Accelerate Caterpie Evolution’s Power

On this day, the scientific research community, which had been silent for a long time, once again boiled over.

There was no other reason, because Professor Oak, the undoubted leader of the Pokémon research community, had once again released a research report.

Some well-known professors and researchers in the research industry noticed this report at first.

Then, they discovered something even more surprising.

Professor Oak was the publisher of this report, but the name of Samuel Oak was not written in the signature column of the report.

An unfamiliar name came into their eyes.


The concept of Beauty Degree officially appeared within the crowd's view.

It was a value that didn't have much of an effect on a Pokémon's strength, however, it could raise a Pokémon's face value.

Traditional trainers had no interest in this report.

Coordinators were different.

Beauty was the most important thing to them.

Standing on the stage of the Coordination Competition, a Pokémon's own face value could affect many things.

It could even decide the winner of a Coordination Contest in advance.

The famous Water Artist, Wallace, had won the Coordination Contest Master's Crown by virtue of the beautiful Pokémon he had bred.

Especially after realizing that Feebas evolved into Milotic because of the influence of beauty, countless Coordinators were abuzz with excitement.

There were many Feebas.

However, since the beginning, the number of Feebas that could evolve into Milotic by virtue of their own capital was even rarer than the number of Magikarp that could evolve into Gyrados.

Milotic is also the most beautiful Pokémon.

Therefore, for Coordinators , the value of a Milotic has surpassed that of Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon like Hydreigon and Metagross.

Countless Coordinators had worked hard to obtain a Milotic, and in the end, it was not always possible to get results.

Now, Aisha's research report, on the other hand, clearly pointed out the way for Feebas to evolve into a Milotic.

And there were still two!

One was to have Feebas carry Prism Scale for communication evolution.

This was a quick-fix evolutionary method that was suitable for many rich men and thousand dollar ladies and rich women.

Prism Scale was expensive, but it was nothing to them who longed for a Milotic.

The other is to increase the beauty level of Feebas.

Once the beauty degree of Feebas arrived at a critical point, and then after enough strength exercise, Feebas will naturally release the body belongs to their own part of the talent, like a cocoon into a butterfly, to get rid of the ugly shell, in a beautiful posture, descending into the world.

These two ways of evolution are not simple.

One costs money, one is laborious.

However, those Coordinators were already satisfied.

After all, even if it was difficult, it was still easier than fumbling around with no knowledge.

Aisha had already listed the ways for Feebas to evolve into Milotic, and if they still couldn't get Feebas to evolve at this level, it would truly be their own problem.

As for the authenticity of this report... no one doubted it.

This was something that Professor Oak had released on his behalf, so there was no need to doubt its authenticity.

Who would dare to doubt it?

Professor Oak's character and ability were not something to be trifled with.

Especially after Aisha's research report began to ferment, Wallace himself, who was mentioned in the report, even came out to stand up and said that he did have his own participation in the writing of this report.

After that, Erika, the Gym Leader of Celadon Gym, the leader of the perfume industry in the Kanto region, and the developer of the special perfume that countless coordinators had used to enhance their Pokémon's facial features before that, had also come forward to endorse Aisha's concept of Beauty Degree.

Such a connoisseur had also spoken out...

So, what's there to question?


All of a sudden, a wave of Feebas takeovers sprung up around the world.

There was even a campaign to acquire Prism Scale within the circles that had the conditions to do so.

Countless coordinated trainers were ready to raise a Milotic of their own at this time.

Those rich ladies and wives who loved beautiful Pokémon were ready to evolve a Milotic at the speed of light to be their own face.

Coincidentally at this time, Aisha released a new installment of the video.

Instead of teaching tactics for Pokémon battles or techniques for breeding Pokémon, it was a video that centered entirely on beauty.

Wallace remotely linked to this installment of videos.

So did Erika.

Within this video, the three of them discussed and exchanged ideas around Beauty Degree, and in the process gave some ways to improve Beauty Degree.

Those Coordinators who were prepared to manually cultivate Feebas' Beauty Degree were instantly grateful as well.

For a moment, the pop-up screen and comment section was filled with "Praise Instructor Ai" comments.

Not everyone could afford Prism Scale.

Since that was the case, Aisha's method of improving beauty was the only way for them to obtain Milotic.

And that's not all...

While the Beauty Scale report and video were still hot, Aisha released another Pokémon Battle analysis video.

The main character of that video happened to be Milotic.

It was only at this point that those who had been following this fiasco realized, as if from a dream, that Milotic was not just a vase Pokémon with empty face value.

It was the ace Pokémon of Wallace, the champion of Hoenn!

It was a high-quality Pokémon whose racial value was not inferior to the Gosannas, but even surpassed them.

Within the video, Aisha introduced two directions of breeding, and using, around Milotic.

A defensive type.

An offensive type.

