Lusamine's Obsession


Letting out a breath, Lusamine continued to gaze at the "Type: Null" inside the petri dish.

This sleeping Pokémon had already grown a full body.

It had front and back legs that were clearly different in shape, a torso that looked like the part of a beast, and a bushy tail that looked like a fish tail, and it looked like several types of creatures had been stitched together, giving it the ability to adapt to any environment.

"Type: Null" combines the power of different Pokémon.

This Pokémon's body is harboring extraordinary power...

After all, it is a Pokémon modeled after that Pokémon.

"Type: Null" is too high.

So high that when one hears the name "that Pokémon", one wonders if Lusamine's brain is broken.


Sighing, Lusamine's eyes blurred a bit.

Looking at "Type: Null", she remembered the "UB Program" that she had undertaken this time, where their team from the Aether Foundation, escorted by the Champion, had entered the world of Ultra Wormhole! The Aether Foundation team, escorted by the Champion, had entered the world of Ultra Wormhole, and witnessed the destruction of the world by Ultra Beasts, who were capable of destroying the world and turning it into their own backyard.

A month-long quest took their group through Ultra Wormhole and into different worlds.

In those worlds, they met different kinds of Ultra Beasts, or UBs for short.

They were like special Pokémon with different looks and different kinds.

However, what remained the same was their power, which was extremely strong.

The world inhabited by Ultra Beasts had the ruins of human civilization, but there was no trace of humans.

Anyone could guess that those Ultra Beasts, who possessed unusual and powerful strength, were the culprits for all of this.

The champion in charge of protecting the team realized the danger.

Once the Ultra Space team had detected enough valuable information, he made the decision to end the operation.

Lusamine and the Aether Foundation's team were quite upset about this, however, there was nothing they could do about it.

Not to mention how much power the Champion had, there was no need to consult them, the chaperones.

Without the blessing of the Champion, they would have no confidence in exploring Ultra Space.

The Aether Foundation had no powerful trainers.

The Ultra Beasts were powerful, terrifying, and mostly aggressive, making it difficult for them to move forward.

In desperation, Lusamine obeyed that champion's choice.

The UB program was then stopped by the League.

The mysterious Ultra Wormhole, the dangerous Ultra Space, and the terrifying Ultra Beasts...

It became something that the League would study for some time.

"I'm afraid that the League will have to wait until they've thoroughly studied the information on that side of the world before they can start the UB program again.

There was no need to worry about the League abandoning the program.

After all, the Ultra Wormhole, which could connect different worlds, as well as new powerful Pokémon and other worlds... The League wouldn't give up on developing and utilizing these resources no matter what.

However, Lusamine couldn't wait.

She herself was a radical who was prone to going to extremes.

Ultra Wormhole, in particular, had an unusual significance to her.

She was very dissatisfied with the League's decision to stop the "UB" program.

Therefore, in the shadows, she launched her own actions...


The researcher was still a bit hesitant, saying: "Is it really okay for us to research these things behind the League's back...? Is it?"

"What are you worried about?"

Lusamine threw him an icy glare.

She then turned back to the researcher without looking at him.

"The League's support for the 'UB Program' is nothing more than combat power."

"What the League has, we have it all... What the League doesn't have, we have it all too, we can open the Ultra Wormhole ourselves and explore within Ultra Space." Lusamine sneered and said, "In the end, the only thing we lack is the combat power to deal with Ultra Beasts and... the means to subdue Ultra Beasts."

The researcher was silent and didn't dare to speak.

This strong woman's aura made him not dare to refute a single word.

There were times when he thought to himself that Lusamine, who alone held up such a behemoth as the Aether Foundation, was truly formidable.

However, when he was alone with this woman, he realized... Lusamine was much more than that.

Her eyes hid endless ambition.

The Ultra Wormhole was the catalyst that brought her ambition to life...

"I don't care what method you use, anyway, the creation of the Beast Killer must be completed." Lusamine coldly instructed the researcher on what to do, saying, "Anyway, the League won't be focusing on our side of the problem anytime soon, which just gives us enough time we need to target Ultra Beast's combat power."

With those words, she turned on her heel and walked towards the door of the lab without a second thought.

The doors opened and she stepped out with one leg, her heels guessing above the floor of the corridor, the crisp sound echoing through the silent underground.

"The development of the Beast Ball, is also on the agenda, wait until the... The time when the Beast Ball and Beast Killer's experiments are all completed is the time when we, the Aether Foundation, will explore Ultra Space on our own."

"At that time, we will no longer be subject to the League." Dropping such a sentence, she tossed her brilliant blonde hair and walked out of the lab without looking back.

Listening to the sound of high heels tapping on the ground gradually fading away, the researcher also sighed helplessly.

He opened a file, and the design of a strange-looking helmet surfaced above the computer screen.

"I hope, no accidents..."

With three sleeping Type: Nulls, the researcher finally got down to business.

He had to use external force to ease the repulsion between the Type: Null and the AR system.


Kanto Region, Viridian City.

"Smile, Blue, smile~ don't look bitter."

"That's right, look at today, Instructor Ai came to pick you up, how nice, don't have a bitter face."

On the street, Aisha and Green are holding the gray-colored Blue on one side and on the other side, and you are comforting him who is hurt inside with your words and my words.

Blue: "..."

However, our former Kanto Champion Mr. Kanto is stiff-faced and his body is as powerless as if his bones were taken out of his body, and he has to be walked on by the two men.

He's a bit of a raw mess...

Having been pulled out of the biggest black history of his life in public, Blue felt like he no longer had any meaning to continue living in this world.

The Three Minute Champion...

