Instructor Ai Must Win

"There are really a lot of people."

While walking towards the registration office, Aisha looked around at the trainers who had followed him onto Indigo Plateau, and was filled with emotion.


'They're just a bunch of fish...'

The Poké ball at his waist opened, and Ralts appeared in Aisha's arms.

It looked around, spread its hands, and showed an arrogant and confident expression.

The prime time of its childhood was perfectly seized and utilized in its exercise.

Nowadays, Ralts has already mastered Caitlin's and Sabrina's psychic [pwer secret methods under the careful teaching of Mewtwo.

Its strength, compared to other partners, although there is still a long way to go.

However, it was more than capable of dealing with the Pokémon of the roadrunner trainers.

"No matter what, we can't take the enemy lightly."

Looking at Ralts' confident look, Aisha smiled, reached out and stroked the little guy's head, and in the process also taught it a lesson.

"We are not the only trainers and Pokémon that have experienced difficulties and obstacles, other trainers also have their own encounters and experiences, and the trainers that can participate in the Indigo Plateau Conference are not to be underestimated, and there may be some hidden masters among them."

For example, the Legendary Pokémon Holder...

Ralts felt his trainer's palm on top of his head, enjoying the softness and warmth, and squinted in comfort at the closeness of the spiritual connection.



Ralts responded very obediently, and took the initiative to use the pair of pink horns on its head to rub against Aisha's palm.

It was very smart, and obviously listened to Aisha's words.

The lion fights with the rabbit, but also with full force.

What's more, it doesn't have the same power as Senior Caterpie...



Ralts rubbed against Aisha's chest while showing a determined look.

It clenched its small fists with a very determined expression.

Before coming, Aisha and Ralts had already discussed this.

In the first few rounds of the Indigo Plateau Conference, Aisha will put Ralts in the battlefield...

This was a way of hiding his strength, but also a way of giving Ralts a chance to shine.

In order to live up to Aisha's trust, Ralts is naturally prepared to fight a few beautiful battles, win a few magnificent games, and win a flag!

"Okay, let's go to the Pokémon Center to register first."

Aisha took the lead in deciding the rest of the trip.

Registration and enrollment was obviously the most important thing.

While Indigo Plateau was a plateau, the area belonging to the Pokémon League was more like a small city.

There are various buildings and functional places such as the Pokémon Center and the Poké Mart.

The venues used for the Indigo Plateau Conference are divided into four main sections: the Main Stadium, the Battle Arena, the Competitor Town, and Festival Plaza.

As the name suggests, the Main Stadium is where the Indigo Plateau Conference's Opening Ceremony and Final Ceremony will be held, and it is also the final stop for the ceremonial relay.

The Battle Arena is where all of the Indigo Plateau Conference matches will be held except for the finals - there are four venues: Ice, Water, Rock, and Grass.

Participants of the Indigo Plateau Conference stayed at the Competitors' Village, where the Budew Drop Inn, a worldwide chain of hotels, is a franchisee of the League, and the League is the best advertisement for the hotel brand, which takes care of the food, clothing, and transportation of the participants during the League.

Finally, the Festival Plaza, is a place for leisure and entertainment, the participants can not be tense all the time to study the problem of the battle, during this period came to the Indigo Plateau people can not be only the participants of the League General Assembly, the Festival Plaza as a variety of vendors gathered in the vicinity of the snacks are available, is to let people relax and travel place, hmmm... It was also the place where Jessie, James, Meowth would reign supreme in the coming days.


Looking at the conference manual, his eyes lingered for a moment on the location map of the festival plaza, Aisha laughed out loud.

He was really looking forward to the new Rainbow Rocket trio putting all of their energy into doing business... What would these business geniuses accomplish?

With a smile on his face, Aisha carried Ralts into the Pokémon Center.

This place is really full!

In addition to the trainers lining up to register for the tournament, there were also a lot of tourists.

The Nurse Joys and nurses stationed here were very busy.


Aisha glanced inside and turned around.

There were too many people to stand in line.

Oh... Aisha thought he saw Ash trying to push his way through the crowd.

I don't know what to say...

"Let's go to the festival plaza earlier."

Aisha made a judgment.

