Beauty Level Increase Plan


Above the training ground, Marill looked around in bewilderment.

Where did Eevee go?

It promised to be my chaperone, why did it run off without a trace during breaks?



Eevee, who accompanied the workout, was nowhere to be seen, and Marill simply sat on its butt on top of the ground, thinking about something.


Clenching its small fists, Marill looked at its rounded belly.


Ever since it had followed its master, it never was hungry again.

Every day, it ate and drank well, and when it worked out, the resources and trainers provided by its master were top-notch, and the workout methods were the most suitable routes tailored for its after combining its master's experience and its master's personal modifications.

The master gave itself a bright future...

It went from a wild Pokémon on the side of the road that no one cared about to a Pokémon under the guidance of the great Instructor Ai.

A lot of people liked it, and there were quite a few people within the audience who watched the live broadcast who were fond of her.

Marill felt extraordinarily satisfied and happy.

Because of my master, everyone has become gentle with me.

Since that's the case, I'm also going to do my best to become stronger and return that teenager's expectations and gentleness.

Even if, even if I don't get stronger, my master won't dislike me and give up on me...


Marill's eyes showed determination.

However, if it became stronger, how did it need to become stronger now?

Marill had an answer.

Earlier, Aisha brought Marill to visit Kiyo's fighting gym.

Marillou had a fight with Nobuhiko's Feilang - although at that time, the small water bear relied on hard power, mercilessly crushed the opponent, but as a martial artist Kiyo and the powerful Instructor Ai still saw that Marill's strength was only brute force, without any skill.

So that's why Aisha had the idea of taking Marill to visit a martial artist and learn martial arts.


Marill revealed a thoughtful expression.

Martial art.

A step back is skill...


Marill's eyes lit up.

It was a smart child.

Moreover, Aisha had planned so many things for it, so even if Marill was stupid, it could more or less understand how it should continue to become stronger.

Since it was born with terrifying powers and its hard power had reached a certain level...

Then, according to the words of those martial artists, the thing that it should do now was to try to hone its skills and combat techniques, to practice those maneuvers that it hadn't paid attention to before, and to fully grasp and develop its innate strange power, and to use it like an arm.


Suddenly standing up straight, Marill was also feeling enlightened.

Although it was said that the path of the profound and unfathomable martial arts was a path that one did not have access to right now.

However, from now on, there was no problem in working on the most basic techniques... Accordingly, these basic skills might even become one's cornerstone, the foundation for one's future practice of martial arts, supporting one's advancement farther along the path of martial arts.


After figuring out these things, the little water bear also felt a burst of clarity.

It glanced at the time.

Ah, it was already late.

In that case, let's go back tomorrow and torture... Uh, challenge those martial artists.

They, along with their Fighting type Pokémon, are all my chaperones.


Marill looked at the shiny Metang next to it with its arms around its chest.

Quick, gravity hit me up!

Shiny Metang: "?"

Metang mixed some of its power into this time's gravity, and then, with a "whoosh", it hit Marill's head.


Marill instantly couldn't get up again.


Shiny Metang gave it a blank look.

That's how a little guy who gets carried away easily should be taught a lesson...


Charmeleon that was sitting and resting next to it also had its eyes jump.

Although he had the advantage of racial value, Marill, as a physical attacker with both monstrous strength and Strong Power buffs, had a much stronger body than it, a special attacker.

This level of strength still couldn't withstand shiny Metang's gravity and psychic...



Charmeleon sucked in a breath of cold air in shock, and looked at the shiny Metang as if it was looking at a real monster.

It turns out that you're the most deeply hidden master inside the team besides senior Caterpie.

Worthy of being shiny's Quasi-God Pokémon.

Scary as hell.

Since that's the case, I can't hide my clumsiness!


Charmeleon, who was not the least bit shocked by the true strength of the shiny Metang, but was instead more energized by the powerful strength displayed by its partner, also slapped the floor and violently stood up, as if a scorching hot flame was burning within its deep dragon eyes.


Shiny Metang also looked flabbergasted.

Just as Marill and Eevee were a pair of partners who honed each other and progressed together, Charmeleon and shiny Metang were a pair of rivals and partners within Aisha's team.

They exercised together, fought together, and progressed together.

After that... they tested each other's strength together and motivated each other!


Charmeleon stepped forward, hot flames flowing from within its bulging chest to between its throat, wrapping around its sharp fangs, and spewing a breath of air atshiny Metang.


For its part, the shiny Metang lightly sheathed a few layers of shields and ate Charmeleon's flames head-on.

