Back to Pallet Town


On the bench outside the hot spring inn, Instructor AI sighed up to the sky.

The blue sky was clear and crisp, the warm sunlight was enough to dispel any haze, and the white clouds embellished the color of the blue sky.

However, this kind of good weather was unable to dispel the haze in Instructor Ai's heart.

"Gotta, find a place to catch up."

"What's wrong?"

Rotom phone floated out, his tone very puzzled, saying, "Instructor Ai, didn't we just beat seven gyms?"

"The entry requirement for the League Conference is eight badges, and we're still one short, so we can't afford to slack off now, Rotom!"


Instructor Ai nodded, then looked to Rotom phone.

"Do you remember which gym we were going to challenge for our eighth?"

"That would be Viridian Gym in Viridian City, of course."

"Who is the Gym Leader of Viridian Gym, did you forget?"

"How could I forget, Viridian Gym's Gym Leader is the famous five-minute champion, Blue... oh, that's okay then."

Between pronouncing Blue's name, the volume of Rotom phone got lower and lower, and finally simply opened the map app.

"Don't worry Instructor Ai, I'll find you a good place for seclusion as well as exercising your Pokémon."


Aisha's body leaned back and leaned on top of the bench.

When he had first arrived in Kanto, he had made a promise with Blue that the eighth gym he would challenge would be chosen as his Viridian Gym.

At that time, he would use the Pokémon that he had cultivated over the past year to fight against the new Pokémon that Blue had cultivated since that time.

In this way, the two of them will compete against each other in the Viridian Gym Challenge to see how well they can battle and nurture each other.

Now, with the Cinnabar Gym Challenge behind him, Instructor Ai has already earned his seventh Gym Badge.

So, the next Gym Leader he faces is Blue.


Gym Leader?

You're a retired Regional Champion, and you're taking over a gymas Gym Leader?

Show some respect!

No wonder the eight gyms in the Kanto region are called hellishly difficult.

Not to mention the fact that all eight of them, except for Janine, are of the average caliber of Elite Four-level trainer, and the guy at the gate in Viridian City is a Championship-level trainer.

How do you expect a new trainer to fight?

"That Blue guy, he really has a wicked sense of humor..."

Aisha sighed.

His mind couldn't help but conjure up the image of Blue relying on his qualities as a champion to beat the newbie trainers who came to challenge the gym back-to-back, eventually leading to a Viridian Gym after no one dared to challenge him, and then the guy sighing in turn about what a free day it was.


Deserved to be crushed by Red for the rest of his life.

"Oh, Red was going to ask me to spar as well, so it's okay then, hahahahahahaha..."

Suddenly remembering that the cold-faced man who didn't like to talk also had his heart set on opening a movie with himself, Instructor Ai, who was already agonizing over Blue's problem, suddenly became even more depressed.

Kanto is really a poor mountain that produces unruly people...

Trainers meet without saying a word, challenge first, and don't feel comfortable without a fight.

Look at the Hoenn region, Steven and Wallace are also champions, how come the other two aren't like that?

People also give away secret treasures for others to use all day long, for nothing, much higher quality!


Instructor Ai sighed again.

He shook his head and said, "Forget it."

Complaining aside, he wasn't too afraid of Blue.

"Anyway, this match against Blue is just a Gym Challenge, and the Pokémon he's using are brand new to the team in breeding."

Although the opponent was a 'Breeder', but, Instructor Ai didn't think that his Pokémon would lose to his Pokémon.

Similarly, although Blue was a five-minute champion, however, Aisha wasn't afraid of him either.

After this Dojo Challenge match, Blue would be too embarrassed to continue pestering himself for a match...

"In that case, I can relax for a while... If not, I can use the reason for preparing for the Indigo Plateau Conference to reject his challenge."

"Mainly Red..." Aisha's expression got strange.

Red wasn't a Gym Leader and couldn't restrict his Pokémon by himself.

According to that guy's character, once he did it, he was bound to go all out.

Those were six Champion-class Pokémon under Red's command!

It's too scary...


He looked towards his Caterpie.

Caterpie sunbathing next to him also looked at him.


Suddenly, Instructor Ai's heart cleared up.

Ah, since that guy Red forced himself to fight against him, then, there's no one to blame.

"Caterpie, when the time comes, you give our Kanto Champion the whole life, the whole big one, the bigger the better!"


Caterpie nodded its head in a bit of a daze.

The whole big one, and the bigger the better...

I temporarily evolved into Rayquaza, that size should be enough.

"Haha~ Problem solved!"

Instructor Ai was in a great mood.

A highly equipped Pokémon is just a Pokémon, who doesn't have one?

"Caterpie is my big general, Reshiram is a reliable second-in-command, and when the time comes, I can also use my orbs to pull Flightless and Fathead Fish over to help me out, and if I'm lucky I can get Second Generation Mewtwo to come on as well, or if I can't, I'll just take Chien-Pao myself, and then get Victini to give me a buff, it's not impossible to barely say that I'm a First-level Legendary Pokémon." Instructor Ai crossed his arms, an expression of extreme arrogance on his face as he muttered to himself, saying, "A team of six First-level Legendary Pokémon is formed, and with this kind of combat power, even if it's Red I dare to fight!"

