Plans For the Future

Until Giovanni hung up the phone, Aisha was still confused, dizzy, with a feeling of unreality.

He had been struggling for a long time to find a new house and dispose of the old one, and Giovanni's words had solved it?


Instructor Ai sucked in a breath of cold air.

Surely, professional things should be left to professionals.

Nowadays, Team Rainbow Rocket is in the legal goods business, and sooner or later, they'll get involved in real estate.

Plus Giovanni's own wealth...

Giovanni, the titular officer of Team Rainbow Rocket, had acquired a valuable piece of real estate for nothing.


At that moment, he received a message on his cell phone.

It was a message from Giovanni, stating the location of the villa he bought for Aisha, as well as some necessary information.

He said that the real estate license was in Aisha's name, and that it would be sent to Aisha later.

Instructor Ai almost burst into tears.


Once a boss, always a boss.

With a boss like Giovanni at Team Rainbow Rocket, why wouldn't they work hard?

Instructor Ai finally realized what Giovanni's charisma was...

He also understood why there were so many people within the old Team Rocket who willingly followed Giovanni's transformation into Team Rainbow Rocket.

Was it true that Carr and Proton were the ones who had second thoughts?

Giovanni has been so good to his cadres that Sabrina, Lt. Surge, and Koga didn't even think of making an enemy of him even after they left Team Rocket.

And you two, with your old Team Rocket bonuses and Giovanni's favors, you want to take his place?

Damn it!

As an officer of Team Rainbow Rocket, and as the searching officer who arrested these two wolves, Instructor Ai said that he would be more than happy to help the boss clean up the mess.

"Hey, Team Rainbow Rocket is my home..."

After saying goodbye to Giovanni's boss, Instructor Ai tried to calm down for a while, but found that he couldn't stop smiling on his face.


This is a free villa.

In the expensive Dayan region, Giovanni's gift is like giving him a mountain of gold.

It's not that Instructor Ai doesn't have money.

But, to buy a villa with so much money at once is a very painful thing for him nowadays.

So Instructor Ai's first idea was to rent a big house.

Now he doesn't have to rent.

No more renting a house...

"I'm also whoring out Giovanni's Second Generation Mewtwo, which is really... He's really nice to me."

Aisha was overcome with emotion.

Giovanni's status in his heart immediately skyrocketed, surpassing a certain Flying-type Elite Four, placing him below his best brother Steven, and equaling Wallace.


Putting away his cell phone, Aisha walked back to his home with a happy face.

Sitting on the couch, Summer was the first to notice the smile on Aisha's face.


Summer looked curious.

"What?" She asked, "You look so happy, did something good happen to you?"


Instructor Ai shared his happiness with Summer very frankly.

"We found a new house, it's huge, we can move in tomorrow!"


Summer froze, and then, a sense of frustration rose in her heart.

She originally intended to persuade Aisha to come and live with her, and if she couldn't, she could also arrange his new house across the street or next door to her own house.

After creating such a close environment, she was not able to use this opportunity to brush up his favorability.

Instructor Ai was a piece of cake...

I didn't expect Aisha to find the house before I did.

"Hey... Wait?"

After sighing helplessly, Summer suddenly realized the keyword in Aisha's words.

"Did you say, 'we'?"


Aisha responded to her question in a very logical way, saying: "The new house is very big, I can't live alone, so it's not a problem for me to prepare a guest room for you, you can come over to play anytime when you're free, and when you're tired of playing, you can sleep directly, it's okay!"


Summer was excited again.

Instructor Ai has a room in his house, so rounding it up, wouldn't it mean that they are already living together?

Plus, when Aisha talked on the phone, he said more than once that he wanted to be the Dayan Champion, and that he would marry her after he became the Champion...


I didn't realize you had a crush on me.

I'm sorry to say that I can only speak my mind in a joking manner, right?

It's okay, I understand!

You'll marry me when you're the champion... No, I'll marry you.


After figuring out this logic, Summer couldn't be happier.

She thought she was in love with Aisha, but she didn't realize that Aisha was also interested in her.

What could be happier than that?


I'll get him with a single move of my hand.

I'm in!


Covering her face with one hand, Summer tried to contain her smile.

But she realized she couldn't stop smiling.

"What's wrong with you?"

Instructor Ai was curious.

"Nothing," Summer laughed and waved her hands.

You're still pretending with me, aren't you?

I've seen through your little boy's mind long ago.

"I'm just happy for you!"

"We should celebrate tomorrow." Hearing Summer's words, Aisha's mood was even better.

