Trainer is Better At Fighting Than Their Pokémon

As soon as Bea was knocked 20 meters away by Aisha's punch, the audience couldn't help but let out a series of gasps.

Of course, Instructor Ai's fans who were hidden in the crowd were not surprised.

Bea's feat of fighting Rhydon was limited to a physical fight, and the exact winner was not yet known.

However, Instructor Ai's beating of Nidoking with his bare hands is a real case of Nidoking being incapacitated with his bare hands, and videos of it have been flying around for a long time.

It's a close comparison.

Instructor Ai's purity is higher!


Feeling the numbness, but also from time to time to send some electric shock like tingling sensation of the right arm, Bea took a deep breath, fiercely one-handed support the ground, flexible stood up.


With a loud shout, the girl with an athletic body danced with both arms and performed a standard karate hand style.

At the next moment, she was like a strong female cheetah, fiercely running towards the front.

Bea was obviously not an ordinary person, the distance of 20 meters was just a snap of the fingers for her.

Like an arrow rushing in front of Aisha, Bea didn't hesitate to strike her palm.

The brown-skinned palm tore through the air like a steel blade and slammed into Aisha's face.

The black-haired boy turned his body sideways and dodged Bea's attack, which was strong enough to defeat a normal person in one blow.

"Ha... Ha!"

Bea didn't get discouraged by the missed strike, but instead launched a series of follow-up strikes.

A master punch, a straight punch, an uppercut, a right whip.

A series of strikes were as intense and rapid as the wind and rain.

Aisha, on the other hand, wore a smile on her face throughout, moving her feet, turning her body steadily and flexibly, dodging Bea's attacks.


A drop of sweat dripped from the corner of his forehead, and Bea, whose stamina was constantly depleting, violently flew up with a kick.

Aisha took two steps back as if he had expected it.

The two steps back made Bea's raised right leg miss his chest by an inch... Unfortunately, it didn't hit.

Instructor Ai's terrifying evasion rate, which looked like six layers of shadow clone, caused the spectators to cheer in excitement.

This inadvertently increased the pressure on Bea's shoulders.

At the same time, the two Pokémon fighting beside each other were also distracting Bea's attention.


Azumarill, who was riding Aqua Jet, was moving deftly in the sky, and with its great speed, its continuous attacks landed on Machamp's body one after another with a speed that made it impossible for people to breathe.


In the face of Azumarill's aggressive and unrelenting attacks, Machamp, who had a strong physique, fell into a passive defense situation.

The fists wrapped in water flowed down continuously.

Machamp had no choice but to put up his four arms in front of its body and was busy defending himself from Azumarill's attacks.


As soon as Azumarill withdrew its fist, its relatively small body turned around and its tail, carrying a raging stream of water, attacked.


Aqua Tail, which was completely above Aqua Jet, caught Machamp by surprise.

The four arms in front of him were opened, and Azumarill was waiting for this opportunity, so it couldn't possibly miss the chance to follow up.


Azumarill laughed wildly, and a dreamlike pink light shone brightly from its fist.

Play Rough!

The natural strength of Huge Power was a perfect illustration of the true "Machamp" for the Machamp in front of him.

The punch landed directly on the muscle monster's chest, and the effect of attribute restraint exploded without mercy, sending the unsteady Machamp flying with a huge force.


Even the stoic Machamp couldn't help but wail under Azumarill's punch.


Bea, who was unsteady because her attack was dodged by her opponent, looked at Machamp, who flew out, and shouted out in worry.

It was this momentary distraction that allowed Aisha in front of her to seize the opportunity.

"How dare you get distracted while fighting me?"

Aisha laughed coldly, following the lines of the villains in the martial arts dramas he had seen before.

After that, he grabbed Bea's ankle with one hand and pushed her out with a force of his arm.


Bea cried out in shock, the force from her ankle made her unable to stabilize herself, and she fell backward.

But Bea was, after all, a fighter in her own right with many years of martial arts training.

The techniques engraved in her memory, blood, and bones allowed her to quickly adjust her posture, and after taking a few consecutive steps back, she managed to stabilize her body so that she didn't fall.


Standing on the same spot, Bea breathed heavily.

She was exhausted from the continuous attacks like a storm just now.

However, Aisha, who should have consumed more energy than her, was now standing calmly over there, as if she wasn't tired at all.

When she thought about this person's terrifying strength...

Bea's heart was numb.

"Instructor Ai, is he a monster?"

She muttered.

Then she looked at the two Pokémon in the distance.

Machamp was now not passively defending, but passively being beaten.

It was clearly a muscular monster that was much bigger than Azumarill, and had the fighting advantage of two pairs of arms.

