Sabrina's Prediction, Summer is Anxious


Hearing Erika's words, Aisha also hurriedly retreated a step back, waving his hand and hurriedly declining his invitation.

"Although I say that I consider myself to be a bit dark, but learning by myself and teaching are really still two different things."

He also revealed a helpless smile.

"Celadon University is a world-renowned institution of higher learning in the Kanto region, and I'm afraid that even a random student within the university can beat me, a traveler trainer who came out of the wilderness, so if Miss Erika invites me to be an assistant teacher for an open class, I'm afraid that the professors who are listening to the class will be looking at me with a sense of humor." Aisha also immediately issued self-effacing words, saying, "I don't have any teaching experience, so I'm afraid it would be a mistake if I rashly teach a class."

"Mr. Aisha is really modest."

Erika also smiled bitterly in response to Aisha's words.

"If Mr. Aisha's teaching is also considered misguided, I am really a mediocre teacher."

Aisha did not reply back.

However, Erika didn't continue to ask Aisha to take the position of assistant teacher either.

There was nothing wrong with Aisha's words.

Studying on one's own and teaching were indeed completely different concepts.

Some high achievers could write and write, but when they stood on the podium, they had no idea what they were supposed to do.

Some scholars who are not well educated can perfectly pass on their experience and knowledge to their students.

The connotations of the Way of the Teacher were in no way inferior to that of a Pokémon Trainer...

However... Aisha said he couldn't educate people, and Erika didn't believe him wholeheartedly.

Her words were also sincere.

All day long during the live broadcast, he teaches the water friends who are watching the live broadcast to learn the dirty routines and techniques of Pokémon battle, including the configuration of the Pokémon itself, the trainer's pre-reading and awareness, and the team's coordination and compatibility, you can even launch a few dirty routine teaching videos on your own and provide free learning for people to learn. You say you don't know how to teach and educate people?

Who would believe that?

Anyway, Erika didn't believe it.

Erika wasn't necessarily as good as Aisha at teaching people how to play against each other, right?

She had also watched Aisha's 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' teaching video.

It had to be said that it was very stunning.

She thought that Aisha's dirty routine teaching video was a tactic developed after understanding and perfectly developing the values and learnable moves of Pokémon.

The routine was dirty.

But it had to be said, it was very useful.

Erika is very fond of it...

As a grass-type Pokémon master trainer herself, Aisha's fighting style was the same type that specialized in non-frontal combat, strengthening with variations of moves, and fighting steadily for a long period of time, so the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic that Aisha had developed was almost like seeing a treasure.

It was too suitable.

Of course, compared to the 'Toxic-Protect-Substitute' tactic, Erika actually preferred the Sleep tactic that Aisha had recommended at the very beginning.


It was uncomfortable not to sleep.

Hypnosis was a part of Pokémon Battle, don't play if you don't feel good!

That's why Erika could call Aisha a teacher.

However, it was such a subtle tactic that Aisha actually shared it with the general public without stinting, not even setting any threshold.

With subsequent attention, Erika also learned that Aisha was not only teaching everyone the routines of Pokémon battle, but was even taking personal risks. He was in the dangerous wilderness, live broadcasting the contents of the trainer's outdoor training. He constantly teaches the experience of outdoor training and what needs to be paid attention to to the water friends who watch his live broadcast, and devotes himself to the development of the career of Pokémon trainers.

That's great, Instructor Ai.

Instructor Ai, we honor and love you!

"Hahaha, Miss Erika is too kind."

Aisha stroked his hair and said, "I'm just a Pokémon trainer with an interest, I usually like to post some meaningless videos on top of the internet to get a bite to eat, how could I be as great as Miss Erika said, it's really overrated."

None of it was humble words.

Aisha's original reason for choosing to make videos in the first place was to eat.

Otherwise, a poor college student wouldn't be able to afford the two Pokémon, Caterpie and Marill...


Erika, on the other hand, wore a noncommittal expression at Aisha's words.

She didn't believe Aisha's words either.

Think of it as Instructor Ai being modest.

As a result, the young lady's favorability towards Aisha went up a notch - how could such a beautiful young man, whose looks, temperament, and mannerisms were unparalleled, whose abilities were even better, who was not arrogant or indulgent, and who cared about other people's feelings while remaining humble, not attract the young lady's attention?

Erika is a great lady.

But it wasn't a deep-rooted young lady.

On the contrary, to be able to become the Gym Leader of the Celadon Gym was already an indication that this lady was at least above Brock and Misty.

Erika just wasn't very willing to be in the limelight.

She comes from a famous family and has received a rigorous elite education since she was a child. Now she has turned Pokémon battle and archery into her own instincts. Even in indiscriminate battles, it is impossible to slow down Pokémon. She can even use the poison she is proficient in to assist Pokémon in battle, which is very powerful.

How could such a Erika be just a flowerpot?

She was the Kanto region's Gym Leader.

