Caitlin is Interested in Instructor Ai

Instructor Ai put on his apron, slightly ruffled his hair, dressed as a home cook.

This appearance, compared to his usual dashing and capable, is a bit more gentle temperament.

Of course, Instructor Ai himself was also a beautiful young man with an outstanding demeanor.


'Looks good!'

Next to him, Ralts gave Instructor Ai a thumbs up.

This kid was the most favored by Instructor Ai.

Rotom phone was taking pictures of Instructor Ai, and then, it selected a few pictures with good angles and sent them to Shay who was far away in Dayan.

Afterwards, it locked the best photos into a private album, which no one was allowed to see.

"Just wait a little bit."

Instructor Ai smiled and stroked Ralts green head, rubbing his fingertips on its pink horns.

"Wait, we can eat soon."



Ralts ran off happily.

The little one ran to Larvitar's side, and the two little ones ran happily into the backyard, playing.

They were the only two Pokémon in Instructor Ai's team that were still in their original form, and since their personalities and sizes were similar, it was only natural that they became little sisters who could talk to each other.


Larvitar laughed as it shoved a rock into its mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.



Ralts followed suit and swallowed a Psychic Gem, the delicious flavor making it smile.

Larvitar's eyes lit up.

So, you can eat rocks too?

Because of its special diet, Larvitar has always felt out of place in the group with the exception of shiny Metang.

Little did it know that its new little sister was also a gem-eater...

That's great!


Larvitar's little hand rested on its chin, and it looked thoughtful.

Azumarill, Umbreon, Charizard, and Chansey don't eat stone.

Rotom eats electricity.

Haunter is hungry enough to eat Pokémon, so this is not a very informative situation.

Ralts and shiny Metang can eat rocks...


I see!

Psychic-type Pokémon eat rocks.


Larvitar's little hand clapped, showing an expression of "I see".

That's me, I'm so smart!



Ralts looked at Larvitar, who had been standing still for a long time, pondering for a long time, and showing a look of great intelligence, and felt a sense of doubt in its heart.

Uh... Isn't it a little too foolish for its own good?

Well, I'm here!

Ralts is a very smart kid!



Ralts also raised its head with a proud expression, and held its back with an expression of pride.

Hmm... it's not a very smart kid either.


Instructor Ai couldn't help but laugh out loud after seeing the interaction between the two little ones from the window.

He shook his head, the feeling of bringing up a child once again came to his heart.

Afterwards, Instructor Ai walked straight into the kitchen.

Ralts were growing up, and it would be bad if they didn't get enough nutrition during this time.

Therefore, Instructor Ai had to give Ralts enough nutrients for every meal, so that the child would not only eat well, but also eat well!


Standing on the edge of the plate, Aisha thought of the dish he was going to cook tonight.

He skillfully pulled out the kitchen knife and cut up the raw materials for the dish.

Delia, who was working next to him, was surprised by his seriousness.

"Em, is it possible that you don't like cooking?"


Instructor Ai looked at Delia with a blank expression, saying, "Why do you say that?"

"Because, looking at your serious face, it seems like you are struggling with something."

"What is it?" Delia asked with great concern.


Aisha revealed a rather helpless expression, shook his head, and said, "No, nothing happened, I just subconsciously got serious."

"After all, Ralts is still growing, the other partners are tired from working out and fighting all day long, and they need to take care of their nutrition and the taste of their food... if we don't take this seriously, I'm afraid they won't like today's meal."

"Hm... I see."

Delia nodded thoughtfully, and said, "It's not bad to be a little serious about cooking, but if you relax, you might be able to make the food a little more flavorful..."



Delia pointed her finger toward the kitchen window.

Aisha followed her finger and looked over.

Outside the window was the backyard of Professor Oak's research institute.

Inside the backyard, Ash's Pokémon and Instructor Ai's Pokémon were resting, playing, and having a good time.

"Ai-chan, your friends, do they really dislike your cooking...? Is that so?"


"Hehehe~" Delia seemed to have remembered something funny. After covering her mouth and laughing a few times, she told some stories about her and Ash and said, "Auntie sometimes can actually do it. I feel too tired from doing housework and want to be lazy, so I don't take it seriously when cooking. Sometimes the food I cook doesn't taste as good as usual, which makes me feel bad."

