Kimono Beauty Erika

A question mark rose above Instructor Ai's head.

Aisha had used a trick.

The opponent was Blue, and Aisha's ruse failed.

"It's still just a child."

Instructor put away Charmeleon's Poké ball without a trace, and protected his family's child from the sight of this sparring demon.

Charmeleon just took advantage of sunny day to kill Tangrowth with a bite of Fire Blast in seconds.

The fire attribute itself was particularly restraining to the grass attribute that this thing possessed.

This Tangrowth is also just Erika's Pokémon.

After reading this, you're ready to give me and my Charmeleon intensity?

You're trying to get me killed!


Blue didn't really care about the kid-or-not-kid argument.

He also familiarly patted Instructor Ai's shoulder and said, "A fledgling eagle will one day need to spread its wings and fly, and your Charmeleon will one day need to face a stronger enemy, and with his father as that enemy, don't you think it's very dramatic and romantic?"

"...If my Charmeleon is the main character of a traditional RPG adventure and growth game, then his father should be the final boss."

Aisha retorted Blue's words with hanging dead eyes.

"That level of enemy is far from the level that the current one needs to face."

"That's true."

Blue's fingers rubbed his own chin in agreement in response to Aisha's words.

He also knew that he had been hasty.

Mainly, he did act on impulse when he handed over Charmander to Aisha in the beginning.

Hoping that Instructor Ai could nurture this Charmander to the point where it was even better, or at least different from his own breeding program.

It was a big gamble.

If Blue had looked at the wrong person, Charmander's talent and potential that could be described as God's feeding was likely to go directly to waste.

However, Charmander itself liked Aisha.

That's why Blue had made up his mind to hand over this child, and at that time he was actually still very apprehensive.

Now that he saw Charmeleon that had already completed a period of evolution, Blue's apprehensions suddenly disappeared.

What is it?

Isn't this cultivated exceptionally well!

"As expected of Instructor Ai, my dear friend, it's great!"

Unlike the reticent and awkward Red, Blue was the type who was serious about talking when he had something to say - he really said whatever he had in his heart, and as a social cow he didn't care at all about anything fleshy or embarrassing, and belonged to the type who was particularly comfortable when talking.

Because he was now grateful that Aisha had actually trained Charmander, his arms had wrapped around Instructor Aisha's neck.

"I really didn't look at the wrong person!"

Blue's voice was filled with emotion within it.

"Charmander has followed an exceptionally excellent new master." He gazed at the traces of flame destruction caused by Charmeleon on top of the opposing battlefield's ground, as if the valor that this child had just displayed at the time of the battle had also surfaced within his eyes, his voice couldn't help but become even more emotional and touched for a few moments, and said, "This child is definitely quite a bit better with you than if he had been following me all this time."

"Thanks a lot, Instructor Ai!"

Blue whacked Aisha's chest.

"That's awesome!"

"You guy, suddenly saying these strange words scared me." Aisha also revealed a helpless smile and said, "Since you entrusted Charmander of that time to me, then I must also raise it well no matter what, and it's definitely impossible for me to disappoint you, my child's mother's family."

The two men revealed smiles because of their friendship's with each other.

Green: "?"

Erika: "?"

Next to them, Green and Erika looked at each other and both saw a look of horror hidden inside the other's eyes.

Men are all like this?

It's too weird.

"Congratulations, Instructor Ai."

At this time, Cynthia, who was a bit thick-skinned in some ways, turned out to be the key to breaking the awkward situation.

This Sinnoh Champion, who hadn't said anything from the side since the beginning and quietly watched Aisha and Erika's Gym Challenge, stepped in front of Instructor Ai at just the right moment to issue her congratulations.

"After acquiring the Rainbow Badge, you should already have four gym badges, and the collection progress is halfway complete."


Aisha took out an exquisite badge box and opened it, within the box was a gray badge in the shape of a rock, a blue badge in the shape of a water droplet, and an orange badge in the shape of a sunflower.