Naturally, her ability to read people and treat things is also excellent...

Aisha was undoubtedly a true young talent.

It was many times better than those straw men who had a false reputation.

"Well, if Mr. Aisha is unwilling, it is naturally impossible for me to force my way."

Erika smiled sweetly.

"It's really great that Ms. Erika can understand."

Aisha also let out a sigh of relief.


By this time, Eevee had already sprayed on the perfume with the help of a salesperson.

Aisha took a look and felt that the little guy's fur was indeed a lot softer and prettier.

I'm afraid this perfume of Erika's that can enhance beauty is really something.

"Chansey~ chansey~"

Chansey, on the other hand, dutifully assumed the position of the atmosphere team, clapping its little hands as it circled around Eevee like a little babysitter trying to cheer up a small child.


Marill was hanging next to him with dead eyes.

Apparently, Strong Power was feeling extraordinarily uncomprehending of Eevee and Chansey's little girl behavior.


Meanwhile, while Aisha and Erika were chatting, Cynthia, who had followed another salesperson to learn more about the various brands of Celadon Perfume, also returned to the front door carrying several exquisitely-designed shopping bags - this Sinnoh Champion's difficulty in choosing was effectively alleviated under the recommendation of an excellent salesperson, and the top salesperson Erika had The salesperson trained by Erika was also a top-notch sales talent, easily recommending several perfumes with just the right price and effect to match Cynthia's status.

"Thank you for your patronage~"

Erika, who was wearing an elegant kimono with vibrating sleeves, nodded her head towards Cynthia like this.

Cynthia smiled in greeting.

"However, if the two of you are interested, my open class at Celadon University this afternoon, Mr. Aisha and Miss Cynthia can just as well listen to it a little bit, as a way to pass the time."



Aisha and Cynthia exchanged a glance.

Both of them felt that Erika's invitation was considered good.

The two of them didn't have much going on anyway.

If they were really bored, it was not unlikely that they could listen to this Grass type Gym Leader's open class a little.

As a Gym Leader, Erika's open class would definitely not be as boring and tedious as some rigid teachers.

As a means to pass the time, it didn't seem impossible...

"We'll give it some serious thought."

Aisha also smiled in response to Erika's invitation.

Words couldn't be said too fully after all.

There was one thing to say, there were actually a little bit of places to visit or play in Celadon City.

Aisha was a bit interested in the game hall as well.

However... Celadon City game corner in the main business items, in fact, or slot machines and small steel ball.

Compared to a game corner, that place was more like a casino.

How could a casino be that simple?

Even though Instructor Ai was a bit confident in his skills and luck, he was not willing to be a wrongdoer in a casino run by Team Rocket.

Furthermore, the most expensive items in the redeemable rewards of the Celadon City's game hall were only Dratini, Larvitar, and Porygon.

Dratini and Larvitar are no longer hard-to-obtain Pokémon for Aisha now - As long as he was willing to lower his face and beg Lance, the Dragon Elite would probably rush to prepare a set of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon from the Kanto and Johto regions as a reward for Aisha for helping the alliance to encircle and suppress Team Rocket so many times.

As for Porygon... It was of little importance to Aisha's team.

There were more than enough shields.

Within everyday life, Rotom was also its superior replacement.

So there was absolutely no need for Instructor Ai to head towards the Celadon City Game Corner and ask for trouble.

Might as well listen to the lesson.


Erika maintained her elegant smile as always.

The inside and outside of the store was filled with cheerful air.


Dayan region.

"Ha... exhausted."

Inside a villa, Summer was wearing loose pajamas, leaning back on a soft sofa, and was playing a game with dead eyes and a joystick.

As the Game Over sign appeared on top of the TV's screen, this Ghost type Elite Four sighed helplessly and threw away the joystick.

"Boring, why is the game not interesting at all?"

Summer flopped down on top of the soft carpet, complaining about the uninteresting nature of life.

Huey had the look of a geek girl.

"What is Ai-chan doing right now?"

Hugging Gengar plush doll, Summer chanted the name of her most beloved person.

"I haven't been in touch for a few days, mainly because I'm not in a good position to contact that child without official business."

Dressed in her Mimikyu plush pajamas, she kept rolling on top of the carpet, making strange noises.

"Oooh, Ai-chan, my Ai-chan."

This Elite seemed to be in some strange state.

She was different from Shauntal.

Shauntal was also a die-hard otaku, but as a novelist she needed to code and catch up on her manuscripts in her spare time, and her life was more or less urgent.

Summer, on the other hand, was a serious otaku when she didn't have a mission.

If she stayed in the house for a long time, she would easily get carried away.

As for who is the object of imagination... there is no need to say more, right?


At this time, Summer's cell phone suddenly came with a crisp beep.


Summer heard that it was Line's beep, and was a bit puzzled for a moment.

Using Line meant that the other party was not someone from Dayan.