"However, Ash is a kid who feels good when he eats every day... Once I asked him if he really couldn't tell that mom's cooking wasn't too good today."

Delia looked over at Aisha, and said, "Guess what Ash said?"


Aisha was a little curious and stopped chopping vegetables.

It was a sign of respect to Delia, his elder, to pay attention when he was listening to the lecture.

Delia laughed a little more happily at this situation, and then talked about Ash's words, saying: "The boy said, 'Mom is not a superhero, it's normal that she can't always make good food, and it's normal that mom has to clean up the house all day long, and buy food and do other things, it's normal to be tired and so forth, but anyway, mom still cooks for me, and I'm already very happy to be able to have mom's cooking'."

"That's what the kid said!"

At the end of the sentence, Delia's face was filled with a motherly smile.

It was a mother's greatest pride.

"That's Ash's style." Aisha laughed.

"The boy's a fool, but sometimes he can say such touching things... It's a testament to his mom's genes!"

Delia, on the other hand, showed a surprisingly proud expression.

She then smiled, shook her head, and sighed, saying, "Although, Auntie isn't a trainer, I do realize that raising a child isn't that different from raising a Pokémon, and that both the child and the Pokémon are able to feel the feelings of their parents or trainers... Like what Ash said to me, Ai-chan, I'm afraid your Pokémon don't care much about the taste of the food, as long as it's the food you make for them, those kids will love it."


Delia smiled.

"Whether it's good or bad, it's all about that you're the one who's making food for them, isn't it?"


Aisha looked out the window.

Delia's words had touched him a little.

Outside the window, Umbreon and Azumarill were leaning against the Charizard's body, a bit tired after today's workout.

Charizard was happy to let them lean on it, thinking that its large body was just the thing to keep its buddies out of the wind and the rain.


It rolled over, and Azumarill and Umbreon were pinned underneath it with a terrified look on their faces.


Vaguely, Instructor Ai heard Umbreon's voice.

Then, Azumarill lifted Charizard in the air.


Strong Power was still Strong Power, and his monstrous strength had the gold of a never-retired version.

Azumarill threw Charizard into the air.

Charizard then flaps its wings and flies next to shiny Metang with a "look, now I can fly, too, and fast" look on its face.


Shiny Metang that was staring at the small lake, thinking about the meaning of life, gave it a speechless look, and then, ignored this big guy.

Although shiny Metang was an iron lump, the Psychic attribute attached to it was not for nothing.

Before Ralts was born, Instructor Ai had been using Metang as the team's main center, and shiny Metang was happy to develop its psychic powers.

As a result, it has a common problem with Pokémon with Psychic attributes - it loves to meditate.

Combined with Metang's steel attribute, and its own cold personality, it was not very interested in many things.

"Uh, loto!"

Rotom poked its head out, looking at shiny Metang.

It sensed some room for maneuvering in shiny Metang's personality.

Rotom was going to drag the Metang into the mansion, show it some movies, and see if it could coax the Metang to become a virtual anchor and help Instructor Ai make money.

In the meantime, let it learn programming and video editing, so that it can take some of the pressure off of itself...


Rotom shook its head and sighed when it thought about its job.

In terms of being busy, Rotom was probably the busiest Pokémon in Instructor Ai's team.

It's not just the Pokémon's work that it's busy with.

The other Pokémon just work out all day long, and play a few battles when they can.

Rotom itself, on the other hand, takes on the tasks of an artificial intelligence.

It researches information, plans travel routes, helps Instructor Ai in shopping, and edits videos.

If not for the fact that Rotom was an electronic life form, it felt that according to its workload, one day it would have to die suddenly in front of the computer - Instructor Ai might have also considered this problem, so he dared to squeeze Rotom's labor force recklessly, which made Rotom very despairing.

The one consolation is that Instructor Ai, although he's a ruthless boss, is really responsible as a trainer.

Rotom himself is treated as one of the best in the team.

The Electric Gem - Fusion Bolt is much higher in quality than the Victory Flame.

Besides, Instructor Ai is so good-looking, it wouldn't be a bad idea to give him a little squeeze...

