Lugia, One Big One Small?

Shamouti Island, a crescent-shaped island with an inland lake, is the cultural center of the Orange Islands and celebrates many festivals.

Somewhere on Shamouti Island, flowers are in full bloom, and a gentle breeze brings out a strange scent of flowers.

There are man-made totem poles and altars of unknown purpose.

A Slowking with a characteristic decorative fabric around its neck and a huge conch helmet on its head stood here, looking at the sea in the distance.

With a humanized expression of distress on his face, he held his hands behind his back and sighed before spitting out the words of a human.

"The God of Fire, the God of Thunder, and the God of Ice must not be touched without authorization... Trouble is afoot..."

Slowking is said to be a Pokémon with special intelligence.

This Slowking's eyes seem to see a storm brewing in the still clear sky.

Far away from Shamouti Island, and far away from Fire Island, the sea is still calm.

The sea and the sky are in harmony.

The undulating waves of the sea were constantly lapping at the huge reefs, and white water splashed up, staining the men's robes and pant legs.


Lawrence III stood silently at the edge of the large reef, looking up at the distant sky without saying a word.

Behind him stood a huge object.

It was the flying palace that had used Teleport to escape from the range of Fire Island, avoided Moltres' Fire Blast, and had successfully avoided the fate of dying a violent death, and had now successfully landed next to this reef.

"Is there any damage to the palace's power facilities?"

Holding down his headset, Lawrence III asked.

The sea breeze blew his bangs, revealing a face full of fatigue and distress.

The AI on the flying palace immediately replied to him.

However, the answer was reassuring.

"The dome of the Palace was 80% destroyed by Moltres' Flamethrower, but the Teleport was executed just in time, and the main body of the Palace managed to avoid Moltres' Fire Blast, so the power units that weren't attacked have retained their maximum functionality, and the same goes for the flight units, so the Flying Palace can still fly normally and operate all its functions."


At those words, Lawrence III's expression was relieved.

"I see."

After ending the conversation, looking at the sea in front of him, Lawrence III couldn't help but let out a sigh.

He looked at his palms and realized that his arms were still shaking uncontrollably.

Lawrence III's eyes darkened.

"Am I afraid?"

He asked himself, and answered in the affirmative.

Yes, he was afraid.


With a helpless sigh, Lawrence III raised his hands to cover his face.

He knew the reason for his fear.

He was afraid of Moltres...

The God of Fire, who really did want to kill him.

Lawrence III had seen it all.

Although he didn't think much of Pokémon Trainers, he had to admit that Pokémon Trainers were the mainstream of the world.

This world belongs to Pokémon Trainers.

He had dealt with many Pokémon Trainers, and there were some powerful Pokémon Trainers among his friends.

However, even though the God of Fire was just a glimpse, Lawrence III was able to confirm that it was stronger than all the Pokémon he had ever seen in his life!

Powerful, so powerful that it scares people...

Both its Flamethrower and Fire Blast came with the pure intention of destroying its proud flying palace and eliminating itself from the cockpit.

Lawrence III couldn't forget his stare down with Moltres...

The cold, emotionless look in the Fire God's eyes made him shiver even now.

Lawrence III knew very well that if it wasn't for the fact that he had kept a group of super-powered Pokémon that were good at using Teleport as a life-saving move inside his flying palace out of precautionary considerations, he and his flying palace would have already been annihilated under Moltres' Fire Blast, and turned into ashes buried under the wrath of the God of Fire.

"That's so, so strong."

The Collector couldn't help but exclaim once again.

However, at this moment, he didn't laugh like an eggplant in the frost.

On the contrary, after truly seeing the God of Fire's divine might, Lawrence III, who had just escaped death, actually revealed an even more excited expression.

His eyes were fixed on a certain direction - the direction where Fire Island and Moltres were.

"That's right, this is the treasure I need to collect, the unrivaled God of Fire..."

