Pure Hearted Dirty Handed Chansey

"Sure enough~"

Cynthia sat down on top of the park bench, her white palms covering her face, her gorgeous face that was originally supposed to be an ojou-san type showing a girlishly innocent and happy expression at this time.

"Casteliacone ice cream is the best~"

This Sinnnoh Champion took another lick of the strawberry-flavored Casteliacone ice cream.


Next to her, Aisha also commented on the quality of the Casteliacone ice cream with a serious expression, saying, "Delicious!"

There was no fancy evaluation.

Simply being delicious was enough.

"It's worthy of being a chain brand known all over the world, and the quality is also perfect, there's no lack of pounds because of the branch or main store."

Instructor Ai usually lived frugally, usually not enough to buy anything expensive except for the secret treasures that needed to be absorbed in conjunction with the Pokémon workout.

Casteliacone Ice Cream was also considered inexpensive.


After finishing the ice cream in three batches, Aisha also leaned on top of the back of the bench, looking up at the star-studded night sky with a lazy face.

The night scenery of Cameran Palace was just as beautiful.

However, the city belonging to Aura Guardian was still a bit too noisy, and although the celebration that lasted for two long days was said to be lively and unrivaled, Aisha still preferred the quiet and still atmosphere of Celadon City.


Exhaling a breath, Aisha also revealed a reassuring expression.

Slightly, it was fine to relax the spirit.


Cynthia also finished her ice cream.

This time she didn't dwell much on the flavor of the ice cream.

Because Aisha helped choose the flavor.

Cynthia was also saved.

"Instructor Ai!"

Cynthia looked towards Aisha with a touch of color hidden within her eyes and said, "Tomorrow, is there any interest in accompanying me for a little bit of shopping?"


Aisha glanced at Cynthia and fell into deep thought.

Women's nature is really still uncontrollable, shopping is their nature...

In the past, Instructor Ai would definitely not be willing to become a drudge carrying bags.

Wasting time was one thing, and laboring was also one thing.

However... Having arrived in Celadon City directly by airplane himself, he had actually saved quite a bit of time.

The Celadon Gym Challenge was also something that could start at any time as well.

It didn't seem to be a problem to take some time to accompany Cynthia for a bit of shopping?

People had at least helped themselves.


Aisha agreed to Cynthia's words and said, "It's just as well, after the journey between Cameran Palace and the Tree of Beginning, my resources are almost depleted, so it's just as well to slightly replenish the necessities of daily life and the consumables for the Pokémon Battle while shopping."


Cynthia revealed a happy smile.

Her thoughts were very simple.

The main thing was that if Aisha was beside her, she had someone to help her make choices when she was stuck in a selection dilemma.


Aisha was also rather helpless.

Cynthia was sort of his idol at one time.

This female Sinnoh champion and female Valkyrie within everyone's impression seemed to always be the high-cooled and voluptuous flower of the high ridge, and the cold aura that no one should get close to her was also an important factor that had sucked in a large wave of fans.


Cynthia seems to be extraordinarily kind and even a little off-beat in front of her acquaintances.

Steven, Wallace, and Lance are pretty much the same.

How is it that these champions are all sulky?

Blue is even explicitly sultry.

Red doesn't know... Probably couldn't run away!

"Let's go, it's a big night and more or less cold."


Aisha and Cynthia stayed at the Celadon City Hotel.

"After challenging the Celadon Gym, you can choose to walk through Lavender Town first and take in a Ghost type Pokémon." Aisha sat down before the table, tapping on the computer's keyboard and updating his plan, saying, "It is still very necessary to take in a Ghost type Pokémon, the striking surface of the Ghost type belongs to one aspect, and this class of Pokémon is also an important part of the trainer's protection."

Aisha was thinking about quite a few things.

Those Team Rocket guys were no slouches.

Carr's operation of dozens of Forretress exploding together had already shown that these people were not some kind of contraption that spoke of martial virtues.

Aisha also naturally needed to take into account the fact that he might always be facing the problem of the indefensible sneak attack of Team Rocket's dead soldiers.

Although Instructor is a Dayan Sword Saint who has become a saint in the flesh, sneak attack operations are basically useless.

However, he didn't mind putting on a shield just to be on the safe side.

Elite Summer could perform some particularly godly maneuvers with the Gengar.

The operation where Gengar hid within the shadow to defend was even more basic.

Aisha thought that this operation was very good.

If he could hide a Ghost type Pokémon within his own shadow, the safety factor would definitely soar.

"Ghost type Pokémon selection..."

Aisha's eyes flashed inside.

After that, he opened a file.

Within the file was the information of the Ghost type Pokémon he was interested in.


There was no need to say much about this one, the first generation Ghost King, a cardinal Pokémon that had bucked countless versions and endured even after taking a few nerfs.


A paragon of firepower explosion, the output was overly violent, and the configuration of stand reinforcement was just as outrageous.

Unfortunately, one's team already had Charmeleon and Heat Rotom so two fire attribute units, there was no need for it.

Of course... If the system could magic a Chandelure that stepped in the shadow trait, it wasn't impossible for Instructor Ai to cultivate one.

