Your Cheat Has Arrived

"I see."

Sighing, N lifted his head back up and looked directly into Aisha's eyes.

He understood.

Instructor Ai said that he was holding a First-level Legendary Pokémon, and that First-level Legendary Pokémon was clearly not today's Reshiram.

Now that he had become White Hero, he was holding at least two First-level Legendary Pokémon.

Combined with Instructor Ai's Champion-level Trainer ability, he was so strong that he could take on Ghetsis by himself, without the need for him to be a drag.


N's perception of himself was that he was a drag.

Even though he had become a Black Hero and was in charge of Zekrom, N thought that he was still a drag for Aisha.

There was no other reason.

Because his own trainer level is not as good as Ghetsis.

Instructor Ai had also said that the future Ghetsis would be mastering Kyurem and the DNA Splicer.

With these two props and Pokémon that restrained Black Dragon and White Dragon, together with Ghetsis's ability, the chances of him giving him food were almost 100%.

At that time, Zekrom would also become Kyurem's sustenance, helping Kyurem become an even stronger Black Kyurem.

Even so, Instructor Ai still took the risk that Kyurem might have strengthened his strength within the battle, pulling himself along and participating in the plan against Ghetsis.

Why was that?

If it was N in the past, he might have wondered about it and even doubted Instructor Ai's true purpose.

Nowadays, it would not.

Instructor Ai had not only guided him out of his confusion, but he had also faced his heart and realized what true ideals were.

He also became the Truth Hero of this generation, recognized by Reshiram as the White Hero who rides the White Dragon.

Such... how could a holy man covet anything about himself?

"I understand, Instructor Ai!"

Holding onto Zekrom's neck, N stood up straight.

A smile that was grateful was also raised above his face that had been expressionless.

"Thanks a lot, Instructor Ai."

He gave a thank you to Aisha.

At this point in time, N finally understood Instructor Ai's painstaking efforts.

Why, at the risk that he might feed Kyurem and Ghetsis within the battle, did Instructor Ai want to merge with himself and bring himself to participate in the battle with Zekrom?

Was he really just greedy for a Zekrom's combat power?

No, it couldn't be...

Instructor Ai was doing it to give himself a chance to face Ghetsis head on, having defeated Ghetsis and Kyurem squarely and liberated himself.

Since childhood, Ghetsis has compelled N with flowery words.

Even now, when N has broken with Ghetsis, the indoctrination of the mind for more than a decade is not something that is so easy to get rid of.

Even now, every sleepless late night, N still couldn't help but think of Ghetsis' words...

That man, his nominal adoptive father was like his nightmare, tormenting the confused N all the time.

The only way to get rid of that nightmare is to face that man head on and... Defeat him!

Instructor Ai had given himself that chance...


N gazed at Reshiram and Aisha.

From his angle, White Dragon's back was facing the sun.

The sunlight made Reshiram's white feathers shimmer with an even brighter light, while at the same time casting a shadow over it and White Hero.


N unconsciously pronounced the word.

Ah, yes.

Aisha for N is nothing less than an angel who carries the bounty of heaven and descends to redeem him.

He showed himself the way.

He provided himself with revenge as well as a way to free himself.


N clenched his fist.

Now that Instructor Ai had become White Hero, the first time he started the battle between Black and White Hero was naturally not to defeat himself.

He was doing it in order to make himself understand the gap between himself and a true champion level trainer nowadays.

So that, he would have a goal to strive for and compare himself to after this battle.

In that case, when it really came time to deal with Ghetsis, one's heart would have a little bit of a bottom, and one's victory rate would naturally rise.

"I see."

How powerful, how rational.

He showed himself the way forward.

"Worthy of you, Instructor Ai!"

N shouted and straightened his spine, not avoiding meeting Aisha's line of sight.

[Black Hero, have you figured it out yet?]

Zekrom's playful voice also resounded in N's mind.

As wise as Black Dragon was, it naturally saw that N's relationship with White Hero was not ordinary.

It did not know exactly what had happened between the two.

It also had no intention of probing into just how complicated the relationship between the two was...

Anyway, Reshiram and it were just dragons.

The only thing they needed to do was to fight, and assist the heroes they recognized in their battles.

They don't care about anything else.

Let the heroes take care of their own matters.

"Reshiram, Fusion Flare!"

"Zekrom, Fusion Bolt!"

Aisha was the first to give the command to attack, and N followed suit, commanding Zekrom to counterattack with a move of the same specification.



The two dragons roared as they unleashed scorching flames and intense lightning, and the two powerful attacks collided above the sky.

The sizzling and intense energies were frantically fighting against each other, eroding each other.


A violent explosion swept through the sky, the fire and smoke from the explosion obscuring the sight of both warring parties.

