Instructor Ai Kidnaps Victini

Eindoak Town has a mayor.

It was a warm old man named Mannes.

"Instructor Ai's willingness to visit Eindoak Town is truly an honor, and congratulations on acquiring the champion of this year's edition of the Battle Festival."

The town mayor handed the champion's prize to Instructor Ai.

Aisha also accepted the prize with a smile.

After that, the mayor could not say a word about the extra prize, saying, "If the prize money, you leave a contact information, then we can hit within your bank card, please wait."

"The mayor is too polite."

Originally, Instructor Ai was only wearing a polite smile, however, after hearing that there was a prize for being the champion of the festival, the smile was immediately colored with a sincere color.

It was just a small town's battle festival, and even if there was a prize, it probably wasn't that generous.

However, Instructor Ai never minded money in his life.

As a result, his favorability towards Eindoak Town as a town had risen by a large margin.

"I myself am quite fond of the wonderful locales like Eindoak Town, it's really nice to be able to remain a town that still maintains its antique style as well as its own unique vernacular amongst today's modern cities that are heavily homogenized."

"Ah~ it's really an honor for this town to have been liked by you!"

The mayor of the town who loved the town, after hearing his praise for Eindoak Town, immediately also smiled even more broadly and shook his hand with unrivaled enthusiasm.

The two of them were also chatting with each other, chatting quite happily.

Seeing that the mayor's favorability was almost brushed, Instructor Ai, who had been close enough, also tried to speak his heartfelt words.

"Mayor, I'm a person who has always loved old buildings as much as your Eindoak Town."

"Well, what's the problem with Instructor Ai?"

The town mayor patted his chest and said, "I'll take care of it!"

Aisha's eyes lit up.

Waiting for this sentence from you.

"I'm also a bit interested in the Sword of the Vale, I heard that it's our Eindoak Town's landmark, and it's likewise a place full of myths and legends." Aisha looked out towards the distant tower, revealing an expression of appreciation, his words filled with interest and amazement, saying, "I wonder if the town mayor can arrange for me to enter the Sword of the Vale and visit the interior decoration of the castle?"

"No problem!"

The old town mayor, who had been coaxed by Instructor Ai just now, also waved his hand and agreed to his request.

"Although it is said that there are still a portion of decedents living within the Sword of the Vale today, however, they are also residents of our Eindoak Town, so I'm sure they won't refuse Instructor Ai's visit... However, as a matter of courtesy, please allow me to communicate with the residents of Sword of the Vale, and then lead you to the castle for a visit."

"Until then, you and your partner can enjoy the festivals and celebrations of Eindoak Town to your heart's content!"

"In that case, I'll trouble you."

With that, the bargaining was over.


As she watched Aisha walk towards her, Skyla also showed a helpless expression.

She raised her hand, holding her forehead, and said, "Instructor Ai deserves to be Instructor Ai, your Rotom hasn't been cultivated for a long time, and now, it actually already possesses the strength to defeat someone else's Swanna."

"A fluke, a fluke..."

Hearing Skyla's exclamation, the humble Instructor Ai then shrugged it off with a smile.

"Uh huh~"

Skyla revealed a bad smile.

"Instructor Ai, being too modest can make people feel hypocritical~"

"I'm really not a great trainer..."

"Have you made arrangements for the rest of the trip?"

"Well, if nothing else, we should be able to legally visit Sword of the Vale without sneaking into that castle."

Having a chat, Aisha and Skyla also strolled above the streets of the town.

The live broadcast had been turned off.

Though it was said that the water users who were watching the live stream were frantically wailing for Instructor Ai to go live for a little longer.

However, Instructor Ai, who had already spent enough time on the air, decisively chose to be lazy and once again performed the ancestral skill of going off the air at the speed of light.

The "Instructor Ai, sinful and evil" barrage screen also filled his live room.


Suddenly, Skyla stopped in her tracks.

A thoughtful expression appeared above the young girl's pretty face, after which it changed into a helpless smile.

"I have thought about it for a while..."


Aisha looked at Skyla with a puzzled expression.


Skyla fumbled around with her body for a while, and pulled out a feather-shaped badge with a gold rim from somewhere, handing it to Aisha.

"Congratulations, Instructor Ai."

She gave a 'look, surprise' expression.

"You defeated the Gym Leader of the Mistralton Gym, here's the Jet badge, it's yours!"

Skyla took Aisha's hand without saying a word and forced the Jet Badge into his hand.

"So hasty?"

After receiving Skyla's Jet Badge, Aisha was surprised and said, "We only fought a one-on-one battle without Pokémon rotation, how... gow... it's so easy to decide that I succeeded in my challenge to your gym?"


Hearing Aisha's words, Skyla, who had tightened her smile, was also silent for a moment.

