N and Ghetsis

"Emolga, Thunderbolt!"

On top of the colorful catwalk, the slender, tall and voluptuous model lady also stepped elegantly, waved her hand, and gave the command to attack.

The dashing and confidently handsome appearance made the audience watching the battle under the stage also let out a warm cheer.


Listening to her master's command, the petite and delicate Emolga also rode the wind and quickly powered up the electricity raging within her body.

"Eevee, Protect."

On the opposite side of them, the beautiful young man with an upright stance who did not show a hint of embarrassment due to the awkwardness of an away match chose to command his Pokémon to defend without hesitation.


Little Eevee took a step back, and a shield made of green energy was quickly erected in front of it.

Emolga's Thunderbolt also slashed in front of Eevee at just the right time, hitting the shield that was holding.

In a flash, electricity was flying.

The energies of both Pokémon repelled each other, and Emolga's Thunderbolt spread out, quickly transforming from a thick beam of lightning into a breath of electric sparks that flowed across the entire battlefield.

The energy shields of the guards were eroded by the current, and similarly overflowed with some sparkling green spots of light.

Instead of being dwarfed by the glowing light paired with the electric current that emitted a brilliant light, it was filled with a magnificent visual impact due to the interweaving of the two different colors.


Elesa revealed a satisfied expression at one end of the catwalk.

Apparently, she was pleasantly surprised that Aisha and Eevee could employ the operation of guarding this one defensive move with special effects to match.

Good thing.

"I didn't realize Instructor Ai was so artistic as well..."

Elesa muttered in a small voice.

"A genius is still a genius at doing anything."

The world-class model was so vanilla with a wave.

She was a similar being herself.

A true genius, juggling both an entertainment career and the development of her identity as a Pokémon trainer, and doing it to the top in one field and coming out on top in the other.


Elesa immediately raised her tone and said, "Emolga, Double Team with Agility and Quick Attack!"

Giving a series of commands in one breath, Elesa took two steps back at this time.

Aisha did the same.


Elesa's words also represented the second stage of the show's commands.

Emolga and Eevee each stopped the energy output of Thunderbolt and Protect, the former split into nine doppelgangers and began dragging the radiant current in rapid circles above the sparring field, while Eevee took advantage of the cover of the current to quickly vacate its feet and run to the center of the field.

"Amazing energy control."

Aisha's end of the stage so exclaimed.

Now that the ten Emolgas were flying at an even speed above the catwalk, the columns of currents that were only slightly dimmer compared to the party followed their flight and continued to rush above the ground as if they were ten streams of flowing water, surrounding the Eevee in the center and forming a curtain for the stage.

"So, this..."

Aisha locked eyes with Eevee, who was in the midst of the electricity and whose soft fur also seemed to be dazzling as if it was shining with light.

"Eevee, Hyper Voice!"


Although it was Hyper Voice, Eevee's tone was still melodious.

After that, sound waves that turned into substance quickly spread out from inside the little guy's mouth, precisely hitting the ten Emolga's current curtains.

The currents crumbled and quickly flowed into the sky.



Elesa and Aisha called out to their Pokémon at the same time.

"Energy Ball!"

"Shadow Ball!"

The names of the two moves also came out of their mouths.



After Emolga and Eevee looked at each other from above the stage and confirmed each other's location, an emerald green Energy Ball and a dark purple Shadow Ball were entangled with each other and flew out of the flowing currents, finally adding a new splash of color to the monotonous stage that was only a golden color.

The Energy Ball and Shadow Ball's energy detonated at the same moment.

Along with an ear-splitting explosion that sounded like fireworks, Emolga's currents dissipated completely, and a two-fold light spread out to replace them as a brand new special effect that filled the stage.

"Finally, Swift!"


Elesa and Aisha spoke the same command at the end.

The former's extra "finally" was also telling Aisha that their performance match had come to an end.



Emolga, who had been flying in the sky, waving electric current, lowered its height at this time to stand alongside Eevee, who was standing on the ground releasing her moves, and two streams of starlight accompanied the movements of the two Pokémon, tearing away the remaining energy of Energy Ball and Shadow Ball, and like a real meteor, it quickly rose into the sky, blossoming into a sky full of starlight! .


Aisha let out a sigh of relief and stepped onto the catwalk.

Elesa was also smiling as she walked in his direction.

The duo stood beside Emolga and Eevee on the left and right, and together they saluted towards the audience that had watched the show below the stage.


"Bravo, Ms. Elesa and that unnamed but handsome-looking little brother, your performance was amazing!"

"Instructor Ai, I love you!"

Below the stage, everyone offered cheers and applause in unison.

