DNA Splicers, the Mystery of Mewtwo

"Mr. Aisha right?"

At Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy in a pink nurse's uniform checked Instructor Ai's identity before handing him four packages.

"Here's your delivery, it's filled with all your names."

"Oh, okay, thanks Nurse Joy."

Aisha took the stack of courier boxes and weighed the weight of the courier in his hand, realizing that it was quite substantial.


Suddenly, Instructor Ai froze.

He remembered that at the beginning, the international courier company had only sent him three express packages.

How come there was one more now?


Aisha tilted his head with a slightly puzzled expression.

However, it was with such a tilt of his head that he saw Nurse Joy at the counter looking at herself with a blushing look.

"What's wrong, Nurse Joy?"

"Instructor Ai um..."

As if she had made up her mind about something, the thin-skinned Nurse Joy painstakingly pulled out a small notebook with a pen and handed it to Aisha.

"Please sign it for me!"

"Ah, no problem."

Looking at Nurse Joy's blushing appearance, Instructor Ai also felt a burst of helplessness and amusement.

He immediately put down these express boxes, took Nurse Joy's paper and pen, and signed the signature that he had been crafting for some time, with Rotom's help.


Nurse Joy, who was blearily watching Instructor Ai sign his own autograph, immediately revealed a dream come true expression after finally retrieving the small book.

This was also an idol chaser...

"Instructor Ai is planning to challenge Cinnabar Gym?"

After getting the autograph, this Nurse Joy also let go a lot, taking advantage of the fact that there weren't many people inside the Pokémon Center right now, she chatted with Instructor Ai.


Aisha also revealed a gentle smile and responded to Nurse Joy's question, saying, "My goal is to participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference, you should know that."

"I've already gotten six badges, and Cinnabar Gym is my seventh stop."

"Seventh stop?"

Nurse Joy cocked her head a little in confusion.

She looked like she was calculating Instructor Ai's itinerary, and suddenly, showed a surprised expression.

"Cinnabar Gym is the seventh stop, could it be that the place Instructor Ai chose to obtain the last badge is..."


Aisha spread his hands and said, "After challenging Cinnabar Gym, my goal is to return to Viridian City and challenge Blue in Viridian Gym."

"That's amazing."

Nurse Joy cheered Instructor Ai with an astonished look on her face.

She clapped her hands and said, "A normal challenger to Mr. Blue's Viridian Gym would be terrified to avoid it, and it's not bad that Instructor Ai chose to rise to the challenge instead."


After uttering these words, Nurse Joy smiled in shame as if she knew she had slipped up and said, "Yikes, what am I talking about?"

"How can Instructor Ai be compared to a normal challenger, my question."


Listening to Nurse Joy's words, Aisha was also stunned.

He seemed to have an extraordinarily high status in this little nurse's heart.

Come to think of it, it wasn't just her, but the Nurse Joy from Fuchsia City's Pokémon Center, who had passed by earlier, had also treated Aisha quite warmly.


Instructor Ai's fingers unconsciously touched Chansey's Poké ball, and his heart was clear.

Sure enough, that tactical instruction video of 'Pink Demon' had allowed him to gain a lot of popularity within Nurse Joy's group.

"By the way, Instructor Ai."


Nurse Joy had an indignant look on her face as she said, "I'm telling you, Cinnabar Gym's Gym Leader, Blaine is a weirdo."


Aisha came interested.

"Uh-huh." Nurse Joy nodded her head, and her tone was also a bit dissatisfied, saying, "That guy is very irresponsible, clearly the Gym Leader, but as a result, he is running around outside all day and night, and often does not care about the gym's affairs, so much so, that there are a lot of grievances from the challengers who have crossed the sea to come to our Cinnabar Island, and are ready to challenge the gym. "

Instructor Ai lost his smile.

I see, Blaine seems to have inherited the fine tradition of Gym Leader in the Kanto region who often leave their business unattended.

It was only natural that Nurse Joy would be unhappy.

Those challengers who came to challenge the gym, but turned out to be the ones who couldn't see Blaine in person, and couldn't challenge the gym, naturally gathered inside the Pokémon Center to complain.

"Cinnabar Gym is near the crater."

Nurse Joy pointed the way for Instructor Ai.

"Instructor Ai can get there by following this main road to the end." Then, she spread her hands and said, "However, I can't guarantee whether Blaine is inside the dojo or not. If he's not in the gym, and Instructor Ai is in a hurry, you can take a look on the volcano and inside the Pokémon Mansion. when Blaine's not in the gym, he'll most likely be training Pokémon and wandering around in these two places."

"Pokémon Mansion?"

Aisha felt the name of the place was a bit familiar.


"It's a big abandoned mansion on the northwest side of Cinnabar Island, I'm not sure what the place used to be for, but now that it's abandoned anyway, Blaine makes a trip over there every now and then."


Instructor Ai remembered.

It was the abandoned public house with Mewtwo's manufacturing logs within the original game.

"Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy."

"No, you're welcome."

Looking at Instructor smiling at herself, Nurse Joy also shyly lowered her head.

