Back to the Hot Spring, Cinnabar Gym

"So comfortable..."

Between the hot air curling up from the pool, Aisha soaked his body within the warm hot spring water, and the first thing he did was to reveal an expression of enjoyment.

He felt the muscles all over his body chirping comfortably as well as if the cells of his entire body were enjoying the heat of the hot spring.

The fatigue accumulated from the rush was gradually fading away.

His body, which had been slightly wind-chilled from the long stay in the Seafoam Islands, was also gradually receding from the coldness.

"No wonder Blaine was raving about this hot spring, so it is something."

Aisha, who was leaning on the edge of the pool, only showing his shoulders and head above the water, also praised Blaine's vision.

This hot spring hotel was the place that Blaine highly recommended.

He said that the hot springs here were the best in the world.

Although Instructor Ai hadn't soaked in many hot springs himself, the soothing feeling he felt inside the pool now made him recognize Blaine's words.

It was worthy of being the Gym Leader of Cinnabar Gym.

This old boy is not doing his job day in and day out, not doing the work of the gym properly, but doing quite a bit of intelligence for fun and enjoyment.

Sooner or later, I'll report him.

"Cinnabar Island is also worthy of being a town known for its hot springs."

"Indeed~ loto."

Rotom phone floated to Instructor Ai's side.

Its tone was a bit regretful as it said, "Unfortunately, we're electronic lifeforms, so there's no way for us to experience what it's like to soak in a hot spring."

"However, when it comes to hot springs, besides Cinnabar Island, Lavaridge Town in the Hoenn region is also a town famous for its hot springs."

Rotom phone turned the screen of its cell phone towards Instructor Ai, showing some information about Lavaridge Town.

These were all tourism news, which emphasized Lavaridge Town's hot spring culture, rather than boasting it as the world's number one hot spring.

However, this is not an embarrassing boast.

Cinnabar Island and Lavaridge Town's position in the hot springs world, I'm afraid that there are not many places under the sky whose hot springs can be shaken.


Aisha twisted his neck, and his bones made a crisp ringing sound.

Soaking inside the hot spring water, he felt his body float up, and along with it, his spirit also relaxed a lot.

"What a treat..."

At this time, Aisha's tone also soothed quite a bit, with an extra lazy voice.


Azumarill was beside him, also showing a comfortable expression.

To say it was hard, I'm afraid no one had worked harder than it during this period of time.

Being beaten and practicing martial arts all day long under that freezing environment of Seafoam Islands, Azumarill's body had been frozen by the icy river of Seafoam Islands for I don't know how many times.

Now, as soon as he soaked into the hot spring, Azumarill felt that his veins, which seemed to have been frozen by ice, had finally begun to thaw.

"This hot spring should also have the effect of soothing the muscles and revitalizing the blood, for Azumarill who had overloaded himself with exercise for such a long period of time some time ago, it has a very good effect loto!" Rotom phone added very thoughtfully from the side.


Azumarill squinted comfortably, and after evolving, its body, which had more than doubled in size, floated above the hot spring water.

The large water bunny wasn't at all afraid of choking itself, and swam upwards on its back inside the pool.


Eevee, who also had a cozy face, grasped its stomach as if it were a large life preserver, and followed Azumarill as he floated inside the pool.


Looking at these two guys, Aisha couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Azumarill, even after evolving, was still the same stupid child with a naive personality.

Its bond with Eevee hadn't faded because of evolution either.

On the contrary, after evolving, Azumarill, whose strength had increased greatly, seemed to have an extra sense of responsibility, which made it care more about Eevee and Larvitar, these weak children.

Eevee was also inspired by this caring, and its workouts during this period of time were extraordinarily powerful, rather like chasing Azumarill.

"It's nice to have such a benign team relationship."

Closing his eyes, Aisha let out a heartfelt sigh.

"This is all due to Instructor Ai, isn't it loto?" Rotom phone also aptly nailed the essence of the good relationship between the partners within the team.

This was all the result of Aisha's effort.

Everyone wouldn't be alienated by the gap in strength, instead, they worked harder to become stronger because of it.

They would not be jealous because of the tilting of resources, because everyone knew that Instructor Ai would never favor one over the other.

"You used your efforts to build up this 'family'."

"Why, it's all in your sight..."

Aisha rarely refuted Rotom phone's praise, taking it all in.

To be honest, from the beginning when it was just Aisha and Caterpie clinging to each other, to nowadays when he was surrounded by so many companions, he was quite accomplished.

Nowadays, taking the children to the hot springs and playing at the beach, the joyful look of everyone was also quite satisfying for Instructor Ai.

This was what he had been seeking from the very beginning, a happy 'family' feeling between trainers and Pokémon.


Aisha closed his eyes and slightly reclined his body, leaning his entire body against the body of the Charmeleon beside him.


With its tail stretched out beyond the pool, the Charmeleon that was originally enjoying the temperature of the hot spring with a cozy face suddenly felt a weight on its shoulders.

