bad influence, but in today's world, they were partners who could fight side by side.

"System, if say Giovanni took my genes and created a Mewtwo, would there be any repercussions for me?"

Aisha tried to ask his system.

In itself, he didn't hold much hope.

After all, this system of his own didn't have any sense of existence except for when he issued missions to diaphragm himself.

However, the system actually did respond to Aisha's question.

[Human physique cannot be generalized, Host's physical qualities are completely superior to Blaine's, and some idiosyncrasies have ensured that Host, even if he becomes the human gene provider of the second generation of Mewtwo, is just as not reduced to the level of Blaine].


Aisha was slightly relieved.

He had actually prepared himself mentally - mainly because these things like genes were too metaphysical, Team Rocket could even have extracted Mew's genes within its fossilized eyelashes, and it seemed that he himself couldn't avoid some of his body tissues from being left behind at all, and Giovanni was so crafty that if he was really prepared to die for his genes, his hopes of preparing for a precautionary measure were almost slim. It is equivalent to Misaka Mikoto Misaka protecting her genes from being taken by Aleister Crowley in Academy City, and then making Misaka clones.

Since the physical aspect wasn't as bad as it could have been.

A slight release didn't seem to be a bad thing...


Aisha revealed a displeased expression.

The feeling of somehow being approached for trouble was really bad.

Although it was said that he was afraid of Giovanni on his lips.

However, if Giovanni really chased after himself without any knowledge of his own life...

Aisha didn't mind utilizing the power of the 'Red Orb' and 'Blue Orb' and arranging a battle in which the Hoenn's three First-level Legendary were on the same side to let the leader of Team Rocket learn his own methods.


Aisha's eyes were a little bit unkind.


There were probably not many people above this world who could be more ruthless than himself, and Giovanni was clearly not among those few.


After his thoughts were cleared, Aisha did not flee Vermilion City in a hurry because of Giovanni's attention.

Instead, Aisha stayed in Vermilion City because he was waiting for Steven and Ash.

He asked Lt. Surge to find the most luxuriously Pokémon Club in Vermilion City, and spent the whole day inside the club, exercising his Pokémon.

The instructors at the Pokémon Club could teach some special moves.

Metang had successfully learned Thunder Punch and Ice Punch under the guidance of the instructor, Nodiking, and had refined his mastery of Earthquake.

Marill also learned Ice Punch, and incidentally learned Knock Off with a Strong Power.

Charmeleon's situation is a bit awkward, Aisha equipped it with Technical Machine that can only be learned by evolving into a Charizard, however, this child is very competitive, as if he saw the progress of his partners and panicked, he actually followed the example of a Seadra's Dragon Pulse, and saved a Dragon Pulse Technical Machine.

Eevee also learned a set of 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' moves.

Aisha held a copy of Sidney's Dark type Pokémon Breeding Notes - as a Tenno, Sidney naturally knew Umbreon as a Pokémon.

Within his notes, he also recorded the Unbreon's breeding method, which could be started at the time of Eevee.

Aisha incorporated some of her own insights and formulated an exercise program.

Eevee's exercise began to be molded in the direction of Umbreon, and within this process, the essence energy of the giant Moon Stone that the little guy had absorbed under the generosity of Clefable colony began to gradually act on its body, waiting for the day when it had completed its evolution.


Aisha leaned on the railing next to the training ground, and everyone's efforts were in full view.

A week had slipped by...

Giovanni didn't show up.

However, Aisha waited for the person he was waiting for.

In the morning, a boy dressed as if he was a savage appeared outside of Vermilion City, a Pikachu followed him with a tired and wretched expression, and one person and one pet walked into the Vermilion City harbor so one after the other.

"Pikachu, we're here, Vermilion City!"

After looking around and confirming that he had really arrived in Vermilion City, that savage-like scruffy boy immediately revealed a touched expression, and instantly hugged the teary-eyed Pikachu, and the one person and one pet stood on top of the street like no one else was there and started cheering.

"Here we are, Vermilion City!"


Ash quickly raised his head again, the hunger and sleepiness that had been filling his eyes along with his arrival in a new city was swept away, and excitement replaced it, so much so that his tone was filled with excitement as well, saying, "Let's challenge the Vermilion Gym right now, I can't help it anymore!"

As expected, this speech was very much in line with Ash.


Pikachu let out a slight burst of electricity to help clear Ash's head.