"Reshiram, sweep with Flamethrower."

Aisha immediately gave the most suitable offensive command to take at this time the instant the explosion occurred.


Reshiram flapped its wings and after retreating a dozen meters, it breathed out a roiling curtain of fire.

Between the flames and the black smoke, a hint of electricity flickered vaguely.


In the next moment, thunderous lightning tore through the thick smoke against Reshiram's jet of flame.

"Dodge, towards the left."


Reshiram easily dodged Zekrom's attack with Aisha's warning.

And, delicately made up for it with a shot of Flamethrower that burned its arm just right.

"Not bad."


Hearing Aisha's praise, Reshiram unconsciously raised its own head, revealing a somewhat smug expression.

It wasn't that it was unsteady.

It was mainly because Aisha was different from the previous White Hero.

If it was the previous White Hero, in front of ordinary people, Reshiram would of course have to be all seniors and Ideal Dragon.

This one Vicious Man was different.

For a human who can kill so many First-level Legendary Pokémon, Second-level Legendary Pokémon, and Mythical Pokémon alone, if it is his praise, it is quite valuable.

"Zekrom, Thunderbolt!"

This time, Aisha heard N's voice.

"Reshiram, Protect, then diffuse Draco Meteor."


Reshiram put up a shield of energy in front of its body in time to steadily block Zekrom's Thunderbolt, and it took the opportunity to build up Draco Meteor's energy behind the shield.

"That's... not good!"

After Thunderbolt's confrontation with Protect was over, N fixed his eyes on it, only to realize that Reshiram had a ball of light inside its mouth.

That ball of light contained a terrifying explosive energy.

And, Reshiram had unconsciously distanced itself from Zekrom within those previous exchanges, so even if it wanted to stop it from building up its power, it was too late.

"Zekrom, defense, Protect!"


Zekrom did not doubt it, and immediately raised its thick arms to guard its body, glowing energy turning into a shield.

At this time, Reshiram also flung out Draco Meteor's ball of light.


The celestial Dragon Meteor also burst into flames.

Countless balls of energy attacked Zekrom and N as if they were raining down.

They crashed on top of Zekrom's Protect, bursting out with energy as terrifying as destruction.

Most of the energy balls crossed over Zekrom and smashed into the earth.

"Boom-!!!" "Boom-!!!" "Boom-!!!"

A series of explosions rang out from the ears and from behind.

N was almost deafened by such intense explosions.


Vaguely, he heard a strange sound different from the explosions.

However, this one sound was quickly drowned out by the subsequent sound of the Draco Meteor's explosion.

When N realized something was wrong and turned his head, it was already too late.


A huge blue fireball came face to face, its flames illuminating N's face.

It then blasted above Zekrom's back without mercy.


Zekrom let out an angry roar under the searing pain.

After bracing itself against Protect and fending off the last Draco Meteor, it turned around violently and unleashed a Fusion Bolt at full force.


Fusion Bolt met Reshiram's Fusion Flare.

The expected explosion, on the other hand, did not happen.

Because the angle of Fusion Flare's launch was raised by a few points, the two beams of attack just missed each other by a fraction of a second and shot forward.


Above the sky, Reshiram, who had prepared for this, easily dodged the Fusion Bolt's attack.

On the contrary, Zekrom and N, even with full speed, the Fusion Flare, which had an exceptionally tricky angle, still grazed Black Dragon's left leg.


Standing on top of Zekrom's shoulder, the sweaty N was panting uncontrollably.

He took the time to look below.

The ground that was originally flat had turned into a scorched wasteland, and as far as the eye could see, there wasn't a single intact place to be found, covered with deep gullies and explosive craters.


At that moment, Reshiram's roar once again interrupted N's thoughts.

A layer of destructive energy was wrapped around White Dragon's body.

It actually charged straight towards Zekrom and himself.


N narrowed his eyes, thought quickly, and said, "Zekrom, let's use Bolt Strike!"


Zekrom powered up its Mega Voltage, and BLUE Lightning wrapped around its entire body in an instant.

This is one of its exclusive moves.

Moreover, in close combat, it was bound to be Zekrom's advantage.

Although, N didn't know why Aisha had inexplicably given up Reshiram's long-range advantage and switched to melee combat instead.

However, nowadays, there was only a hard fight to be had.


Black Dragon and White Dragon let out a roar together, and then, violently collided together.


After a tiny sound, Reshiram's body exploded into a cloud of smoke.


N's eyes widened.

If Substitute, why didn't Zekrom notice?

"Blue Flare."

Aisha's voice forcibly roused N's thoughts.

In the distance, Reshiram, who had reappeared between the white clouds, had built up Blue Flare's energy and unleashed a hot ball of blue fire towards Zekrom and himself.

Wherever Blue Flare passed, the air was distorted...

