Arrive at the City of Aura Guardian

Although Cynthia's temperament was cool, she was quite enthusiastic when dealing with Aisha.

Aisha was happy to do the same.

Steven was afraid that he had helped put in a good word for himself in front of Cynthia, so much so that the Sinnoh League Champion was very friendly towards him.

If that was the case, it would be great.

Aisha was also unwilling to separate his mind to regulate or cultivate his relationship with Cynthia during the course of his actions.

It would be too troublesome.

Instructor Ai was more than willing to take the trouble of nurturing a Pokémon or counseling a Pokémon on psychological issues.

However, if it was simply interpersonal dealings that didn't need to be carried out, Instructor Ai was still willing to exercise Pokémon for a few more days in the wilds off the beaten path.


Cynthia's voice filled with distress reached Aisha's ears, instantly pulling back Instructor Ai's thoughts that had gradually drifted off into the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Aisha looked towards Cynthia, a touch of doubt surfacing inside his eyes.


At this time, Cynthia's expression was very serious.

"Met a very important problem!"


Aisha took a few steps closer, and after that, revealed a somewhat helpless expression.

"Sure enough, it's a very important problem..."

Cynthia obviously didn't hear a touch of helplessness mixed within Aisha's tone, the tall beauty wearing a black trench coat flashed her body, and a small stall selling ice cream came into Instructor Aisha's eyes.

At this moment, the owner of the ice cream machine on top of the stall also had a tangled face.

"This customer, the ice cream on our side has these flavors."

The boss extended his hand and pointed to the sign next to him.

"Just now, I have already introduced them all, which flavors the customer is going to choose."

Cynthia responded with silence.

It wasn't that she wasn't willing to buy something, it was mainly that this female champion was guilty of having trouble choosing at this point in time.

When Instructor Ai had been looking around for Ash, she had been silent for a long time before the stall.

"Instructor Ai help me choose a flavor?"

After pondering once more for a while, Cynthia finally lost to her own difficulty in choosing, so she looked at Aisha beside her with a pleading face.

"Little handsome guy, help out."

The owner also did the same behind the stall with a sad expression, gazing at Aisha.

It was mainly because Cynthia's aura was too much.

Although it was said that Aisha and the boss were aware that she was choosing the flavor of ice cream, however, such an unruffled black-clothed beauty stood in front of an ice cream stall showing a serious face, and those who didn't know it would probably think that there was something wrong with what the boss was selling, so it was said that while Cynthia was tangled up in the middle of it all, there was simply no one else to patronize the stall.

Cynthia was in no hurry at all

She was already used to the daily tangle of choices.

The owner was almost in a hurry to cry.

He felt like his stall was being smashed.


Aisha gave a wave.

He thought it was something...

Since it was impossible to make a choice, it was not the best plan to have all of them in the bag.

"Boss, buy one of all the flavors over here."



As soon as Aisha said this, not only was the boss busy making ice cream with a smile on his face, but Cynthia also looked at him with a look of amazement.

Although Cynthia had a difficulty in choosing.

But she was not a real idiot.

A real idiot wouldn't be able to become the Sinnoh Champion.

She was just a little off the wall some days, and was reluctant to buy all of one naturally because she was afraid it would go to waste if she couldn't eat it.

Aisha being so generous surprised her a bit.

After all, Cynthia had heard something about Aisha from Steven and Wallace.

Extremely terrifying strength but with a low profile, having strong capital but living a frugal life since the beginning - these were the comments of the two Hoenn champions about Instructor Ai.

"If you can't finish it, you can share it with Pokémon, such as Garchomp."

Aisha blocked Cynthia's words.

By the way, he persecuted the four times weaker than ice type Garchomp.


Garchomp that had been mentioned for no reason raised its head within Cynthia's Poké ball, and a large question mark appeared above its jet airplane-like shaped head.


Cynthia ruffled her hair, revealing an expression of realization.

So it was for his own Pokémon.

Indeed, there were many trainers who were frugal with their lives and generous with their Pokémon.

Instructor Ai turned out to be this type of person...

"Instructor Ai is really a competent trainer."

"This is something that every trainer should take into account."

Aisha didn't lose his temper at Cynthia's praise, but responded to her words with a smile.


Cynthia sized Aisha up, a strange color glowing between her eyes.

While the two were chatting with one another, the ice cream vendor gradually handed out finished ice creams, Aisha and Cynthia kept taking them, keeping one for themselves and distributing all the remaining ice creams to their Pokémon - there weren't too many people over here, so even if Cynthia released all of her own Pokémon, they wouldn't be able to impede the public law and order.


The slender and upright Lucario got a blueberry-flavored ice cream, the creamy color of which suited the dog's majestic appearance perfectly.

Thankfully it wasn't chocolate flavored...

Roserade licked at a double-colored ice cream, the two colors that were very different but pieced together also seemed to be like roses to him.


By the way, the gentle and elegant Roserade also fed the Spiritomb that had no hands.


Spiritomb swallowed the cream contentedly, and although it was said that the Pokémon rumored to be doomed was now within Cynthia's team, it was instead extraordinarily gentle in nature.