"Also, indeed, should have filled up before the Gym challenge."

Ash rubbed his head with an embarrassed smile.

The thought of the Gym Challenge made him so excited that he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Yo, little brother."

"That handsome brat over there... Little brother~ Take a look!"

"Meow, free delivery summons over here~"

Three voices caught Ash's attention.

A blue-haired man, a red-haired woman, and a bloated and short cat-faced kid surrounded Ash and Pikachu at once.

"Little brother, we're giving away free tickets to the St. Anne ship on our side, and there's quite a bit of delicious food on it~"

"Not only does it have delicious food, there are plenty of soft beds and warm nests~"

"The most important thing is that there are a super large number of awesome trainers aboard this ship, and everyone is having Pokémon battles above deck!"

The trio tantalized Ash like this.

"Delicious food..."

Ash, who had been starving for a few days, suddenly drooled.

"Soft beds..."

Ash, who had been hiking in the wild for a long time, felt his legs weakening.

"Pokémon vs. Pokémon!"

Ash seemed to see countless trainers waving towards him.


Ash was lulled into a limp.

Apparently, the trio that had tailed him all the way had figured out this guy's hobbies.

"Boat ticket, I..."

He was already ready to agree when a white hand suddenly pressed down on Ash's shoulder.

"Ash, the ship isn't much fun, come on, I'll take you to dinner."


Ash instantly revealed a sober expression.

He felt that this voice was a bit familiar.

The trio also looked at the person with a face full of displeasure, as if they had met a guy who had robbed them of their business, however, their attitudes instantly shifted after they saw the person's appearance.

"Handsome, handsome man, big handsome man!"

The red-haired woman instantly fell into a state of nympho state.

"...Meow, could this guy be Instructor Ai?"

"Yes, it's impossible to misrecognize this handsome face, this guy is a dangerous person that Boss Giovanni explicitly forbids contact with."

The blue-haired man and the cat-faced child, on the other hand, realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Excuse me, let's leave immediately!"

"Leave, leave, meow!"

The man and the cat stood still for a moment, after which, pulling the flamboyant woman with them, they ran off into the back streets in a flash, out of sight.

"Strange guy, feels a bit familiar..."

Ash scratched his hair.

"Ah, Instructor Ai!"

He looked to Aisha in the back with another look of surprise.


Pikachu revealed teary eyes when he saw Aisha.

"Good boy~"

Aisha had a helpless face, and after touching Pikachu's head, he pulled out a small tomato and handed it to it.


Pikachu showed a happy expression, hugging the small tomato and started to feast on it.

"Ash, it seems like you've made a lot of gains in the wilderness during this time?"

Aisha looked at Ash again.

He didn't dislike Ash because of his dirtiness, rather, a trainer precisely needed to have such a mentality of not being afraid of dirtiness in order to obtain real harvests in the wilderness.


Ash who saw his idol once again was very excited, pulling out his five Pokémon balls at once, saying, "Instructor Ai, these are my partners!"


Aisha swept over the Poké balls.

Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Charmander, Squirtle, Bulbasaur... As well as Pikachu who hadn't entered the Poké ball.

Ash's team had been initially assembled.

Not only that, the aura of these Pokémon was not considered weak, and it was obvious that they had boosted their strength after going through trials and tribulations.

"Not bad."

Aisha didn't mince words of praise.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey..."

Ash scratched his head with a not-so-clever smile.

"Well, I'll treat you to dinner, and afterward we'll make a trip towards a place."


The duo walked together in the direction of the shopping street.

"By the way, Instructor Ai, what place are we taking a trip towards?"

"A place where I need to investigate something and you need to make a trip to sooner or later." Aisha gave the answer, saying, "Don't worry, that place can make you an even more powerful trainer."


Ash giggled and followed Aisha.

"However, we still need to wait for one more person..."

"One person?"



Above the wide ocean, a ship gradually approached the limits of the harbor of Vermilion City.

Above the deck, a plump and tall woman stretched her body that was slightly stiff from sitting for a long time, her gold-like brilliant hair flowing along with the sea breeze.

"Should we first investigate Regirock, or Regice, or Registeel... What about?"

The woman held her chin, a distressed expression appearing above her beautiful face.

Obviously, she was guilty of having difficulty in choosing.


Suddenly, Cynthia revealed an expression of realization.

"After arriving, we should first visit Instructor Ai!"