Dragon King Returns to Take Charge of Dayan

The next day, Instructor Ai's tactics instructional video on the Rainy Day team met with the fans as scheduled.

The moment he posted the video on b-site, the long-awaited fans flocked to the video.

Soon after, the video was the number one trending video on the site.

This is the gold content of Instructor Ai!

"Please welcome today's victim."

"Laughing to death, not only Iono is getting beaten up today, Instructor Ai is really sweet, he was afraid that Iono would be unhappy if she got beaten up by himself, so he purposely beat up another person."

"Instructor Ai last update video has been a month ago, now Indigo Plateau Conference finished, update speed can not be faster?"

There was a surge of barrage, with some laughing at Iono's misery, and others complaining about Instructor Ai's slow pace of updating his videos.

However, as the video officially started, the fans opened their takeaways and waited for Instructor Ai and Iono to cook for themselves.

"Instructor Ai doesn't play dirty anymore."

"The above, Instructor Ai doesn't teach dirty tricks for a while, the last tactical video he updated was the Tailwind team in head-to-head combat... by the way, there are some opposite space team concepts, it can only be said that Instructor Ai knows too many things, dirty routines may just be a tiny bit of his skills."

"Wow, this is a weather team, a serious senior team!"

After realizing that the tactics taught in this video were the Rainy Day Team, the fans couldn't help but gasp.

See Instructor Ai from a single Butterfree to play Compound Eyes Sleep Powder tactics, all the way to teach a whole team now forming the rainy day team, the old fans are very emotional.

"Follow the likes and favorites, Rainy Day Brothers will be the king!" With Instructor Ai's distinctive but quirky set piece, the battle officially begins.

The video is divided into three stages.

Explanation, actual combat, and analysis of how to react to different opponents.

Instructor Ai first explains the concept of rainy weather, including the effects and bonuses it has on Pokémon battles.

The Rainy Day team is a tactic that enjoys these special bonuses to gain an advantage in battles.

The core of this tactic is a fast attack with high offense and high speed by the Pokémon that can move freely under rain, and control and rotation by the Pokémon that enjoy the weaknesses of rain.

"Instructor Ai's explanation is really simple and easy to understand... It turns out that Weather Team is not as difficult as I thought."

"It's not hard, but it's so expensive, I can't afford a serious weather player, let alone an attacker or a rotation."

"Don't worry, I watched the live broadcast at that time, Drizzle characteristics of the Pelipper is not difficult to catch, rainy day attackers also have Ludicolo and Barraskewda these two powerful roadside favor."

In this video, Instructor Ai's battle with Gold shows off the Rainy Day's high firepower to the fullest.

The following video, Instructor Ai vs Iono, shows how trainers should react when faced with an unfavorable attribute situation.

In addition to this, the video also includes footage of a full-scale six-on-six battle that was not shown in either of the two live games.

This is Instructor Ai the night before when editing the video, in order to fully show the function of the rainy day team, specially offline recording material.

In these two games, Instructor Ai made full use of moves such as Flip Turn and U-turn. The weather player Pelipper and the rotation player Scizor worked together to control the opponent. After the two games, the rain on the field never stopped. The Swift Swimmers who came on stage from time to time were bombarding each other, suppressing the opponents and unable to lift their heads.

"What's called a weather master, this is called a weather master!"

"Too strong, this rhythm control, worthy of the tactical master Instructor Ai."

"Whoever says Instructor Ai only plays tricks in the future, I'll be the first one to be anxious with him!"

After enjoying this rainy day feast, the audience has once again changed their opinion of Instructor Ai.

Although there was a time when the Tailwind team had such a head-to-head tactic.

However, Instructor Ai's real claim to fame is the classic Toxic-Protect-Substitute tactic...

Some people who don't like the dirty tricks have used the Toxic-Protect-Substitute and Sleep Powder to question Instructor Ai's skills.

When the Rainy Day team's instructional video came out, the skeptical voices that often appeared in the comments section disappeared in a flash.

Everyone was speechless for a while.

It can be said that with these two six to six crushing battles, Instructor Ai once again proved his own gold!

Compared to the last Tailwind video, the Rainy Day team is a step up in difficulty and intensity.

Instructor Ai's use of rotation and offense is dazzling.

This is a reflection of the strength of the team.

People are surprised to find that the weather tactics that countless professional trainers are so proud of are not that difficult for Instructor Ai...

