The Victorious Victini

"It's true, the cold is still too much."

Walking down the streets of Icirrus City, Skyla clutched her arms tightly due to the cold, resting her elbows on her exposed belly in an attempt to find some warmth for herself under the skin allowance.


Aisha laughed helplessly at her fear of the cold.

Skyla's clothes were really strange.

Her flight suit wasn't like Gym Leader Winona of Fortree City in the Hoenn region, it was a full wrap-around type.

Her boots and gloves were thick, but her slim belly and plump thighs were completely exposed to the air without any fabric protection.

Dressed like this...

If you're not cold, who is?

"It's normal for the Flying attribute to be afraid of the Ice attribute."

"No, it's just that I made a mistake, I didn't realize that the temperature in Icirrus City is so low that even pilots can't handle it without the protection of the cabin... uhh!"

Suddenly, the tough-talking Skyla realized that something was blocking her view.

Wearing thick gloves, she grabbed the piece of fabric and removed it, only to realize that it was a rather thick coat.


Aisha smiled, sounding a bit apologetic, and said, "If it wasn't for me, Miss Skyla wouldn't have to suffer from the cold here in Icirrus City."

"I don't have many thick clothes with me, so I'm going to trouble you to wear this coat for the time being to ward off the cold."

"Ah... it's okay!"

Skyla's eyes wandered between Aisha's coat and Aisha's smiling face a few times, then she immediately waved her hand to show that she didn't mind, and put on the thick coat at once.


Feeling the warmth of the fabric covering her bare skin, Skyla let out a sigh of relief.

It's true that human beings always seek warmth unconsciously.

After all, the cold was too much to bear.


At this exact moment, a strong north wind blew Aisha's coat, almost blowing it off Skyla's body.


The cold wind wrapped with snowflakes blew over Skyla's exposed waist and thighs, the extreme cold made her as a pilot also shivered.

"It's better to wear good clothes to protect yourself from the cold."

Looking at the young girl's innocent appearance, Instructor Ai couldn't help but reveal a helpless smile.

After that, he helped Skyla wrap the coat tightly.

Skyla also lost her demeanor and hurriedly put on the coat.


Suddenly, when Skyla's arm was tucked into the sleeve, she noticed a special pattern on the cuff of Aisha's coat.

Although the details were a bit different, Skyla recognized the pattern as that of a search officer.

"Instructor Ai is a search officer?"

After pondering for a moment, Skyla raised her head with glowing eyes and looked at Aisha with a face of adoration.


Aisha who didn't expect his identity as a search officer to be exposed so easily froze for a while, and then, after a helpless smile, he admitted his own identity, saying: "Well, I am a search officer, but only because I have made a couple of small achievements and hung up an unused position, I can't compare it to those seniors who are active as search officers on the battlefield."


Skyla had a look of understanding, as if she believed Aisha's words.

Actually, she didn't believe it at all.

Skyla was Elesa's best friend, and she naturally knew about the latter's deep relationship with Aisha.

As a good girlfriend, Skyla naturally is not willing to see her own girl friend to be coaxed by bad men, so that when Aisha took the exclusive flight of their own airline, the Mistralton Gym's Gym Leader is to start investigating the Instructor Ai's background, and thus know that this teenager as a tactical master and senior cultivator of the identity of the boy, he personally arrested the two Rockets cadres with his own hands.

Skyla doesn't believe Aisha's claim that he's just a civilian.

"Hm~ Instructor Ai is really modest..."

Skyla wrapped Aisha's coat tightly around her and spat in a voice he couldn't hear.

However, she unconsciously revealed a delicate smile as she spat.

"Icirrus City, once upon a time, this city was also a city with a gym." After looking around, Skyla let out a sigh of relief and said, "Icirrus Gym's Gym Leader, Brycen, was a good trainer, but unfortunately, the Ice Ninja's ambition was not to be a trainer, and after the big incident two years ago, he chose to step down as Gym Leader and became a full-fledged martial arts star."

"It's good that he chose his own path."

Aisha wasn't too upset by Brycen's choice.

His mentor and friend Miss Sabrina was also a movie star, and even a movie queen, and she hadn't wasted her time as a Pokémon trainer, and her strength was even increasing day by day.


It's true to say that you can't generalize the physique of each person.

"However, the Never-Melt Ice that is abundant here is an excellent ingredient for mixing drinks."


Skyla looked surprised and said, "Instructor Ai is also a Pokémon Connoisseur?"

"No, I'm not."

Aisha, on the other hand, showed a helpless expression and spread his hands.

"I'm not a decathlon genius, how can I know so many things at the same time."