"The Pokémon really follows its owner's personality..."

While Aisha was feeling emotional, his eyes turned to Cynthia's confidence in daring to conquer and cultivate the Spiritomb - Togekiss, who was rumored to give its owner good luck.


The fair and beautiful Togekis used its magical power to catch the ice cream from himself and Gastrodon, and the two partners happily shared the sweet taste.

As for Garchomp...


Ground dragon, who was four times weaker than ice type, watched Cyanthia hand two ice creams to it. After a long silence, it finally caught a pineapple-flavored ice cream with his trembling paws.

"In that case it's done sharing~"

Cynthia curled her eyes and revealed a smile, looking towards the last ice cream in her hand - the strawberry flavor, which her Pokémon had left for her on purpose, because within her daily life, although Cynthia herself didn't have any feelings, her Pokémon had already memorized the flavors that she liked, and helped her owner, who had difficulty in choosing, to make the right decision at this time.

"Pokémon chose the right answer for you."

Instructor Ai, who was good at understanding Pokémon, saw the heart of the matter at a glance, smiled and congratulated Cynthia, saying, "Miss Cynthia has a very good relationship with her Pokémon."

"Of course."

Repeating Aisha's previous words, Cynthia said, "This is something that every trainer should take into account."


Mainly because Cynthia didn't see her Garchomp tasted a mouthful of ice cream, it immediately spat it out on the ground with a look of pain on its face, and burned it with a mouth full of Dragon Breath.


Aisha smiled helplessly as well.

With the flight on the horizon, the duo wasn't going to waste time on this side much.

Aisha had Rotom phone grab back Ash, who was looking for someone to spar with somewhere, and along with it getting late, the three of them boarded the plane together.

"Instructor Ai, how long will it take for us to head towards that Cameran Palace, roughly?"

Ash plopped down in front of the window, gazing at the sky outside with a curious face, while asking Aisha to have an arrangement about the trip.


Aisha also pondered for a moment and glanced at Cynthia next to her.

"This time, Miss Cynthia and I are mainly going to examine the situation over there for a short period of three to five days or a week." Seemingly to prevent Ash from getting impatient, Aisha added another sentence, saying, "We happened to catch up with the Cameran Palace's festival this time, so that means that there could probably be a celebration of sparring over there, so you can try to take part in it, and I'm sure that you can definitely become the champion."


Hearing about sparring, Ash's eyes lit up.

The matter of St. Anne was instantly forgotten by him.

"Pikachu, Instructor Ai said that we can definitely become the champion of the festival, we can't lose Instructor Ai's face!"


Ash and Pikachu instantly wrapped their arms around each other.

Normally, Pikachu would never want to accompany Ash in his madness.

However, Pikachu certainly didn't want to lose Aisha's face, so it said that this time it was prepared to go all out to fight alongside Ash.


Looking at Ash with such a hot-blooded look, Aisha also felt some amusement.

However, within the original theatrical version, Ash had already traveled to the Hoenn region, and after the experience of Kanto and Johto region, although he was not very mature, at least he was already a trainer with a good strength... Nowadays, Ash, however, is just starting out and has taken three badges.

The trainers who participated in the Cameran Palace's festival weren't all waterworks.

How should Ash win this time?

"Kind of looking forward to it..."

Aisha smiled.

He had also seen Ash's fighting style.

Maybe he could really become the champion of the festival with his current strength, awakening Lucario who had slept within the scepter for a hundred years.

"Looking forward to what?"

Cynthia curiously inquired about Aisha at this time.

"Looking forward to... The scenery of Tree of Beginning."

Aisha smiled.

He did not lie.

In fact, compared to the nebulous clues of the Three Pillars, Aisha was indeed looking forward to the journey to see the beautiful scenery of Tree of Beginning.

As for the Three Pillars, incidentally investigating them, it would naturally be excellent if there were results.

If there is no result, it won't hinder anything....


Cynthia also smiled sweetly, not knowing what she was thinking.


"Ladies and gentlemen, this flight is about to take off, all passengers please make sure to fasten your seatbelts."

The sweet girl passed through the announcement into the ears of the passengers.

The airplane took off against the moonlight.

The wings tore through the dark clouds under the moonlight.

"Hoo... gone?"

Before the front door of the Vermilion Gym, Lt. Surge, who was in full military uniform, also raised his head to look up at the airplane above the sky, gradually flying in the direction of Mt. Moon.

"His target wasn't the Celadon Gym?"

Lt. Surge suddenly remembered Aisha's schedule and looked puzzled.

"Why did he go backward?"

"I don't know."

A voice entered Lt. Surge's ears.

"Who asked you?"

Lt. Surge was a bit impatient.

However, immediately, he remembered who the owner of the voice was.

"Gio- Gio- Gio- Giovanni..."

This burly man winced and stammered as he turned around.

As expected, the man who had appeared without warning outside of the Vermilion Gym and picked up his words was none other than the leader of Team Rocket, Giovanni, who was leading the comeback of Team Rocket.

"Lt. Surge, you seem to very much want that kid to leave Vermilion City earlier." Giovanni had a smirking expression on his face as he said, "What... are you afraid that I will be unfavorable to him?"