There are a lot of people who'd love to be squeezed by him but don't even have the right to do it!

He's earned it...

"Yes, I've earned it, loto!"

That was how Rotom followed Instructor Ai to the end of the day.

And now it's time to show Ralts the cartoon before dinner.

"I'm exhausted, loto."

Rotom got back into its cell phone form, turned back into a Rotom phone, and floated around looking for Ralts.

Finally, it found Ralts on the back lawn, chewing on a gem with Larvitar.

"Be a good boy, don't eat any more snacks, or you'll have no stomach to eat later."

Rotom phone floated in front of Ralts, confiscated its and Larvitar's snacks, and played their favorite cartoon just in time before the two little ones lost their temper.

Ralts and Larvitar stopped fighting.

They raised their hands and cheered.




Rotom phone sighed.

Chansey sat behind Ralts and Larvitar, watching a cartoon with them.


Chansey stroked the heads of the two little ones.

In the past, it was the one who helped with the cooking.

But today, Delia gave it a vacation, so Chansey came to watch the kids.


Caterpie crawled over.

His huge body, just right, became a backrest for Chansey, Ralts and Larvitar.

Then, Caterpie-skinned Rayquaza happily watched Ralts' favorite cartoon with the rest of the group.


Nothing is too ordinary.

"It's hard to raise a child, loto."

Rotom phone sighed, and then, it noticed Instructor Ai's eyes in the kitchen, who was watching everyone through the window.

It smiled helplessly at Instructor Ai.

Instructor Ai gave him a thumbs up and a "Good job" sign.

Rotom phone immediately felt energized, and was burning up.

"No problem."

In the kitchen, Aisha was delighted.

Rotom phone has a bit of a comedic flair about it.

"How was it?"

Delia asked Aisha with a smile, "Was auntie right?"


Instructor Ai nodded.

"It's also you."

"Good, then thank you very much."

Aisha smiled, his heart full of sighs.

Delia was worthy of being a mom.

She saw the problem he was hiding that even he didn't realize, and solved it easily.


Looking at the plate full of ingredients, Aisha's mind changed a little.

Maybe, cooking with heart and happiness would make even the shiny Metang feel good...

Aisha never forgot the promise he made to it .


Naturally, there was a lot of fun at the dinner table.

Instructor Ai wasn't the talkative type, so he, Professor Oak, and Delia were the only three people listening to Ash's grandiose speeches during dinner.

After dinner, Instructor Ai went to the depths of Professor Oak's backyard.

After the air in front of him fluctuated, Mewtwo Y appeared in front of him.

Shortly afterward, a shooting star sped up from the night sky and landed beside Instructor.

It was Mewtwo X.

"Are you ready?"

Aisha looked at Mewtwo X with a smile.

His words were filled with displeasure towards Mew, and regret that it had lost to Mew.

Mewtwo Y didn't say anything, it stood on the side and didn't say anything.

Instructor Ai showed a favorable expression.

"It's good to have a goal, I support you in traveling."

"But..." Patted Mewtwo X's shoulder, Aisha's expression became a little more serious, said: "Going out must pay attention to their own safety, don't give people trouble, do something when the first thing to make a good plan, and then act, can't act impulsively, stay away from those who don't want to do anything, meet the innocent children in trouble, if you can help, help, don't help, don't throw stones, of course, if it is a bad person, please don't leave a hand. Of course, if it's a bad guy, please don't leave him alone, but don't do anything bad, got it?"


Mewtwo X looked a little uncomfortable after hearing that from Instructor Ai.

It looked like a child who had been caught by its parents and given a list of rules to follow before going out to play, and after a moment of stagnation, he still chose to give in.

"Uh, uh... I see."

"Oh, right."

Aisha said, as if its father had said "one more thing", "Remember to leave tomorrow."


"I bought you some stuff that you'll need when you travel, so take it with you tomorrow."


Mewtwo X looked like a student who had been ravaged by its parents, and its eyes had lost their light.


It's nice to have someone who cares.

The corners of Mewtwo X's mouth couldn't help but raise in an arc-perhaps, it didn't even realize that it was already enjoying Aisha's relationship, and couldn't help itself.

Next to it, Mewtwo Y was looking at it with a smile on its face.