The speed was even more shameful.

"Zekrom, Bolt Strike!"

Zekrom understood N's meaning.

It drove the megavoltage to the maximum, and the roaring thunderbolt wrapped around its huge body, meeting Reshiram's Blue Flare with a single breath.


Bolt Strike crashed through Blue Flare, and even though it took damage, Zekrom still charged forward towards Reshiram.

"Hmm... That guy finally understands how to fight."

After standing behind Reshiram's back, Aisha's eyes flashed.

The battle between Reshiram and Zekrom... It boiled down to a battle between White Hero and Black Hero.

Because the strength of the two dragons was comparable, at most they only specialized in different areas, other than that there was no difference.

Then, the factor that affected the battle was their trainers.

The battle between myself and N also presented this problem.

Reshiram, who was under his own command, had not suffered any substantial damage from the beginning to the end.

Zekrom under N's command, had nearly suffocated to death...

"One more time, Blue Flare!"


Reshiram's torch-like flowing tail blossomed into a brilliant fire, BLUE flames draped between its white feathers and flowing all over its body.


Looking at N and Zekrom, who had already rushed in front of herself and Reshiram, Aisha's mouth revealed a mocking curve.

The advantage had been accumulated enough.

After that, even if it was a hard fight, the victor would inevitably be himself.


In the next moment, Reshiram's Blue Flare and Zekrom's Bolt Strike, collided head-on.

The extreme power of flame and lightning was finally unleashed without reservation, sweeping the sky and the earth.

The ground, which was already on the verge of being shattered, was even more damaged under the aftermath of the two moves.



Reshiram and Zekrom retreated dozens of meters under the blast of energy.

Some wounds finally appeared on Reshiram's body.

However, these wounds were nothing compared to Zekrom's injuries.

Blood earned!

After that, Aisha and N were the ones who rode Reshiram into a head-on battle with Zekrom.

It was a contest between fire and thunder.

Dragon's blow burns the sky.

Dragon's dominance crushes the earth.

The wild Pokémon living in the surrounding area had scattered in all directions because of the terrifying aura of Reshiram and Zekrom before the battle between the two dragons had begun.

Now, this piece of land that was originally a snowy plain had been completely shattered under Reshiram's flames and Zekrom's lightning.


Another miss, Zekrom ate Reshiram's Blue Flare unguardedly, and its huge body was blasted into a mountain peak aside by the fierce explosion.


Debris flew as Zekrom blasted through the small mountain.

It lay between the broken mountainside, and N rolled off the top of its shoulders.

"How was it?"

Aisha's voice came through.

N looked up and saw the Reshiram-riding Instructor Ai had caught up with his Zekrom.

The White Dragon was panting slightly.

Its body was strewn with Bolt Strike scars.

However, it was limited to the scars.

Reshiram still had enough residual strength left to sustain a high-intensity fight.

On the contrary, Zekrom...

It had burn marks all over the top of its pitch-black armor, and its injuries were very serious.

N heard Zekrom's heavy panting.

It was already at the end of its rope.

The negative status of the burns continued to drain Zekrom's stamina.

Right now, a single normal power move would be enough to defeat it.


Sitting paralyzed between the broken mountains, N sighed.

Clearly, Zekrom and Reshiram were Pokémon of the same caliber.

However, he himself had lost miserably to Aisha.

This was the gap between trainers.

He and Zekrom were at a disadvantage right from the start, and after that, he entered into the rhythm of Instructor Ai, and was completely led by him...

This time, the battle between the black and white heroes was a magnificent victory for White Hero.

"I lost, Instructor Ai."

N lowered his head.

There was no shame in losing to Aisha.


Aisha, however, did not look at him.



Victini poked its head out from the inside of Instructor Ai's arms.


"Lo, what's wrong?" Rotom had a puzzled look on its face.

It didn't know what use it had on this occasion.

"It's time to finish your mission, Rotom."

Aisha, on the other hand, curled her lips.


"Victini energizes Rotom, and Rotom uses Hex towards Zekrom!"


N looked up with a stunned face.

He saw a brilliant energy released between Victini's small hands, the energy merged into Rotom's body, and Rotom proceeded to unleash an incomparably terrifying attack.

"Lo~ You will be defeated by me!"


The attack that had been empowered by the Victory Star managed to harvest Zekrom's winded stamina with the doubled power provided by the Burn status.


Ideal Dragon closed its eyes, however, without changing back into Dark Stone.


[Quest Completed - Commanded Rotom (any form) to defeat an Electric type First-level Legendary Pokémon.]

[Quest Reward: Electric Gem (Fusion Bolt)]


Aisha's smile grew even wider as he noticed the additional piece of secret treasure within the system space.

"Rotom, your cheat has arrived."