True gold was not afraid of fire.

Like Caterpie, the shiny Metang was the only two Pokémon within Aisha's team that were fully developed.

Attack, defense, speed, as well as the special use of psychic attributes...

All of these were part of the development of the shiny Metang.

There was no such thing as chewing too much, this was its confidence and capital as a shiny Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.

Metang could be on top in every aspect, and its future was bright - this was the consensus between Aisha and Steven.

The current form was just a process of building up its strength... That's why the training content of the shiny Metang was different from the other partners in that it was numerous and complicated.

However, nothing was useless.

When it evolved into a Metagross, the sweat, energy and effort spent at this stage would completely blossom into incomparably brilliant fireworks - Metagross with Mega Evolution would also become the most reliable ace Pokémon that Aisha had under normal circumstances.


A light of emotion flashed within the ice-cold eyes of the shiny Metang.

It still remembered that time, when it was still a shiny Beldum, talking to Aisha.

It and its master were crammed into the small kitchen, Aisha's back was turned, and he said that he would definitely cook something that even a metal life form like a shiny Beldum would find "delicious".

Even though that kind of promise seemed unrealistic to a normal person, Metang thought that Aisha would be able to fulfill that promise.

Just because he was Aisha, the owner of the shiny Beldum.

Since he had made a promise towards itself, that promise would definitely be fulfilled!


Shiny Metang raised its shiny steel arm.

Since that's the case, I will also fulfill my promise.

That is, to become the steel boat that protects you!


Charmeleon's footsteps lurched.

Its flames were torn open by the shiny Metang's arm wrapped in nimbus.


After realizing that the shiny Metang had actually progressed a bit more at this moment, Charmeleon also stopped its flame output rather helplessly.


Charmeleon held its head and looked at Metang with eyes filled with accusations of genius.

This fellow had completely forgotten that it was actually a Pokémon from the hand of the Champion.


Metang drifted outside the training ground in silence, controlling its psychic to pick up a Metal Coat and began to apply it on top of its own body - this was the Metagross cultivation resources that Steven had gifted to Aisha, and Metang had fully utilized the effects of these expensive resources under the huge amount of training, and its strength was naturally at a high speed. effect, and its strength naturally soared at a high speed, and its energy accumulation was even more considerable.


With a curious look on his face, Gastly came over to the side of the shiny Metang.

It looked at the box of metal coatings with rare metal ores and gaped.

This was something a Pokémon could eat?


Gastly frowned and looked at the shiny Metang that was still coated in metal.

That's awesome, senior Metang.

Eating rocks all day long and still working out so hard is admirable.

On the contrary, it's me, enjoying the delicacies made by my master's hands and exercising less than half as hard as senior Metang, I'm really failing to live up to everyone's expectations and care.


Ashamed to the point of tears, Gastly dashed back to the training ground, circled around the track and began a speed workout, greeting Chansey in the process by attaching a layer of gravity to itself.


Gastly, who was dragging its heavy body in honing its speed and will, also felt a surge of emotion.

I'll definitely try to keep up with everyone.

I'll also be a help to my master!


Shiny Metang blinked its eyes as it looked at the puzzled Gastly.

Even if it was as calm as it was, it still cried a little when it met this level of oddity.

Of course, this couldn't be blamed on Gastly.

Gastly had never been out of Lavender Town in his life, and the Pokémon Tower was naturally not infested with treasured Pokémon such as Metang.

It was natural for a country boy to not know the eating habits of a Metang.

However... If that kind of strange thought could make Gastly go and redouble their efforts, it wouldn't be a bad look to continue to keep this misunderstanding alive.


Seemingly smelling the earthy odor left on top of the ore, Larvitar curiously came over to the box even after Gastly had left.


After seeing clearly what was contained within the box, the little guy's eyes immediately flashed with bright starlight.

Metal Coat were something it was not interested in.

However, the rare ores that those shiny Metangs used as rations were also the things that Larvitar had to ingest as nutrition within the process of growth.


The voice of the shiny Metang flattened a few points.

Looking at the Larvitar that had a longing face, but still didn't move and was very polite, this senior still reached out and stroked its head.

They were the same Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, and the shiny Metang was also quite kind to Larvitar.

It picked up a piece of ore that it didn't really need, but was a great tonic for the Rock type Larvitar, and placed it inside the little one's hand.


Larvitar raised its head and looked at shiny Metang.

Shiny Metang, in turn, signaled that it could do as it pleased.


Larvitar also immediately nibbled on the cherished ore.

Hmm, yummy!

