Rayquaza That Shook the Sky

Standing on the ground again, Aisha looked at Ralts in his arms with a surprised expression.

This child was obviously only in the infant stage, and the only thing it could do was to Instructor Ai and First Generation Mewtwo in psychic power linking.

However... at the critical moment, it awakened the Teleport move and saved Aisha.


Ralts' voice was weak.

It's a bit tired.

It's a lucky child who has received the blessing of a Mythical Pokémon.

However, after maintaining a three-person psychic power link for such a long period of time with its hatchling body and psychic power, as well as using a move, Ralts was more or less worn out.

"Hard work."

Aisha smiled helplessly, took out the Poké ball and retrieved Ralts.

Then, he looked at Giovanni.

Two Pokémon had appeared beside that man.

One was a Gliscor, with a nasty grin on its face beneath a pair of beaked ears, and a dangerous glint in its bug-like yellow eyes.

As it stared at Aisha, its pincers opened and closed, making a clear sound like the clash of steel knives.

The black, tough, and wide wings on its back were the evidence that it possessed the Flying attribute.

The long, thick and powerful scorpion tail that was hanging on the ground and constantly swaying was the means of attack that this guy had just attacked Aisha from underground.

This Pokémon's strengths are its ability to fly and hide from the ground.

Flying to avoid earthquakes and digging to avoid thunder is what many trainers say about this Pokémon's combination of attributes, which is a blessing from the heavens.

Flying and Ground, Gliscor is such an excellent Pokémon.



Next to it, the stocky Excadrill smashed a boulder with one of its claws.

It was very upset that Aisha had dodged its attack.

This one's a heavyweight.

One of the Sandstorm Brothers, known as the Rat-Headed Earth Dragon.

When Garchomp wasn't around, it was the backbone of Sandstorms.


Giovanni laughed coldly towards Aisha and said, "Instructor Aisha has forgotten my specialty, although Beedrill is my ace Pokémon, there is more than just one Beedrill in my hands."


Aisha stood up straight and met Giovanni's eyes.

"Not bad for the Giovanni of the Earth."

His eyes glanced to a corner without a trace, and psychic power spread out.

Just now, that bone boomerang came from there.

There should be a Marowak hiding there.

There's something about Giovanni...

I'm afraid that when I called him out, he had arranged for these Pokémon to ambush him.

"They were originally a gift I prepared for Mewtwo, but I didn't realize I'd end up using them on you."

"Three Pokémon surrounded a human and let him get away, do you know how to play?"

At these words, Gliscor, Excadrill, and Giovanni's faces all changed.



Gliscor and Excadrill both looked furious.

It wasn't so much that they couldn't stand being belittled, it was Aisha's treatment of Giovanni that angered them.

No Pokémon would want to listen to someone humiliate their trainer.


At that moment, a small sound reached Aisha's ears.

Instructor Ai was delighted, and his psychic power quickly spread to that side.

Sure enough, he detected a powerful but small life form hiding behind the ruins 200 meters away.

It was obviously Giovanni's Marowak.


Aisha laughed.

It was just a sarcastic remark, but it actually brought out the Pokémon hiding in the shadows.

It's a real bonus.


At Giovanni's command, the angry Gliscor and Excadrill swung their claws at the ground.

An earthquake rumbled from the ground.

The two earthquakes swept towards Aisha's position in a single blow.

This is a technique recorded in the "Secrets of the Earth", and it can be used by multiple Pokémon to increase the range of the earthquake, increase the force, and avoid hurting your companions.


Giovanni stared grimly at Aisha, and then glanced at the First Generation Mewtwo and Beedrill, who were passionately battling each other at the back.

Without the trainer's command, Beedrill's strength had almost plummeted, and he could only keep dodging and defending, trying his best to survive under First Generation Mewtwo.

At this rate, it's only a matter of time before he loses.

So... Giovanni had to finish off Aisha as soon as possible.

Then, he could join Beedrill and the other Pokémon in dealing with First Generation Mewtwo.


A voice reached Giovanni's ears, and he looked up to see a Caterpie appear in front of Aisha.

The overly large Caterpie raised its tail, wrapped in rich Dragon-type energy and slapped on the ground, the terrifying power was able to cancel out the earthquake released by Giovanni's Gliscor and Excadrill together.


In an instant, extreme doubt filled Giovanni's heart.

Caterpie's move was clearly Dragon Tail.

Caterpie can do Dragon Tail?

Is your Caterpie legal?

"Caterpie, over there, Dragon Pulse!"

Before Giovanni could recover, Aisha pointed at Marowak's hiding place and gave Caterpie the command to attack.

"No, Marowak!"

Giovanni's eyes widened.

Caterpie had already spewed out a long, a claw full of dragon energy at the ruins over there.


The ground shook, and with a violent explosion, a Marowak was blown up into the sky.

Caterpie followed up with a Hydro Pump, and Marowak was incapacitated on the spot, and fell mockingly at Giovanni's feet.


Giovanni was silent as he retrieved Marowak.

This Pokémon was the type that he had bred for skill, not strong in head-on combat, but very suitable for indiscriminate fighting, and could often play an unexpected role, such as sneak attacks and secret formations... Unexpectedly, Aisha this time directly out of it, Marowak has not played any useful, is out of the game.

The problem is, even if he's not good at fighting, Marowak is still Giovanni's Pokémon.

It's a Pokémon that he bred with the core technique of "Secrets of the Earthh".

He was killed by a Caterpie in two hits...


Noticing the way Giovanni looked at Caterpie, Aisha smiled and said, "You're allowed to have a powerful Beedrill, but not my Caterpie?"

"That's true."

Giovanni smirked.

"Sand Tomb!"

He shouted the command to attack once more, and Excadrill's pair of steel claws plunged into the ground, triggering a landslide.