The audience were all Nimbasa Gym staff, and naturally, their appreciation of "beauty" was surprisingly high.

Even so, Aisha and Eevee, as well as Elesa and Emolga, were still able to convince the girls with their serious performance.

There were even some staff members who were originally fans of Instructor Ai, who were positively experiencing the feeling of double-chef ecstasy.

"I really can't believe that Aisha, you actually have the talent of a coordinating trainer."

The two of them were not far away, so that said Elesa's teasing full of laughter also reached Aisha's ears, her voice playful, saying, "I wonder if you're interested in entering the field of coordinators after you've had enough of playing with the path of a trainer, maybe you can become a superstar."


Aisha, on the other hand, decisively rejected Elesa's suggestion.

He was not at all interested in this type of fancy stuff.

Although it was said that there were excellent trainers like Wallace within the industry of coordinators.

However, Instructor Ai, as an iron-blooded trainer, naturally didn't care to get involved in those coordinator events.

"My goal is to become the number one in the world, performing and stuff is in the way."

Suddenly, after sensing that it seemed a bit inappropriate for him to say these words in front of Aisha, Aisha also revealed a smile and added, "However, if it's a performance that Miss Elesa is hosting, I'll naturally be very happy to participate in it."

"Earlier on, I had heard about Instructor Ai's eloquence, and today, when I saw it, I realized that it was really true."

Elesa covered her mouth and laughed.

However, she wasn't unpleasant because of Aisha's search for a remedy and a momentary slip of the tongue.

Rather, Aisha's words were very flattering to her.

Just ask, a hero trainer who was at the level of an upper Elite FFour, who had maintained good relations with several league champions for a long time, who was passionate about fighting criminal organizations, who had a good reputation, and who was not at all a fan of glamorous competitions and coordinating trainers, could put down his stature for you, and cooperate with you to put on a performance that was nothing but a fancy show... what kind of honor is that?


Elesa really felt like she was taking advantage of Aisha.

What happened to world-class models?

A star is always just a star.

Aisha was the one who really had a great future in front of him.

"Instructor Ai, Elesa~"

Iono waved his hand behind the runway, calling out to Aisha and Elesa.

The duo got off the runway and walked backstage.

"This rehearsal was very good." As soon as she saw Aisha and Elesa, Iono was excitedly speaking out her own observations, saying, "Anyway, at least I personally don't feel like there's anything wrong with it."

She looked towards Elesa.

Elesa was the general manager of the event.

"If there's nothing that needs to be modified or improved, then, our script can be considered finalized, and the opening ceremony will be according to your version."


Talking about the seriousness of the matter, Elesa also pondered for a while.


After a moment, she nodded down towards Iono.


Iono was also bursting with excitement - having finalized the draft, she could also clear her mind a little bit, a task of sorts.

Aisha did the same.

After finalizing the draft, apart from repeating the rehearsal a few more times to familiarize himself with the process, to prevent him from dropping the ball when it came time for the official opening ceremony, he also had no more work.

The rest of the time was spent on fishing at public expense.

By the way, he could do some of the things he was planning to do in the Unova region...


"Good work, Aisha and Iono."

Elesa thanked the duo.

Aisha and Iono also naturally excused themselves for a few moments.


With a show of hands, Elesa gave an apologetic smile towards Aisha and said, "Originally, as the host I was supposed to lead you, Aisha, to play around Nimbasa City, but, as you can see, there are just too many things that I need to take care of over here, and Iono probably won't be able to take time off to do so in the follow-up."

"It's fine."

With Instructor Ai's high emotional intelligence, he naturally understood Elesa and Iono's distress.

"Nimbasa City is so nice that I can have fun wandering around by myself, it's better for the two of you to take care of the work that needs to be taken care of at hand."

"In that case, I wish Instructor Ai a good time~!"

"Well, Nimbasa City definitely won't let Aisha down."

Hearing Aisha's understanding response, Iono and Elesa, who were in a happy mood, also blessed him one after the other.

Ah... that's great.

It's hard to find such a polite and incredibly handsome beautiful boy.


Instructor Ai also had a smile on his face.

He revealed a thoughtful expression.

"In that case, for these two days, I'll just wander around Nimbasa City."

After these two days, when the rehearsal issue was completely resolved, it wouldn't be too late to head elsewhere on your own.

After all, one couldn't cause trouble.

If the rehearsal met with problems and one was not in Nimbasa City, then one would really be asking for trouble.


In a certain unknown corner of the Unova region, a battleship docked over here.

"N... where is that monster?"

Within the main cockpit of the battleship, a middle-aged man clad in gorgeous robes opened his emotionless eyes and inquired of the henchman next to him with news about a person.