Lt. Surge decisively denied his relationship with Aisha.

"I've only met him in passing, and that kid is a bit powerful, so I paid a little attention."


Giovanni smiled with seeming conviction.

Lt. Surge also remained silent.

He also knew that even if he wasn't a Team Rocket cadre now, with a temperament like Giovanni's, it was just as unlikely that he would idly look for trouble from this former subordinate of his.

The premise was that Lt. Surge did not stand in Team Rocket's way.


Giovanni sneered.

"This kid has some guts, knowing that I'm paying attention to him doesn't show much urgency, instead, he's so calm and relaxed, there's really something there." This dark force leader revealed a somewhat regretful smile and said, "Unfortunately, something delayed my trip and happened to let him go."

Lt. Surge was silent.

Giovanni, on the other hand, continued to speak of his intentions.

"Otherwise, I'm also prepared to learn how powerful the notorious Instructor Ai is?"

There was no laughter within Giovanni's words.

Lt. Surge was sweating coldly.

He knew that not answering right now was the best option.


Giovanni watched the airplane Aisha was traveling in gradually disappear under the night.

If anything, he could have forcefully stopped the plane if he wanted to.

However, not to mention the fact that Team Rocket was not allowed to be too high-profile nowadays, the mere fact that Cynthia was traveling with Aisha also resulted in Giovanni not being able to act that recklessly.

"This kid's connections are really hard, Johto Champion, two Hoenn Champions, two Kanto Champions, and Sinnoh Champion are all his friends?"

Aisha's network of connections made even Giovanni smack his lips.

This kid was indeed a bit of a problem if he touched him.

The current Team Rocket couldn't stand the siege of so many championship-level trainers - of course, I'm afraid it wouldn't be possible in the future.

"But it doesn't matter..."

Giovanni's smile grimmed a bit more.

He also looked at Lt. Surge.

"Extracting human genes doesn't need to go through blood... this is common sense."


Lt. Surge choked on Giovanni's words.

"You seem to have underestimated how much terrifying technology today's Team Rocket has at its disposal." Giovanni smiled and said, "Human genes are different from Mew's genes, although it's just some of the body's trimmings, however, there's enough of it... The materials we need don't need to be that large."

He didn't pay attention to Lt. Surge and walked straight down the steps of the Vermilion Gym.

"Look forward to it well, you guys from the League, look forward to the birth of the second generation Mewtwo... His strength must have surpassed that of Blaine's generation of Mewtwo, because whether it's the quantity of Mew's genes, the quality of human genes, or today's level in cloning technology, it's also all-around superior to that test subject."

Walking down the steps, Giovanni gave Lt. Surge a look.

"You don't need to be involved in what happened to the St. Anne."


Lt. Surge finally responded to Giovanni's words.

Without question, Giovanni disappeared straight around the corner of the street - the manufacturing of the Second Generation Mewtwo was ready to begin, and he needed to return to Celadon City immediately to supervise it.


After a long time, Lt. Surge sighed.

"Instructor Ai, I reminded you..."

A bit guiltily and rather helplessly, he looked towards the sky.

Although it was said that Aisha couldn't hear his apology.


Lt. Surge sighed.

He was going to go back out to sea tomorrow and not return to Vermilion City for at least a month.



Early the next morning, Aisha opened his eyes on top of the airplane.

Glancing at the time, he also realized that it hadn't been long since the plane had arrived at its destination.

"Ash, open your eyes, I am Instructor Ai!"

Aisha beckoned Ash's soul on the spot.

"Instructor Ai... Why are you awake so early?"

"It's clearly because you're too late." Instructor Ai pointed beyond the window and said, "We're almost there, Cameran Palace is ahead."


Ash froze, after which, he immediately looked outside.

The rolling mountains were covered with snow, while the railroad running an old-fashioned train crossed the wilderness and the mountain peaks, traveling over the European-style architectural style bridge, disappearing at the end of the matter's vision, and a gorgeous castle was vaguely visible over there.


"Pika pika~"

Ash and Pikachu exclaimed together.

"Right, Instructor Ai."

Ash suddenly remembered something and said, "When we go back, can we catch the St. Anne ship?"

"There's something going on above the St. Anne ship, don't think about it, I've already contacted the professionals to handle it." Aisha then answered, dismissing Ash's thoughts about St. Anne ship.

Lance was probably already on his way.

The Rocket Team lurking on top of the St. Anne couldn't escape.

"We're here?"

By this time, Cynthia, who had already applied her makeup, also came up next to Aisha.


Aisha responded to her.

At the same time, he also lamented that women were really powerful.

They could actually take care of image management all the time while traveling - Instructor Ai didn't have this ability, and relied on his own excellent foundation to support his face value.

"Let's go."

The plane landed, and the three of them disembarked, heading in the direction of Cameran Palace.


Ash froze and looked in the direction of the castle.


He felt something a little familiar and strange over there.


Aisha froze as well, looking back in the direction of Celadon City in the distance without warning.

"What's going on?"

He also felt a bit of a familiar aura over there.