World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club


The glasses clinked together with a crisp sound.

Outside the window, the night sky was silent, with stars surrounding the bright white moon.

Under the cool moonlight, the Indigo Plateau was finally quiet, but inside, the atmosphere was lively and cozy.


Taking a sip of his beer, a reddened Lance let out a long, comfortable breath.

This house was his residence in Indigo Plateau, and if he hadn't provided the venue for the celebration, there wouldn't have been a place for everyone to stay.


Putting down the glass of juice, Ash drooled and gazed at the tearful dishes on the table in front of him.

"Can we eat, can we eat, I'm starving, Instructor Ai's cooking really smells good!"

"Gulp~" Gary who sat beside Ash rarely did not criticize Ash's gluttonous look, because he was also full of gluttony.

"I haven't eaten Instructor Ai's cooking yet..."

"Indeed." Green said with a sigh of relief.

"With Instructor Ai, the most exciting time to look forward to is when we eat."


Sabrina lifted her head and stared at Green with an unkind look in her eyes.

Her enemy program automatically caught Green's words "with Instructor Ai".


Looking at Green's smiling face, Sabrina recalled some bad memories.

It was the time when she and Green were fighting in the Silph Co. building.

She had the upper hand, but because of Green's trickery, she lost the battle and suffered a lot...

Therefore, Sabrina has a deep understanding of Green's "cunningness".

Now, Green seemed to have said something ambiguous to Instructor Ai, which naturally aroused Sabrina's vigilance.


Having been a thief for more than ten years, Green had honed her senses and noticed Sabrina's hostile gaze towards her.

With a quick thought, she realized the reason why Sabrina was looking at her like that for no reason at all.

"Heh~" Green laughed.

"Hey, when Instructor Ai used to cook for us, he used to like to cook this kind of food, it's really worthy of being a Dayan person who emphasizes on food culture!"

Green deliberately spread the message "Instructor Ai used to cook for me".

At that moment, Sabrina's face became even darker.

"Heh heh heh~"

Professor Oak picked up Green's words at this time.

He stroked his beard and said, "Yes."

"Some time ago, Ai-chan lived in my institute for a month, that month, the institute's daily meals are all in charge of Ai-chan, Green is also often over to eat, the old man I used to think but do not dare to think, do a day of research, but also can eat such a steaming hot and delicious meals!"

Blue turned his head in embarrassment.

According to reason, it should be his task as a grandson to cook for the old man.

As a result, Aisha had to cook for Professor Oak...

"I see." After listening to Professor Oak's words, Sabrina's face looked much better.

She understood.

Aisha's cooking was mainly for Professor Oak as a reward for living in the house and borrowing the backyard.

Green... This woman is just the one who's trying to get her food.


Stroking her hair proudly, Sabrina's pretty face resurfaced with a pleasant smile.

Lt. Surge and Koga looked on with mixed feelings.

The two brothers looked at each other and shook their heads together.



It seems that Sabrina has really fallen.

"This is all Dayan's cuisine."

Bruno, who knew what he was talking about, said, "I've been to Dayan before when I was traveling around looking for someone to spar with, and the specialties over there are just like this."


Brock nodded.

As a cook, after seeing Instructor Ai's craftsmanship, he was already impressed by this young beautiful boy.

"Dayan's cuisine is recognized as the most difficult in the chef's world, and Instructor Ai's ability to skillfully make such a colorful, fragrant, and flavorful meal is truly amazing!"

The long table was filled with a wide variety of dishes, fat but not greasy braised meat, healthy vegetables, fish in rich soup...

The aroma of the dishes is so appetizing.

These classic Dayan dishes are undoubtedly the work of Aisha.

"I'm celebrating by cooking for myself... Isn't there something wrong?" Instructor Ai looked thoughtful as he held his cup.


Gold wrapped his arms around Aisha's neck and said, "What's wrong with it, isn't it great, Instructor Ai, look how happy everyone is!"

Aisha looked up, sure enough, all the ten or so people at the table were smiling towards him, even the face paralyzed Red was also smiling happily.

"Hey, is this the fate of a cook?"

Instructor Ai shook his head helplessly, but his face raised a smile.

People who like to cook have one thing in common, that is, they like to see others enjoy eating their own cooking.

Obviously, Aisha's cooking skills were recognized by everyone present.

You know, there were many champions, Elite Four, and Gym Leaders in the audience...

These people are undoubtedly the top people in the high society, and even they recognized Instructor Ai's skills.

This, without a doubt, is a top honor for a chef!


Aisha simply did not think about it, picked up the bowl of rice, ate painfully.

Well, Instructor Ai never cooks, but he cooks every day!

"Well... Yummy!"

Red smiled as he took a piece of braised pork and expressed his approval.