Originally, a video analyzing such a Pokémon's tactics would have, at best, only sparked a flurry of attention.

The problem was that Aisha's report with the Beauty Degree video had sparked a big Milotic craze.

Feebas aren't exactly cherished Pokémon per se, rather than sort of common.

After the Beauty Degree evolution thesis came out... Although the number of Feebas that could evolve into Milotic was still only a handful, thanks to the large racial base of Feebas, Milotic would inevitably never be a Pokémon rare enough to rival a Paramount God Pokémon ever again.

Even commoners could own a Milotic.

That was the reason for the Milotic craze.

This craze had pushed Instructor Ai's Milotic analysis video to the top of the hot list.

Countless traditional trainers also noticed it.

And so... those traditional trainers who longed for powerful Pokémon also joined the craze to collect Feebas and acquire Prism Scale.

They also researched ways to increase their Beauty Degree.

At this moment, the traditional trainers and the coordinated trainers reached a consensus.

With his own strength, Aisha had brought these two groups, who had been quarreling with each other for who knows how many years and despised each other, together.

After all... Strong and powerful Milotic, and who wouldn't like that?


Hoenn area, Sootopolis city.


Wallace's healthy laughter came from within the Sootopolis Gym.


Wallace, who was dressed in a flirtatious outfit, pressed his hands on Juan's shoulders, laughed long and hard, and spoke in a very pleasant tone about what he had seen and heard, saying: "You didn't see that those old curmudgeons who were saying that Ai-kun's Beauty Degree Report was a side issue and a ribbed research at the very beginning, once they heard that the Feebas can be evolved into Milotic by raising their Beauty Degree, they changed their faces. Milotic, how fast their faces changed."

"You child."

Listening to Wallace's words and looking at his happy demeanor, Juan also shook his head helplessly.

"Being a champion still gives you such an uncomposed look."

That being said, Juan flashed a smile.

Wallace's thoughts were known to him, nothing more than the pain he felt from it.

Juan himself felt the same way.

They, the Coordinators, had been challenged by the field of traditional trainers from the very beginning.

The traditional trainers thought that Coordinators who did not pursue the power of Pokémon and Pokémon battles, but devoted themselves to the Coordination Contest, racking their brains to improve the value of their Pokémon's face and the magnificence of their moves, were all flashy and not worthy of being called trainers.

Although, this kind of speech has slightly decreased with the appearance of Juan, Wallace, and other people whose main profession is a Coordinator, but their strength is not weak at all.

However, the conflict between the two fields of traditional trainers and coordinated trainers has always existed as well.

Traditional trainers scolded coordinating trainers for practicing things that were all flowery.

Coordinators say traditional trainers only have muscles inside their heads.

"Over the years, because the Coordinators' workout style can enhance a Pokémon's mastery of moves, and thus enhance a Pokémon's control over its own energy after the conclusion that it can enhance a Pokémon's control over its own energy was spread, some of the younger juniors have already let go of their prejudice against us Coordinators, and there are even some children who know how to be adaptable who took the initiative to ask for advice from us on the Coordination Pokémon exercise." Juan straightened his sleeves, paused, and said, "However, as you know, Coordinators are ultimately still a niche field, and the traditional trainers who are willing to learn about us are a small minority."


Listening to his Master talk about these words, Wallace also restrained the smile that was spreading on his face, revealing a serious look.

"I've been trying to undo the conflict between us and the traditional trainers... However, it didn't work out very well."

"On the contrary, it was Ai-kun, who, with Milotic as the core, aligned what the traditional trainers and the coordinated trainers were pursuing, effectively removing the conflicts between these two factions of trainers." Juan revealed a helpless expression and said, "Taking advantage of this trend, countless traditional trainers, in order to obtain a Milotic that is strong enough, instead of choosing to use Prism Scale to allow Feebas to evolve, they would choose to use the method of enhancing beauty, step by step, to cultivate a Feebas into a Milotic ."

"They will gradually understand Beauty Degree in this process, and feel the benefits of Beauty Degree and Coordination Exercise Method for Pokémon."

Juan spread his hands and revealed an expression of emotion, saying, "In this way, the conflict between traditional trainers and coordinated trainers will naturally lighten up quite a bit..."

Wallace nodded his head as well.

"Not bad for Ai-kun."

"What I could never do in my entire life has been done so simply by this young man." Juan gave a bitter smile and looked out the window at the seascape.

The waves were rippling.

The seascape of Sootopolis City was still beautiful and so touching.

Juan's heart was also filled with emotion...

"Worthy of being Rayquaza's trainer."

"Without Rayquaza, Ai-kun is also an absolute all-rounder." Wallace added.

"Yes, yes..."

Juan gave a smile.

"You guys are pretty close."

He stood up and walked towards one of the rooms in the gym.