Suddenly, with an expression of gritted teeth, she approached Ai Instructor's face.

"Just now, that Swanna that was defeated by your Rotom was someone else's ace Pokémon, when you say that defeating that child was too easy, aren't you saying that defeating someone else is very easy?"

"I didn't mean that~"


Skyla sighed.

Of course she knew that Aisha didn't mean to belittle herself.

Skyla wasn't some hokey girl either.

"Forget it."

Rather frustratedly holding her slender waist, Skyla looked at the clear blue sky and said, "Other people's ace was defeated by your Pokémon that isn't an ace, and even if they were playing a three-on-three Gym Challenge where you can rotate your Pokémon, other people's combined battle power is still inferior to your lineup, so losing is also a matter of course."

"So, it's less troublesome to just assume that you'll lose... ah!"

The Emo-faced Skyla suddenly let out a cry of pain, tearfully covering the back of her head.

"For, why are you suddenly knocking people's heads?"

"These thoughts are not desirable."

Retracting his hand blade, Aisha also refuted Skyla's words with an expressionless face.

"Pokémon battles aren't simply about losing or winning."


"If you choose to admit defeat simply because you are inferior to your opponent, your Pokémon will cry."


Skyla hung her head a little.

Aisha, on the other hand, had a deep gaze.

In the Black and White anime, because Skyla was keen on flying time, she organized the "Fantasy Battle" gym challenge - which roughly means that instead of having a serious Pokémon battle, she gave up being a Gym Leader. After comparing the Pokémon lineups of herself and the challenger, Skyla, the master, judged the winner in her mind, and directly decided the result of a gym challenge through imagination and words.

As a Pokémon trainer, especially a Gym Leader who was recognized by the League and was responsible for teaching trainers, such behavior was naturally undesirable.

In order to prevent Skyla from embarking on this crooked path, Aisha naturally had to nip the first signs of her thinking this way directly within the cradle.

"Don't think too much."

Aisha patted Skyla's shoulder.

"Your Swanna won't give up on the battle just because it's inferior to my Rotom... Right?"


"Pokémon battles aren't about losing or winning, it's a process where the trainer and the Pokémon have responded to each other's hearts, and you have to give it all you've got even if you know that losing is inevitable."


"Shouldn't you, as a Gym Leader, know more about these things?"


Skyla's cheeks flushed at Aisha's words.

"I see."

She thanked Aisha and said, "Thanks a lot, Instructor Aisha!"

As it turned out, Skyla wasn't the one who couldn't take oil and salt and had her heart set on a bull's-eye.

After listening to Aisha's enlightenment, this young girl with a cheerful nature was also quick to get rid of her negative emotions and was full of vigor again.

"It's decided, people will continue to seriously improve their strength!"

Clenching her fists, Skyla had a determined face.

"After people become more powerful, Instructor Ai, we'll fight again on top of the Elite Four Tournament!"


Aisha smiled and agreed to Skyla's appointment.

Although it was said that he didn't have the permission to participate in the Elite Four Tournament yet.

However... There would definitely be in the future.

"Then, the badge."

"This badge you said is mine, personally, so it's really mine now."


Skyla cried.

Aisha, on the other hand, flipped his wrist and put away the one Jet badge.

"Right as a lesson for you to grow a little, as a Gym Leader, gym badges can't just be given away."

"Bad, Instructor Ai, bad!"

"Stop it, this is the first badge I've gotten in the Unova region, I must find a display frame to collect it when I get back home."


The duo sort of talked and laughed as they walked in the direction of the park.


At the corner, looking at the distant backs of a man and a woman, the petite Victini also revealed a puzzled and curious expression.


It looked at the teenager.

The teenager's body was entwined with a surging sense of victory as always.

It looked at the girl again.

Originally, after the girl had been defeated by the teenager, her emotions and victory aura had sunk to the bottom.

However, now, after some conversation, that girl's emotions had actually magically returned to normal, and even the victory aura entwined in her body had flourished.


Victini revealed a puzzled expression.

It realized that the key to the girl's change was the boy's words.


Victini revealed eyes full of starlight.

So powerful.

Could it be that the teenager was the same type of existence as herself?


With curiosity, Victini concealed its figure and quietly followed Aisha's footsteps.


"Swanna, how does it feel?"

On top of the park bench, Aisha smiled and handed Swanna a crystal clear blue Pokéblock.


Swanna's eyes lit up after it bit into the Pokéblock with its long yellow beak and swallowed it.

"Is it really that delicious?" Skyla held her face next to him.

"It's good if you like it."

Aisha put away the box of Pokéblock.

"I promised Elesa to help the two of you order a Pokéblock specializing in Flying and Electric type Pokémon respectively after this one is over."

"In that case, please!"

Skyla didn't make any pretense and put her hands together in a "please" gesture towards Aisha.

