The Drama Begins


Second Generation Mewtwo roared towards the sky and its tall body shook violently.

Mew's psychic power that had been applied to it was forcibly broken free.

It was pure brute force.


Mew's eyes flinched.

Its mind moved, and the surging psychic energy quickly gathered in front of its body, forming dozens of invisible shields.

Then, it saw Second Generation Mewtwo on the ground surging into the sky like a rocket, its casserole-sized fist trailing hot flames.

Second Generation Mewtwo swung its fist towards the air in front of him.


A sound like breaking glass resounded throughout the arena.

Fire Punch shattered Mew's psychic barrier.

Of course, it only shattered the top layers.


Psychic power erupted out from Second Generation Mewtwo's back, and abilities that should have been finely manipulated were violently released by it.

These outwardly released psychic power turned into invisible propulsion, pushing its body upwards.

Second Generation Mewtwo, on the other hand, continuously swung its fists, hot flames, horrifying thunderbolts, and cold frosts surfacing between the shadows of its fists.

Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch were greatly used by Second Generation Mewtwo.

Countless fist shadows bloomed above the sky, constantly shattering the barrier in front of Mew.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The sound of glass shattering erupted one after another.

The distance between Second Generation Mewtwo and Mew was also rapidly closing.

Watching the distance between Mew's little face, which gradually lost its smile, and itself continuously decrease, Second Generation Mewtwo's troubled mood was also rapidly relieved.

The speed at which it swung its fist grew faster and faster, the force with which it swung its fist grew stronger and stronger.

It was clear that the further back the psychic barrier went, the more eclectic it became.

However, along with Second Generation Mewtwo's battle spirit, the speed at which it shattered those barriers grew faster and faster.


Mew snorted coldly.

It was its turn to grunt coldly.

"Kind of interesting."

Pink light blossomed from within Mew's eyes, and its psychic power suddenly increased by another layer.

The invisible psychic power turned into a heavy shackle, cuffing Second Generation Mewtwo's hands and feet.

At the same time, the several barriers in front of it thickened some more.

"Don't think of using it against me a second time!"

However, Second Generation Mewtwo, who felt its body sink, let out a stirring battle cry.

It shook its arms and shattered the shackles of its psychic.

Then, it clenched its right hand into a fist and violently pulled it behind it.

Pure white light blossomed from above its fist, it was Focus Punch.


With a swing of its fist, it seemed to have launched a huge mountain.

The heavy fist smashed in front of Mew, and the several layers of thickened psychic barrier shattered in response, not even lasting a second.


Second Generation Mewtwo's punch landed in the air, and Mew used Teleport to leave its original position.

However, the vacuum wave that was set off by that punch was the one that shattered the corner of the castle, accompanied by the collapse of the building, and whistled into the distant sea.


That was the sound of the sea being parted.

The surface of the sea, which hadn't been calm for a long time, suddenly sunk down by more than ten meters, and a gully appeared from above the sea, spreading all the way to the far side under the moon.

"Ha... ha!"

Floating above the sky, Second Generation Mewtwo gazed at the masterpiece of its punch and gasped uncontrollably.

While it was panting heavily, its face revealed an extraordinarily pleased and excited color.

This punch was a might it had never thrown before...

It was truly powerful enough to move mountains and fill the seas.


Clenching its fists, Second Generation Mewtwo felt a surge of power contained within its body.

It wasn't psychic power, but real power, the power of the physical body!

"This body is really great..."

It couldn't help but exclaim.

And then, Second Generation Mewtwo twisted its head to look at Mew at the back.

At this moment, Mew was looking at it with a complicated expression, not knowing what it was thinking.

However, Second Generation Mewtwo didn't care anymore.

It only wanted to have a painful and sound battle with Mew right now!


Exhaling a mouthful of turbid air, Second Generation Mewtwo's figure disappeared from its original spot.

It appeared behind Mew in a flash and slammed its fist into the pink kitten's head.

A fist with a weight of a million tons!


Mew blocked the blow with its usual pink soap bubble.

Second Generation Mewtwo, on the other hand, immediately added a powerful kick.

