Elite Four, Saffron Gym

"What did you say?"

Indigo Plateau, within the office of the Kanto League - Kanto Elite Four, came Lance's voice filled with incredulity.

"You're that Proton, one of the four generals of Team Rocket, has fallen?"

Lance held up the phone within his office and repeated the information that the person on the other side of the phone had reported to him.

As he listened to the call, his eyes went to his two fellow officers.

Coincidentally, Lorelei and Bruno, who looked over because they heard Lance's words, also met his eyes.

Kanto's Fighting type Elite Four and Ice type Elite Four both revealed puzzled expressions.

Proton was a name they also knew.

After all, he was one of the top cadres of Team Rocket, and his strength and status were among the best within Team Rocket.

In the early years, the four generals of Team Rocket had planned a series of actions in the Johto region, and the several Kanto and Johto Elite Four had paid some attention to them.

However, those guys from Team Rocket were all as cunning as loaches, although their strength was not as good as theirs, however, their ability to escape and save their lives was more powerful than any other.

Now, this one of the four admins was actually falling into the net?

"How interesting... who arrested him?"

Bruno also moved his neck with interest, and a few smiles widened above his rigid face.

As someone who held the positions of both the Kanto and Johto regional Elite Four, he clearly hated Team Rocket even more.

Now that he saw Proton fall into the net, Bruno also felt a wave of pleasure in his heart.

Good death!

"Indeed, I'm a bit curious as well."

Lorelei also poked her head out, containing a strange color between her beautiful eyes.

Team Rocket had once attacked Four Islands, which was her hometown.

Although it was said that the person who led that series of plans and put them into practice was the Three Beasts, the Ice Witch's grudge holding wasn't something that could be compared to the level of a usual woman.

Lorelei's hatred for those of Team Rocket was of a particularly intense level within the League as well.

"Good death!"

The Ice Witcg clenched her white and slender fists and screamed out in defiance.

Compared to Bruno, who had specialized in heart cultivation as a martial artist, this seemingly ladylike big sister was instead a bit more emotional.


Lance also saw the demeanor of his two colleagues and helplessly raised his hand, signaling them to be a little quieter while he inquired about something more important.

"Oh... Proton and the others attacked Lavender Town and the Pokémon Tower, tsk, used high-tech equipment to block the signal of communication, and sent out high-level Psychic type Pokémon to carry out a wide range of Hypnosis, so that's why we said that we didn't receive any relevant news from our side, I see."

Lance listened to the other party speak out the modus operandi of Team Rocket's operation this time.


Bruno smacked his lips, clearly displeased with Team Rocket's behavior towards ordinary residents.


Lorelei, on the other hand, didn't say much.

Because she had already begun to calculate the strength of the trial that Proton and the others would have to undergo this time - attacking a town, abusing a Psychic Pokémon to kidnap and hypnotize innocent people, and arresting them, they would have to face a lifetime of imprisonment simply by calculating these big-headed charges.

"Who was the person who arrested them?"

Lance finally smelled the important question.

"It can't be Sabrina, uh..."

Suddenly, Lance froze.

Bruno and Lorelei also looked at him curiously.

"You said the person who arrested Proton was Cynthia... that Sinnoh Champion, and Search Officer Aisha?"

Hearing the names of those two, Lance also showed a strange expression.


"Cynthia and Aisha?"

Bruno and Lorelei also realized that something was wrong.

"What's with the Sinnoh Champion running on our side?"

"How come it's Aisha again?"

"...Okay, I see." Lance listened to the other party's breathless report after some silence and gave a reply to the person over there, saying, "After that, I'll personally head to Saffron City to take charge of Proton's escort operation."

Lance hung up as well.


For a moment, Lance was also confused, not knowing what to say about this one.

"What's wrong?"

"Speak quickly!"

Bruno and Lorelei also had an expression of eagerness.


Lance phrased his words a little and said, "Proton's goal in leading the Team Rocket forces to attack Lavender Town and the Pokémon Tower was to massively subjugate the Ghost type Pokémon inhabiting the Pokémon Tower, but, as it so happens, Aisha, who had finished challenging the Grass type Gym in Celadon City, bypassed Saffron City and traveled to Lavender Town to collect a Ghost type Pokémon to increase his chances of winning against Saffron City's Psychic Gym, and Cynthia was traveling with him, and the two of them coincidentally discovered that the residents of Lavender Town had been hypnotized by Proton's Hypno, and that Lavender Town's communication signals to the outside had been interrupted... So, the two of them sabotaged Proton's operation and arrested him along with all of the Team Rocket grunts that were deployed."

Lance was also concise and finished explaining the whole incident in its entirety.

"That's too much of a coincidence."

Lorelei smacked her lips.

"I remember that time Carr also made a secret operation to hide it from everyone, and at the end of the day he happened to meet Aisha who was passing by while traveling."

The Ice Witch felt a pang of amusement and said, "This kid is really the bogeyman those guys at Team Rocket can't get around."