This is Blue's stain in this life.

He was ousted by his arch rival, Red, before he could even warm up his seat as champion.

Although it was said that it was because Red was too strong, Blue, who was his rival, would never admit it.

Because of his and Red's gold standard, no one often mentioned it as a joke.

And then... Aisha and Green gave him a big job today.

"You two... both of you!"

Blue struggled.

In a hoarse voice, he hissed at Aisha and Green, who were holding him up on the left and right.

"You two... hah!"

In the end, the hiss filled with resentment and spite still turned into a sigh.

Blue was really good at saving face, but he was also really good to his friends.

He didn't mind the three-minute champion stunt too much - after all, it was still his skill.

This time the person playing the stunt was Aisha again with Green.

He managed to get back to normal after a little bit of self-consciousness.

"Really, I thought you two were more than kind enough to pick up my plane, but I didn't expect to be stranded here waiting."

Blue stood up straight, patted the dust on his pants leg, shook his head and sighed, saying, "It's the people's heart that's not in the right place, and the world is going downhill!"


He looked at Aisha with a serious face and said, "If you can't let me fight to my heart's content in today's Gym Challenge, this won't pass!"

"Don't worry."

Aisha smiled.

"I've been looking forward to sparring with you for a long time as well, and I definitely won't let you down this time!"

This was not a lie.

Although it was said that Instructor Ai complained day in and day out that Red and Blue were pestering him to spar.

However, battling against Red and Blue, how could it not be a distinction that countless trainers sought?


Blue revealed an excited, pressed, dissipated smile of excitement.

"As expected of Ai-kun, cool!"

He had also waited a long time.

The new team that had been specially cultivated, the intelligence and tactics that had been gathered, all for today's match against Aisha.

Green showed a helpless expression from the side.

She knew that Blue was on top of things.

However, Green wasn't an idiot either.

She knew that both of them had been waiting for today for a long time, so she did not say anything to spoil Aisha and Blue's excitement.

At this time, Aisha instead opened his mouth to ask about an irrelevant matter, saying, "Green, I heard Professor say that you've been on a special mission in Alola this month?"

"Hey, the old man is such a loudmouth."

Blue shook his head a bit helplessly when he heard that.

Then he gave a mysterious look and said, "Guess what I did?"

"It couldn't have been sent to the other world by a big truck, could it?"


Blue slapped his thigh and gave a thumbs up to Instructor Ai, saying, "You really guessed it right, but it wasn't a big truck that sent me there, but we actively traveled through a time portal, that thing is called Ultra Wormhole, through which you can travel to other worlds, called something like Ultra Space. "


Green, who had an overly keen sense of business smell, realized the crux of the matter and said, "Other worlds?"

"Wouldn't that be the perfect place to exploit resources?"

"Who says it isn't?"

Blue spread his hands and said, "So the League sent me, a mighty champion, as the guardian of a team organized by the Aether Foundation, a local Alola organization that has done quite a bit of research on the Ultra Wormhole, to go into the Ultra Wormhole together and travel to other Ultra Spaces to explore!"

"It's still not a bodyguard to put it bluntly..." Green let out a sputter as she hung on to a pair of dead eyes.

"Hey, you woman!"

Blue was annoyed.

These two were about to roll up their sleeves for a fight when Aisha stopped Blue.

He asked this most crucial question, saying, "If it's simply exploring some unknown other space, it's impossible for the League to randomly mobilize a combatant like you, is there something powerful that exists inside Ultra Wormhole?"

"Huh, stupid woman, watch and learn!"

Hearing Aisha's words, Blue was all "Look how technical the questions other people asked are."

Aisha was in the right place now, and he was overjoyed.

Blue cleared his throat and said, "Actually, the Ultra Wormhole is not a phenomenon that only appeared in Alola during this period of time, the local Aether Foundation of Alola has been researching the phenomenon of time and space distortion for a long time, and they have also achieved a lot of results, mainly recently, they found biological activity inside the Ultra Wormhole. Wormhole inside, and initially guessed that the Ultra Wormhole could carry living creatures through, so, after reporting it to the League, the League set up this 'UB Program' and sent me as a combatant to protect their exploration. "

Blue was also a big leaker, and in three words, he completely shook out what was supposed to be classified.

"The so-called UB is what the Aether Foundation calls those creatures within the Ultra Wormhole, the Ultra Beast."

"Ultra Beast..."


Blue clapped his hands together and said, "I've seen those things inside Ultra Space."


"Hm... How do you mean, they're supposed to be Pokémon, but they're kind of weird."

"Strange in what way?"

"Ridiculously strong, and one or two of them are oddly long, but, kind of interesting." Blue shook his head and said, "I tried to take them in, but the usual Poké ball have too little binding power for these guys, and if you catch them hard, you might not be able to catch them even if you catch them in the end of the world."


Blue grumbled twice as if she remembered something, and said, "But, there's something to be said for those Aether Foundation guys I don't like too much."

"What's the deal?" Green pressed.

"The others are nothing, normal, but mainly that chairwoman of the Aether Foundation is a bit of a problem."

Blue wrapped her arms around her chest and said, "That woman gives me a feeling that she is very paranoid and might do something big to give the League a boost in intensity, not very communicative."

"Add to that Ultra Wormhole's secret, and I'm a little worried that this one is up to no good... Hopefully, I'm overthinking it."

Chatting away, the trio finally arrived at their destination, the Viridian Gym.

"Well, enough about Alola."

Blue pushed open the door and flashed a good-natured smile towards Aisha.

"Instructor Ai, it's time for our sparring match to begin."


Aisha walked in with his head held high and said, "I really kept you waiting."