Evolve, Haunter


Panting, the dark blue pony stopped at a fork in the road.

It closed its eyes, trying to sense the hint of scent.

Unfortunately, Kyurem's scent of ice and dark had disappeared without a trace - rather, there was no scent left of the guy himself, but simply some sensory talent from the airplane that had passed overhead. Keldeo had sensed the power of the airplane when it passed overhead, and then, with its knowledge of human society, it was able to determine that the destination of the flight was Nimbasa City.

"Nimbasa City."

Keldeo hesitated for a while before the fork in the road, and after trying to recognize the human characters on the road sign, he finally chose a more spacious road.


Because of some thoughts, Keldeo sped up his hurry.

The pony's thoughts were mixed.

One was the fear that Kyurem had left Nimbasa City before he did.

Secondly, he was afraid that the three Swords of Justice seniors, after realizing his whereabouts were unknown, would go out to look for him and eventually capture him before he could reach Nimbasa City and defeat "Kyurem".


Thinking of the three swordsmen who were unwilling to disclose much information about "Kyurem" to him, and even more so the three swordsmen who were unwilling to allow him to challenge that evil dragon, Keldeo's heart was filled with indignation.

It was very unwilling.

There was one thing to say, Keldeo's origin was also ranked within the entire Pokémon world.

Born as a Mythical Pokémon, it didn't need to evolve to have a racial value that surpassed the majority of Pokémon, with good attribute combinations and skill pools.

In addition to these ready-made powers, Keldeo seems to have even more powerful powers waiting to be discovered.

In addition, the three powerful Swords of Justice seniors have been by his side for as long as he can remember, serving as his most responsible teachers.

The colt was undoubtedly born and raised with a golden spoon in his mouth...

It is full of the vigor of a newborn calf.

He knows nothing of failure, and just as little of danger.

In Keldeo's world, the most difficult thing to do is just to pass the test and exercise of the serious Cobalion.

Not to mention that in that process, the considerate Virizion and the generous Terrakion would always help him.

Thus, living in such an environment, the foal floated.

It felt great.

Even if he hadn't really discovered the so-called power of the sword, Keldeo thought that it wouldn't be weaker than that Kyurem.

Since Cobalion and the others didn't want to let him know where Kyurem was, and they didn't want to let him challenge that guy... It used its own power to find, challenge, and defeat that guy that even they, the three swordsmen, were afraid of.


Thinking about this matter, even after rushing for a day and being very tired, Keldeo giggled out.

It knew that even though it was said that the three Swords of Justice had always been caring towards themselves as well, however, Cobalion still hadn't recognized its own strength since the beginning.

"If, by defeating Kyurem, I can also become the fourth Swords of Justice!"

Imagining the image of himself being praised and recognized by Cobalion, Keldeo couldn't help but show a longing smile on his face.


Without realizing it, the voices of the people around him gradually increased.

Keldeo had left the untouched wilderness and approached a human city.


The running pony also stopped in its tracks.

It gazed at the neighborhood with a blank expression.


Keldeo had been living in the wild, with Cobalion taking care of it.

The pony had never seen what a human city looked like at night...

It was dark and quiet in the wilderness, as far as it knew.

However, the scene in front of him now was a complete reversal of its imagination.

The brilliant neon lights illuminated the dark night as if it were daytime, and even from a distance, Keldeo could hear the sounds of the city's people, the beautiful music of unknown objects, and all sorts of strange things that caught his eye.

"Is this a human city...?"

Although it was clearly a noble Mythical Pokémon, Keldeo now looked like a mudblood entering the city, and couldn't help but stare in disbelief for a moment.


No wonder all those wild Pokémon were so eager for human cities.

It turns out that human cities are so awesome.

"But where is Kyurem?"

Suddenly, after remembering his goal, looking at the crowded Nimbasa city, Keldeo also wailed out in distress.

There were so many humans and Pokémon in this city, where could he find "Kyurem"?

"This sucks!"


"Congratulations on completing a new twenty consecutive victories."

"What an awesome trainer."

Above the doubles mode sparring subway, a male and a female trainer looked at Aisha, their faces full of admiration and envy as well.

It was as if he was a monster in the eyes of the two trainers...

There was no other reason.

Aisha had already challenged the Battle Subway for the third time today.

The first two times, he had won twenty-one consecutive victories with Marill and Charmeleon respectively, and tortured Ingo twice as a captain.

This time, he had commanded two Pokémon in a doubles battle by himself - even though these two Pokémon were not as strong as Marill and Charmeleon, he still utilized his superior commanding skills, and continued to obtain victories without any danger, and persevered all the way to Ingo and Emmet's level.

In other words, he had completed his third twenty consecutive victory...