Aisha said goodbye to her and walked over to the resting area of the Pokémon Center with the delivery in her arms, unwrapping the cardboard box.

"Ah, this is the delivery Mr. Juan sent me."

After looking at the sender's name, Instructor unwrapped the courier, and after opening the inner special box, a box full of Water and Fairy type Secret Treasures was what blinded his eyes.

It was full of high-quality secret treasures such as Mystic Water, Water Gem, Fairy Gem, and so on, and there was also a sticky note next to it.


Instructor Ai's hands shook as he looked at the pile of valuable, fluorescent secret treasures in front of him, and his expression management almost collapsed.

Juan was purely giving him money.

This... how long would this box of secret treasures be enough for him to use?


Aisha picked up the sticky note and read it carefully.

He found that this was the words of thanks that Juan had left for himself, thanking himself for his research on Beauty Degree and the release of the evolutionary method of Milotic, which had lessened the conflict between traditional and coordinators to the point that the young trainers who were pursuing Milotic together were quite breaking down the barrier, and this box of secret treasures was his thank you gift to Aisha.

"Am I that great?"

Squeezing this sticky note, Instructor Ai was a bit bewildered.

This was an unexpected pleasure.

Then... rather, I can accept this gift.



Instructor released Azumarill and said, "This is a gift from Mr. Juan to you, he knows that you've just completed your evolution, and fearing that you'll be malnourished, he specially sent a large box of secret treasures for you to replenish your body, and say 'thank you Mr. Juan'."


Azumarill's mouth nearly watered as it took the box containing a large amount of secret treasure.

It then made a bow in the direction of the Hoenn region, almost making Instructor Ai laugh out loud.


Instructor Ai picked up the second courier box and realized that the sender was also from the Hoenn region, or Steven.


Aisha was a bit confused.

What's going on?

How come people from Hoenn region one by two like to actively pop gold coins for themselves so much?

So rich brother?

"Let me see."

With inexplicable anticipation, Instructor ripped open the box which was undoubtedly quite small compared to Juan's express delivery.

The carton was torn open, and a small glass box came into Aisha's eyes.

Inside the small box was a stone that looked nothing special.

However... Instructor Ai's eyes, on the other hand, could not move away.


His sharp senses clearly perceived a familiar energy attached to the plain and ordinary stone.

"This is, Regirock's aura?"

[Indeed, it is a body part of a Second-level Legendary Pokémon, which should have fallen off in the outside world and was found by this friend of yours].

Reshiram's voice also resounded in Aisha's heart at the right time, affirming his judgment.

[Even a secret treasure like this is willing to give it up, Hero, you really made a good friend].


Instructor Ai also arched his hand in the direction of the Hoenn region.

As expected, it's still my brother Steven who is out of his depth.

"Here's a note from Steven."

Aisha pulled out a note from underneath the small glass box, on it was written the origin of the stone, as well as Steven's thoughts [Aisha, truly useful stones shouldn't just exist as a collector's item, they should be utilized to their fullest extent, I believe that you're worthy of this stone, and that the energy it contains should be able to help your Larvitar to grow, so hurry up and train up your team! I'm still looking forward to playing against you.]

"He really, I'm crying my eyes out."

Instructor Ai was moved to tears.

Steven was worthy of being a righteous and handsome man, the first to think of him when there were good things.

Remember, within the original anime, Steven also generously gifted a new trainer a set of Sceptile's Mega Evolution Stone with Key Stone.

This was a perfect match for the words it had written above the note.

"Here, Larvitar."


Larvitar looked curious.

Instructor Ai handed Regirock's stone to it, and the little guy's eyes immediately looked straight up.

"This is a gift from your Uncle Steven, so go eat it."


Larvitar swallowed the stone directly into its stomach and burped.

Instructor Ai couldn't help but feel that the boy's teeth and intestines were really good.


Larvitar lit up as if he had eaten a Snickers bar, and scurried towards the backyard of the Pokémon Center in a trot, looking like it was ready to let out some energy.

"Rotom, follow it."

"Roger loto~"

Rotom phone immediately went after Larvitar.

Instructor Ai then proceeded to unpack the third delivery.

"I feel like I could be an unboxing anchor." Aisha spat out.

The sender of the third delivery was Lance.

Weighing the weight of the large box, Instructor Ai had already roughly guessed what was contained inside this express.

Once he unwrapped it, sure enough, Lance had coded for him a row of flowing Psychic Gem, and a lower layer of Spirit Beads that could build up the strength of a super-powered Pokémon's mental power.


At that moment, the cell phone rang.

Aisha took a look and Lance had sent himself a message.

It probably meant that Lance saw the message that the delivery was signed for, with a special explanation that it was a reward Aisha had given him after he arrested a bunch of Pokémon Hunters as well as Hunter J in Grampa Canyon.

"I see, Lance is well informed..."

After returning an emoticon of "Instructor Ai - Thanks.JPG", Aisha put down his phone.

He hugged Ralts' egg with an emotional expression.