"Instructor Ai isn't a genius?" Skyla teased.

"Uh, ah~"

Aisha choked and shook his head helplessly.

"I've just been studying the creation of some Pokéblock for a while, so I've learned about the wine-serving culture that is prevalent in the Unova region."

The Unova region has a profession of Pokémon Connoisseur.

Cilan, the head of the Striaton City, was a high-ranking connoisseur.

Becoming a Pokémon sommelier requires not only excellent bartending skills, but also the ability to recognize the bonds between trainers and Pokémon.

Aisha believes that the relationship between Pokémon Connoisseur and Breeders is very similar.

That's why when Aisha was writing the Beauty Degree Report and studying the Beauty Degree Pokéblock, he also learned about Pokémon Connoisseur.

Instructor Aicha could play a little bit of bartending if he had the chance in the future.

Water of Life, a shot of vodka.

Or make a flammable iolong tea...

"Near Icirrus City, there is a tundra inhabited by Ice type Pokémon, the wild Pokémon there are of a high level, and there is a large-scale survival of the Vanillite family." Skyla at this time, gave full play to her knowledge as a travel expert, patting her full breasts, saying, "Instructor Ai don't look at me like this, but, in the past, I have also tasted a lot of good wine!"

"I don't know if pilot drinking is considered drunk driving..."

"I'm sure I didn't drink enough to get on the plane."

"You look like a drunken fool even now, so it's hard for me not to doubt your drinking and the possibility of driving under the influence of alcohol."

"Ah, you're a pain in the ass!"

Joking along, the two of them walked out of Icirrus City without realizing it.

As they stepped out of Icirrus City's neighborhood, the snowflakes in the sky gradually stopped.

"It's amazing..."

Looking at the clearing sky, Aisha sighed at the marvelousness of the Pokémon world and said, "It seems like Icirrus City is the only city that sees snow all year round."

"That's why Icirrus City was named after a snowflake."

The two of them walked down the snowy road.

Due to the cold weather, the snow hadn't melted, so the dark green grass and pine tree branches were covered with crystal ice crystals.

"With this kind of weather, it's no wonder Icirrus City's production doesn't melt."

"Speaking of which..."

Hearing Aisha's exclamation, Skyla also raised a finger in a thoughtful manner, her fingertip pointing at her delicate chin, and said, "In the past, in order to exercise my resistance to Ice type Pokémon, I made a special trip over here, and spent almost a week exercising on the tundra over there."

As if remembering a bad past, even wrapped in Aisha's coat, Skyla shivered.

"After that, I made up my mind that I would never come to Icirrus City if I didn't have to."

"...That's really hard."

Aisha showed a sympathetic expression from the side.

Skyla was a trainer specializing in the flying attribute, and her ace Pokémon was Swanna, whose water and flying attributes overlapped.

Water is not afraid of ice.

The problem is that the Vanillite and Cryogonal clan living in this tundra are all Pokémon that can learn Freeze-Dry!

One bite of Freeze-Dry quadruple restraints.

Swanna's body, and it bear it?

Skyla was really reckless to choose such a place as a workout area.

"So, the effect of special training is not bad."

Skyla could see Aisha's sympathy, and immediately crossed her small waist in defiance, saying: "At least, after that special training, I defeated Brycen once in the Unova regional Gym Leader Competition!"

"Well, that's impressive."

"I'm really happy that Instructor Ai can say that, but your words feel a bit perfunctory..."

"It's definitely your imagination."

The two of them picked up their pace.

However, as they hurried along, Instructor was also interested in the Vanillite and Snover that were popping up from time to time in the surrounding bushes.

One thing is for sure, although Instructor Ai has been persecuting the Ice Attribute all day long.

However, I have to say that the ice attribute is really powerful in the offensive end.

On the defensive end, as long as I pull my hips, as long as I rely on the ultimate speed and attack power before the opponent strikes, it's a victory.


Aisha looked thoughtful.

There was only one Pokémon that met this condition.

"Why don't we find a chance to capture an Iron Bundle?"

Instructor couldn't forget his Iron Bundle.


Eindoak Town, Unova Region.

"This is Eindoak Town?"

Standing outside the city gates, Aisha looked at the city.

The European style of the city reminded him of Cameran Palace.

Eindoak Town was similar to Cameran Palace.

Although it was called a kingdom, it was just like the countless small countries in Europe, these kingdoms only had one city.

Eindoak Town is fine, with an imposing tower at one end of the city.

With the tower as its main landmark, the city was built on a vast open field, surrounded by lush vegetation and greenery.