She had just made up her mind to vigorously become stronger.

Now, there was no way Skyla would let go of this opportunity to change to a higher quality nutritional supplement.


Swanna, on the other hand, stood quietly next to Skyla like an elegant ballerina.

Pokéblock is delicious.

However, adhering to elegance one must not lose one's temper over a mouthful.

Hmm... even if it's delicious, one should still be expressionless.


Swanna raised its wings slightly, covering its face.


Marill poked its head out from the side.


Haunter's pair of ghostly hands grabbed two large handfuls of Pokéblock that were exclusively for it, and in one gulp, it stuffed them all within a large mouth, chewing with a happy expression.


Eevee, on the other hand, stood underneath Haunter with a wicked grin on its face.


Swanna had a confused look on its face.

What do you guys want?




The three Pokémon took a step closer to it at the same time.

Oh, you're blushing.

Show it to me!


The shy Swanna immediately flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

Haunter, on the other hand, caught up with it by grabbing Marill and Eevee with one hand.

"Instructor Ai's Pokémon are so much fun."

"Too naughty..."

On top of the bench, watching the interaction of these little ones, Skyla and Aisha were also laughing and shaking their heads helplessly.


Above the ground, Charmeleon looked up at Haunter relying on its Levitate characteristics to fly freely above the sky, and couldn't help but reveal an expression of envy.

It too had always longed for flight.

Charmeleon knew that it possessed the ability to fly after evolving into a Charizard.

However, nowadays, it was not sure how long it would take for it to evolve, so it could only watch its partners fly.

In the meantime, because of his own muscular body, he naturally couldn't count on Haunter to fly with him.


Shaking its head helplessly, Charmeleon reached out and touched its back.

In the future, a pair of wings would grow here.

In that case, why not familiarize yourself with the flying position in advance?


Charmeleon thought that this one thing was feasible.

A wisp of fire erupted from within its nostrils, after which, it bent its knees.


Vaguely, the Charmeleon, which had set up its jumping maneuver, seemed to have heard something.

However, it didn't care.

There were also quite a few wild Pokémon within this park, so it wasn't strange to hear unfamiliar sounds.


Charmeleon felt a small touch on its back.


Its eyes widened at once.

A magical energy surged into its body, and Charmeleon felt like it could.

Even flying wasn't out of the question!



Hearing Charmeleon's voice, Chansey and shiny Metang that were chatting nearby also turned their heads to look at it.

In the next moment, they saw an unforgettable image - Charmeleon bent its knees, jumped up a hundred meters in place, and tackled Haunter, who was harassing Swanna in the sky, with one hand.


Haunter looked confused.



Eevee and Marill looked at each other with eyes full of confusion.




In the next moment, they were following the Charmeleon as it fell towards the ground.

Haunter halfway released Eevee and Marill, while Swanna, who was paying attention to this side, quickly caught the two little ones.

Chansey and shiny Metang then used their Psychic and Helping Hand, and steadily caught Charmeleon and Haunter.


Rotom raised its head in bewilderment.

What had happened?

"Everyone, stop it."

At this time, Aisha's voice caught the Pokémon's attention.


Meeting everyone's gaze, he pulled out a large box.

Opening it, a large pile of colorful small round cakes, accompanied by a spray of fragrance, caught the eyes of the Pokémon.

"Try the macaron I bought on purpose."

Aisha gave a smile.

At once, everyone cheered out in unison as well.


Victini, who had hidden between the tree canopies with a curious face, also turned its head immediately after smelling the smell of macaron, and looked with glowing eyes at Aisha and the box with the dessert.


Victini chose to follow its heart.

It maintained its invisible stance and floated towards Aisha.

"Yay~ macaron is so delicious~"

Pinching a macaron, Aisha deliberately raised his hand and pretended to bring it to his mouth.

Suddenly, Instructor Ai's fingers pinched nothing.

That one sweet mouthful of macaron then disappeared.


Aisha didn't get angry, but instead revealed a smile of success.

He had noticed that someone was spying on him earlier, and his search for that guy came up empty again.

Instructor Ai was now a psychic.

The fact that he could evade his search meant that the other party was not an ordinary person.



Ahead of Aisha, the air twisted and a petite figure appeared within his sight.

The little guy puffed out his cheeks with an expression like he was choking.

"Here, take a sip to smooth it out."


A hand handed it a cup of water, and Victini hastily took it, taking a sip and swallowing the macaron that was stuck in its throat.


Exhaling a breath, Victini touched its chest with a 'back to life' expression.

However, the next moment, its expression stiffened.


Turning its head, Victini was greeted by a beautiful face.

"Hello, Victini."

Instructor Ai revealed a harmless smile and said, "How are you going to pay for eating my macaron?"