Now, Aisha placed the colorful rainbow badge within the fourth compartment as well.

"Four of them, half of the trip conducted in the Kanto region this time has been completed."

Even Aisha showed an emotional expression.

He himself had followed this route countless times when he played the game to conduct the challenge of the eight dojos in the Kanto region and the collection of eight badges.

Now, he had actually put it into practice and made such a journey.

The sense of accomplishment was quite a lot.

"Mr. Aisha's next goal is the Saffron City Psychic Gym?"

Erika, who was wearing elegant vibrating sleeves, walked to Aisha's side at this time with a fragrant breeze, separating him from Cynthia without a trace, and said, "Saffron City is not too far away from Celadon City, and it can even be said to be very close, even if it is purely on foot to catch up, I feel that Mr. Aisha's footsteps can arrive very quickly, and that the Psychic Gym over there is very suitable for Mr. Aisha's next Gym Challenge."


Aisha smiled and agreed with Erika's words.

"Indeed, that was my thought."

Within the game itself, the flow of the Kanto Region Gym Challenge was very free.

Even after beating Blaine in the Cinnabar Gym, some players may suddenly realize that they have not yet challenged the Saffron Gym and dealt with the plot of Silph Co.

However, Aisha himself, because of his particular fondness for Gengar, a ghost Pokémon, would usually make a special trip back to Lavender Town's Pokémon Tower to collect a Gastly or a Haunter after passing the plot of Celadon Gym, so that Silph Co. plot wouldn't be bypassed, and the order of Saffron Gym challenge logically came after the Celadon Gym as the fifth gym he had challenged.


Green revealed a wry smile at this time, saying, "However, I've heard that that Psychic Gym Leader of Saffron Gym isn't someone who's easy to communicate with."

"Instructor Ai should be careful, that Gym Leader even the League officials can't control her."

Green also gave a bad smile, trying her best to smear Sarbina's image.

"There's no telling how many challengers have been teased by her psychic power in the past, and I heard that that guy used to like to cheat against each other for a while while she was in self-imposed isolation, and purposely turned the defeated challengers into dolls... Well, winning is just as good, she likes to cheat."

It wasn't that Green hated Sabrina.

For one thing, she and Sabrina were on pretty good terms.

Although the two of them once had a battle in the building of Silph Co., when they faced the Elite Four incident later, the two female trainers also worked together to challenge the terrifying Ice Witch, and finally fought for a glimmer of hope amidst the dangers.

Green just liked to give Sabrina a hard time...


Blue glanced at Green in a somewhat speechless manner.

However, he didn't say anything either.

What strength Sabrina was, Blue knew.

Her own trainer level and Pokémon strength were considered veteran within the ranks of Elite Four class trainers, and she was also a psychic power whose ability could be called a cheat level.

A psychic who specializes in Psychic type Pokémon.

This configuration could only be described as terrifying.

Isn't a trainer who can command Pokémon to fight without making a sound terrifying?

Very scary!

What's more, Sabrina's level of psychic ability was already more than just being able to telepathically give commands to battle without hindrance, her psychic ability could even feed back to her own Pokémon, providing a period of time of gain buffs, which was equivalent to instantly stacking up a few layers of meditation, which made it impossible to defend against.

"I support Ai-kun's challenge to the Saffron Gym!"

Then Blue immediately started arching fire.

He wanted to know how Aisha was planning to deal with Sabrina, the veteran Elite.

Continue winning?

Or would the winning streak come to an end...


Instructor didn't know what Blue and Green were playing at, he always had a very clear goal anyway.

"But before I head to Saffron City, I'm going to take a trip to Lavender Town to see if there are any good Ghost type Pokémon over there that I can take in."


Blue also immediately understood Aisha's thoughts.