Standing on the city walls, you can see the frozen rivers of Eindoak Town from the snowy skies.

The streets of the city were decorated with lights and colors, apparently it was a major festival.

"What a coincidence."

Aisha put her hands in her pockets and said, "The last time Ash and I went to the Cameran Palace, we also happened to meet the festival of the war."


Skyla poked her head out.

"Well, he's an interesting new trainer, he and I signed up for this year's Indigo Plateau Conference together, so when the conference starts, we might be able to compete against each other."

"A new trainer, as your opponent..."

Skyla had a dark face.

She did know that Aisha was participating in the Indigo Plateau Conference, but she didn't realize that this guy was actually treating a new trainer as his opponent.

Fish frying, huh?

If you're so good, you're still interested in participating in low-level tournaments... Is he saving up for the Indigo Plateau Conference?

The Indigo Plateau Conference is not a bad event.

But for Instructor Ai's strength, it's got to be a World Championship or something like that.

What's with this guy?

"Ah, let's go."

While Skyla was trying to figure out what Instructor Ai was thinking, he was walking towards the city ahead of her.

"There should still be registration for the Battle Festival here, I'm going to take part in it!"


At that moment, Skyla felt that she was a complete idiot for seriously trying to understand Instructor Ai's mind.

This guy really just likes to fry fish.

"I'm not frying fish!"

Seemingly seeing Skyla's thoughts, Instructor Ai also argued, saying, "I'm adding a little test for the other contestants, what's the point of pecking at each other's chickens?"

Skyla: "..."

There's no point in pecking at each other, so you just took down the board?

That's badass.

I love it!

"Instructor Ai, wait for me. I want to join the fish frying... no, the Battle Festival!"

Well, these two are kind of alike.

As we entered the city, the exotic atmosphere of a modern city came over us.

"Golurk, wow, Golurk is flying!"

"Jynx, don't attack that skater over there, he's just a kid."

"Haha, even Pokémon have feelings for each other, look at my Gothitelle."

"I heard that some places in Unova and Sinnnoh still have the tradition of intermarriage between humans and Pokémon, and they can have children."

On the streets, there were some residents wearing special ethnic costumes, vendors along the streets were selling their goods, some trainers were standing in the open space to start Pokémon battles, and travelers at the street corners were chatting freely about what they had seen and heard.


Aisha and Skyla stood on the side of the street, sometimes seeing a Golurk flying up into the sky like a rocket, sometimes seeing a weird auntie-like Jynx grinning obscenely at an innocent Slippery Boy, and on the side of the street there was Samurott and Emboar at each other's throats under the command of their trainers.

"This place... this place has a lot of character."


They were speechless.

"Ah, that's a cute charm."

Suddenly, Skyla's eyes were taken away by a small charm on a nearby stall.

"This is little Victini doll."

The aunt who was looking at the stall smiled kindly and introduced the identity of the Pokémon to Skyla and Aisha.



As they both pronounced the name of the Pokémon, Skyla and Aisha had different expressions on their faces.

Aisha pinched up a small charm and smiled as he saw that the toy was also very graphically carved with a big V on top of Victini's head.

"This gentleman can buy one."

Auntie was also enthusiastically selling her goods, said: "Although no one has seen Victini, however, this child in our legend, but represents the Pokémon of Victory, if this gentleman intends to participate in today's Pokémon Battle Festival, perhaps, Victini will bless you to get the victory."


Aisha was quick to buy two Victini charms and handed one to Skyla.

"Here you go, I hope the Victini's victory flame can protect you from being eliminated before you meet me."


Skyla puffed up her cheeks and said in a disgruntled tone, "What is Instructor Ai talking about?"

"I'm at least a... hmph, how could I lose so hastily!"

Skyla originally wanted to say that she was at least a Gym Leader.

However, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, she didn't want to reveal her identity before the battle started.


The aunty next to her laughed at their interaction.

"Young people are very energetic, but my daughter also participates in the annual battle festival, so if you two are aiming for the championship, you can't ignore her Hydreigon."

"Well, that sounds like a strong enemy."

Instructor had an impression of this aunt and her daughter.

The girl named Carlita had a shiny Hydreigon, and was very powerful.

"Come on, Instructor Ai, we still have to go to the Pokémon Center to enroll."


Holding Victini pendant, Aisha and Skyla also ran to the Pokémon Center in Eindoak Town.

However, a pair of small eyes were hidden in the flower bed on the roadside, following their backs.


The little guy called out softly.

Its appearance was actually similar to the dolls sold at the stalls.


Then, the little guy with the orange V on its head turned transparent and disappeared.