It was even tastier than all the ores it had eaten over at the Celadon City Game Corner.

It was simply delicious on earth!


Looking at Larvitar's expression, shiny Metang understood the little guy as well.

So that's how it is, enjoying eating these ores...


Shiny Metang simply rolled out the box and let Larvitar pick out all the ores it liked to eat inside.

Recording this information would also be helpful to Instructor Ai for the subsequent cultivation of Larvitar.

Well, it might even be cheaper if it was imported from Steven's side - shiny Metang that was all about helping its master now also had the appearance of being a thrifty family man.


Charmeleon watched from the side as the shiny Metang and Larvitar shared the ore, showing an expression that said, "Sure enough, I still can't understand you Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon who eat dirt and rocks and spend so much money."

Then, it took a bite of Charcoal.

It crunched and had a crunchy texture!

Well, Charcoal and Fire Gem, a class of fire-attribute secret treasures, were undoubtedly the heart of Charmeleon.


Marill walked next to Charmeleon at an unknown time.



The two "ordinary Pokémon" that first followed Aisha also looked at each other.

After that, they each raised their favorite Charcoal and Mystic Water, clinked their "cups", and then stuffed their mouths with a single gulp.


Well, it's energizing.


Chansey looked dumbfounded from the sidelines.

Spare a thought for the veteran nanny, the team's cook, who was beginning to wonder about its career.

What were these guys' guts made of?

What could be made raw too...


Chansey wiped off the beads of sweat that had condensed on top of its forehead and awkwardly took a sip of the nutritious Moomoo Milk.

There didn't seem to be many guys inside the team who ate a normal diet and took secret treasures for food... Pokémon like itself who drank milk instead became an anomaly.



Suddenly, Chansey froze.

After glancing at the time, it realized that it was already dinner time.


Chansey sighed.

Was the master so busy working that he didn't eat dinner?

What a worry... A child who makes Pokémon worry.

Chansey was about to leave the training grounds and go in search of Aisha when the shiny Metang called out to it.



Chansey had a blank look on its face.

However, it was only after following the guidance of shiny Metang and looking around the training ground for a week that it revealed an expression of sudden realization.

Caterpie and Eevee had disappeared at some point.

Rotom was also by Aisha's side.

Aisha's side didn't really need to worry much.


The little cook showed a reassuring smile again.

Good, just take care of your health...


"Uh, aren't you two busy?"

After editing the video, Aisha made a video call to Wallace, and only after the call was answered did the party realize that Steven was also on his side.

"How did you get together again?"

Instructor hung a pair of dead eyes and spat at the inseparable pair of best friends.

"Isn't this Steven saying that he's been suffering in the company for too long and specifically asked me to take him on a little getaway?" Wallace laughed within the video and put a hand on Steven's shoulder.

Steven shrugged off his hand with a look of disgust.

Instructor Ai expressed his understanding.

Teacher Wallace was handsome, however, his words and actions were still a little too misleading.

"By the way, this time it's a coincidence that I told you about the fossil problem." Steven cleared his throat and said, "Previously, within the batch of fossils you handed over to me, Ai-kun, 70% of the intact fossils were all fossilized Pokémon that could be revived with healthy, incipient combat power, and basically all of them were species unique to the Kanto region."

"Then, based on your request, I selected a pair of excellent Kabuto and Omanyte from them, in Ai-kun's name, as a gift to the Cerulean Gym Leader... Shipment will be made tomorrow."


Aisha nodded.

"The rest of those will be accepted by Wallace and I as they are, and the contract and price, which is being drawn up by the relevant departments of the company, will be to your satisfaction."


Aisha didn't linger much on this topic.

For one thing, he trusted Steven, and for another, he didn't know much about it himself.

"Hey, after having this amount of money, my funds in the subsequent cultivation of Pokémon are also considered to be in place." Instructor Ai revealed a soothing smile.

This time, the wallet, which had dried up because of breeding Larvitar, refilled considerably.

"By the way, there's one more thing I'm going to discuss with Teacher Wallace."


Hearing Aisha's words, Wallace's large face also came under the camera with a puzzled expression, saying, "What is it?"

"Teacher Wallace should have a Feebas breeding base?"


Mentioning this matter, Wallace also had a bitter look on his face as he said, "Unfortunately, Feebas that can evolve into Milotic are simply rarer than Magikarp that can evolve into Gyrados, hehe."

After saying that, he sighed.

"Then, coincidentally."

Aisha smiled.

"I happen to have a way on my side to raise the beauty level, and the effect should be good."