Anyway, Indigo Plateau was huge, and there was more than one Pokémon Center.

There was a Pokémon Center in the Main Stadium, Battle Arena, Competitor Town, and Festival Plaza.

Finding a less crowded Pokémon Center to register at is the normal way of thinking... What's the point of cramming a bunch of people into one place when you have nothing better to do?

"Too many people."

Standing in front of the crowded, bustling Festival Square, Aisha wore a surprised expression.

He had been traveling in the Kanto region for a long time, but most of the time he had been wandering around in the field and exercising his Pokémon, and even when he had been in the city, the places where he had stopped were probably the dojos and Pokémon centers of the city, and he had rarely encountered any events such as celebrations or festivals.

Today, seeing the Indigo Plateau Conference's Festival Plaza was a new experience.

"Uh, is that Casteliacone over there?"

Scanning around, Aisha saw an ice cream vendor with a sharp eye.

The fact that the stall's sign had the official Casteliacone ip engraved on it, and that it was located in Indigo Plateau, meant that the stall was definitely a genuine Casteliacone - the long line in front of the stall was also an indication of this.


Aisha happily approached.

He was also a fan of Casteliacone, having last eaten it with Cynthia in Celadon City.

Too bad... When I went to the Unova region, I only went around Nimbasa City and Icirrus City, but I didn't go to Castelia City.

If I had the chance, I'd like to try the local Casteliacone in Castelia City.

"Boss, two blueberry-flavored Casteliacone!"

After waiting in line for a while, Aisha told the owner of the stall what he wanted.

And then...

Something tugged at his pants leg.

Aisha looked down and saw Haunter coming out of his shadow.

One of its hands was tugging at Aisha's pants, and one of its hands was making a grabbing motion, the meaning of which was obvious.


Give me one too.


Looking at the appearance of this harmonic star glutton, Aisha helplessly smiled and shook his head.

"Boss, one more Family Bucket Mix!"

"Roger that!"


The Elder of the Soul Temple let out a delighted laugh.

A few minutes later, Aisha and Ralts were each holding a cone and tasting a blueberry-flavored Casteliacone.



Ralts took a small bite of the ice cream with a happy and sweet smile on its face.

It was probably because of Aisha's influence that Ralts liked the same flavors as Aisha.

As for Haunter...


The Elder of the Soul Temple carried a small bucket of various colors of ice cream in a plastic bucket.

With a roll of its bright red tongue, a whole bucket of Casteliacone entered its mouth without a single drop.


Tasting the deliciousness of the perfectly proportioned blend of fruity flavors, Haunter revealed a very happy expression.

Then, when it stuck out its tongue to lick it again, it came up empty.


Looking at the empty bucket, Haunter's expression was very disappointed.


How can you call this a family bucket with such a small amount of food?


Still craving!


Haunter had his eye on Aisha and Ralts.

Although Haunter is a total flavorist, but... It's good to taste the blueberry flavor!


Having made up its mind, Haunter swooped down on the father and daughter next to it with a flick of his tongue.


Hanging a pair of half-opened eyes, Aisha was very speechless looking at Haunter's Orochimaru face pounced on him and his cute little daughter, the palm of his hand quickly attached a layer of psychic power, quickly against this guy's big ghost face.


"No, your own portion itself is also a super large portion, you eat too fast, can not blame everyone!"


"Don't pretend to be pitiful, I won't fall for it, you idiot!"


"Don't stick your tongue out... No, no, this is not allowed, Haunter, take your tongue away and stay away from me!"

Rotom phone floated out and met Instructor Ai's pleading eyes, finding a spot with perfect light and angle.

"With a click, it left a picture of Haunter licking Aisha's ice cream and face with its long tongue, Ralts laughing heartlessly in Aisha's arms, and only Aisha, who had lost his ice cream, was hurt.


Feeling the coolness and sweetness on its tongue, Haunter showed a satisfied expression.

Then... Instructor Ai grasped its tongue with an expressionless face.


Haunter froze, looking at the trainer in front of him.


Hey, can we make up?

"At this moment, you're not kidding, are you?"

Aisha gave a cruel smile.


"Sea Tiger Blasting Punch!"