In the past two days, the two Mewtwo's interaction was not much.

However, Mewtwo Y itself was a very mature Pokémon, and its intelligence was not inferior to anyone else.

Mewtwo X is just a child in its eyes.

Mewtwo Y also recognized Mewtwo X's true nature, it was just a kid who wanted to show off its power in front of Aisha.

It had nothing in common with such a child.

In contrast, Mewtwo Y missed Mew.

That guy, even though it's a bit of a jerk, it's still old enough.

Its wisdom and experience were as deep as the ocean, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if it could get on its airwaves and have a chat.


Mewtwo Y planned its future plans in its mind.

At this moment, it saw Mewtwo X fly up into the sky again and disappear.

Instructor Ai smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"InstructorAi , what are you going to do in the meantime?"


Aisha revealed a thoughtful expression, saying, "Nothing much, preparing for the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"However, if you're in a hurry to study Mega Evolution, I can take this time to take you out to find someone who specializes in this subject."

"There are such people?"

Mewtwo Y was shocked.

"Don't underestimate human intelligence."

"The popularity of Mega Evolution is not high mainly because the conditions are too harsh, in addition to the strength and bond between the trainer and Pokémon, the number of Key Stones and Mega Evolution Stones are too rare and expensive, there are still many powerful trainers in the world that can make a Pokémon evolve into a Mega Evolution, and there might be someone among the Indigo Plateau Conference contestants who can use Mega Evolution." Aisha spread her hands.

"The phenomenon of Mega Evolution originated in the Kalos region, so there is Professor Augustine Sycamore in the Kalos region who specializes in the study of Mega Evolution, and he can be considered an expert in Mega Evolution, so if you want to, we can go over there, and consult with his ideas."

Aisha told his plan.

If we couldn't find any Mega Evolution Stones for Mewtwo Y's form, we could only collect some Mega Evolution postures and let Mewtwo Y figure it out on its own.

If we couldn't find a solution in Augustine Sycamore, a trip to the Hoenn area would be the way to go.

After all... Hoenn and Kalos are two regions with a lot of history.

"Most modern Mega fossils are found in ancient ruins."

Aisha said, "Most of Professor Augustine Sycamore's research materials also came from those ruins, if you want, you can also look for the ruins in Kalos, you're a Pokémon, your sensitivity to energy and such must be much higher than that of human beings, if you go to those places and look around, you might really find something to inspire you. ."


Mewtwo Y nodded thoughtfully.

Aisha had indeed given it a very clear path.

After confirming the information that "Mewtwo is capable of Mega Evolution", Mewtwo Y wanted to discover the power in its body, so going to the Kalos region and searching for information and ancient ruins involving Mega Evolution was undoubtedly the most efficient and reasonable way to do so.

"In that case, thank you, Instructor Ai."

"No problem."

"Anyway." Aisha wrapped his arms around his chest, shook his head helplessly, and said, "I am quite interested in Mega Evolution, so it would be a good thing if I collect the Mega Evolution Stone of my choice while I'm halfway through the process of looking for a Mega Evolution opportunity for you."

There was another thing that Instructor Ai didn't say.

That is, he also wanted to collect a way to make Pokémon evolve without Mega Evolution Stones.

After all, Rayquaza is also a Pokémon that can Mega Evolve.

And Rayquaza really doesn't have a Mega Evolution Stone.

Although the reward of a quest issued by the system was to allow Rayquaza to start Mega Evolution.

However, the difficulty factor of that quest was too high.

If Instructor Ai had activated Rayquaza's Mega Evolution himself... It would be a good thing.


Aisha's eyes twinkled.

If he remembered correctly, somewhere in the Hoenn region, there was a magical boulder.

It could cause Groudon and Kyogre to awaken and fight over it.

It can also help Rayquaza with the evolution of Mgea.

It could be of great help to Mewtwo Y and his own Rayquaza.

That monolith was taken by Team Flare's Lysandre, and it caused a big incident...

I'd like to take a look at it myself.

"I can't ask Steven..."

Aisha shook his head.

This was his network!

"Right, Instructor Ai." Mewtwo Y spoke up, saying, "Your Ralts seem to have learned the Teleport move?"


Aisha nodded.