Gliscor sped out with a flick of his wings, and a pair of large pincers erupted with a brilliant light.


Aisha felt a softness in his feet.

When he looked down, the ground under his feet had turned into a patch of quicksand, which was rapidly spreading outwards.

A Krookodile raised its head from the quicksand.

It had avoided Aisha's detection by virtue of its Dark attribute, and now within the quicksand, the Krookodile was like a real crocodile as it swiftly swam towards Aisha.


Caterpie turned its head and blew it away with a Dragon Pulse.

Then, its tail swept up and pulled Instructor Ai out of the pool of quicksand.

In the next moment, Twister rose to the ground, blocking Excadrill's Fissure and Gliscor's Guillotine.

"Sand Tomb controls the enemy's movement, followed by two one-hit-kill moves, what a great calculation." Aisha lamented Giovanni's maneuver on Caterpie's body, muttering to himself, saying, "Giovanni of the Earth deserves to be the leader of Team Rocket, the Undifferentiated Wild Battle piece eats it up."

Unfortunately, he met himself, and a Caterpie-skinned Rayquaza!

"Caterpie, Twister!"


Along with Aisha's cold face, Caterpie also exerted its power, creating an even more terrifying storm.

The Twister that was originally used for defense suddenly expanded its range, and Gliscor who couldn't dodge in time was immediately swept up by the hurricane that went straight through the sky and the earth.


Gliscor screamed in agony as it was caught in the hurricane.

The high speed of the storm made it lose the right to breathe, and the pressure of the wind eroded its body like a sharp knife.

Being inside the Twister was like a thousand cuts.


Giovanni stood outside the hurricane, protected by Excadrill from the Caterpie's indiscriminate attacks.

At that moment, Giovanni listened to Gliscor's wailing and frowned.

What kind of power is this?

He raised his head and looked at the disturbed sky.

How can a Caterpie have the power to stir up the sky?

You're a Caterpie?

Is this a disguised First-level Legendary Pokémon?


Giovanni's last comment to Aisha's Caterpie was to pronounce this word through gritted teeth.

Of course, it was also an evaluation of Aisha.

I've had a bad day.

First, he was attacked by First Generation Mewtwo, and then he got into the hands of Aisha, a monster who usually doesn't show his face, but when he strikes, it's a big scene.


At that moment, Gliscor was thrown out.

It was lying on top of the ruins in the distance, no longer moving.

However, the Twister that went through the world not only didn't stop, but became even more violent.


A thunderclap pierced the sky.

It was followed by a second and a third.

The clear night sky quickly gathered a large dark cloud, and a huge vortex swirled in the center of the cloud as the thunder raged.

Between the storms, a huge shadow gradually emerged.

The shadow resembled a dragon with sharp claws and powerful horns.

The aura of a god spread out...

At this moment, everything was silent.

Even the thunder that rolled behind the dark clouds was tame, and a more intense storm was brewing in the silence.



Above the sea, First Generation Mewtwo dodged Beedrill's stab and turned its head to the sky.

It narrowed its eyes and explored the dark clouds with its psychic power.

However, it was blocked.

Not a forceful shield, but a warning shield, warning it not to go any further.

Because, God's majesty cannot be violated.

First Generation Mewtwo could have commanded its psychic power to break through the dark clouds and peek behind them.

However, if it did that, it would have to suffer the consequences of doing so.

The wrath of the gods.

"Oh... that's interesting."

It withdrew its psychic power.

"I think it's that Caterpie's handiwork... I'm really looking forward to it."

It wasn't the only Pokémon with the same idea.

There was also Second Generation Mewtwo.


Second Generation Mewtwo floated in the sky, looking at the dark clouds with muffled thunderstorms in the distance.

It and Mew had already fought far away from New Island.

The sky was even covered with trails of light trailing behind them as they flew.

At first glance, it looked like a star trajectory drawn by two rays of light.

'No more fighting?' Mew's voice rang out.

"What's that?"

Second Generation Mewtwo asked Mew, pointing at the huge shadow reflecting behind the dark clouds over the new island.



Mew's unhesitating answer made Second Generation Mewtwo feel a trance.


What is a god?

'It is a true God that is different from you, and certainly different from me.' Mew floated to Second Generation Mewtwo's side, looked at the shadow, and let out a heartfelt sigh.

"The real God... A true god?"

At that moment, the storm intensified.

The calm sea revealed its hideous face, and the waves rose up and were swept up into the sky along with the storm.

Huge tornadoes shot up into the sky and disappeared behind the dark clouds.

Several tornadoes surrounded the new island, no... They surrounded Giovanni.



On top of the ruins of New Island, Giovanni was surprised to find his Excadrill and Krookodile trembling.

They were scared.

In the face of such a mind-boggling phenomenon, certain Pokémon with sharper senses naturally developed intense fear.


Giovanni raised his head in silence, staring at the center of the storm in the sky.

Thunder rolled across the sky, and the lightning bolts were a salute of applause.

The curtains of water that flowed through the dark clouds were the curtains of the stage.

The sky and the earth cheered its arrival.


The dragon's roar echoed through the heavens and the earth.

At last, the green figure emerges from behind the dark clouds.

First the dragon's body, then the dragon's claws.

Thunder and lightning roared, and golden lines flashed on the body of the divine dragon.

The dragon's head emerged from the center of the storm, its golden eyes cold.

The tail of the dragon was nowhere to be found.

A slender figure stood between the dragon's horns, looking down on everything.

On the ground, Giovanni met Aisha's eyes.

Far away from each other, one in the sky, the other on the ground, he heard the boy's voice.

"This is my strength."


Giovanni revealed a bitter smile.

"I see, this is your strength..."


He looked up at the green dragon.

Of course he knew the name of this god.
