Dayan Sword Saint Reappeared

Accompanied by a familiar beep, the system's panel appeared in front of Aisha.

[System Task: Show your power and go all out to completely defeat Sabrina in the Saffron Gym Challenge in Undifferentiated Wild Battle Mode.]

[Mission Reward: Psychic Talent.]


Aisha showed an expression of realization.

The content of the quest and the weight of the quest reward were balanced just right.

Although it was said that the target of his own verbal high this time was an unheard of supernatural apprentice within the Saffron Gym, however, that pattern of the system was naturally not so bad as to send Aisha to deal with such a supernatural power fluctuation so meager as to be pitiful that he couldn't even break a spoon to bend a supernatural power demonic baffled person.

Defeating Sabrina wasn't that difficult.

Completing the quest to obtain a gift of Psychic learning was already extremely good.


This quest content.


Although it was said that one was prepared for a proper battle themselves.

However, with the system's addition, it seemed like it was possible to be a bit more serious within this Gym Challenge.

After all... the system's requirement was "complete defeat".


Aisha called out his partner's name softly, tapping his toes on his shadow.


Gastly also revealed itself with a puzzled look on its face, looking blankly at Aisha.

"The participants for that one Gym challenge later will probably need to be changed."


Hearing Aisha's words, Gastly didn't have much of a reaction.

It didn't care much about being able to participate in the Saffron Gym Challenge.

Gastly only wanted to see Aisha win.

If its master had a better choice, it was naturally impossible for it to get in the way of the other party's choice.


With a joyful cry, Gastly burrowed out of Aisha's shadow.

Aisha took Gastly back within the Poké ball.


In front of him, the bewildered psychic apprentice also reddened and pointed at Aisha with a look of exasperation in his chest.

Aisha, on the other hand, was silent for a while.

Psychics were really two extremes.

Not only were powerful psychics smart, but their abilities were so great that they could go to the world and do anything.

Weak psychics were not only criticized for their abilities, but their brains were even practiced to the point of being bad.


Without continuing to attack with his words, Instructor Ai just sneered, after which he no longer cared about this inexplicable psychic apprentice.

In the final analysis, Instructor Ai was still a quality person, and the party opened up a taunt just to trigger the mission.

"Ah, Mr. Aisha."

At this time, Saffron Gym's butler also walked out of the room and greeted him with a respectful face.

"Miss Sabrina has already prepared everything for the sparring match, there is no time to lose, so please follow me now and enter the venue for the sparring match."


The two of them ignored the psychic apprentice in the back who was looking at the balled up iron soup spoon and was doubting his life, and together they entered the large room of the sparring ground.


Having entered the room, Aisha also had to marvel at the gym's affluence.

The Undifferentiated Wild Battle battlefield was clearly different from the normal Pokémon battlefield - the area was much wider, and the floor was made of a material that was clearly suitable for a human trainer to run on.

Saffron Gym's battlefield also has a theater look to it.

Of course, there were no spectators over here who could watch the Gym Challenge.

Aisha was initially going to ask Sabrina if she could run a live stream.

However, after already deciding on the Pokémon candidates for the battle, he also dismissed the idea of a live broadcast in order to avoid some trouble.


A Poké ball slipped between Aisha's palms from his sleeve.

Holding it, Aisha felt a hint of icy cold from between the slits of the Poké ball.

"Heh~ The first time I had a proper undifferentiated wild battle within the gym, and my partner is actually you."


While Aisha was surveying the opposing ground from below, Sabrina was also watching him from behind a terrace.


Taking several deep breaths, Sabrina did her best to suppress her psychic disorder.

For the past week, she had sunk under the weight of her "Future Sight" defeat.

Today, the day of destiny had finally arrived.

Whether she would win or lose depended on this battle.

Whether or not she could break through the boundaries of that so-called "destiny" also depended on today's Gym Challenge, which was governed by the rules of non-discriminatory wild fighting.


As if sensing Sabrina's fluctuating feelings, a tall, bright-eyed Alakazam emerged from the darkness behind her.

This was her trump card, Alakazam.

This Alakazam and Sabrina's Psychics were in sync at an extremely high frequency, and when the two of them worked together, the strength that could be utilized far exceeded that of the usual Elite Four class Pokémon.

This was Sabrina's backbone.

After linking her Psychics with Alakazam's, she was on fire and no one was their match.

Even Aisha!

This time I'm sure to win.

Break that disgusting "fate"...


A determined look appeared between Sabrina's beautiful eyes, then she stood up, lifted the curtain of the terrace, and walked to the front of the stage.

"Instructor Ai, sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's nothing."

Aisha shook his head, and then looked towards Sabrina, who was standing over there, towering above the terrace.

Compared to the previous night's awkward and embarrassed look, today's Sabrina seemed to have retrieved her confidence and finally returned to her usual appearance.

She was still wearing the strange but charming tights that one couldn't find any fault with.

With her condescending and overlooking stance, this beautiful girl had the feeling of being a "queen".

A smile appeared on Sabrina's beautiful face.