The force of the double attack compressed the spherical soap bubble into an almost flattened shape, and the soap bubble wrapped around Mew was sent flying by it like a pinball, crashing and stepping on the arena's spectator seats.


Mew flew out from between the filled smoke and dust, looking at Second Generation Mewtwo with eyes filled with scrutiny.

As a veteran, it naturally sensed that ever since Second Generation Mewtwo used brute force to break free from its oppression, this fellow's aura had changed.

The fighting style was the same...

'Obviously a Psychic-type Pokémon, but now it's addicted to close combat... You're really strange.'

"This is the path that suits me best!"

Second Generation Mewtwo dodged in front of Mew again, and its right hand, four fingers together, slashed down like a steel blade.

It was splitting the tile.

"I was misled by my identity as a Pokémon with Psychic attributes..."


Second Generation Mewtwo's hand blade slashed on top of Mew's barrier with an ear-piercing sound of "crackle".

"In reality, what I'm good at, my greatest strength, has never been the power of my physical body!"

"It's a shame you're not a Fighting-type Pokémon."

Across the barrier, Second Generation Mewtwo locked eyes with Mew.

This time, there was less hatred for each other in their eyes.

Second Generation Mewtwo had given up its hatred and obsession with Mew due to its epiphany.

As for Mew... this guy lied all day long, who knows if it was telling the truth when it said it hated Second Generation Mewtwo.

"Fighting type?" Second Generation Mewtwo laughed, its eyes glancing at Aisha, who had stood on the side watching the fight scene for a long time since just now, without a trace, and said, "Maybe I do have it... then!"

A huge Shadow Ball silently appeared between them.

Then, the detonation!

Mew dodged it with Teleport.

Second Generation Mewtwo, on the other hand, was a step slower than it and took a lot of damage.

Shadow Ball, Aura Sphere, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, and even Dazzling Gleam, Dragon Pulse, and Shock Wave rained down!


Second Generation Mewtwo smacked its lips.

It attempted to walk away.

However, this wave of Mew's shuffling attack was so dense that it made one's head spin, and there was no room to dodge on its own.

Then, there was only Teleport...


Second Generation Mewtwo's eyes widened.

It realized it couldn't use Teleport.

"Is this Imprison?"

Its mind spun quickly, and it immediately reacted.

This was the Imprison that Mew had used on itself just now, sealing off its ability to use Teleport.

The purpose was to make it invisible under this barrage...


Between the flashes of its mind, Mewtwo braced a psychic barrier.

Then, Mew's saturation bombardment fell from the sky.


From this moment onwards, the sound of violent explosions completely filled Second Generation Mewtwo's ears.

There was also Aisha next to them.


Second Generation Mewtwo looked at Aisha with eyes like she had seen a ghost while holding up her shield - I don't know if Mew had intentionally or unintentionally included Aisha in the range of the attack.

As a result, the teenager was able to find a way to dodge under Mew's barrage by virtue of its slimmer body compared to Second Generation Mewtwo.

He moved deftly under the overwhelming wash of light bullets.

Those attacks were so frequent and so fast, but they couldn't even graze him.

After noticing Second Generation Mewtwo's line of sight, Instructor Ai gave a smile towards it.

"We Eastern players are like that."

He spoke words of unknown significance.

Second Generation Mewtwo was at a loss.

Eastern players?

The East referred to the Dayan region?

Oh, Aisha was indeed a trainer of Dayan...

Then, what did he mean by that?

Could it be that he was saying that he used Dayan's martial arts?

Martial arts!

"Martial arts..."

With that word on its lips, Second Generation Mewtwo had a surprised look on its face.

He actually knows martial arts, that's awesome.

Maybe it had the talent to learn martial arts as well.

After all, it had inherited his physical strength...


The sound of the barrier cracking caused Second Generation Mewtwo's pupils to shrink.

It raised its hand and prepared to reinforce its defense, but Mew's shuffling bombardment suddenly changed its attack - those attacks of various attributes of energy, all of which struck up.



Along with the shattering of the barrier, Second Generation Mewtwo was submerged under the fire of the explosion.

After the thirty-second long continuous bombardment, the explosions finally stopped.