"Gengar are indeed excellent Pokémon, and that environment of Lavender Town and Pokémon Tower does have an environment that can nourish out excellent Gastlys." He teased Aisha again and said, "However, Aisha still needs to pay a little attention to some of the rules of the Pokémon Tower, don't accept Pokémon on top of the tombstones of other trainers' deceased Pokémon, that would be a great disrespect."

The four of them couldn't help but choke on their words.

It was true that Blue's mouth wasn't very clean.

But it was also considered to be words.

Green didn't have much of a fondness for ghosts and monsters.

Erika also only liked cute Pokémon like Misdreavus.

The two couldn't make any suggestions.

"The only ghost-type Pokémon inhabiting the Kanto region seems to be Gengar."

Cynthia, who had brought along Spiritomb, a type of underworld Pokémon, spoke up instead, saying, "If Instructor Ai hasn't found a Pokémon he's satisfied with in Lavender Town, it seems like I can recommend some special areas in the Sinnoh region to Instructor Ai as a place to take in Ghost-type Pokémon."

"In that case it would be a bother, Cynthia."

Aisha didn't refuse either.

A Ghost type Pokémon was a must.

If the Pokémon Tower really didn't have any outstanding individuals, a slight trip to the Sinnoh region wouldn't be a problem.

Anyway, his own progress was quite a bit faster than Ash's, so he didn't need to worry about not having enough time to travel at all...


Cynthia also cracked a smile.

I don't know if it was because Aisha had agreed to her words, or because Aisha had no more honorifics for her.

Erika sighed softly from the side.


It was still early in the day, so said Erika invited the four to have lunch within the Celadon Gym.

Green agreed.

Blue, who originally didn't want to agree, was also forced to do so.

Since that was the case, it was only natural that Aisha and Cynthia couldn't escape as well.

"What Grass type Pokémon does Mr. Aisha like?"

Standing on top of the steps of the greenhouse, Erika, who stood in an elegant manner, asked Aisha with a sideways glance.

She seemed to be very fond of looking for Aisha to chat.

Aisha was also not too willing to spoil the nature of this excellent girl, not to mention that she treated herself very well, and must be treating herself as a friend in a serious way.


Instructor Ai read out the name of the Kanto region's grass type Royal Family, said: "Output ability, defense ability, control ability are all top grade, range ability is just as good, under the norm you can rely on Chlorophyll characteristics with the weather to join the Sunny Day team within the sparring match, relying on the speed advantage of the opening of Sleep Powder, Weather Ball, Sludge Bomb, Solar Beam, and Earthquake as the output means is also good."

Aisha thought of another thing.

"The main reason is that after the Mega evolution of this thing, while the tankiness continues to increase, the Thick Fat characteristic makes it lose two weak points. It's so annoying."


Erika took down Aisha's words with a serious face.

She just loved hypnosis.

"Serperior is actually not bad." Instructor Ai talked about the grass type three royal family again, saying, "When you advance, you can play devil's advocate with Leaf Storm to strengthen the team push in one breath. When you retreat, you can use Glare to paralyze the control. You can even activate Light Screen and Reflect. The effect is greater than imagined."

Aisha also didn't know why Erika happened to pick Torterra to fight against himself.

Giving up the even more terrifying Venusaur and Serperior.

Anyway, he was already recommending these two Pokémon to Erika now, hoping that she would be able to torture other unsuspecting challengers hard within the Gym Challenge later on.


Erika seemed to understand.

She liked pretty Pokémon too.

"Or if you're genuinely prepared to go up in intensity."

Aisha's eyes kept scanning within Erika greenhouse, seemingly searching for something.

Erika didn't interrupt, quietly waiting for Aisha's next words.

"Hmm, found it."

Aisha pointed to two Pokémon inside the corner.


Erika looked over, and her expression was instantly brilliant.

"Foongus and Ferroseed?"

"Right." With a serious face, Aisha said, "Their evolved forms are also particularly powerful grass-type Pokémon."

"We know that too..."


Instructor Ai was a bit surprised.

But once he thought about Erika's sparring style, Aisha also understood.

