Mistralton Airline, to Unova

"Ai-kun, another new video?"

At night, on top of the square of Indigo Plateau Conference, Red, who stood alone and blew cold wind over here, also noticed Aisha's newly released video.

"The frequency is so high..."

Although Red's 10,000 year old iceberg face did not change any expression, however, his eyes were filled with a look of approval and joy.

As the saying goes, there is no place like home.

Nowadays, in the entire Kanto and Johto League, there were only a few people who dared to fight against him, and the outcome of the battle was naturally needless to say.

The lonely Red only looked forward to Instructor Ai's live broadcasts and videos every day, so that he could have some relief from his loneliness.

Well, in fact, Red had been silently following Aisha.

Every live broadcast, every video has not missed, is really Instructor Ai's loyal fans.

If it wasn't for the fact that Red wasn't too fond of being in the limelight, Summer really might not have been able to maintain her status as Aisha's Rank One Big Sister.

"Nail Spreading Tactics' Pokémon List..."

Looking at the cover and title of this new installment of the video, Red, who had a keen sense of smell, also reacted immediately to what this video from Instructor Ai was about.

The praise that overflowed inside Red's eyes also grew more and more enthusiastic.

The reason he had started to pay attention to Aisha's videos and liked them was because this teenager did not focus on pursuing Pokémon with powerful racial values, but rather focused more on those seemingly insignificant "civilian" Pokémon that did not receive much attention.

The protagonist of the first Sleep Tactics video, Butterfree, is naturally a classic example of a "civilian" Pokémon.

Even though it was such a small butterfly, under Instructor Ai's discovery and operation, it still played a role that was enough to shake up the entire battlefield.

"There is no weak Pokémon, only weak trainers who can't utilize the strength of the Pokémon" is a phrase that Red has memorized in his heart.

Previously, Aisha could only show the instructional video of Nail Spreading tactics, and Red also watched it.

As Instructor Ai's number one fan, he also left his own comments in the comments section - evaluating the strategic significance of Nail Spreading tactic and the tactical enlightenment of this tactic for new trainers and amateur trainers, and by the way, he praised the anchor's operation, showing the style of a big brother of the list.

Although it was said that he wasn't Aisha's Rank One Big Brother...

"Ai-kun's tactical teaching program seems to have entered a new phase."

Paddling Aisha's homepage, Red also sighed so.

Indeed, this Nail Spreading instructional video had an extraordinary significance.

Previously, Ai Instructor's "Toxic-Protect-Substitute", Minimize, and "Pink Demon" were all good tactics, but those tactics relied more on the play of a single Pokémon.

Nail Spreading, on the other hand, affects a team.

After confirming the core tactic of "nails", the trainer himself also directs the battles in the direction of the tactic, and then the team and Pokémon are configured around the tactic...

Red also knew that most of Instructor Ai's fans were still amateur trainers and newbie trainers.

Aisha's videos have guided them step by step from the stage of not knowing anything about tactics or Pokémon battles, to following his videos and gradually moving towards the concept of "Pokémon Tactics", and then towards advanced tactics, and finally, after understanding the true significance of tactics to a team, they can start to build a team with tactical core. Finally, after understanding the true significance of tactics to a team, you can start to build a team with a tactical core on your own.

Anyway, Instructor Ai's videos always recommend low-cost Pokémon that civilians can also get and cultivate.

Following the video's explanations, it was completely feasible to imitate a team with the implementation of this tactic.

"Worthy of Instructor Ai."

The corner of Red's mouth raised in a slight arc.

He felt heartfelt admiration for Aisha's selflessness and greatness.

He and Blue, indeed, hadn't looked at the wrong person.


While his mind was active, Red also opened Aisha's video.

As expected, in this installment of the video, Instructor Ai was completely centered on the interpretation of the four moves of Spike, Stealth Rock, and Toxic Spikes, with the addition of Sticky Web.

He carefully and meticulously analyzes the logic of how these four moves are used in both online and real-life battles, explaining their significance, how they should be used within their respective core tactics, how they should be paired, and how they are suitable to be used for dirtying people... Pokémon Candidates for Battle.

Those Pokémon were basically all types that were easy to get and not expensive to breed.

The barrage screen was filled with "Thanks, Instructor Ai", "Praise Instructor Ai", and "That was great, Instructor Ai".

After watching the video, Red also went into the comments section of the video out of habit.

He saw a few familiar comments over there.

[Blue: "The Pokémon that Instructor Ai recommended to get are all extremely cost-effective choices, they can usually learn some core moves through exercise and don't need to spend extra money on acquiring skill machines, if it were me, I would probably recommend these Pokémon as well."]

This was the official approval of Blue, who was the "Breeder".

He recognized Instructor Ai's Pokémon recommendation.