"Lord Ghetsis, according to the frontline scouts, Lord N has wandered within the human metropolis for a while now, and took a plane from Mistralton City to Nimbasa City a few days ago."


After listening to his men's report, the corner of Ghetsis's mouth, which was hidden under the collar of his coat, lifted up in a mocking arc.

"That fellow, after all, gave up his pride as the King of Team Plasma, and willingly sank into the earthly realm as a commoner with the waves." He grabbed the cane that had been placed beside him, stood up, and walked over to the glass window, muttering to himself, saying, "However, Team Plasma no longer needs that false king now either."

Ghetsis' ambition was unabashed.

"As soon as Colress' research is complete, my brand new plan is ready to be implemented."

His eyes were indifferent, but filled with hot ambition.

Combining the elegance and manners of a gentleman with the behavior and ambition of a scumbag, this was Ghetsis.

This is Ghetsis, the true leader of Team Plasma.

N's adoptive father.

An ambitious man who tried to utilize the power of the legendary dragon to conquer the world and become a king.

"Lord Ghetsis."

With a whoosh, a white-haired man in a ninja costume appeared within the main cockpit and stood behind Ghetsis.

"We have precise information on Lord N's deeds, do we need our 'Shadow Triad' to bring Lord N back to the organization?"

Accompanying his words, two other similarly styled figures appeared within the main cockpit unbeknownst to him.

"For the time being, there is no need."

Glancing at the leader of the 'Shadow Triad', Ghetsis also restrained the smile spreading on his face.

These three highly skilled ninjas were his true inner circle.

Similarly, they were also the people Ghetsis could completely trust.

"That guy, his value to the organization is no longer that great, if there is a need in the future, you can bring him back, right now there is no need to go through a lot of trouble for this..."

Ghetsis' tone was indifferent, as if N was not the child he had raised for twenty years.

Indeed, N was indeed not a child to Ghetsis.

He was just a tool for Ghetsis.

Even after twenty years of being together, to Ghetsis, N was just a monster who possessed special powers because of his origin.

A monster who could assist him in harnessing the dragon.

Now, N is out of Ghetsis' grasp because of his growth... Ghetsis himself had gathered information on the other giant dragon after that, that child was only really of little use to him anymore.

"No, there are still some..."

Ghetsis' unseen eyes, hidden underneath the red single-rimmed goggles, flickered with a cold aura.

"After I master that one Pokémon, N and his dragon can help me add some more..." This despicable and shameless 'father' pulled out an emotionless smile and said, "When Kyurem comes, whether N is willing or not, he will definitely become a stepping stone to assist me in my path to success."


While Ghetsis was muttering to himself about his ambitions, the 'Shadow Triad' at the back were as motionless as three statues, quietly listening to the words of this leader.

They were the dead soldiers of Team Plasma.

Likewise, they were Ghetsis and N's spears and shields.

Now, after N left, 'Shadow Triad', who was completely loyal to Ghetsis, was willing to do any and every thing for the sake of the organization.


Ghetsis was in a good mood at the thought that his plan was being prepared in an organized manner.

As expected, there was no need to risk a puppet revolt to raise a so-called "king", and it would be the most prudent way to carry out the plan with himself as the centerpiece.

Oh... that's not true.

Ghetsis needed to rely on one more person.

That was the chief researcher of Team Plasma, a man named Colress.

That was a strange man.

Although he was said to be talented and intelligent, however, he was always obsessed with researching the potential and power of Pokémon.

However, it was thanks to this strange man that Ghetsis, who had acquired a lot of new information, had come up with the plan for the new Plasma Corps.

In addition, according to Colress's research, if he mastered another dragon, "he" might be even more powerful.


Ghetsis snorted coldly.

"I hope that when it comes to that time, N won't toast... eat the penalty!"

The only problem was that Colress wasn't as easy to grasp as N was.

The man's overbearing curiosity was giving Ghetsis a headache.

They weren't exactly in a superior/subordinate relationship either.

He always had a feeling that the other man might sabotage himself at some point in the future.

Still, at least for today, Ghetsis and Colress had the same interests...

He needed Colress's wisdom as well.

"Before too long... I'll have that dragon in my pocket."

Immersed within a beautiful fantasy, Ghetsis' smile grew more and more pleasant.


Nimbasa City, Amusement Park.

A green-haired young man stood in front of a small flowerbed, his deep eyes gazing at the flow of people, especially focusing on some visitors carrying Pokémon.


His expression was hidden under the duck-tongued cap, however, if one looked closely, one could still see the corners of the youth's raised mouth.

He seemed to be in a good mood.

"I... heard the sound of happiness."