"It's really a good day now, before, when I only had a Caterpie, I saved for ages to buy a copy of the Secret Treasure." Aisha touched Ralts' eggshell and muttered to himself, saying, "Now, this child hasn't even been born yet, all sorts of secret treasures and innate enhancements are coming one after another."


Ralts' egg trembled.

Aisha gave a smile.

"Good~ good~ I believe in you, you will definitely live up to everyone's expectations after being born~"

Instructor Ai was also quite surprised about this Ralts.

Never seen anyone's Pokémon that could communicate with the outside world while still inside the egg...

However, thinking about the fact that this was Caterpie's hand-picked child, and that it was a special and incomparable superpower attribute Pokémon, such a performance didn't seem unacceptable.

The future was unlimited.

"The secret treasure has been prepared for you."

Aisha's tone was very gentle as she said, "Everyone is waiting for you as well, future Psychic Queen, when can you come out?"


Ralts' mental power fluctuation finally floated out.

As it happened, it linked to Aisha's unconsciously spreading spiritual energy.


Aisha froze as his spiritual energy replaced his eyes and saw some special images.

He seemed to see a little guy smiling at himself.

"I see, you are also looking forward to the outside world."

"I see." Stroking the eggshell, Aisha smiled gently and said, "All of us will wait for you to come out..."


Chansey poked its head out from the side, and Aisha handed Ralts' egg to it.

There were specialties in the arts, and normally, it would be better to leave the task of taking care of the egg to Chansey.


Chansey held the egg and sat beside Aisha, its small hands carefully wiping the shell.

It glanced at Ralts's egg, comparing the sizes, and then looked down at its stomach.

Chansey's eyes lit up.

It took the small white egg that was inside the pink bag on top of its stomach and placed Ralts' egg inside.


Instructor Ai looked at it and burst out laughing.

"You carry it like that, maybe when it hatches you can have a Parental Bond trait."


Chansey couldn't understand the terrier that Instructor Ai was talking about.

Aisha didn't explain and smiled as he stroked Chansey's head.

There was one thing he wanted to take in a Kangaskhan as well.

That's commonly known as the Boss Pokémon, ridiculously strong, and top of the top after Mega evolution.

Normally, it can also be used as a toolman with kids...aAhem.

"There's one last one."

Instructor picked up the package, and when he looked at the address, it was actually Opelucid City in the Unova region.


Frowning, Aisha read out the sender's name.

He was puzzled.

Himself and Drayden were only one-sided in the end, and his relationship with him was far less than that of Steven and Wallace.

How... this guy also sent himself a package?

What was inside?


Smacking his lips, Instructor Ai ripped open the package with one hand, revealing a steel box.

Into his hand, a heavy weight.

Opening the box, a tricorn with black, white, and gray colors, leaving a golden sharp triangle at the end, lay within the box.

"...Sure enough."

After seeing this item, Aisha also fell into silence.

This was DNA Splicers, the treasure guarded by Drayden and the Village of Dragons, possessing the power to fuse the Black and White Dragons with Kyurem.

Originally, this item would have been kept on Drayden's side, and was eventually taken away by Team Plasma, who had mastered Kyurem, etc., as a boost for Ghetsis to create Dark Kyurem or Flame White Kyurem.

Now, Drayden, on the other hand, sends it ahead to Aisha...

"He knows I'm White Hero?"

Aisha pondered for a moment, revealing a helpless expression.

In the beginning, he had done such a high-profile job, and with Drayden's intelligence network, finding out what he had done was certainly not a difficult task.

In that case, I'm afraid that N had once again awakened Zekrom's intelligence, which Drayden also grasped.

On top of that, he actually chose to send the DNA Splicers to himself, which is... choosing to take sides?


Weighing the weight of the DNA Splicers and feeling the cold touch in his hand, Instructor understood Drayden's choice.

Compared to N, the terrorist, himself, a searching officer with multiple Elite Four and Champions vouching for him, and also with multiple credits and incidents against evil organizations, was clearly a better investment for him.


Aisha put away the DNA Splicers.

This was not a bad thing.

With DNA Splicers on his side, it would be easier to deal with Ghetsis in the future.

"Yo~ little brother!"

A frivolous voice interrupted Aisha's thoughts.

An old man wearing a strange wig and old-fashioned sunglasses appeared in front of him.

"What's a guy who was created by manipulating genetics, whose body can be made by the scientific power of mankind, but who can't make a gentle heart?" This old man spoke in a strange accent and rushed at Aisha, who was packing up the delivery carton, and uttered a strange passage that looked like a riddle.

"Yes, Mewtwo."

After examining this old man's face for a moment, Aisha smiled and spoke the name of that Pokémon.

It was also the answer to the riddle.

"..." The old man was silent.

The smile on his face also gradually tightened.

"Sure enough, you're related to Mewtwo."

"More than being related." Aisha smiled and said, "You should have something to say to me, right, Blaine?"


Blaine took off his wig, revealing his big shiny bald head.

He turned and walked towards the doors of the Pokémon Center.

"Follow me."


Aisha followed in his footsteps.