The system giving is legal!


The false god of swords and shields - Zacian, Zamazenta.

The true God of Sword and Shield - Aegislash.

Even though the racial value was weakened it didn't stop this Pokémon from being awesome at all.

When used well, it was a completely heaven-defying level of combat power.



Not to be considered.

"Gholdengo, Flutter Mane, and Blacephalon..."

They're kind of a no-brainer.

Gholdengo's evolution is too counterintuitive.

Paradox Pokémon and ultra beasts don't have much intel on them right now.


Aisha leaned on top of the chair, rubbing her forehead in a bit of distress.

Lavender Town didn't really have many distributed Pokémon species.

Most of them were Ghastlys.

Occasionally a Misdreavus might appear, which had little of use.

There isn't many options in Lavender Town...

"Is it hard to believe that we really need to trouble Elite Summer?"

Aisha's expression was a bit helpless.

He already owed Summer an unknown number of favors.

If he continued to trouble this head of Dayan's Elite Four, unless he gave his body in return, he really wouldn't be able to pay it back.


At this time, as if sensing Aisha's distress, Chansey, who hadn't joined the team for a long time, also walked up next to him, cupping a blanket in its small hands and covering him on top of his body.


Aisha looked over at Chansey as well.


Noticing Aisha's sight, Chansey revealed an innocent smile.


For a moment, Aisha was also in a bit of a trance.

Pokémon really were the best.

"Good kid."

Aisha stroked Chansey's head.


Chansey then happily hugged its hand and rubbed it for a while.

"It's clearly an egg, how come its personality is like a kitten?"

Watching Chansey's reaction, Aisha also felt amused.

The pink demon was disgusting though.

However, it was still usually very cute.

Moreover, this Chansey's nature was actually very gentle, kind-hearted and considerate, and simply just liked changing class moves with dirty sets.


Aisha suddenly realized the severity of the problem.

In other words, this child really thought that dirty sets could make people feel joy?

It really believed its own words of verbal exaltation during the live broadcast?


It was even more outrageous than itself.

Myself at least was only dirtying others for its own pleasure.

Chansey, on the other hand, was really dirtying others for the sake of making them happy!

Sure is a natural born pink demon.


Even Instructor Ai fell into silence.

His own team, it seemed, had really welcomed a problem child.


Chansey didn't know what Aisha was thinking.

The little guy just loved caring for him.

Once covered with the blanket, Chansey ran naively in the direction of where its partner was resting, leaned comfortably against Charmeleon, and closed its eyes.


Seeing Chansey's action, Aisha also looked at his watch as if he was waking up from a dream.

It was already very late.


Instructor Ai's smile was tinted with a complex color.

Although it was said that Chansey was a problem child.

However, it was really very gentle and considerate child.

"It seems to have gained a little nanny, how does Instructor Ai feel?"

At this time, Rotom phone also floated out, flirting with Aisha, saying, "One more laborer that can be squeezed within daily life."


Aisha looked at Rotom phone and said, "I actually have quite a few ideas if I squeeze."


"For example, Rotom can wear a virtual anchor's beautiful girl suit and debut on the spot to earn living expenses for everyone."

Rotom phone's pupils suddenly quake.

Instructor Ai seemed to grow demonic horns within its sight.

"No, Instructor Ai, this kind of thing is not allowed..."

"Metang can also put on an avatar, anyway, there are quite a few people who like mechanical sounds, so you guys can partner up." Aisha ignored Rotom phone's words and continued to speak out his idea, saying, "Then, you're in charge of the whole job, it's in charge of singing, and I'm in charge of collecting the money."


Shiny Metang:"?"

Rotom phone: "..."

Rotom phone comes to the realization that Instructor Ai is the real evil!

Shiny Metang, on the other hand, was a bit confused.

It didn't quite understand what Aisha and Rotom were exchanging, and anyway, if Instructor Ai wanted to, it could try to do anything.


"Boss, Instructor Ai has arrived in Celadon City, how do we need to act?"

Underneath the ground of Celadon City's game hall, within Team Rocket's base, wearing an OL uniform, Matori held a pile of documents and sent out a query towards Giovanni, who was sitting diagonally on top of the boss's sofa, saying, "According to the information collected by our informant today, Instrcutor Ai, the Sinnoh champion, and a child stayed in Cameran Palace for a while. I don't know what they did specifically. However, the child was canonized as the current 'Aura guardian.'"

"Right now, Instructor Ai and the Sinnoh Champion landed at the Celadon City Airport and stayed at the Celadon Hotel."

"I see."

Under the shadows, Giovanni listened to Matori's entire report.

His large hand stroked Persian's head, and the big, athletic cat obediently rubbed against the man's hand.

However, the way the cat boss looked at Matori showed that this pet cat wasn't just a pet, it was also a Pokémon with terrifying strength.

How could Giovanni's pet have the strength to pull crotch?


There was an unbearable silence, and Matori also showed a nervous expression.


Giovanni finally snorted coldly.

"This kid is really cautious."