"Oooh!" As Yellow looked at Red's smiling face, herheart couldn't help but flutter.

As the old saying goes, if you want to capture a man's heart, you have to capture his stomach first.

Doesn't that mean that if I can make Instructor Ai's level of cooking...


Blushing slightly, Yellow looked at Instructor Ai, who was sitting at the head of the long table, and her eyes burned with the fire of ambition.

She must ask Instructor Ai how to make a delicious, tasty meal!


Misty couldn't help but marvel.

"Instructor Ai's skills are better than the chef our family hired..."

"Your family still has money for a chef."

Brock, who was also one of Kanto's Eight Gym Leaders, but whose family's financial situation was so poor that he could only cook for the whole family himself, burst into tears of envy and felt the difference in the world.

He utilized this sadness and anger, and the speed of his food became faster.

"Hey, don't take that!"

Ash and Brock began to fight over the meal.

Gold soon joined in.

Silver covered his face in shame.

"Hey, Gold... Forget it."

Silver gave up trying to talk Gold out of it.

Misty didn't care about her "Cerulean Mermaid" image, she turned into "Cerulean Basculin" and ate a lot of food.

Instructor Ai watched them with amusement.

"Ash, Misty, Brock..."

Looking at the three people sitting together, Aisha was also filled with emotion.

I didn't expect that the three people who didn't travel together in this world would actually unite at this time.

This is not a kind of fate?

"With this kind of skill, I wonder which girl Ai will take advantage of in the future?"

Big Sister Lorelei made a favorite joke of her elders.

Professor Oak also picked up on her words with a smile.

"That's hard to say. Ai-chan is such an outstanding kid, he might have a suitor already."

Sabrina couldn't help but stand up with a proud look on her face.

A suitor?

That's right, me!


Big sister Lorelei pinched her beer glass, looked at Instructor Ai with a playful face and said, "Ai-chan, do you have a person you like?"


Instructor Ai's hand shook.

Bad, here comes the question!

When he took a look at the evil smile on Lorelei's face, he realized that this big sister with a great body was clearly a top-notch fun seeker.

"Eh, I'm curious too."

Yellow picked up on Lorelei's words and looked at Instructor Ai with a nosy face.

Misty also stopped her chopsticks and waited for Instructor Ai's response.


Sabrina's face was slightly red and her fingers were trembling.

Aisha: "..."

How can I answer that?

"Do you have the feeling that questions like 'have you found a boyfriend or girlfriend', or 'when will you get married', or 'do you have a person you like' are basically all questions that old people like to ask children." At this moment, as Instructor Ai's good brother, Gold spat out the questions asked by Lorelei towards Silver with a black line on his face, saying, "I didn't realize that Auntie Lorelei looks young, but she has actually turned into an old woman's mentality."

Silver: "..."

Silver wisely kept silent, pulling himself away from Gold.


Gold felt a chill come over him, and he shrank.

Turning his head, he saw Lorelei staring at him with a "nuclear" smile on her face.

"Gold can really talk, sister heard that you like indiscriminate wild battles, later after dinner, we go out to fight?"


Gold let out a painful sound - Kanto Elite Four and the two champions are all the top of the indiscriminate wild battles, Red had suffered a big loss from Lorelei's ice magic, although said Gold is also strong in indiscriminate wild battles, but in the final analysis is still an ordinary person, how can he fight with this group of godly men?

Fortunately, the food cooked by Instructor Ai is very fragrant and will not be spoiled by Gold's abrupt stench.

Everyone at the table laughed at Gold's antics.

After Gold's antics, no one cared about Instructor Ai's romantic situation.

Aisha was relieved.

He looked at Gold, who was crying like he was about to go to the execution ground, with a touching face.

Being a brother is in the heart.

Gold, I'll remember your kindness.


Granny Agatha smiled and shook her head as she watched the noisy youngsters.

However, after catching a glimpse of Professor Oak, who was also laughing with the juniors, the smile on her face was reduced.

In fact, she didn't really want to appear on the same screen as Professor Oak.

But... For Aisha's sake, Granny Agatha attended the celebration.

"Damn old man..."

Granny Agatha sneered, and after eating a piece of fish, her expression was soothed.

The flavorful, not too salty, not too bland, white tender fish meat was very suitable for an old person of her age to eat.


Granny Agatha smiled.

When she was young, she was also the type who liked to cook.

Unfortunately, due to a series of changes, Granny Agatha's temperament changed drastically, and she herself devoted herself to the Pokémon trainer profession, giving up cooking.


Remembering the events of her youth, Granny Agatha's laughter dulled a bit.

However, eating Aisha's food made her feel better.

At least, when she thought about the past, Granny Agatha's mood wouldn't be as bad as usual.

"Instructor Ai's Pokéblock is a masterpiece..."