From the bottom of his heart, he felt that Summer was too good to him.

Not only did she help him in every way, but she was also happy because of his own good deeds...

She's like a sister to him!

No, I'm afraid that even a real sister wouldn't be as good to him as Summer.

There's no way to repay her...

"I'll have to give myself up for her."

Looking up at the ceiling, Aisha's heart was filled with strange thoughts.


At this time, shiny Haunter floated over with a proud look on its face.

The floor of the house was spotlessly clean after it had cleaned it up.

Behind them, Chansey and Gengar also carefully wiped up the dust in the living room and a few other rooms.

In such a short period of time, the three Pokémon had cleaned the rooms that had not been occupied for a year.

"Well, that's great." Stroking shiny Haunter's big head and looking at the brand new room, Instructor Ai's heart was filled with thoughts.

Pokémon were an important labor force in this world.

By utilizing Pokémon, human beings were able to do many things that could not be done by human or mechanical power alone.

Based on this, he thought of a number of areas that Team Rainbow Rocket could be involved in.

"Well... I'll summarize the plan tonight and send it to Giovanni," Aisha whispered to himself.

As a reward for the villa the boss gave him.


Instructor Ai's Umbreon walks through the living room with a curious look on its face.

Its little paws were rubbing the wooden floor one by one, and it was in a mood.

Larvitar and Ralts followed behind it, and the three childlike Pokémon began an adventure full of curiosity.

The stage of the adventure was Instructor Ai's home in Dayan.

Instructor Ai took these three children to the Kanto region, unlike Caterpie, Charizard, Azumarill, and shiny Metang.

They were also very curious about the home that Aisha had mentioned from time to time during her travels.


shiny Haunter floated over and joined the three children.

Patting its chest, it took over Captain Umbreon's position and became the tour guide for the Pokémon's adventures.

"Boo-ee!" Umbreon glared at shiny Haunter.

Shiny Haunter didn't really care.


I swept the floor of the house, I know how many rooms there are in this house, you know?


Umbreon's vigor dropped.

It's true...

It was its first time home.

"Boo-ee!" Umbreon shook its head and accepted shiny Haunter's application to be its tour guide.

Do it right, or you'll be raided during meals!


Shiny Haunter smiled and floated in the front.


The four Pokémon were walking around in a serpentine formation.

They went from this room to that room, from the living room to Aisha's room, the kitchen and the bathroom.

Each time they open the door, tiny Haunter looks like it's the first of a team of raiders to explore the boss's room.

Umbreon, Larvitar, and Ralts were also very much in tune with his performance, hiding in the doorway with the same nervous expression.


Floating beyond the utility room, shiny Haunter gulped with a grave expression.

Then, its eyes hardened.

Pushing the door open, shiny Haunter floated in and closed it.

The next moment, there was a series of crackling noises in the utility room.




The three kids outside the door took a step back in fear.

After a sound of pots and pans slamming, the door opened, and shiny Haunter poked its head out of the door, wailing with its tongue out and its head bobbing dramatically as if it had been strangled.

"What happened?"

Instructor Ai poked his head out of the kitchen when he heard the commotion.

From his own perspective, he clearly saw that shiny Haunter was actually choking itself and performing a beating.

Aisha: "..."

No, how about I name you Tom?

Summer was laughing her ass off.

"There's something about your Haunter. He's got a great temperament."

"Indeed." Aisha laughed, shook her head, sighed, and said, "With this guy around, me and everyone else won't be lonely."

"Harmonizing the Pokémon in the team is indeed the most important thing a trainer should do."


Instructor Ai thought so.

Summer shook her head.

There were only a few trainers like Aisha who valued their relationship with all their partners.

Most trainers, especially new trainers, would inevitably favor one over the other when leading a team.

In addition, Pokémon and Pokémon have different personalities and ideas.

If a trainer doesn't handle this well, it can be a very difficult situation when Pokémon are at odds with each other.

A good trainer will allow Pidgeot and Fearow to get along harmoniously within the team.

A bad trainer will not be able to handle the little conflicts...

Apparently, Aisha's relationship with his Pokémon is a lesson for trainers.


Suddenly, Summer had a thought.

She took stock of Aisha's Pokémon at home.

The four explorers, Chansey, who was still helping Aisha in the kitchen.

Rotom, who was charging next to the TV, Charizard and Azumarill, who were playing in the yard, and Caterpie and shiny Metang, who were thinking to the sky.


Summer started counting thoughtfully.