In the comment area, Red was late but arrived: "In this video of Team Rainy Day, Instructor Ai obviously worked hard. I won't go into details about Team Rainy Day. You can watch the video by yourself. What I want to say is that this video, Instructor Ai, for the first time presented the materials and explanations for a six-on-six all-out battle. Six-on-six battle is exactly the battle method that professional trainers must master. This kind of battle has a long rhythm and is a comprehensive test of the trainer's quality. When the trainer is fighting, every command must consider the subsequent operation. The matching of Pokémon is the top priority. You can I mean strictly. Similarly, the Weather Team is a classic six-on-six battle tactic. After learning the Rainy Team taught by Instructor Ai, everyone here will have a stepping stone to become a professional trainer. On behalf of myself, I would like to express my gratitude to Instructor Ai. It points the way for trainers in countless professions."

The words were heartfelt and sincere.

Red, as a champion who truly wanted to see the trainer's career flourish and continue to develop, felt deep admiration for Instructor Ai's unstinting behavior of teaching tactics.

As he said, Instructor Ai didn't just teach Rainy Day's tactics in this episode.

It was the demonstration of six-on-six full-scale battles and the importance of a structured team that really enlightened the audience.

Hoenn Champion, Wallace also appeared in the comments section of this video: "Gorgeous rainy day battle, it's like a waltz in the rain, perfect!"

Not to mention, it's a compliment.

It's a comment that fits Wallace's style.

The presence of these two champions took the video to another level.

The veterans are used to it.

Passersby were shocked.

"What's this anchor's story? I think Red bought a house in his comment section."

"Instructor Ai's connections!"

"This is Indigo Plateau Conference won the championship after the Kanto Elite Four and champion with the big brother to come out to give him the award, this network with you to play?"

"Speaking of which, it's a shame that Mr. Blue didn't come out at that time."

"What's a three-minute champion doing out here?" That was Green's comment.

There's a buzz in the comments section.


Galar area, Hammerlocke.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

On top of the historical castle walls, a tall, dark-skinned young man wearing a stylish Dragon Pokémon-type hooded jacket held his cell phone and wore an excited expression.

His name was Raihan, the Gym Leader of Hammerlocke.

"This guy, he's super strong!"

He held his cell phone and showed it to the purple-haired young man with the same dark skin beside him.

"Uh... Oh!"

The young man wearing an exaggerated cloak, the back of which was filled with various small advertisements, thus making him look funny, carefully examined Raihan's cell phone page, and suddenly, let out an exclamation of surprise, saying, "So it's Instructor Ai!"


Raihan tilted his head.

He retrieved his cell phone, saying, "This kid is the Instructor Ai that you always talk about?"

He pondered in silence for a while, and suddenly, grinned a satisfied smile.

"Not bad!"

Raihan's representative Pokémon attribute is Dragon.

However, since this guy is a man of leisure who likes to run around a lot.

As such, he has developed a skill to fight in the weather, which allows him to adapt to extreme environments such as deserts and snowy plains.

In other words, Raihan is not only a master of Dragon attribute, but also an excellent trainer who has mastered all kinds of weather tactics.

"This video of Team Rainy Day even mentioned some elements that I had never thought of before, as well as Pokémon configurations that I had never thought of..." Raihan's tone was stroking the case of his phone with one hand and his chin with the other. Full of interest, he said: "This anchor is a weather master. His research on rainy weather is definitely not inferior to mine. Moreover, during the battle, he rotates the operation of the weather hand and sends out Pokémon to fight. I can tell at a glance what he is good at. His weather tactics are not only rain, sandstorm and snow tactics, he is also proficient in at least one!"

Raihan, who is also a weather guru and known as the son of weather, knows the essence of a weather team.

It's the rhythm of rotation.

As the saying goes, it's all in the eye of the beholder, and all in the eye of the beholder.

To the casual viewer and the average trainer, Instructor Ai's Rainy Day team is full of power and beauty.

For Raihan, the material in the video is full of maneuvers that would amaze even him...

He was able to get a glimpse of Aisha's strength.

"This guy, is definitely not a simple entertainment, science anchor, he is a serious tactical master, excellent trainer!"

Raihan was happy.

"That's for sure."

Leon laughed and shook his head at Raihan's excitement.

"Instructor Ai is the champion of this year's Indigo Plateau Conference in the Kanto region, so there's no doubt about his strength."

"You mean the Indigo Plateau Conference Champion who used a dragon Caterpie to beat the runner-up in the finals by six?"

Raihan frowned.

He hadn't paid much attention to the Indigo Plateau Conference because the Kanto region was too far from the Galar region.

However, the waves of the Indigo Plateau Conference champion's record on the internet had somehow made him notice this trainer who had suddenly appeared in the public eye.


Raihan smacked his lips.

He wasn't shocked by Instructor Ai's record of shutting out his opponents.

After all, the strongest dojo master in the Galar region, Leon's greatest rival, and a champion in another region, didn't care about winning the Indigo Plateau Conference.

What he really cares about is the Caterpie that has evolved into a dragon...

Now, because of Instructor Ai's video of the Rainy Day team teaching, Aisha himself had entered his vision.

"I really want to fight him."