"Knowing that I'm keeping an eye on him, so to speak, he immediately found the Sinnoh Champion as his bodyguard, and even intentionally circled around to that poor backwater of Cameran Palace to hide for a couple of days, and now he suddenly appeared in Celadon City and stayed within the Grand Hotel without any fear at all, so could it be that he's prepared for a fight, and is specifically waiting for me to find him in trouble? " Giovanni calculated Aisha's behavioral motives and said, "In that case, I prefer not to look for trouble now."


Matori spoke his thoughts, saying, "What if, Instructor Ai is intentionally playing against logic, when in fact, he's not prepared to fight you at all, or doesn't even know that you've set your sights on him?"


Giovanni waved his hand.

"That lt. Surge guy has already told him that I'm keeping an eye on him." At the mention of lt. Surge's leak, Giovanni was a bit unpleasant, so much so that his voice was also a bit grim as he said, "lt. Surge told him on the front foot, and then the Sinnoh Champion came up next to him on the back foot, and the Sinnoh Champion is a busy man as well, so how could she possibly be circling around a man all day long for no reason at all, if she wasn't trying to guard against an attack from me? "


Matori echoed Giovanni's thoughts.

"I owed it to myself to think about how the Sinnoh Champion could be so free..."


Giovanni's sneer spread through the office.

"Doesn't matter."

He picked up a report, and on top of the paper was a record of the progress of the experiments of the Second Generation Mewtwo.

On top of the table were some photos.

It was a record of a Pokémon embryo gradually developing and growing within a cold petri dish, soaked in a higher nutrient solution.

"The Second Generation Mewtwo's manufacturing plan is proceeding in an orderly manner, the Sinnoh Champion can't protect that boy for the rest of his life."

Giovanni's smile was a bit cruel as a thought surfaced within his mind.

"Perhaps, it doesn't even require me to take action myself."

"Boss is preparing..."

Matori also immediately understood Giovanni's thoughts.

She had also worked under Giovanni for a long time after all, so naturally, she was aware of this villainous giant's thought patterns.


Giovanni's finger tapped the bright red jewel above Persian's forehead.

"That kid has good strength, unless the four admins surround him together, no one within Team Rocket can slaughter him except for me." This dark force's boss picked up the picture of the second generation Mewtwo embryo and said: "But... Our brand new fighting force was born right away."

"I had the Second Generation Mewtwo dispose of its biologically-defined father on top of that, and there seems to be nothing wrong with that?"


After a slight wait, Giovanni added.

"Take care to remind those in research to be safe during this time."

"First generation Mewtwo is unlikely to be kind." Giovanni had figured out first generation Mewtwo's character.

Although it was said that First generation Mewtwo had been injured under the cooperation between him and Beedrill.

However, the nature of an Mewtwo was to be violent.

It could not possibly be afraid.

It was also absolutely impossible for first generation Mewtwo to let Team Rocket smoothly create second generation Mewtwo.

Maybe that guy is now in some unknown place planning how to attack some of Team Rocket's bases, delaying the creation of the second generation Mewtwo.

Team Rocket's current situation wasn't really that good.

There were external and internal troubles.

"The plan carried out on top of the St. Anne ship failed, the person leading the League side is Lance, and someone within the organization leaked our plan." Giovanni's voice was somber.

"Could it be lt. Surge?"

Matori remembered the three cadres who were now out of the organization.

"Not so much, he doesn't have the guts."

Giovanni denied Matori's thoughts.

"Carr was interrogated?"

"Don't rule that out..."

The two were silent.

Team Rocket's plans for a comeback were being thwarted at frequent intervals.

Carr, who had been sent to Mt. Moon to mine for fossils and moon rocks and capture Clefable, was already in jail.

The St. Anne ship's plans to collect funds had also fallen through.


Matori sighed.

She also knew that the fact that Team Rocket's comeback plan could go ahead this time was entirely due to the charisma of Giovanni, the leader, coming into play.

But where the Three Beasts and four admins had been replaced, they were leading the action.

The grunts below were under so much terrifying pressure from the League side that they would probably have already run out of steam.

"It's nothing."

Giovanni, on the other hand, always maintained a cloudy demeanor.

That was exactly why the crowd was fascinated by it.

"However, the issue of the mole must be thoroughly investigated." However, Giovanni changed to a cold expression again and said, "Matori, you're in charge of investigating who exactly leaked the plans for the St. Anne ship to Lance."


Matori squared her shoulders.

Giovanni's eyes, on the other hand, were deep.


The next day, at the Celadon Hotel, Aisha opened his eyes from on top of his soft bed - the ringing of his cell phone woke him up.


Instructor Ai rubbed his eyes and picked up his cell phone.


The person who had called him was none other than Lance, who had rounded up a large force of Team Rocket some time ago.

"Hey, Lance, what happened?"

Aisha picked up the phone, a little confused, and asked Lance a question.


Lance's cheerful voice entered Aisha's ears, saying, "Aisha, thanks to the information you provided, Team Rocket hadn't even begun to move on top of the St. Anne ship before, so we caught them by surprise!"

"Ha~ Team Rocket has fallen on hard times this time!"


The mole that Giovanni and Matori were agonizing over doesn't actually exist...