"Instructor Ai mighty loto~"


[Hero is great!]


Next to them, Rotom phone, Caterpie, Reshiram, and Victini also silently matched Instructor Ai's words with cheers and applause.

"Alright, you come back first." Instructor Ai retrieved Pokémon with his Poké ball.

Victini regained its invisibility and followed Aisha's footsteps with Rotom phone.

"We have a few things to take care of over here..."

Instructor Ai reached inside his bag and removed the peculiar tricorder.

It was DNA Splicers.

The DNA Splicers that Drayden had given him.

Instructor Ai wasn't interested in playing riddles with these guys, so there were some things that he was going to clear up with Drayden directly.


Back within the hotel room, Instructor Ai stood, silent for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Rotom phone had a curious look on his face.

"I don't have Drayden's contact information."


"Rotom!"Aisha turned around in a flash, snapped her fingers, and said, "Dial Elesa's number for me!"

"Okay loto!"


Before the ringtone could ring, Elesa over there picked up the phone.

Her soft voice came through.

"What's up, Ai-chan, is something wrong?"

"I want Drayden's contact information."


Elesa on the other side choked visibly.

"I'll send it to you." A flash of heartbreak finally appeared in her tone.

"Thanks a lot."

"It's okay..."

"I'll buy you dinner someday."

"Good!" Elesa instantly sounded like she had come back to life with full blood, and her tone was much more cheerful.

"Do you need to bring Skyla and Iono..."

Instructor Ai remembered the VTB who accompanied Elesa to open the event, and her good girlfriend.

"No need."

Elesa interrupted and rejected Instructor Ai's offer at once, saying, "That Iono guy is a Cyber Ghost, she doesn't need to eat."


"That Skyla kid said again that she's been on a diet lately, and hey, I can see it too, that kid's got a swimming ring of flesh on her stomach."

"Is that so?" Upon hearing this, Aisha did think about it for a moment in a serious manner.

Skyla's figure...

It wasn't fat.

That girl's body was skinny where it should be skinny and fleshy where it should be fleshy, and it was completely described as a sentence of plump but not fat.

Compared to Elesa's perfect model figure, Skyla was a completely different style of sports girl, full of mettle.

"Okay, when I'm free."

"Good, I'm looking forward to it."

"I won't bother you, I'm looking for Drayden for something."


Elesa's side hung up voluntarily.

Instructor Ai then looked at the message she sent and dialed Drayden's number.

[Beep... beep...]


After a ringing tone, Drayden's serious voice came out, saying, "Excuse me, and you are?"

"This is Aisha, Mr. Drayden, I received DNA Splicers."


Drayden was silent for a while.

Just when Instructor Ai was feeling like there was something wrong with his cell phone and why anyone who heard his first words had to be silent for a moment, he finally opened his mouth again.


Drayden sighed and said, "You know the name of this thing, then, you should also be aware of its effects."


"Then, you should also know why I gave it to you, right?"

"I know, but I still wanted to seek confirmation, so I asked you to tell me about it today." Aisha was a bit speechless in response to Drayden's words.

Why was this old man such a riddler?

Not a word of clarity refused to be said.

Get the hell out of Gotham!

"Well, White Hero, I hope you can defeat Black Hero and become the victor of this Battle of the Two Dragons."

"I don't need you to say it, I will fulfill my duty as White Hero."

Rubbing his fingers over the DNA Splicers with a hint of coolness, Aisha's eyes deepened considerably.

"Okay, so, this thing . . the DNA Splicers are sort of my investment in you, and it should help you out." Drayden added, saying, "For its sake, I hope you can stop Black Hero's atrocities, or at least keep him from hurting innocent people."

"Don't worry, I'll keep that guy in check."

"Good, is there anything else?"


Aisha hung up the phone.

His expression was a bit strange.

"What kind of image does N have in their eyes?"

Drayden would actually be afraid of N abusing Zekrom's power?

Oh... the way that guy used to act, he did look like he was on the opposite side of the League.

It's alright then.


Tossing the DNA Splicers, Aisha revealed a smile and said, "Drayden, big help."

By getting hold of the DNA Splicers in advance, it was guaranteed that this thing would not fall into Ghetsis' hands.

This way, even if Ghetsis still captured the Sheik Rem later, he would not have the means to make Ghetsis change form.

His victory rate with N had soared by another segment.


Aisha sat up in bed.

"Volcano Badge arrived, so, what else is there to do on Cinnabar Island to stay?"

"The hot springs are also finished Lotto."


Aisha pondered for a moment.

On the map, Cinnabar Island was directly south of Pallet Town.

Normally, after players finished fighting Cinnabar Gym within the game, they would directly cross the sea to the north and return to Pallet Town.