"Me too."

Seeing his old friend's smile, Leon laughed along with him as if he'd met a fellow warrior.

Turning around, Leon, cloaked in his cloak, looked up at the blue sky over Hammerlocke.

With a few white clouds, it was a beautiful day.

"Oh, yeah!"

Leon turned around as if remembering something.

"I heard from Sonia that she and Instructor Ai met at a seminar held in Lumiose City, Kalos some time ago, and Instructor Ai accepted the Giant Wristband that Sonia gave her, and promised to visit the Galar region sometime in the future."

"Maybe." Leon smiled.

"Maybe we'll get a chance to fight him, right?"

Raihan picked up on his words.

Leon laughed.

Raihan, disgruntled, threw a fist and slammed it against the young man's shoulder.

He looked disgruntled and even sounded a little jealous.


"Are you kidding me, you don't even know this person, but you are still talking about how great he is and how good he is, are you not ashamed?" Raihan wrapped his arms around his chest, like a dragon that cherishes its treasure, his dark green eyes staring at Leon, saying, "Your strongest rival is clearly standing right here, and to think of looking for someone else to fight against you is going to be struck down by heavenly lightning!"


With a glance at Raihan, Leon realized that the guy was being funny again and joked along with him.

"You've lost to me ten times in a row, so why don't you Instructor Ai?"


That was an accurate defense of Raihan.

Raihan is a popular Internet blogger.

Though he started posting selfies on the internet to vent his anger over losing to Leon and to remind himself of his defeat... However, as time passed, Raihan's frequency of posting snazzy selfies and travelogues increased, turning him into an Internet sensation and a source of ridicule should he lose to Leon once again.

Raihan has lost to Leon ten times so far.

He also has the highest number of Pokémon defeating Leon in the Galar Regional Championships.

"Damn it, I'll beat you next time!"

"Just in time."

Leon smiled in a calm and confident manner, his words filled with his characteristic enthusiasm.

"Next time I fight, I'll fight you with all my might!"


Raihan sighed as he saw Leon's face.

"What a maniac..."

He muttered, complaining about Leon's fervor for battle.

But it was for the best.

Raihan glanced at the tag on Leon's cape.

This man carried the faith of all the people of Galar.

If he didn't like fighting, the pressure on his shoulders would have crushed him, wouldn't it?


Patting Leon on the shoulder, Raihan walked down the wall with Leon in tow.

"Come on, come on, I heard that the Battle Café has a new product, so go have a drink with me."

"Oh?" Leon was interested and said, "Let's play together!"


Raihan was speechless.

"Then I understand why you like Instructor Ai, you're the same kind of guy who pulls out his Ace Pokémon to fry fish in the Battle Cafe!"

He said, "That's great, isn't it?

"Isn't it great?" Leon smiled a harmless smile.


In the chat group, Misty initiated a conversation about Instructor Ai's new video.

"My Rainy Day team is so primitive compared to the version Instructor Ai used in his video, the difference is like Magikarp and Gyarados."

Red, the straight man of steel, scurried out: "Indeed."

Misty: "..."

Lorelei once again held her head in her hands because of Kanto man's EQ.

"Red, if you talk like that, no girl will like you."

Yellow blushed in front of the screen.

That's... not true at all.

Gold laughed wildly and said, "Auntie Lorelei looks like she has a lot of emotional intelligence, but she's still single, so don't pretend!"

Lorelei: "?"

"Kid, don't run, I'm going to New Bark Town now!"

Lorelei felt her blood pressure rising.

Lorelei had let Gold off the hook before, so she hadn't taken him seriously.

Now Lorelei realized that Gold was really just a man who needed to be beaten up!

It's time to fight.

Silver then silently shared a location of Gold's secret base in New Bark Town.

The next moment, everyone saw Gold's avatar go out, probably ready to pack up his belongings and run.

Gold knocked on Aisha's window.

"Instructor Ai, where are you? Can I come and hide with you?"

Aisha: "It's hopeless. Get buried."

Gold wailed.

At that moment, someone in the group also @ Instructor Ai.

Brock: "Has Instructor Ai left yet?"

Sabrina is a bit distracted: "Yeah, just left, got on a plane this morning, he sent a video from my gym's network and left straight away."

Lt. Surge, peering at the screen, almost laughed out loud.

Koga almost did, but Koga could hold it in.


"Indeed, the plane has taken off already, time for me to go back to Dayan." Instructor Ai bubbled in the group, indicating that he was already on his way back home.

Bruno was very excited: "Ready for the World's First Martial Artist Meeting?"


Replying succinctly with one word, Aisha put down his cell phone and looked out the window at the clouds and the sea.

He had left the Kanto region, the place where he had been traveling for a year...

Next, it's time for the Dragon King to return and take charge of Dayan!