Aisha was very familiar with this type of smile, it was the smile that a trainer would show unconsciously when she was looking forward to a heated battle.

"Kind of interesting... is she preparing to go all out?"

Noticing Sabrina's demeanor, Aisha's sharp eyes also saw through the darkness behind her - an Alakazam with a strong aura followed as if it were a guard.

"Main Alakazam, it's for real."

After realizing that Sabrina had taken out her true main force to fight against herself, Instructor Ai was also glad for a moment.

Luckily, he had replaced the Pokémon that had gone into battle.

If he had really brought a newly acquired Gastly that hadn't even evolved once in a few days to start an indiscriminate battle with Sabrina, even though Instructor's own physical strength had gradually strengthened to an intimidating degree, he was afraid that he would be powerless in the face of such an Elite Four-class Psychic type Pokémon.

However, it was different now...

"The rules of the Undifferentiated Wild Battle are that both trainers enter at the same time with one of their own Pokémon, both sides can rotate their Pokémon as they wish, and the first trainer to defeat the opponent's Pokémon wins!"

At this time, that one butler was also standing on top of a terrace, rushing Sabrina and Aisha to speak out the rules of Undifferentiated Wild Battle regulated within the Gym Challenge.


Aisha also felt that this rule was considered reasonable.

However, it was not easy to meet a Gym challenge match where the Gym Leader could rotate Pokémon as well, and the format of the match was actually Undifferentiated Wild Battle.

Sabrina one came up and directly used her main Pokémon, inevitably preparing to go all out in the matchup, rotating Pokémon was naturally impossible.

Aisha was the same...


He was also looking forward to the day when he could meet an opponent of the same high level and have a good Pokémon battle.

Unfortunately, it wasn't now.

"Pokémon are not allowed to directly attack trainers."

The butler who was performing the duties of a referee was also finally the one to add the last sentence, saying, "Of course, this constraint is limited to the act of actively attacking."

He glanced at Aisha, a complex look hidden within his eyes.

This child who was born in a peaceful era and grew up in a greenhouse until now, I'm afraid that he had absolutely no experience in indiscriminate wild battles.

Psychics and Psychic Pokémon were also terrifying foes within the rules of Undifferentiated Wild Battles - although it was said that they could not actively attack trainers, however, Psychic Pokémon had too many means of targeting trainers in addition to actively attacking them.

Counting Sabrina's strength, the result of this Gym Challenge was already needless to say...


Aisha's expression was a bit subtle.

A Pokémon could not actively attack a trainer, there was nothing saying that a trainer could not directly attack a trainer.

"I summon my fist in an attack stance and make a direct attack towards the opposing trainer!"

Chanting strange lines inside his mouth, Instructor Ai also stepped into the field of the sparring match.

Over there, Sabrina also floated above midair in silence.

This was the manifestation of a very strong supernatural power fluctuation - so strong that she could hold her body above the sky and move freely without restriction.

It was complete with a certain Hoenn Region First-level Legendary Pokémon.


Sabrina floated above the opposing ground, her toes a distance away from the ground, maintaining a floating stance.


Aisha zoomed in on his Poké ball.


In this instant, Alakazam, who had been hidden behind the curtain, appeared in front of Sabrina with an instantaneous movement.

The floating big fox raised its two silver-white spoons, and the surging mental power fluctuations that could be described as tsunami-like were wildly whistling in Aisha's direction.


Aisha didn't move in place, the Poké ball opened and radiated a light.

The light was wrapped in a piercing coldness and nailed onto the ground in front of Aisha, and Dark type fluctuations filled with an unsettling aura swept out, resisting Alakazam's energy that was attacking the teenager like a tsunami.


Sabrina's eyes jumped.

As a supernatural, her senses for Dark type Pokémon were very sharp.

Although she didn't know what kind of Pokémon Aisha had pulled out, it could be confirmed that the other party had specifically prepared a Dark type Pokémon to deal with herself.

"Ice and Dark?"

Feeling the bone-piercing cold and dark barrier that isolated her from Alakazam's psychic detection, Sabrina furrowed her pretty brows.


There was only one Pokémon that combined these two attributes within Sabrina's knowledge, and that was the Dragon Slayer of the past, Weavile.


Sabrina's premonition was not good.

Although it was said that the accustomed to be brittle, Alakazam wasn't much tougher than her opponent.

The opponent was still the high-speed, high-attack type.

Such a Pokémon was not an easy target for Alakazam to deal with - when two speed attackers faced each other, the fight was about who could strike first.


Alakazam spontaneously used Miracle Eye without Sabrina's command.

After that, the Psychic move it was so proud of could do as much damage as it did to the Dark type Pokémon.

"Alakazam, Psychic!"


Sabrina and Alakazam's spirit power instantly linked together, and the power of Psychic crossed several steps at this moment, relentlessly rushing towards Aisha and the Pokémon wrapped in ice, snow, and dark aura.

They were ready to strike first.


Aisha just raised his eyes and immediately took two steps forward, his slender palm probing between the raging cold air.

Ice, draw sword!