The screams of the ghosts were loud and clear.

Ten minutes later, Haunter was contentedly carrying a new bucket of Family Bucket and ate it one bite at a time.

However, as a ghost, the steaming bag on top of its head was so conspicuous...


Aisha couldn't help but laugh at Haunter's behavior.

He shook his head.

Haunter, who knew that it had done something stupid, floated over with a flattering face, and used a pair of flexible ghost hands to squeeze Aisha's shoulders.

"Count on your conscience."

Aisha grunted lightly, and then, wrapped one hand around Haunter's head.

He held Ralts in his arms and held up his cell phone, taking a picture of the two Pokémon together.


Aisha opened up the online and sent the picture to Cynthia with a message.

[Instructor Ai didn't eat today: If you don't have a choice, you can have them all.]

Only kids choose, adults take them all!

This is the best choice for those who have trouble choosing.

[Garchomp Flavored Ice Cream: That's a good choice, but I can't eat that big bucket by myself!]

Cynthia's reply was very quick.

She's accompanied by an emoticon of a Garchomp gawking at ice cream, as if hesitating about something.

This is obviously Cynthia's own Garchomp - the dinosaur that doesn't like ice cream.

"It's too much for one person..."

Aisha tilted his head towards her own Haunter.

That's because you don't have a food bucket in your house...

[Instructor Ai didn't eat today: Well then, why don't you call me, I'll help you choose.]

[Garchomp Flavored Ice Cream: Yes!]

Cynthia, over there, is in high spirits.

They chatted for a while, ending with Cynthia having a new job to take care of.

Then, Aisha thought about it, looked at the crowded festival square, and took his cell phone to send a message to James.

"James, are you here yet?"

It wasn't long before James sent a reply.

"Admin, look up!"


After listening to the voice, Aisha raised his head in a bit of a daze.

And then...

The giant Meowth hot air balloon, flew up into the sky!

Jessie and Meowth stood in the big frame underneath the balloon, holding a big roll of cloth left and right.


With a swish, the 20-meter long banner unfurled, revealing a very high-profile message of support.

["See you at the top, Instructor Ai will win, we are the champions!"]

Aisha: "..."

Pupils shook!

Rainbow Rocket trio made such a big noise that all the vendors and tourists in the festival plaza noticed the hot air balloon flying in the sky and the banner hanging down from the tops of the hot air balloons.

While they were impressed that a support team would use a flying vehicle like a hot air balloon, they were also talking about the "Instructor Ai" of the support team.

The sudden social death made Aisha almost open his Sharingan eyes.

He looked up at Jessie and Meowth in the hot air balloon.

Jessie and Meowth had also spotted him by now.


Jessie excitedly waved her hand towards Aisha on the ground.

Meowth held her hand down.

"Stupid Jessie, if you call out for Admin, do you want to reveal the identity that Admin has been hiding for so long?"

"Oh, oh..."

Jessie covered her mouth to show that she understood.

Then, she changed her name with Meowth.

"Instructor Ai, we're here, Instructor Ai!"

"Instructor Ai, look at Meowth and Jessie meow!"

A human and a cat called out loudly.

Not only did Aisha hear their shouts, but the people around her who were curious about who "Instructor Ai" was also heard their voices.

And then, following the line of sight of the cat and the man, they looked at Aisha, who had a blank look on his face.


On the ground, James, who was in front of the stall, wiped a tear from his eye.

His face showed a touching expression.

Admin, you're welcome...

You've helped us so much, you've invited us to dinner, you've paid for the equipment, it's no big deal to build a hot air balloon to support you!


Aisha froze in place, unconsciously letting go of the hand holding the Casteliacone.

Haunter: "!"


Watching Casteliacone about to fall to the ground, Haunter utilized its fastest speed in its life.

With a grimace, it caught the ice cream with its tongue.


Swallowing half of the ice cream with a roll of its tongue, Haunter looked happy.

Then, it froze.


Looking at its hand, Haunter was lost in thought.

I seem to have gotten faster?


While Haunter was contemplating its progress, a gust of wind blew across its face.

It turned its head and saw that Instructor Ai, who was still by its side, had already run a hundred meters, almost out of its sight.