As a Grass type Gym Leader, how could she not know the power of Amoonguss and Ferrothorn?

The great names of Grass Steel and Shield Mushroom were not for nothing.

I'm afraid that she didn't use them before because of the looks of these two Pokémon...


Hey, Instructor Ai is not convinced!

"Miss Erika." Aisha looked at Erika with a serious face, and his slender hand was pressed on top of the kimono beauty's thin shoulders due to his excitement, facing her face, gazing into her eyes, and said, "A Pokémon's looks shouldn't be used as a factor in judging whether or not a Pokémon has any value!"

"Oh, oh..."

Erika was taken aback by Aisha and responded to his words with a bit of a daze.

"Amoonguss, awesome, handsome!"

Aisha also recited some of the Pokémon's names as if they were his own, saying, "Ferrothorn, awesome, handsome!"

"Dracovish, awesome, handsome!"

Erika didn't know what kind of Pokémon Dracovish was.

Still, she realized what Instructor Ai meant.

"I see."

Erika's cheeks slightly reddened as she said, "A Pokémon's appearance doesn't determine their status, a cute Pokémon can be pampered within its owner's embrace, and its unimpressive Pokémon can just as well shine on top of the sparring field, everyone can shine, they're all very handsome."


Instructor Ai had a childish look on his face.

"Ah, sorry for losing my temper."

After that, Aisha also let go of Erika's shoulder and hastily took a few steps back with an apologetic smile.

"It's nothing, it's better to say that Mr. Aisha has made me understand a lot of things."

Erika, on the other hand, returned the smile with a red face.


At the back, Green also gazed with a complicated face at Aisha and Erika who were watching a group of Foongus talking with Ferroseeds on top of the steps, with her eyes mainly locked on the latter's kimono.

"Miss Green, what's wrong?"

Cynthia inquired Green with a puzzled face next to her.

"Is it true that Miss Cynthia doesn't wear kimonos much?"

"Well, I'm not too keen on that type of clothing, it's too troublesome."

Green revealed an expression that was really like that, and then, looking towards Cynthia, said, "Miss Cynthia shouldn't know that, similar to the overly ornate and heavy kimono that Erika is wearing right now, because of the many layers of clothing that are put over it, so to say, in order to prevent wrinkles from appearing on top of the outer clothing, the inside of the clothing is usually vacuumed."


Cynthia didn't react for a moment.


After realizing what Green meant, this Sinnoh Champion also blushed.


After having lunch, Aisha wasn't going to stay in Celadon City any longer.

He had another important goal of going to Lavender Town, which was to meet with Mr. Fuji and inquire whether this old man had participated in the development of the first generation Mewtwo when he was young in this world.

And to see if he could get a Mega Evolution Stone for nothing...

Well, that's a good idea.

I wonder if the reality is as good as that?

"See you later, Mr. Aisha."

Erika waved towards Aisha before the gate of the Celadon Dojo.

"See you later, Miss Erika."

Cynthia looked distracted beside her, her eyes kept drifting over Erika's kimono.

"Let's go, Miss Cynthia, aren't you going to see the places where Pokémon are buried in the Kanto region?"

Aisha greeted Cynthia as he walked in that direction beyond the city.

Cynthia temporarily decided to follow Aisha to continue traveling for a while during lunch, and Instructor Ai didn't refuse, anyway, this Sinnoh Champion was kind of a big leg, and usually didn't hinder his traveling, so continuing to travel for a while wasn't anything that needed to be agonized over.

"Oh, oh... alright!"

The duo's figures trailed long shadows in the sunlight.

Erika, on the other hand, watched Aisha's back until the teenager disappeared from her sight.

Of course, the kimono beauty wasn't the only existence watching him.

"That guy?"

Above the sky, Mewtwo used its superpower to conceal its figure and gazed at Aisha's figure, a trace of doubt surfacing within its eyes.

"It's good to follow him for a while..."