It opened its eyes and saw that it was Aisha leaning on top of its shoulder, and a panicked expression immediately appeared on its face.


It had a tense look on its face.

It wasn't that Charmeleon was unwilling to let Aisha lean against it.

Mainly, it had never interacted with Aisha like this before.

Remembering when it was still a Charmander, it had always been itself resting against Aisha and being hugged by Aisha, it had never become Aisha's dependence like today.

Charmeleon inevitably panicked a little...

Its body froze all of a sudden, afraid that it would disturb Aisha's rest because of its fidgeting.

However, just as the Charmeleon carefully adjusted its posture in an attempt to make Aisha lean more comfortably, it suddenly realized that it was now a little taller than the teenager beside it.


The Charmeleon fell silent for a moment.

In the past, Aisha's care for it as well as the other companions had been immaculate to the extreme.

Therefore, naturally, Charmeleon would still feel that it was a child.

It was only now that it truly realized the fact that it had grown up.


Between the curls of smoke, Charmeleon raised its head, its eyes a little moist.

The hot spring must have been too hot...

It remembered that when it was still a Charmander, it had sworn in its heart that after it evolved into a Charizard, it would definitely take Instructor Ai up in the sky.

This was also something Aisha was looking forward to.

Now, although it hadn't evolved into a Charizard yet, it wasn't a Charmander anymore.


The tension on Charmeleon's face gradually faded.

Its taut body also relaxed, allowing Aisha to lean next to its neck.

Now, I don't have wings that can take you up into the sky...

However, a body for you to rest against is available.

So, at least for now, let me be your support for a while.


Caterpie raised its eyes and glanced at Charmeleon.

Logically, as Instructor Ai's initial companion, it should be the one to give Instructor Ai a rest by leaning on it above Charmeleon's position at this moment.

However, our lord Caterpie was very understanding.

This time, it wouldn't hurt to generously give the opportunity to get close to Instructor Ai to the juniors~


Thinking so, the Caterpie re-soaked inside the water.

Anyway, it had long since become Instructor Ai's dependence.


This was the confidence of a Caterpie that could evolve into a Rayquaza.

Besides... It's not a bad thing to have another child in the team who cares for Instructor Ai~

[You and Hero have a great bond.]

A gentle voice resounded inside Caterpie's heart.


Isn't that nonsense?

If I don't have a good relationship with him, what other Pokémon deserves to have a good relationship with him?

[That's true, you were Hero's original companion after all.]

Reshiram's response was a bit sour.

Apparently, it envied Caterpie's position in Aisha's heart.

It was something it couldn't compare to.

Although it was said that they had not spent much time together, however, Reshiram truly recognized and fell for the charisma of this teenager's personality.

Gentle, reliable, and humorous.

Aisha was like the dream trainer of every Pokémon, with all the qualities that mesmerized them.

His affection for Pokémon is also sincere beyond words...

To follow him is to gain everything.

[I won too much in this battle of the two dragons.]

Reshiram's tone was full of complacency.

It's the same old argument.

The battle between Reshiram and Zekrom was ultimately a competition between a contemporary White Hero and Black Hero.

This was a piece that Reshiram could pat himself on the back for, Aisha was definitely the ceiling of all generations of Heroes, bar none.


Caterpie was a bit surprised this time.

Are you that happy?

[Of course.]

Reshiram, with a smile, responded to Caterpie's doubt.

[I've had enough of the constant repetition of fighting, then turning back into Light Stone after the hero dies, waiting for a new hero, and then continuing to fight]. It flatly recounted the brutal truth, saying: [Hero said he could break the battle between the two dragons, then I trust him to free me from this endless cycle.]


Hearing Reshiram's words, the Caterpie hung its head.

The hot spring water reflected its appearance.

Reshiram was carrying the mission of the Ideal Dragon on his back, so what was being carried by himself, who would also become a First-level Legendary Pokémon in the future?

The answer to that question didn't need to be said.


Caterpie glanced at Aisha.

My purpose in becoming Rayquaza is to guard him.

[Hmmm~ good ambition.]

Reshiram's teasing made Caterpie blush.

It wagged its flushed tail, and the hot spring water rippled.

The reflection of it on the water blurred as well, blurring into the shape of a long green dragon.

Reshiram's silhouette emerged between the curls of smoke, its blue eyes gazing at Caterpie, a few moments of satisfaction showing in the bottom of his eyes.

[To master that power of the gods, it requires more than the evolution of the body, but also the sublimation of the soul and spirit... now, you who know who you should guard have truly touched that door, the door to evolving into Rayquaza, and are only one step away from becoming a true God].


Aisha yawned.

He opened his eyes.

Not all of his partners had come to soak in the hot spring. Because Larvitar, who was four times weaker in water, was obviously not the material to soak in a hot spring.

Haunter, who didn't like to be quiet, wasn't the type to soak in a hot spring peacefully either.

So Chansey took the two kids to eat in the buffet area of the inn.

Shiny Metang joined in with the kids.