Haunter was astonished.

As expected, its own training wasn't enough.

Compared to Instructor Ai, its speed was like a turtle crawling!


Haunter was on fire, trying to keep up with Aisha.

Instructor Ai, wait for me!



At the Pokémon Center in the contestants' village, the simple Blissey greeted Aisha gently and warmly, and brought him to the counter.

"Please give me your Pokédex, Instructor Ai."

Nurse Joy at the counter smiled.


Aisha took out his Special Pokédex and handed it to the pink-haired sister in front of him with a puzzled expression, saying, "You know me?"

"You're really joking."

Nurse Joy took Aisha's Pokédex and registered him for the contest, while answering Aisha's question with a smile, saying: "You are known to everyone in our Joy Family, the sisters all say that you are our Joy Family's savior, changing the way of our existence."

"That's too much..."

Instructor Ai smacks his lips.

"No exaggeration."

Nurse Joy shook her head and returned the Pokédex to Instructor Ai with both hands again, saying, "Everyone is looking forward to your performance at the Indigo Plateau Conference."

"I see..."

Instructor Ai took back the Pokédex, glanced at the display on the counter, and said, "Excuse me, when does the Indigo Plateau Conference start?"

"In order to ensure the enthusiasm of the participants as well as the audience, the first round of qualifiers will start this afternoon." Nurse Joy smiled as she answered Aisha's question, a question that she had told countless participants countless times today, and had memorized it by heart, saying, "The opening ceremony will take place at the main venue at 2:00 p.m. At that time, Mr. Charles Goodshow as well as Elite Lance will be in attendance!"

"Charles Goodshow and Lance..."

Instructor Ai pronounced the names thoughtfully.

Damaranch was the General Director of the Pokémon League, a very high position, portrayed as a kind, easy-going old man.

Lance was one of us.

"Is that the legendary Instructor Ai?"

"Hm... He looks like he's not to be trifled with."

"Another strong opponent, this one is the favorite to win the Indigo Plateau Conference this year, so we have to watch out!"

Aisha's conversation with Nurse Joy had attracted the attention of the other participants in the Pokémon Center.

Instructor Ai's reputation was not insignificant, and his appearance was incredibly recognizable.

In an instant, countless eyes were cast on him from all corners of the Pokémon Center.

These gazes were either scornful, distressed, or scrutinizing as they passed back and forth over his body.

Aisha, on the other hand, was not bothered by them.

He didn't care what these people thought of him...

In the end, there was always a fight, and when it came to the battlefield, it was just a matter of violently defeating the past!


Aisha laughed lightly, ignoring the sights, and after saying goodbye to Nurse Joy, he left the Pokémon Center in style.

It was only after he left that those who were paying attention to Instructor Ai began to whisper about this ruthless man's achievements and deeds.

What about the arrest of the most wanted man in the world, or the two...

He has created countless tactics, and his tactical skills have beaten countless Gym Leaders and even the Elite Four.

The contestants were all talking about Instructor Ai, but the result was surprisingly uniform.

The result was that this man was not to be messed with, and that... What's a guy like that doing at the Indigo Plateau Conference?

Frying fish?

Of course, Aisha couldn't hear these comments.

But even if he did, he wouldn't care.

Because frying fish is one of Instructor Ai's hobbies.

"Is that Instructor Ai?"

"Handsome... I can do it!"

"Oh no, this man is blowing up the fish pond again. Send it!"

Walking along the road, Aisha's pretty face attracted a lot of attention.

He and the Ralts in his arms are like a walking billboard, just simply stand there, is to attract countless eyeballs.

If he puts on a cape like Leon's, we'll make a fortune.


Suddenly, Aisha stopped dead in his tracks.

He saw someone he didn't expect.

In front of a street stall, a green-haired boy wearing a light blue jacket stood there, picking out something with a smile on his face.

With his trademark grassy hair color, his trademark Hoenn accent.

His sickly figure and soft smile spoke volumes about him.


Aisha frowned.

Then, a pleasant smile appeared.

This Indigo Plateau Conference had brought in a lot of interesting people.

  1. 'Sea Tiger' (海虎) is a Hong Kong Comic that serialized from 1994 to 1997