[Wings of Mistralton: "Instructor Ai's use of Skarmory is extraordinary, I learned a lot from his videos, and at the same time, I also truly understood the secret and charm of being a teammate from this master's battles. I would like to thank Instructor Ai for publishing a video on Pokémon recommendations, I will start forming a new team immediately. I will definitely play with your will in the next Masters battle!]

This young lady's id was followed by the title of "Mistralton City Gym Leader".

Instructor Ai's video and himself were even more valuable due to the fact that he had impressed a senior gym leader.

Only, there were also quite a few viewers who wailed under Winona's comment.

After all, Aisha had almost single-handedly caused a Gym Leader to turn to the receiving team's tactics... It could be called a great sin, the root of all evil!


Red pondered for a moment after realizing that his line had been stolen by Blue, but left a short and concise comment.

[Man of Battle: Newbie trainers and amateur trainers can follow the videos Instructor Ai instructed if they are interested in getting started with Pokémon tactics].

Such a sentence had already established the status of this installment of Instructor Ai's video.

It could be called a stone that stirred up a thousand waves.

"My god, Red is here too!"

"The ones above don't know that Great God Red is Instructor Ai's loyal old fan?"

"'Man of Nurture' and 'Man of Battles' recognized this installment of the video together, bull, worthy of being Instructor Ai."

"Decided, I'm going to learn this tactic and build the team."

"Remember to sign up for a fighting class before learning, for personal safety."

As soon as Red's comment was posted, countless water users swarmed under his statement.


Red didn't pay attention to these things either and put away his phone.

Looking at the moon, his eyes were also incomparably deep.

"Ai-kun, I wonder when we can officially play a match against each other?"


The small water bear with an upright stance stood before the door of the Fighting Gym.

The rumors were correct, in order to cherish these last few days, Kiyo of the Fighting type Gym was indeed accepting challenges from fellow trainers and martial artists throughout the day, and the inside of the gymwas still brightly lit - that said, however, given the Fighting Gym's microscopic status in Saffron City, there weren't many people who came to challenge it during the day, and at night, it was even more unlikely that there would be many people who would come to challenge it.

Marill was the first one.


Marill clenched its small fists, its eyes filled with determination.

Its partners were improving by leaps and bounds, and it could not lag behind.

Learning the basic techniques of martial arts was obviously a good path.

It was also thanks to Aisha bringing Marill over to challenge Kiyo, letting it know that the martial artists's strongest ace Pokémon was only a normal Gym level Pokémon, a level that the little water bear could win in a stable battle on its own.

A real pleasure to abuse...

Of course, Marill's trip wasn't meant to be a mere abuse.

Well, learning techniques was the right thing to do.


After correcting its attitude, Marill also pushed open the door of the Fighting Gym with determination.


Behind it , Rotom, who had been secretly following it all the way, also revealed a complicated expression.

Instructor Ai had noticed Marill's abnormality early in the morning, so he had instructed Rotom phone to follow it secretly, as well as protect it.

However, Rotom phone really didn't expect that Marill was actually coming out to find experience for itself...

"Worthy of being a Pokémon under Instructor Ai."

Spitting out a comment, Rotom phone also followed the window of the Fighting Gym and burrowed inside the gym, hiding on top of the beams and continuing to pay attention to Marill, who was being watched by everyone inside the gym.


An eerie silence fell within the gym.

Those martial artists and Kiyo were staring at Marill in a daze.

They also recognized that this one, Marill, was in the middle of the Pokémon that had easily thrashed Kiyo's Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee earlier under the command of that handsome little man.


Only purely strength could describe this one Pokémon.

"...Little one, where is your trainer?"

Kiyo glanced towards the back of the gate, and after not spotting Aisha's figure, he asked Marill, who had arrived at this place alone, with a puzzled look on his face.


Marill struck a fit pose and then, pointed at itself.

"You mean the trainer isn't here and you're trying to challenge on your own?"

Kiyo inquires so.

He felt a pang of absurdity himself.

Where was there an example of a trainer sitting inside a home and then a Pokémon being able to challenge the gym on its own?

Besides... This Pokémon had won on his side before.

What do you mean?

Repeatedly swiping monsters?

It's too much to look down on...


Kiyo had just frowned and was about to reject Marill's challenge when the little water bear called out.



Marill nodded, then shook its head afterward, assuming a strange stance.

"This karate stance?"


At this time, Kiyo's Hitmonlee also said something to it.

After all, it was his ace Pokémon, and even though he didn't understand the language of Pokémon, he finally understood what Marill meant, though.

"You wanted to learn... martial arts, that's why you chose this time to challenge?"


Watching Marill agree with his inquiry, Kiyo's expression became a little more complicated.

What kind of self-disciplined Pokémon was this?

What kind of trainer could have raised a child who loved exercising so much?

It's amazing...

I also want a Pokémon with such self-discipline.