"Pity what loto?"

Rotom phone was a bit puzzled by Aisha's words.

"The plot in the anime is really all a lie, I was promised benefits for the beach and the hot springs, but it turns out there's nothing on my side!"


Rotom phone went silent.

"That wasn't because you insisted on traveling alone, Instructor Ai!" Rotom phone knocked Instructor Ai's head with a little bit of hatred, his tone was tinted with a touch of didacticism, saying, "In other people's anime plots, there are always a few beautiful girls following the hero, but you're good, when a beautiful girl sends her door to you and wants to follow you on a trip, you can even let her go, so, what benefits do you still want? "


Aisha spread his hands and said, "It can't be helped, I'm the man who wants to become the world's number one trainer, women and stuff are blocking the way."


Rotom phone stated that it was speechless.

It felt that the hints in its words were already obvious, but Instructor Ai was the one who didn't know if he really didn't understand or was just pretending to not understand, and he managed to perfectly avoid the right answer with every response.

"Elite Summer getting in the way too?"


Aisha slapped the water, his expression turning serious between splashes.

"How can my No. One big sister be compared to those women, she's my brother!"

Rotom phone: "..."

Rotom phone quietly lights a candle for Summer in its heart.

Seeing Instructor Ai reacting like this, she really has a long way to go.


Instructor Ai let out a long breath.

The perks of the hot springs and swimsuits of the mixed baths were something that was pleasing to either person.

This time, Lorelei had forced him to come to the hot spring.

Unfortunately, this onsen doesn't support mixed bathing.

So, Lorelei went into the female bath with a regretful expression.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, chose to pack the male bath and brought his Pokémon to soak in the hot springs together - the shopkeeper didn't agree at first, but later, it was really because he gave too much.

"Enough soaking, let's go."

Without benefits, Instructor Ai was very sorry.

Ten minutes later, Aisha, wearing a clean yukata, returned to the front room of the hot spring inn.

Because of the meaning of the word just soaked in the hot spring, his hair hung down to the side of his face, almost touching his shoulders.

This kind of look is less sharp and more gentle than usual, immediately poked the Rotom phone's "Instructor Ai Radar".

It took advantage of Aisha's inattention to find a good angle for today's "hot springs limited - Instructor Ai" took a few pictures.

Then, it sent it to Summer who was far away in Dayan.

In less than a minute, Summer sent a thumbs-up emoticon in response and praise.

Rotom phone felt like the red scarf on its chest was even more vibrant...




Charmeleon, Eevee, and Azumarill ran off to the buffet area to eat with shiny Metang.

Instructor Ai, on the other hand, didn't spot Chansey and Larvitar over here.


Shiny Metang pointed a direction to Instructor Ai, and he understood and looked over.

Sure enough, Aisha found Chansey and Larvitar on top of the opposing ground of the Hot Springs Inn.


On top of the field, Larvitar raised her small hand and rolled up a hurricane of Sandstorm.

It was "Sandstorm".


Aisha looked at Larvitar from above the corridor with amazed eyes.

"Such power?"

Larvitar's perseverance trait would turn into Raising Sand in the future, so Aisha also focused on exercising Larvitar's ability to master Sandstorm.

However, before today, Larvitar's "Sandstorm" move wasn't this powerful.

But now it's...

"Could it be that Regirock's stone has taken effect?" Instructor Ai immediately thought of the key to the problem.

Larvitar had eaten the rock given by Steven during the day today.

That was a secret treasure that contained the power of a Rock-type Second-level Legendary Pokémon.

"Regirock's power that strengthened Larvitar?"

Instructor Ai smacked his lips.

This wasn't just strengthening the power of "Sandstorm", but actually strengthening Larvitar's ability to control Sandstorm.

This, if it really evolved into a Tyranitar, and possessed the true Sandstorm trait, how terrifying would its ability to change the weather be?

"Simply the monarch of Sandstorm..."

It's decided, I'll take you to grab the weather with Groudon and Kyogre from now on.

Larvitar, who still didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, happily ran over after seeing Instructor Ai.

"I saw it, it was awesome."

Aisha smiled and complimented Larvitar.

Subsequently, he was also surprised to find that despite using Sandstorm, however, Larvitar's body was clean, not stained with sand at all.

This kind of subtle control also made Instructor Ai secretly cry out in admiration.


At this moment, Larvitar's stomach also growled with hunger.

Aisha also understood that this little guy was working out over here without eating, hardworking.

"Haha~ It's just right to be hungry, let's eat." Touching its little head, Aisha also greeted Chansey and walked towards the cafeteria.

"Get your strength, we'll challenge Cinnabar Gym tomorrow!"




The next day, Aisha stood outside the gates of Cinnabar Gym.

The gate opened and Blaine, who had changed back into a white lab coat, came out from within the gym.

"This is no place for sparring." He twisted his head to look at the volcano at the back and said, "Come with me, I'll take you to an even more exciting place, that's where Cinnabar Gym's real sparring ground is!"