Wallace looked puzzled and said, "What are you doing, teacher?"

"Whether that boy was subjective or not, he made that good start after all... He fulfilled my lifelong wish, so I thought I should show it."


"As I recall, Ai-kun raised an Azurill."

"The news is so backward, it's been a long time since that child evolved into Marill."

"Well, as it happens, I do have a collection of high-quality secret treasures with water and goblin attributes on my side."


Kanto region, Fuchsia city.


Within the woods on the outskirts of Fuchsia City, Haunter's ghostly silhouette flickered between the trees and swiftly swept to a large tree.

A dull purple light flickered between its pair of ghostly hands.

The ghost hands covered the trunk of the tree, and immediately made a "snorting" sound.

Along with the white smoke, Haunter's ghostly hands easily corroded the tree trunk, and delicately controlled the spread of the poison, so that even though the tree trunk looked like it only had an extra hole through it, the toxin had actually eaten into all corners of the tree.

"Not bad."

Aisha praised Haunter from the side.


Haunter scratched its head with a giggle.

The steady growth of its strength had put it in a very happy mood.

"Haunter's poison attribute development, keep up." Aisha had a thoughtful face.

A few more days had passed since Koga's side had gotten the Poison Upanishad.

In these few days, Aisha was studying the poison Upanishad that he had gotten his hands on and exercising Haunter's ability to use poison, in addition to running the Beautiful Degree's business.

"Should I say that Kanto City is not even divided?"

Aisha had an emotional look on her face.

There was no divergence between Agatha Aba's Specter's Method and Koga's Poison Upanishad.

Perhaps there was a similar nature between psychics and ninjas.

This was what led Aisha to easily combine the heart and soul of these two heavenly kings and use it on Haunter's body to start the exercise.

"Although Haunter joined the team late, his strength is growing fast."

Looking at Haunter's back as he resumed exercising his poison ability again, Aisha smiled.

The heterochromatic Pokémon really was something.

When it was still Gastly, its base was very good.

Now, he himself had sort of developed Haunter's potential.

"Instructor Ai."

Rotom phone floated to Aisha's side and said, "You're right, during this period of time, that big stupid valley near Fuchsia City, there are indeed rumors of fossilized Pokémon infestation."


"Strange..." Rotom phone spoke out his doubts, looking towards Aisha, who didn't seem surprised by this at all, as if asking for confirmation, and said, "Logically speaking, those Pokémon have all turned into fossils nowadays, so after such a long period of time, why are they still able to maintain a living body?"

"It could be that they happened to live in the right environment and fell into a deep sleep, so they escaped the baptism of time."

"Hmm... I see."

Rotom phone thought about it for a while and thought that Ai Instructor's words made sense.

Moreover, Aisha acted like she knew everything.

Rotom phone had gotten used to it.

His entire actions were also with strong confidence.

For example, traveling to Tree of Beginning to find the Three God Pillars, and traveling to Sword of the Vale to find Reshiram's Light Stone.

And then, he really did it.

Defeated the Three God Pillars and became White Hero.

Instructor Ai had easily done things that normal people couldn't even imagine.

"...It's worthy of being the idol I pushed." Rotom phone exclaimed so.

It's great to be powdered with Instructor Ai.

[Hero, you're interested in those sleeping beings?]

Reshiram's voice sounded in Aisha's heart.


Aisha remembered that those fossilized Pokémon were very good, and there was even a powerful Aerodactyl hidden within the Valley of the Great Fool.

At that time, a fossilized Pokémon riot would be another hard battle for his own Pokémon.

"More or less make up for it."

Aisha smiled.

Writing to get along, reading to brush up on experience.


At this time, Victini floated over to Caterpie's side, her small hands touching its huge to somewhat exaggerated body.


The Caterpie looked up at Victini with a friendly smile.

"Bee~" Looking at the Caterpie's smile, Victini beamed with joy.

Victini always felt that the Caterpie's body had an aura together similar to her own.

This was an aura that even Charmeleon, who had eaten the fire of victory, did not possess.

Victini liked it very much.

Caterpie also liked Victini.

It felt that Victini's body was warm, like a very special flame that could catalyze the power that was dormant within its own body.

[Hero, I think I should be able to do you a favor.]


Beside him, Aisha became interested in Reshiram's words.

He knew that Truth Dragon wouldn't be without a purpose.

[Your Caterpie is a bit special...]

Its tone was rather derisive, as if it had seen something, but due to some "tacit understanding", it didn't poke Aisha's secret.

"Indeed, it's great."

Aisha also heard Reshiram's teasing, and didn't care, looking at the Caterpie with a smile on his face, saying, "It's the best partner I've ever had."

[That's hurtful, my hero.]

Reshiram grumbled.

It then offered what it could do to help.

[My energy with Victini can galvanize the power latent within its body, and put it on the path to true ascension more quickly].