By this time, Pokémon castle had completely turned into a ruin.

The buildings on New Island were leveled to the ground.

"Cough, cough..."

Moonlight spread over the ruins, and the Second Generation Mewtwo, which was covered in wounds, broke a boulder and stood up straight with a shudder.

The green light gradually blossomed as it was using self-regeneration to recover the injuries on its body.

The wounds on its body that were deep enough to be seen by the naked eye grew new buds of flesh and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

'It's worthy of being a genetic polymer of you and me.'

Mew's voice entered Aisha's mind.

Aisha, on the other hand, looked at Second Generation Mewtwo's body thoughtfully.

Then, he raised his hand and threw Chien-Pao at Second Generation Mewtwo.


Second Generation Mewtwo's eyes were filled with disbelief within.

It had clearly not defended itself against Aisha the entire time.

Aisha had attacked it without warning.




A clear sound of steel clashing recalled Second Generation Mewtwo's consciousness.

The ice sword that would be thrust into its chest within anticipation landed in front of it.

A Beedrill's Twineedle were blocked by it, and originally... Beedrill's Twineedle were pointing at its own throat.


A trace of chagrin flashed within Beedrill's scarlet compound eyes.

It then quickly retreated, dodging the ice gravel that Chien-Pao had autonomously released.

"You can't forget to pay attention to your surroundings when you're having a good battle."

Aisha smiled as he strolled over to Second Generation Mewtwo and drew the ice sword, saying, "Especially when you're seriously injured, it's easier to be sneak attacked."

"Got- got it..."

Distinguished Aisha smiled gently, and his tone was also gentle.

However, listening to his words, Second Generation Mewtwo nodded its head very obediently like a small child who had been criticized by a parent.


Aisha let out a light laugh, then, twisted his head to look at Beedrill in the air.

His eyes were obscure, and he secretly said.

"Do you still need to hide after all this?"

Aisha carried his sword and shouted this at a ruin under the night sky, "Mr. Giovanni, you're here, why don't you come out?"


A few moments later, the sound of applause rang out over there.


A middle-aged man in a suit walked out from behind the ruined boulders.

"Worthy of being the famous Instructor Ai."

He clapped his hands and looked towards Aisha, a warmth-less smile on his face, saying, "I've really heard a lot about you."


Second Generation Mewtwo's expression changed.

It braced itself and was about to stand up, however, a slender hand pressed down on its shoulder.

"There's no need for you to deal with him."

"What?" Second Generation Mewtwo looked at Aisha with a blank expression.

Aisha, on the other hand, returned the smile and said, "You have enemies that are more deserving of victory, don't you?"

Following his line of sight, Second Generation Mewtwo looked towards the Mew in the sky.

It was bathed in bright moonlight, appearing holy.

At the same time, it was also the object Second Generation Mewtwo wanted to defeat the most.

"Go ahead and fight with all your might, and challenge that guy."

Aisha's voice was soft, saying, "Whether the final result is victory or defeat, you have also proven that you are not a copy of anyone, you are you."


He smiled and looked over at the scowling Giovanni.

"Your back is protected by me, go fight to your heart's content and don't leave yourself with any regrets."


Second Generation Mewtwo's voice trembled as it said, "You recognize me?"

"Ah, of course."

Aisha was still smiling gently, and her eyes softened considerably as she looked at it.

"I'm really happy to have such an excellent child."


Second Generation Mewtwo lowered its head and stood up straight.

"Thanks a lot..."

Aisha didn't respond, or perhaps his actions were the best response - he stood behind Second Generation Mewtwo, holding his sword against Beedrill in the sky.

"It's really a father's kindness..." Giovanni's expression was hard to read.


Instructor Ai smiled brightly and said, "Is Mr. Giovanni's relationship with his child not good?"

Giovanni's eyes became dangerous all of a sudden.


Seemingly sensing its master's mood, a piercing cold aura erupted above Beedrill's twin needles.


While both sides were about to go to war, a meteor was falling from the sky and landed between Aisha and Giovanni.

"How about letting me get in on the action as well?"

The wind blew away the smoke and dust, and First Generation Mewtwo revealed a cocky smile.

The big drama, begin!