Not someone from Dayan, but had sought himself out... The identity of the other party had been narrowed down to a small circle.


Picking up her cell phone, Summer realized that it was Sabrina who had contacted her.

Sabrina asked if she had time to answer the phone, there was something important that needed to be said.

"What is it?"

Although she was puzzled, Summer still dialed Sabrina's number.

She knew Sabrina's nature.

If something vital hadn't really happened, there was no way that this aloof and well-behaved Psychic type Gym Leader would have suddenly contacted someone else.

Yes, she and Sabrina were good friends.

The two had a bit of a godly trainer in them at the same time, so naturally, they shared common topics.

"Hey, Sabrina, what's going on?"


Sabrina's appearance startled Summer - this always proud and incomparable Saffron City Gym Leader, the Psychic Queen that no one in the Kanto region knew about, and the Bollywood movie queen, was now grimacing her pretty face, revealing a very cold expression, and while her brows were locked, there was a nervousness and lack of knowing what to do that was hidden above her face.


Hearing Summer's inquiry, Sabrina also sighed.

"Well... Almost this morning, my 'Future Sight' was activated?"


Summer also showed a serious expression.

She wouldn't laugh at Sabrina's worrying.

Because, psychic powers did exist above this world, and she and Sabrina were examples.

Sabrina's 'Future Sight' was even more accurate and could not be ignored.

"You, foresee something?"

Summer inquired so, saying, "Could it be that you foresaw the conflict between Team Rocket, the League?"


Sabrina denied Summer's speculation.


Sighing, Sabrina raised her white palm and covered her delicate forehead, saying, "It's not that serious, this time it's entirely my own problem."


"My 'Future Sight' told me that the future... Within a short period of time of a few days, or a few weeks, my Saffron Gym will receive an extraordinarily terrifying challenger." Sabrina was slightly embarrassed, however, after thinking that she had still taken the initiative to find Summer this time, her heart crossed and she still spoke of her worries, saying, "I will receive a complete defeat under his hand, powerless to return to the heavens, a complete and utter defeat."


Summer didn't know how she should respond for a moment.

She always felt that Sabrina's words had a point.


Sabrina sighed again.

"I tried to understand the identity of that trainer."

"However, my divination couldn't even penetrate that person's identity, and tried my best to just detect that by his side stood the Sinnoh Champion... Well, that is, that Cynthia."


Summer's fingers rubbed his chin, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"And then, I learned over at Erika's side that that trainer from Dayan, the very same good friend that you cited - Aisha - is now traveling with Cynthia!"

Sabrina also finally spoke of her concerns, saying, "So, I can almost confirm that within the precognition, that person who defeated me is bound to be Aisha!"

"Oh... ;ater?"

Summer's expression changed.

"What did you say?"

"Aisha is traveling with Cynthia?" The head of Dayan's Elite Four was instantly startled, as if she had seen someone stealing his family's food, saying, "Confirmed?"


Sabrina gave Summer a strange look.

"What's wrong?"

"No, nothing..."

Summer endeavored to put away her difficult expression and put on a bland look as she said, "Nothing, go on, what's wrong?"


Sabrina didn't think much of it.

"I couldn't explore the contents of the Gym Challenge, but the ending of the defeat was as if it was inscribed on fate, and I was very unconvinced."

Perhaps this side was the sadness of psychics.

The strength of Sabrina's psychic power could already do something as godly as foreseeing the future, and her own combat power was no less than that of an Elite class Pokémon.

The problem was that along with her Psychics, Sabrina's mental problems were also quite serious.

Not too dangerous, just a particular fondness for bullshitting.


Summer was in a bit of a bind.

While Sabrina was her BFF, Aisha was undoubtedly more important.

She couldn't stop the latter from challenging the Saffron Gym...

"Summer, you don't need to be difficult."

Sabrina also saw Summer's distress and said, "I didn't contact you in order to ask you to help with some party, I just kind of confided in the idea."

"It's much more comfortable in my heart after saying it out."

"Ah... So what are you going to do?"

"I'm not willing!" Sabrina's beautiful eyes were flickering with unwilling flames within them, that was unwillingness towards the established destiny, and her tone of voice gradually became firm, saying, "I don't believe that there exists a dead end above this world that I can't change no matter what, even if I can't see any hope in the 'foreseeing the future', I will definitely try my hardest to change that ending! I will do my best to change that ending!"

"I'm going to revise the rules of the Gym Challenge..."

Sabrina gave a winning smile.

"Instead of Pokémon vs. Pokémon, it'll be the Undifferentiated Wild Fighting that I'm much better at!" She spoke her thoughts, saying, "No matter how good that teenager is, there's no way he'll be able to beat me, a Psychiced person, on top of Undifferentiated Wild Fighting, right?"


Summer didn't respond positively to Sabrina's words.

She recalled the scene when Aisha had split Archie alive across several miles when he was battling Primal Kyogre


Indeed, no wonder you can't see any hope of winning.