This guy was without a doubt a monster.

"Over exaggerated."

On the opposite side, Aisha was still carrying a polite smile above his handsome face.

However, it wasn't hard to see that there was a tiredness hidden between his brows.

The consumption of a Pokémon battle for a trainer could be more than just physical exertion, the pressure of energy was even more serious.

The Battle Subway Challenge was three rounds of twenty-one battles.

In terms of time, it was almost two hours.

Aisha had been in the Battle Subway for six hours.

Six hours of intense sparring without stopping...

If it wasn't for Instructor Ai's physical quality and mental strength far exceeding that of an ordinary person, he would have been unable to hold out.


Aisha glanced at the time.

He had entered the sparring subway at two in the afternoon, and now it was already eight o'clock.

"After playing this doubles match, it would be good to pause today." Rubbing his brow, Instructor Ai also mumbled to himself as he made the idea of taking a break, saying, "Even tests require a combination of labor and rest, and while Pokémon are fine, I'm a bit overwhelmed."

However, he had also gained a lot.

At least, after such an intense command, Aisha felt that his psychic power had strengthened by another point...

"Worthy of the psychic talent given by the system."

Aisha sighed as he crossed over the two defeated trainers and walked towards the final compartment.



Gastly and Larvitar also hurriedly followed in his footsteps.

Yes, the Pokémon chosen by Instructor Ai for this doubles match were these two new kids on the team.

The purpose was to try out rather than score points.

Gastly and Larvitar were also strong enough, but not quite supermodel level.

They probably won't be able to pass the final round of the car.

But they have a good chance of getting through the final captain's round with each other.

It exactly corresponded to the essence of doubles battles where they could make up for each other and fight in tandem.


The gate opened, and one person and two favorites entered the twenty-first carriage.

"You, what a monster..."

Within the carriage, Ingo, who had seen Aisha for the third time today, also spat with a bitter face, saying, "The guy who doesn't get tired at all."

"Big brother, don't say that about Instructor Ai!"

Emmet, who still didn't understand the horror of the beautiful boy in front of him and had been looking forward to sparring with him for some time, patted Ingo's shoulder at this time and said, "Trainers who love sparring like this are our favorite type, aren't they?"


Ingo said to himself, "I'm the one he tortured twice, not you, of course you don't know how I feel.

Emmet on the other hand stepped forward and said, "Hello, Instructor Ai, my name is Emmet, and I love the doubles matchups where two Pokémon are paired up to fight."

"Also, my favorite thing is victory!"

Emmet, who was clad in a white coat and looked exactly the same as his twin brother Ingo, and whose clothing color was diametrically opposite, took out his Poké ball.

Ingo walked next to him.

These two brothers stood together, and their aura was quite impressive and noticeable.

"Then, let's let our respective Pokémon show off their power and have a great battle against each other!"

As the words fell, Emmet took the lead in throwing the Poké ball.

Ingo, on the other hand, followed closely behind.


A Gurdurr appeared on top of the sparring ground.

Boldore, on the other hand, stayed behind it.




Gastly and Larvitar also quickly stood in front of the two enemies.


Looking at the other party's Gurdurr and Boldore, Aisha showed a surprised look from the back.

"Instructor Ai." Emmet spoke out at this time, saying, "These two Pokémon have long since arrived at a level where they can evolve, never underestimate them."

"I see."

Aisha revealed an expression of realization.

I see, Pokémon whose combat power cannot be measured by their form.


The kids on my side are like that too!

"Larvitar attack Boldore with Rock Slide, Gastly, and Shadow Ball."

Aisha took the lead in ordering.

Larvitar called out Rock Slide, while Gastly's figure was hidden under the cover of Rock Slide and waited for an opportunity to fling a Shadow Ball.

"Boldore, Rock Blast!"

"Gurdurr, Rock Throw."

Ingo and Emmet, on the other hand, dryly ordered a wide-range attack.

The sky full of rocks collided with each other in mid-air, and Gastly's Shadow Ball was weakened quite a bit even though it hit Boldore.

"So hard?" Aisha was a bit surprised.

Boldore's Special Defense wasn't high.

"Larvitar, Earthquake!"


Larvitar raised his hands under Aisha's command and slammed down on top of the ground, triggering a violent vibration in the subway car - it was good to know that the train of the Battle Subway was a vehicle specially designed for Pokémon battles, and had already taken into account a number of factors, so it didn't matter even if a Pokémon was surfing inside the car.

"Jie~ jie?"

While Larvitar was on a grand display, Gastly froze as if it had heard something.

After that, it smiled grimly and held a ball of flame, flinging it at Boldore who was unsteady on his feet due to Earthquake.


Boldore realized the problem too late.