Kiyo clenched his fists.

"We martial artists never turn away children with a heart for learning, even Pokémon!" He looked to his two Pokémon and said, "Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, you two... seriously spar to teach this child the basics of martial arts!"



Hearing Kiyo's words, Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee, who were still looking at Marill with a face of relief and emotion, sighing at this child's efforts and realization, also froze.



The two brothers were instantly shocked.

It seemed like yesterday when they were held down by Marill and brutally beaten and killed in seconds... Oh, it was indeed yesterday.

Now, they, the two Pokémons were going to become this little devil's sparring partners again?

No, absolutely not.


Regardless of Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan's thoughts, Kiyo, who had already been touched by Marill, gave a death order.

"This child is very strong, and if you fight against it, you may be able to gain something valuable as well!" He patted Hitmonchan's shoulder and Hitmonlee's head, saying, "Cheer up, I'm sure you won't be too scared to fight another Pokémon that defeated you just because of one defeat!"



Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee fell into deep thought together.

They looked at Marill again, and the little one had a very cute smile.

Hmm... Just teaching some basic techniques, the intensity of the battle shouldn't be that intense, and their own two favorites probably wouldn't take much of a beating.



Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee glanced at each other, finally nodding their heads and rushing towards Marill with determination.

Over there, Marill also took up its stance with an example.


Hey, there's hell ahead!


Just as dawn broke, Aisha was already standing before the gate of Saffron Gym.


Marill poked its head out with a sheepish look on its face.

Rotom phone was also floating by Aisha's side.

"Instructor Ai, ready to go?"

At this moment, the Saffron Gym's door opened, and Sabrina, who was still so elegantly poised, also walked to his side with a light step, saying, "If I don't send them off, I'm afraid that those guys will say that I'm a person with no sense of humanity again."

"How could that be?"

Aisha looked disapproving.

Sabrina taught him the secret method of psychic ability cultivation for nothing, gave him an extremely high quality Ralts egg for nothing, and even provided food and lodging for so many days.

You say Sabrina has no human feelings?

Instructor Ai was the first to be unconvinced!


Sabrina's expression, on the other hand, was a bit helpless.

Randomly, she revealed the gentle smile that she would only show when facing Aisha, and within her eyes, she confessed her feelings with a sense of reluctance, saying, "It's true, it's still a bit hard to let go of a real separation."

"Traveling is like that."

Aisha spread his hands and said: "At least during this period of time, I still don't have the chance to be resident in a city."

"There's still plenty of time after the trip."


Sabrina was finally collecting her reluctance.

Regarding Sabrina's reluctance, Instructor Ai didn't have any strange thoughts about it either.

Sabrina's character was very withdrawn, and it had been hard to catch herself as a chatty, flavorful friend these days, so it was indeed hard to part so hastily.

"Well, see you later."

"Well, see you later."

The two of them smiled at each other, while Sabrina took the initiative to step forward and stretched out her slender arm to wrap around Aisha's waist.


A touch of separation.

"When we meet next time, I hope that Instructor Ai's supernatural ability has been cultivated to the extent that he can cooperate with me in sparring together."

"I'll definitely try my best."

The two smiled and made a pact.

After that, Aisha also turned to leave.

Sabrina eyed his back and watched Aisha's shadow fade away until it was out of her sight.

"The next time we meet, I will definitely let you see a more attractive look of me..."

Slightly reddening her pretty face, Sabrina decided so in her heart.

She's a Bollywood movie queen.


Aisha met Kiyo at the airport.

The Fighting Gym Leader could barely hold back his tears after seeing Aisha.

"Mr. Aisha, is this a preparation to leave?"

"Well, after all, I'm still traveling."

"Your Marill..."

Kiyo glanced at Instructor Ai's Marill and said, "Really talented in martial arts, worthy of being your Pokémon."

"...This kid went kicking and screaming yesterday, sorry."

Already knowing about Marill's behavior over at Rotom phone, Aisha, who knew he was in the wrong, sincerely apologized.

Unexpectedly, Kiyo, on the other hand, waved his hand with a sanguine expression.

"No, it's not that."

He scratched his head in a bit of embarrassment and said, "Rather, it was you and your Marill that made me recognize my own strength."

"So, I am also preparing to, more diligently, pursue... the path of martial arts!"

With Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan's Poké balls coiled in his hand and carrying his luggage, Kiyo showed a frank smile.

Aisha was also quite impressed with this guy's good heart.

"In that case, I wish you success."

"You too, Mr. Aisha." Kiyo struck a standard arching salute towards Aisha and said, "You and your Marill will surely be able to become true martial arts masters!"

"Thanks for your kind words."

The two of them met in passing, and after exchanging pleasantries, they also went their separate ways.

Aisha found the staff of Mistralton Airline and boarded the special airplane.

His destination was the Unova region!