However, Machamp's strength is completely inferior to Azumarill's.

It's not...



Azumarill leapt up high and slammed a Liquidation into Machamp without hesitation.

The four-armed Machamp, however, utilized a special power technique and threw out two of his arms in one breath and used his best move, Cross Chop.


There was a muffled sound and a splash.

The result of this confrontation was that Azumarill landed on the ground in style, while Machamp retreated in disarray.

"Tsk..." Bea smacked his lips anxiously.

Machamp couldn't fight Azumarill.

She couldn't hit Aisha...

It was an indiscriminatory wild battle, but in reality, Pokémon and trainers were fighting each other.

Now, the situation on the field was still the same, both the trainers and Pokémon were at a disadvantage.

"Young people are young and immature."

On the podium, Master Mustard stroked his white beard and shook his head with a smile.

He could see that Bea was getting agitated.

Anxiety is a taboo for martial artists...

Bea wouldn't have been able to beat Aisha if she wasn't agitated.

But now, her unstable state of mind has accelerated the countdown to her defeat.

"However, this child is a beautiful piece of jade, worthy of careful carving."

Master Mustard exclaimed.

He admired Bea very much.

As for Aisha...

As a Master, Master Mustard could see that Instructor Ai didn't have too many martial arts techniques in his moves.

He was able to crush Bea, who was skillful, with a physical strength that was comparable to that of a Pokémon with Fighting attributes.

If Bea is a beautiful piece of jade worth carving.

Aisha was the foundation of a master that Master Mustard was willing to spend all of his energy to cultivate.


Looking at Aisha standing gracefully and gracefully on the field, Master Mustard was so excited that he even forgot to mention his speaking habit.

He decided that after Aisha went to the Isle of Armor, he would teach Aisha martial arts in no uncertain terms.

You see, he didn't know much about martial arts, and he could beat up Bea, who knew martial arts.

If he learns martial arts, he'll be able to fight without any difference.

"I've met a genius, little old me."

Master Mustard was in a good mood.

But Bea's mood is not as beautiful as his.

Good news, Aisha's not dodging.

Bad news, she can't beat Aisha...


Instructor Ai changed his strategy in the face of Bea's attack.

Instead of dodging the girl's attacks with his ghost-like speed and excellent reflexes as a psychic.

Instead, he kept raising his hands and legs, and lightly, like a lofty mountain, he received all of Bea's punches and kicks in a calm manner.


Bea swung a straight punch.

Aisha raised his hand without expression.

Bea only felt that his punch was like hitting a steel plate, not only did it not have the slightest effect, but it also shook his fist and made it hurt.


Bea frowned and threw a sweeping kick.

Instructor Ai simply stopped defending and let Bea's powerful leg hit his own calf.


Aisha stood there calmly.

When Bea looked up, she met his plain eyes.

A look that said, "Little sister, have you not eaten?"

Bea: "..."

Bea was on fire.


Bea finally lost it.

She yelled and stood up, and once again, she attacked like a tornado.

Punch, kick, head, body.

Powerful fighters can turn their entire body into a weapon.

Apparently, Bea could do that.


But Aisha's expression remained calm in the face of the angry Bea's attack.

He waved his hand to block Bea's fist, raised his leg to block Bea's kick, and sidestepped Bea's iron mountain support...

Bea is numb.

A bludgeon is as fierce as a tiger, and the damage is a little five.

What's even more frightening is that the attacker was clearly himself, but Instructor Ai, who had been on the defensive, kept advancing, forcing Bea to keep retreating.


Looking at the young man in front of her, Bea realized that his figure was not strong at all, and even a bit slim.

However, it was such a beautiful boy with a slimmer figure than her own that gave her an indescribable sense of oppression and suffocation.



It was at this moment that the roar of Azumarill and Machamp caught their attention.

Bea turned her head to see Azumarill's Play Rough smashing into Machamp's unguarded head.

"With a thud, Machamp finally falls to the ground and closes its eyes.

"Well, it's time for us to end this."

Bea heard Aisha say in front of her.

Before she could think about the meaning of Aisha's words, Bea felt her eyes go black.

Aisha, who was just a few meters in front of her, appeared in front of her in an instant and swung a punch without any expression.


She only had time to let out a muffled grunt.

Bea felt her stomach bursting...

The girl flew out like a cannonball with her eyes lost in thought, and rolled down to the edge of the field before coming to a stop.

Now it was obvious to everyone that Bea was incapable of continuing the fight.

"The match is over!"

The referee blew his whistle, fearing for the lives of those involved in the fight.

The commentator loudly announced that Aisha and Azumarill had won the match.

The stadium erupted in cheers.

"That's great, Instructor Ai!"