In this way, they can also go ahead and challenge the final Viridian Gym.

"Pallet Town..."

"Last time, I had Professor Oak send the report of Beauty Degree for me, and I haven't properly thanked him in person yet." Aisha remembered Professor Oak.

This old man, although he was said to be a bit obsessed with studying other people's Pokémon, was nevertheless a very amiable elder.

Not to mention that he had helped himself unconditionally last time.

"Although there's a risk of meeting Blue and Red, however, those two guys shouldn't usually be that idle."

Thinking so, Aisha made a decision.

"Our next stop, back to Pallet Town."

"Okay loto."

Hearing Aisha's words, Rotom phone drifted to the side, and planned the journey and route from Cinnabar Island to Pallet Town.

Aisha, on the other hand, packed up her things.

Almost half an hour later, the fully packed Instructor met Lorelei outside the hotel.

"Ready to go?"

"Well, getting ready to make a trip to Pallet Town, I have some things to find Professor Oak."

"Pallet Town..." Lorelei looked thoughtful and said, "Isn't that Red and Blue's old neighborhood?"


"I see." Another wry smile appeared on Lorelei's face.

Aisha had seen such a smile before.

It was the same type of smile that Aisha showed when he talked with Bruno.


"Don't you think about it." Instructor Ai raised his hands expressionlessly and crossed them in front of his chest, saying, "I'm not going to go find Red and Blue to fight against."


"I'm not going to ask for a fight even if you act pathetic like that."

"Eh~" Lorelei cried with a sorry expression.

As one of Kanto's Elite Four, Lorelei was naturally very aware of Red and Blue's strength.

Bruno was no exception.

However, Bruno couldn't probe Instructor Ai's bottom at all.

Then, it was also natural for Lorelei to only hope for Red and Blue.

"It's a pity."


Aisha spread his hands.

"However, I'll challenge Blue to Viridian Gym, so if you're interested, you can ask Blue if you can watch the fight?"


Lorelei's eyes lit up.


"Let's go."


Pallet Town, Oak Research Institute.

"Yikes, please, Green."

"Professor Oak, who was sucking on his noodles with a hiss, gave a thumbs-up to Green, who was summarizing the information within the lab.

"Thanks to you, otherwise, this old man might be so busy that he wouldn't even have time to eat."

"Hey, Professor, don't work too hard." Green put down a stack of materials and said, "You are obviously already so old, but in the end, you don't accept old age at all. Working with such high intensity all day long, young researchers are not as desperate as you, and you only eat instant ramen. Obviously, we have many restaurants and takeaways in Pallet Town. You can order food if you don't know how to cook. If you continue like this, your body will collapse."

"Ah~ ah~ the old man understands."

Professor Oak still had that smirk on his face.

Green knew that he must not have listened.

For Professor Oak, Green had always been grateful and respectful.

Grateful that he didn't care about his past, didn't pursue the matter that he had stolen Squirtle and the icon, and in the end, let himself get back the home he once had.

"Hey~ Green is really talking more and more like Daisy."

Professor Oak sighed with a smile.

His granddaughter liked to nag him about his body and habits like that too.

"Professor this way, whoever it is would say that about you, right?"

"That's true..."

Professor Oak showed a thoughtful expression, and after a moment, clapped his hands together and showed an expression that said "I figured it out."

"I got it!"


"Now get that Blue kid to come back and cook for me!"

"..." Green held her forehead.

"Hah~ age pushes people to grow old, it's not possible to defy old age." Professor Oak had a look of emotion on his face as he said, "There are times when I think that in the future, if my successor comes out, then I might be able to relax a little bit as well."

"What's going on with Professor?"

Green's ability to detect words and colors that she had cultivated since she was a child was extremely strong, and with one face she could tell that Professor Oak had thoughts.


"Have you read that beauty report yet?" Professor Oak asked Green this.

"Haven't read it yet." Green's face was a little embarrassed, she really didn't often pay attention to these academic things.

"However, I heard that researchers worked out how Milotic evolved."

Thanks to this report, Green recently launched her latest business - acquiring and selling Prism Scale.

"That was written by Aisha."


Green looked surprised.

"Yes, it's the Aisha you know."

"...That's really a genius."

Green actually didn't know how she should feel for a moment.

She felt like it was another thigh.


Green sighed with a sigh.

"Talented people are really powerful, a report directly rolled up a big change in the market, no one even bought Prism Scale before, now a piece of Prism Scale became a contraption that's hard to find for thousands of dollars." Green shook his head and said, "Speaking, Instructor Ai should have almost evolved a few of those Pokémon, the last time I met him in Celadon City, his Marill had already evolved a bit?"


Professor Oak's expression was a bit surprised.

"Well, then, I'll have to take a look at his Marill when Ai comes back sometime..."

At exactly this time, the door was pushed open.

Instructor Ai's voice also entered the lab.

"Professor, I'm back!"

  1. Groudon
  2. Kyogre