"In order to save the residents of Lavender Town and brazenly strike out, even though it is said that there is the protection of the Sinnoh Champion by his side, the quality and courage of this one teenager is still unquestionable." In contrast, Bruno, who didn't care much about Team Rocket, focused on Aisha's outburst and said, "As expected of a triple good teenager that the Sinnoh Champion also recognizes and is willing to travel with, I'm really becoming more and more intrigued by him."

Bruno moved his wrist, a crackling sound resounding as his bones rubbed together.

"Such a heart is a great choice even as a martial artist, not to mention that he is also a Dayan swordsman, when I have the opportunity and time, I will definitely have to learn this opponent's Dayan swordsmanship."

Bruno's words did not contain malice and contempt because of Aisha's youth, but instead were filled with heartfelt admiration and endless battle intent.

In this world, youth was never a problem.

For Bruno, who was almost a martial arts fanatic, Aisha, a trainer with high strength and excellent character, was obviously a talent worth recognizing and befriending.


Lorelei caught something important hidden between Bruno's words.

"However, I have some interest in this little handsome boy just the same."

Lorelei, who wore an OL uniform with a slender and sultry figure, also covered her small mouth and laughed delicately.

She had little interest in Aisha's strength.

This Ice Witch simply had a favorable impression of him who frequently struck down the cadres of Team Rocket.

If you hit Team Rocket, we are good friends.

"I don't care about you guys..."

Lance also shook his head helplessly.

He knew these two fellow officers of his very well.

Even if he didn't let them search for Aisha, Bruno and Lorelei would definitely not listen.

Instead of restraining them, it was better to simply not care.

They wouldn't be able to hurt Aisha anyway, and maybe some of them could even help the boy out a bit.

"Whether martial arts or swordsmanship is stronger or weaker, Aisha, I hope you can give me an answer."

Bruno's eyes were deep.

For him, the ultimate of the Martial Arts way was naturally to refine his innate physical body by thousands of strokes.

The Swordsmanship way, on the other hand, favored skill.

"Just how strong is your swordsmanship?"

His smile was tinted with a touch of fervor.


Lorelei breathlessly spat at Bruno, who had somehow fallen into a hot-blooded stance.

"However, this kid does have a bit of charm."

The Ice Witch was clearly at an age when she was particularly fond of gossip news and lace news.

"I'm also a bit curious as to what kind of earthly beautiful boy this Aisha is, that it has actually reached the point where even the Sinnoh Champion is just as enamored by it."

Lorelei was busy to the point of being a headache with her daily routine when she was just a Kanto Elite.

Cynthia, as the Sinnoh Champion, was even less likely to have the leisure to travel around the Kanto region... Then, her motive for accompanying Aisha was particularly intriguing.

"Could it be that she's in love?"

Unlike the others' speculations about Cynthia's mind, Lorelei, who was a woman, was the first to think of this unbelievable possibility.

"It's kind of interesting~"

Lorelei's smile is colored with a hint of gossip.

She recalled Agatha granny's earlier remarks about Aisha and Summer.

"That boy is still guilty as hell..."


Lance suddenly realized at this time that someone was missing within the office.

Agatha was getting older, so that meant that quite a few of those jobs that should be taken on as an Elite were being shared among the three of them.

The elder was usually very idle, apart from lazing around, not so much that she disappeared because of her tasks.

"What did granny do?"

"Oh, granny said she had a little business and was going to make a trip to Lavender Town and Saffron City." Lorelei responded to Lance's question with a wave of her hand as well, saying, "Granny is so godlike all day long anyway, there's no point in worrying about it since the trainers specializing in the Ghost type are all like this."


Lance fell silent instead.

"What's wrong?"

"Ai-kun should be almost in Saffron City by now."

At those words, Bruno and Lorelei's expressions collapsed.

"I can't believe granny beat me to it, damn it!"

"The old woman is actually so well informed!"

The duo exchanged glances and sighed afterward.

The other Agatha was more or less justified.

They, on the other hand, were not allowed to idly look for trouble...

"Forget it, there's still time anyway."

"Well, we'll talk about it next time."

Lance did consider something else.

"In that case, it's not bad to give the task of escorting Proton to granny by the way, since she went to Saffron City anyway."

He himself could then touch the fish.

Well, Elite Lance was already gradually moving in the direction of touching the fish.



Saffron City, within the Saffron Gym, a long black beauty in tight-fitting clothing opened her eyes.


As if she had sensed something particularly terrifying approaching, a complicated expression appeared above the beautiful girl's gorgeous face.

Her originally fair skin seemed to have become even paler due to the fact that she hadn't taken any serious rest during this period of time.


She sighed and finally stood up straight.

Along with the change in movement, the young girl's very well developed and plump figure was set off by the special clothing.

It was slim enough for the slender areas, and the plump parts were proud and incomparable.

The tight-fitting costume with a bit of a gel coat felt a bit strange, however, that one dissimilarity was enough to fade into nothingness underneath the maiden's superb beauty and icy cold temperament.

"Never mind."

She lifted her black bangs, which were flushed with some purple, and revealed a serious expression.

"It's just a sparring match, it's not a serious issue."