"If there's no woman in my heart, I can draw my sword. Instructor Ai says that women only slow down my punches!"

"I always feel that human fighting is better than Pokémon fighting, what's wrong with that?"

A lot of viewers originally came here just for the Pokémon fight, but did not expect to see a wonderful action scene at the end, and they all said they were very happy.

Instructor Ai's fans were in high spirits.

"Ha, ha..."

Bea, lying on the edge of the field, staring up at the sky with black eyes, obviously out of breath, was gasping for air.


She tried to roll over and stand up, but she had no strength left in her body.

Sweat soaked through the young girl's thin clothing, as did her hair.

Slumped to the ground, the pain Bea expected to sweep through her body didn't...

"Did you stop?"

Recalling Instructor Ai's video of paralyzing a Nidoking with a single punch, which had gone viral on the internet.

Bea naturally knew that her physical strength was no match for a wild Nidoking.

So Aisha's last punch simply just sent her flying, he didn't hurt herself.

"Really... Hah!"

Tilting her head with great effort, Bea gazed at the beautiful young man holding Azumarill in the distance with a smile on his face.

"A strong and gentle man."

A drop of sweat flowed into her eyes, blurring Bea's vision.

Finally, exhausted, she closed her eyes and relaxed.


Offstage, Nemona was deep in thought.

She's a physical loser, the kind who gets tired even after walking for a while.

On the other hand, Instructor Ai, who had picked up Azumarill with one hand on the stage...

"..." She rubbed her chin in silence.

She wondered if she would get beaten up by Aisha if she kept annoying him to death?


Nemona let out a breath of cold air.

Instructor Ai shouldn't be such a rude person... Right?


With the end of the final battle, the World's No. 1 Martial Art Conference had finally come to an end.

As the stadium closed, the spectators walked out of the venue, still talking about Aisha and Bea's indiscriminate wild fight.

In contrast, Azumarill and Machamp's fight became a sideshow to their respective trainers.

"Uh, ah..."

A young girl's cry rang out in the lounge.

Bea was lying on the bench in the lounge like a salted fish, her body trembling slightly.

The girl was blushing and receiving a massage from a pair of slender hands on her back.

Aisha, on the other hand, was sitting beside her with a serious expression, pressing on the parts of Bea's body that had accumulated dark wounds from years of exercise.

"Instructor Ai, I didn't realize you could massage..."

As if to hide her inner shyness, Bea's body trembled and her voice was numb as she searched for words.

"Uh..." Aisha responded briefly, and then, seriously, she continued massaging her.

"I've always massaged Pokémon, so practice makes perfect, and I've learned from experience, so I can massage people too."

Bea: "?"

Bea had a feeling that Aisha's words weren't quite right.

But before she could think about it, the tingling sensation that ran through her body like an electric current interrupted the young girl's thoughts.

It was so nice...

But so embarrassing!

Bea's heart was both regretful and touched.

Regret in agreed to Aisha's request to give her a massage, now make her so shy.

Touched by Aisha's undistracted attention to her massage... So press, Bea always feel, in the past when exercise hidden pain in some parts, now is actually soothing a lot.


Blushing, she buried her face in the crook of her arm, and Bea's evaluation of Aisha was once again raised to a higher level.

As soon as Master Mustard entered the room, he saw Bea, red-faced and with her head hanging down, sitting upright on the bench, while Aisha swiped her cell phone in boredom.

Mustard: "?"

The little old man frowned suspiciously.

After a few moments, he could only sigh at the young people's playfulness, and shook his head helplessly.

"Little Aisha and little Bea, in a week's time, we'll meet back here, and you'll follow me to Isle of Armor."

After ordering something with a smile, Master Mustard smiled and stroked his beard, saying, "Got it?"

"A week?"

Bea wondered.

She had always been a fast and furious person, but she didn't quite understand Master Mustard's behavior of having to wait another week.

"I've got a little business to attend to, little old me."


So Bea understood.

"Master Mustard is going to study Dayan's martial arts again, right?"

Bea's eyes glistened, and she couldn't help but feel that Master Mustard really had the style of a master, living to be an old man, learning to be an old man.

But Master Mustard just smiled and shook his head.

"No, I just want to experience more of Dayan's game room."


Bea was dumbfounded.

With these words, Master Mustard's original image of a master in her eyes had suddenly turned into a game-hungry old boy.


Instructor Ai put down his cell phone and laughed.

Indeed, this is the nature of Master Mustard.

Bea: "..."

The fighting girl was silent, wondering if she was following the wrong person.

  1. Machamp's name translated to Chinese (怪力) can also mean "strong power"
  2. "there's no energy in that punch, why is it so weak, have you not eaten anything?"