The raging cold aura and the unsettling wave of evil spread out in all directions at once, and a beam of pitch-black light flashed above the field.


It was as if a strange sound had entered Sabrina and Aisha's ears.

The intangible spiritual power dissipated under Aisha's sword...

No, it wasn't dissipated.

It was "cut off".


Sabrina, who was floating in mid-air and looking down at the ground, also showed a surprised expression.


Alakazam was the same.

Within their perceptions, the mentally strong thoughts released by the cooperation of one man and one pet split in two under Aisha's sword, not hurting the teenager or his sword one bit.



Sabrina suddenly realized something was wrong.

At that exact moment, Aisha swung his sword and threw out a round of Icy Wind, blowing away the dust that filled the field above.

Without the need for Sabrina's mental power to detect it, he and his Pokémon were reflected in the young girl's eyes.

"What's that?"

Sabrina's pupils shrank.

Within the expectation, the image of Weavile in front of Aisha did not appear.

Now Aisha was holding a sword, a sword with snowflakes and malice draped over its blade.

The wind and snow blew the hem of his coat and his hair in an extraordinarily dashing manner.

"A sword... no, that's a Pokémon!"

With the aid of the Miracle Eye, Sabrina and Alakazam also scanned the scent of their own sword - it was undoubtedly a Pokémon.

Sabrina didn't recognize that Pokémon.

"Dayan's cherished Pokémon?"

Sabrina knew that Aisha was from Dayan, and after thinking about it, she felt that he probably sent out a Dayan rare Pokémon that she didn't know about.


At this time, Aisha's sword buzzed.


Alakazam felt a weird wave scanning through his body.

"Defense is down?"

Sabrina also sensed Alakazam's problem.

"The Sword of Ruin..."

Carrying the sword, Aisha revealed a smile.

The Four Gods of Ruin were really exceptionally powerful Pokémon.

In the future, when he returned to the Dayan region, he might be able to try to take in the other three Ruin Pokémon.

"Abyssal Burst."

Aisha softly pronounced the name of the move.

In the next moment, his figure transformed into a bolt of lightning and rushed into the sky with his sword.


Sabrina called out to Alakazam in a stern voice.


The sound of gold and iron clashing resounded through the sparring ground.

Sabrina was only in a trance when the sword-wielding Aisha rushed in front of her, and the tip of the sword, entwined with ice and malice, stabbed on top of Alakazam's energy shield.

She even saw Aisha flash a smile at herself.

The force of the sword, on the other hand, was not at all small.

"Holy Sword."

Stepping on top of a piece of ice that appeared out of nowhere, Aisha lent her strength and swung her sword to slash Alakazam's energy shield in one breath.


Protect's shield shattered under a thrust and a slash.


Alakazam and Sabrina were already out of position.


Aisha landed and judged Sabrina's maneuver.

This move was also one of the most buggy moves of the Psychic type Pokémon


Without hesitation, Aisha blocked Alakazam's mental impact with "Night Slash".

Since Aisha and Chien-Pao had formed a "Human Sword Unity" form, Sabrina would have no problem directing Alakazam's attack towards Aisha.

"I'm going out on a limb here, Miss Sabrina, why don't you command Alakazam and fight me in a good battle?"

Dodging Thunder Wave sideways, Aisha also had the leisure to joke about it.

"I remembered that Alakazam can genetically perform Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch, so I'm kind of looking forward to it, a clash of fists and swordsmanship."


Sabrina let out a light laugh as well.

"Instructor Ai's opponent should be Elite Bruno."

Although she picked up on Aisha's words, however, Sabrina's expression was very grave.

She looked at Aisha as if she had seen a ghost.

What kind of trainer could grab his Pokémon as a weapon during an undifferentiated wild battle?

Handsome as it was.

The problem was that this was the drawing style of a Pokémon trainer?


Alakazam's mental strength was dispersed by Aisha's "Night Slash" sword.


Sabrina looked unhappy.

Aisha, however, moved.

He didn't charge, he didn't show the speed of a monster like the party, he just held his sword and walked towards Sabrina and Alakazam's direction.

At this moment, Sabrina's breath hitched.

"Alakazam, mentally strong thoughts!"

Watching Aisha walk towards her, Sabrina felt a tightness in her heart, as if her heart was being clutched by a big hand, and her queen-like elegant appearance just now disappeared.

Her expression was very tense.


With a palpitation, Sabrina's body went limp and she almost didn't stand still.

Aisha, on the other hand, had a steady pace.

This scene was reflected in Sabrina's eyes, and a heavy sense of oppression weighed Sabrina down.


The Psychic's eyes went into a trance.

Alakazam stepped in front of her.

However, within Sabrina's sight, Alakazam was facing the enemy, but in the end, there was nothing he could do, and the back of Aisha's sword, which could not be broken by any of his moves such as Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Focus Blast, gradually overlapped with the desperate image within the "Future Sight".


Sabrina was in a trance.

As expected, she lost...


Suddenly, biting the tip of her tongue, her eyes cleared considerably.

"How can I... give up like that!"