As the Gym Leader of Saffron Gym, Sabrina forcefully convinced herself to remain calm.

However, after realizing that the man had gradually approached Saffron City, she still tensed up.

Within the 'Future Sight', the scene of her unarmed defeat to him was still fresh in her mind.

Sabrina had never experienced such a tragic defeat.

She was truly powerless.

A complete defeat.

Sabrina couldn't accept it...

She couldn't accept the so-called fate.

Sabrina prepared to go up in intensity.

However, no matter how much Sabrina adjusted her team, after it was over, she still felt a vague sense of "not enough".

In other words, she couldn't beat Aisha like this...

The result of her opponent's defeat was engraved in her destiny, and Sabrina couldn't resist it at all.

She was not willing to do so.

Therefore, Sabrina thought of a way to utilize her strength to the fullest - the Undifferentiated Wild Battle.

The Gym Challenge changed from a Pokémon battle to an Undifferentiated Wild Battle.

Sabrina, as a psychic power comparable to Elite level Pokémon, specializes in Psychic attributes that are also highly compatible with her psychic powers, the strength of the trainer and the Pokémon that erupted under the cooperation was incomparably terrifying, and could be said to be invincible at the Elite Four level.

This kind of cooperation within the Pokémon battle is already ridiculously strong, placed within the indiscriminate wild fight is even more bullying.

Sabrina felt that she was secure.

After all, according to the information, Aisha herself did not possess any supernatural power, but at most, the quality of her physical body far exceeded that of a normal person.

It was true that the strength of the physical body could increase the strength of a trainer within the Undifferentiated Wild Battle.

However, so what?

Sabrina was a psychic.

How could someone who only had brute strength win against a superpowered person?


Sabrina, who had suppressed her uneasiness and was ultimately confident in her own strength, put away her distressed expression, and a determined look emerged within her beautiful eyes.

"This time, I can definitely win!"

What fate, I don't believe in it!

I can use my hands to change fate...

Those things, they can't bind themselves at all!


However, after realizing that her actions were actually considered to be her own capriciousness, Sabrina also deflated.

Although the rules of the Gym Challenge were set by the Gym Leader herself, it wasn't a good thing to somehow make the challengers engage in unfavorable matchups.

Sabrina knew that she owed Aisha this time, so that the gifts as compensation were ready.

First of all, the Marsh Badge could not be missing.

The issuance of Gym badges itself was not limited to the challenger's victory.

As long as the Gym Leader recognized the challenger, even if he lost the challenge, she could still issue the badge - the tragic defeat within 'Future Sight' also told Sabrina that Aisha was fully qualified to obtain the badge.

"I wonder what Psychic type Pokémon he likes."

Sabrina was a bit agonized over this issue.

So she simply prepared a set of Pokémon Egg of Psychic Pokémon she was familiar with.

This was Sabrina's true compensation - whatever Aisha liked, she presented a Poké ball that came with a copy of the breeding notes for that race of Pokémon.

"It shouldn't be a problem..."

Sabrina's heart was still a bit apprehensive - perhaps out of guilt, perhaps out of respect for the strong, and mainly because Aisha was a friend of Aisha's, and with these connections, Sabrina, who was originally of a bratty nature, had a rather friendly mindset when considering the teenager's situation, and was even quite gentle. Sabrina's thinking pattern was quite friendly when she considered the teenager's situation, and she was even quite gentle.

However, not having many friends she didn't know how to deal with people.

Even now as a famous movie star.

Summer and Shauntal are also nerds, one chasing men and not knowing how to do it, and the other caught in a hell of catching up on scripts and not being able to help much at all.

So it was said that Sabrina only had to act on her feelings.

"Almost tomorrow, he should choose to challenge the gym."

Looking at the clock, Sabrina also judged the time.

Looking at the opponent site of the gym, she could even visualize the battle tomorrow.

"This is a trial!"

Sabrina squared her shoulders.

Her spiritual energy unconsciously drifted away, even shaking some of the furnishings placed within the room imposingly.

This was the trial that crossed 'Fitire Sight' and crossed destiny.

Of course, she wasn't going to undress on the spot... Right?


At this time, within the corner of the room, an old-fashioned telephone rang with a vintage ringtone.


Sabrina was a bit surprised.

There weren't many people who had called on top of this old landline.

What had happened?

"Hello, this is Sabrina."

"This is Agatha."

An old voice reached Sabrina's ears as well.

"Granny Agatha?"



"Ah... finally."

Standing on top of the traffic-laden street, Aisha was also quite impressed.

As expected of the busiest city in the Kanto region, the streets of Saffron City were still crowded with people even though it was already early in the morning.


Aisha himself wasn't tired, but, in the middle of the night, the other Saffron Gym certainly wasn't very willing to accept the challenge.

Green also said that Sabrina's temper couldn't work.

Instructor Ai wasn't prepared to touch the ground right now.

"Find a place to rest for a while, and all of you get your strength up and prepare to challenge the Saffron Gym tomorrow!"

By the way, he also needed to contact Summer.

After all, he had just made a merit, so he more or less needed to report to his superiors.