Holding her bowl of rice, Yellow looked out the window at the Pokémon eating Pokéblocks and Pokémon food in the courtyard.

Those Pokémon were not only Instructor Ai's Pokémon, Red and Blue's Pokémon were also there, as well as Lance's Dragonite.

Looking at the Dragonite's eating face, which was almost burying its head in the food bowl, Yellow looked sad.

She remembered that when she was an enemy of Lance, that Dragonite was so dominant.

But now, it was just as husky eating food...


Yellow looked at Aisha.

Instructor Ai is good at fighting, breeding, cooking, and fighting.

Even Red wouldn't dare to say that he was proficient in so many skills.

"I see..."

It was only then that Yellow truly understood why Red had been following Aisha.

Excellent people would attract each other, just as the people at this table today were all gathered because of Instructor Ai.

Aisha was that good person.


After a moment's thought, Yellow was surprised to realize that the food in front of her had all gone into Gold's stomach.

She didn't think twice about it, and hurriedly picked up her chopsticks.

"Gold, save some for me!"

The table was empty by the end of the meal.

With their stomachs full, they chatted happily.

"Now, the Indigo Plateau Conference is over."

Misty held her face and said, "Instructor Ai's Kanto trip is over, where do you plan to travel next?"

"Usually, after a region's League convention is over, trainers who have finished traveling in that region will head to the next region." Blue wrapped her arms around her chest and said, "Ash and Gary have decided to travel to the Johto region next, to attend Silver Conference."


Lance and Bruno looked over.

Koga, who was a man of few words, also nodded and said, "Not a bad choice."

Kanto Johto doesn't discriminate.

Koga is the Elite Four of Johto, Bruno is the Elite Four of both Kanto and Johto, and Lance is the champion of Johto while being the head of Kanto's four kings.

It was a good choice for the new Kanto trainer to travel to Johto after his Kanto tour.

Lance rubbed his chin and said, "However, there's still some time before the next Silver Conference, so there's no rush to travel to the Johto region right away."


Gary nodded and said, "So, during this period of time, I intend to follow my brother to work out together and work hard!"

Ash, on the other hand, pondered for a moment.

"I'm going to travel to Orange Islands and challenge the Orange League!"


Lorelei understood.

"Orange Islands, that non-league recognized Orange League south of Kanto... It's a good place for a vacation, and the chief trainer's strength is good enough for a trainer of Ash's level to challenge."

"I remember that the chief trainer of the Orange League's representative Pokémon is also Dragonite, and he's an admirer of Lance."

Koga looked at Lance with a teasing face.


Lance nodded.

"I once coached that trainer in the techniques of Dragonite."

"I see." Ash, filled with fighting spirit, said, "Then it's decided, I'm going to travel to the Orange Islands!"


Aisha smiled and looked at Ash.

As expected, Ash chose to travel to the Orange Islands even though he didn't have a partner by his side.

"My words..." Aisha thought for a moment, and said, "I'm not going to participate in the Silver Conference, but the Johto region is a good place to go."

At that, Ash and Gary breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a good thing for them that Instructor Ai didn't attend Silver Conference.

If Instructor Ai had attended, they would have had to live under his shadow for the rest of their lives...

"I'm going back to Dayan, I have some things to do there."

Aisha spoke of his own arrangements.

He hadn't forgotten that there were three other Treasures of Ruin in Dayan waiting to be conquered.

Chien-Pao was very easy for him to use, so he thought the other three Treasures of Ruin would not be far behind.

Instructor Ai was looking forward to seeing what he would be able to do with all four Treasures of Ruin...


Bruno raised his head, smiled, and said, "Good Dayan."

"I've heard that Master Mustard of The Isle of Armor is holding a Budokai in Dayan, inviting people from all walks of life in Dayan to come and fight against each other, to compare their own martial arts skills with those of their Pokémon, and to decide whether they should win or lose, with the final winner getting the chance to go with him to Isle of Armor for training."


Aisha stared.

"Master Mustard?"

The figure of a white-browed warrior appeared in his mind.

"Yes!" Bruno face respect, said: "Master Mustard, he is the former champion of the Galar region as well as the original Fighting Gym Gym Leader, reigned for eighteen years, and within these eighteen years have not tasted a defeat, is the world's unparalleled martial arts masters, it is said that he inherited from the mysterious Dayan martial arts, which deliberately returned to the Dayan region to organize the world's first martial arts meeting!"

This man shook his head with a look of regret.

"Unfortunately, I'm too busy with my work during this period of time to go over and participate."

"In that case, I'll attend for you."

Aisha smiled and picked up on Bruno's words.

Mustard, The Isle of Armor... It was hard not to think of a Pokémon.

The special existence of fighting Pokémon, Urshifu!