"Ralts' talent is too good, it has already learned Teleport, and it won't take long for it to master this move."

"That's good."

Mewtwo Y revealed a smile and said, "I see that Instructor Ai doesn't know much about Psychic operation, since this is the case, why don't you let me temporarily become Ralts' teacher during this period of time, and teach it to learn some of the Psychic-type moves, as well as the wonderful use of the psychic operation, how about it?"


Aisha's eyes lit up.

Mewtwo Y's proposal really made his heart flutter.

Although if he wanted to find a teacher, he could also find Sabrina.

However, Sabrina was only an Elite Four level trainer after all.

As a psychic, she might be able to teach herself a lot about psychic.

However, if she were to teach Ralts... At least not as well as Mewtwo Y.

This is an actual First-level Legendary Psychic-type Pokémon!

"In that case, I'm counting on you."

"It's a small matter, if you really say that Instructor Ai is willing to selflessly help me whom I've never met before, it would be too cheeky if I don't do you a little favor." Mewtwo Y smiled and said his feelings.

The feeling Aisha gave him was too good to be true.

Mewtwo Y envied Mewtwo X for having Aisha as a "family member".

Now, with Aisha's help, it was only right to return the favor.

I've been idle all day long, and teaching a Ralts is nothing.

"My Ralts is really lucky."

Aisha sighed.

In his team, besides Caterpie, this Ralts was the most successful one.

First there was Victini's Victory Flame, then there was Mewtwo Y's teaching, and Mew seemed to have given it a little favor...

The future Psychic Queen has already planted a powerful seed, and it's only a matter of time before it takes root and becomes a huge tree.

"Let it work on it for a while, and maybe it can use the Ralts for a few games at the start of the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"I'll be sure to teach it."

Aisha and Mewtwo Y smiled at each other, and a deal was struck between the two of them.


Sinnoh Champion, Sinnoh League.

Late at night, inside the brightly lit League building, Cynthia was sitting in her office.

Her thin, white fingers were tapping on the keyboard of her computer, and finally, she finished the last word of the document.


Cynthia covered her mouth and yawned.

After closing the file and the computer, she stood up, stretching her waist, her perfect figure was also displayed to the fullest.

The Sinnoh Valkyrie was this beautiful.

Even when she was exhausted, she had an attractive look on her face.

"Finished with your work?" A lazy voice came out from the cell phone she had placed next to her.

The phone was on video, and the room on the other side of the video was a pink princess room with a big bed occupying a lot of area.

Hearing Cynthia's movements, a golden head emerged from the video.

Wearing a pink nightgown, blonde hair spread out to be able to occupy a large bed Caitlin like a kitten with a cute face, said: "So slow, I almost fell asleep."


Cynthia looked at Caitlin's look "Look how much I care about you, I don't even sleep to work with you", she was speechless.

According to her understanding of Caitlin, this little girl might have woken up from her sleep.


Cynthia spread her hands with a helpless face, saying: "At this time of the year, you Elite Four are not unaware that every region in the world is in a hurry to organize the League Conference, and we who eat public food are of course busy as hell."


Caitlin nodded, saying, "That Uncle Alder who's always out in the field has been brought back to the office recently."

"What about you?"

Cynthia, with a pair of dead eyes, looked helplessly at Caitlin, who ate and slept all day long, and said, "Why don't you go to work?"


Caitlin lazily rolled over.

Cynthia looked at her with a mixture of anger and amusement.

"What will you do if you leave me like this?"

"In that case, can't I leave you?" Caitlin wasn't worried, saying, "Anyway, you won't leave me."


This time, Cynthia didn't respond.

Caitlin, who couldn't get a response from Cynthia, realized that something was wrong, and raised her head sharply, only to see Cynthia on the other side of the video with a shy look on her face.

"Do you really like that teenager?"

"Geez, don't say that..."

"Hiss!" Caitlin felt her head spin.

When had she ever seen Cynthia look like that?

Shit, a promise to be besties for life, and then you run off with a guy?

It's a betrayal!

"I'd like to see what kind of man you've gotten yourself into!"

Caitlin muttered in a low voice, a little interested in the rumored Aisha.

"Tomorrow, I'll ask Elesa!"