"Ten Pokémon... That's actually too few for a professional trainer." Summer made a suggestion to Aisha, saying, "A professional trainer needs to have at least two teams, or twelve Pokémon, to cope with some large tournaments, and to train more Pokémon, which will also come in handy when traveling."


Seeing Aisha's puzzled expression, Summer continued to add.

"Take the Elite Four Tournament as an example, if you participate in the Elite Four Tournament, your information will be investigated by your opponents and other participants, and if you have enough main Pokémon, you can have a huge advantage."

"On the contrary..." Summer spread her hands.

"If you only have a few Pokémon, it's easy for people to find ways to target you, which is a very unfavorable situation."

"Uh..." Aisha said he understood.

He himself had always had a policy of keeping a small army rather than a small number of soldiers.

Compared to Ash and Gary, he had very few "normal" Pokémon under his command.

Originally, he didn't really care about the number of Pokémon.

When Summer said that, he realized that.

The Elite Four Tournament was also a battle of information, and having enough Pokémon gave him a huge advantage.

"Actually, you're a multi-attribute trainer, which is an advantage in the Elite Four Tournament."

Summer explained some of the problems of the Elite Four Tournament, saying: "Because multi-attribute trainers are not easily targeted, your team usually has the characteristics of each attribute and specialty Pokémon complementing each other, balanced, and flexible in their fighting styles, the tactics of purely targeting a certain Pokémon or several Pokémon is not quite feasible for you, because by the time you participate in the Elite Four Tournament, it's impossible for a trainer to have a team of six Pokémon being targeted by all of them."

Summer had a point.

Aisha understood what she meant.

Those people were just trainers like Red, Blue, and Cynthia.

"So, you don't need to breed too many Pokémon like a single-attribute trainer... In fact, some Elite Four or Gym Leaders have three or more teams that they train all year round."

She thought for a moment, and said, "In your case, two teams would be enough for the Elite Four tournament... It's basically no problem for you to gather this number before the Elite Four Tournament."

"This number is just right, it's not too much of a burden for you, but of course more is better."

"Moreover, if your Caterpie, according to the Flying and Dragon attributes, then, nowadays, your team, still lacks Ground, Ice, Fighting, Grass, and Bug these five attributes, you see to make up for it." Summer put forward her suggestion, saying: "If you make up enough, your participation in the Elite Four Tournament will be secure."

"I know."

Aisha responded to Summer's words.

He smiled towards this sweet big sister.

"Don't worry, I've considered that the Isle of Armor Pokémon I was talking about is a Fighting-type Pokémon."

Let's leave aside the Grass and Bug attributes.

The three attributes of Fighting, Ice, and Ground are indeed very important striking surfaces.

It would be nice to get a Kubfu, but if you can't, there are plenty of options for Fighting-attribute Pokémon.

The same goes for the Grass and Ground attributes, as there are many powerful Pokémon in these two attributes, so there is no lack of choices, so you can give them some serious consideration.

Ice... This attribute is very easy to understand, do not need to think much, because the useful Pokémon or just a few.

Bug, this as fate would have it, as of Gen 9, the Bug-type Pokémon, although it is said that the emergence of a lot of excellent players, but Aisha did not take the initiative to look for these Pokémon idea, the fate of the case can be to get a supplement to the team.

"The main thing is that after Larvitar evolves into Tyranitar, its Ground attribute will become Dark attribute, so it can in turn make up for Umbreon's lack of output." Aisha put his hands around his chest and said: "To be honest, I'm quite interested in Garchomp, although this thing can't learn Dragon Dance, but the enhancement of Swords Dance is also enough, not to mention the Scale Shot move."

Instructor Ai may have been persecuting Garchomp, but it was actually his favorite Pokémon.

Garchomp's combat power is as good as any Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon.

Also, it doesn't require mega-evolution, which makes it less expensive to breed than one might think.

Who's a good guy with a Mega Garchomp?

Mega Garchomp must have been designed by Garchomp fans!


Summer agreed with Aisha's choice and said, "Garchomp is indeed the best among the Ground-type Pokémon, moreover, its Dragon Attribute is just as powerful, having two more Dragons in the team is not a bad thing, and with your strength nowadays, it's not hard to get a Gible and cultivate it into a Garchomp."


Aisha exclaimed.

He turned around and dove into the kitchen, saying, "I'm still boiling water!"

"You have so many program effects even when you cook, you're really born to eat the anchor's finished meal..."

Summer spat.

Aisha responded with a smile.

"Maybe I can start a new series in my new home in the next couple days, and call it 'Today's Meal in Instructor Ai's House'."

"I support it, I'm guest number one!"