The Will-O-Wisp Gastly had used without God's knowledge had climbed up its thigh.

"What's going on?"

Ingo was startled.

He hadn't heard Aisha's command.

Could it be Gastly's autonomous action?

"It's amazing... Boldore, Sand Tomb!" After realizing that Boldore, whose Physical Attack had been halved, was wasted, Ingo decisively switched its battle mode to Assist.

At least, trapping one of the opponent's Pokémon.

However, Gastly, which was still Levitate trait for the time being, naturally didn't eat this.

Larvitar's Earthquake shattered its Sand Tomb again.


Aisha smiled at Gastly.

He was the one who had telepathically given the order to Gastly.

Anyway, Aisha didn't dare to put Will-O-Wisp towards Gurdurr.

Boldore was burned, but it wasn't something to be underestimated.

According to the damage of that Shadow Ball just now... These two Pokémon should have Eviolite as their carried items, which is exactly why Ingo and Emmet didn't let them evolve.

Gigalith and Conkeldurr are undeniably powerful.

However, Boldore and Gurdurr with enhanced defenses are just as effective...

Especially when placed in a challenge of the nature of a wheel battle like the battle against the subway.

"Boldore, Stone Edge against Larvitar!"

"Gurdurr, you too, Superpower."

The two opposing brothers gave the order to set fire on Larvitar.

However, they only dispersed a Substitute.

The real Larvitar was already digging a quick hole underneath it after Boldore made Stone Edge, and managed to headbutt it on top of its lower plate, and Gastly threw Shadow Ball at just the right time, which managed to hit Gurdurr on top of his steel.

"Larvitar, Superpower."

"Boldore, Body Press!"

Boldore's tankiness is simply ridiculously tough. Even after it forcibly ate Larvitar's Superpower, it still retained the ability to fight back.

With a Body Press, Boldore knocked back Larvitar by ten meters.

Solely, the damage of Body Press was just as much reduced by the effect of the burn, and Larvitar's stamina was still maintained at a healthy level.

"Earthquake," Aisha's command, on the other hand, was succinct.

"Shadow Ball."

On the other side, Gastly wrapped around Gurdurr.

The small Shadow Ball that wasn't very powerful, but was extremely fast and dense in number constantly harassed Gurdurr whose weapon was disengaged, so much so that Ingo had to command Gurdurr to swing his flaming fists and counterattack the guy while he kept getting closer to his steel.


Constantly dodging Gurdurr's attacks, Gastly was also gradually entering a special state.

It was happy.

Ever since, when it first met Agatha's Gengar in Lavender Town, Gastly was determined to become a powerful Pokémon.

To that end, it had worked hard to study its moves and enrich its battle experience, becoming the most powerful Pokémon within the Pokémon Tower, apart from those old Pokémon.

At that time, Gastly met Aisha.

One glance can lead to a life-long mistake.

It thought that this young man was the one who could lead it to become the strongest.

And that's exactly what happened.

Since following Aisha, Gastly's outstanding talent had been developed more efficiently.

The nutritional piece was even more replenished.

It was happy...

It had indeed gotten stronger.

It was grateful to Aisha...

Even though, one person and one Pokémon hadn't known each other for a long time.


Taking the time to look at Aisha in the back.

He was still smiling confidently.

Gastly was also infected by this confidence.

It was extremely high.

Right now, Gastly just hated that he didn't have a pair of hands that could fight a melee battle with the Gurdurr in front of him.



A pair of hands...

It's not like I don't have one!


Accompanied by a loud and clear cry, radiant light suddenly wrapped around Gastly's body.


The three trainers present coincidentally revealed expressions of surprise.

They watched as Gastly's figure gradually elongated and morphed under the covering of radiance, and the illusory gas merged into the body, splitting into a pair of palms.


Emmet was startled.

"To actually be within a battle..." Ingo glanced at Aisha.

"I see, that was expected?"


As it turned out, it wasn't Instructor Ai's calculation.

He had instead calculated that Gastly's evolution wasn't far off.

However, he didn't expect it to actually turn on its evolution within the Battle Subway.

"Still... it's not a bad thing."

Looking at Gastly whose form was gradually transforming, Aisha finally revealed a smile.

Its potential in this form had been perfectly developed, and there was no problem with it evolving now...

Rather, evolving at this time could instead establish the victory of this doubles match.


Finally, the light of evolution also completely dissipated.

A Haunter whose body color was much lighter compared to a normal individual, spitting out a blue and purple tongue, appeared on top of the sparring ground.

"It's actually a different colored Haunter?"


Ingo and Emmet only saw the Haunter's specialness when they reached this point.

Aisha smiled.

Don't worry, there is still a shiny Metang waiting to challenge you guys later.