After seeing the power of Moltres, Lawrence III's desire for the three divine birds increased rather than decreased.

I have to say, this guy does have all the qualities of a qualified villain.

Complacency, arrogance, lack of knowledge of the heavens and the earth, and a desire to die... As well as a lack of respect for nature and Pokémon.

Originally, Lawrence III only wanted to collect the Three Legendary Birds and the God of the Sea, both of which have the title of God.

However, when he saw the power of Moltres, the proud collector's heart changed in a way that he didn't realize.

"Do we need to return to the ship?"

The Flying Palace Artificial Intelligence inquired.

This was indeed a very reasonable suggestion.

After all, the short encounter just now had clearly told it and Lawrence III that the configuration of the Flying Palace nowadays could not deal with the Moltres at all.

Even with full power, the full speed of the flying palace would not be fast enough for Moltres to launch an attack.

Even at full power, the palace's energy shield couldn't stop Moltres' Flamethrower, not to mention that Flamethrower wasn't even close to being the God of Fire's best move.

As for the Pokémon Capture Devices that have helped Lawrence III to collect countless of his favorite collectibles in the past, it's not necessary to mention that the Pokémon Capture Devices have been used by Lawrence III in the past. Needless to say, the Pokémon catching devices that could only bully the weaker Pokémon didn't trap the God of Fire for even a second before they melted into waste iron.

Therefore, if Lawrence III is still planning to capture Moltres, he should return to his base immediately.

After returning to the base, repairing the broken dome of the flying palace, and replenishing its weapons, the only way to capture Moltres would be to think about it in the long run.


Apparently, the arrogant Collector had his own ideas.


He rejected the AI's proposal without hesitation.

Looking at the dark clouds that had gradually appeared in the sky, the smile on Lawrence III's face grew wider and wider.

"Although there was a little accident, my purpose has been achieved."

According to the information Lawrence III had gathered, when the order maintained between the three divine birds collapsed, the God of the Sea would appear.

Originally, his goal was to capture the three divine birds in succession to fulfill this condition and lure the God of the Sea to appear.


He didn't get his wish to capture Moltres.

But the furious God of Fire has probably left his territory.

This has caused a breakdown in order...

It is believed that in time, the God of Thunder and the God of Ice will lose control.

At that time, the God of the Sea, whom Lawrence III desires, will appear before him.

"The mighty God of the Sea is not an existence I can forcefully capture right now."

Looking at the dark clouds sweeping in the distance at a speed visible to the naked eye, Lawrence III finally stated his purpose.

"However, according to our investigation, there is not just one God of the Sea... It's very likely that the Sea God has conceived an heir, but it's not difficult to capture a minor Sea God with the weapons I have, and I'm not willing to return empty-handed."

With that, the proud Collector turned around and walked towards his flying palace.

His plan was still in progress.


There is still ideas in his mind, but not much.

"Let's go."

Sitting back down on the console, Lawrence III's eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Let's wait for the little god of the sea to appear... A child's curiosity is the strongest of all, and the battle between the three divine birds will surely lure it out."


The console rose up, sending him once again into the open-air cab that had been turned into an open-air style with the shattering of the dome.

The roar of the engine was loud, and countless propellers rotated at high speed, taking the flying palace out of the constraints of gravity.


The lightning across the sky overlapped with the sound of the engine.

Between the storms, the flying palace disappeared once again behind a thick sea of clouds.


Dark clouds filled the sky as fast as the eye could see, gradually covering the entire waters of the Orange Islands.

Muffled thunder rolled and lightning flashed across the sky from time to time, illuminating the sea below, which was rough and unsettled.

Countless Water-type Pokémon, as well as non-Water-type Pokémon with the ability to cross the sea, swarmed to a certain place in the Orange Islands as if they were summoned by a voice.

Among these Pokémon, there was a strange being...

It had smooth white skin, and its body resembled that of a large bird, with wide, powerful wings that fluttered along the current.

The most noticeable part of its body is its long neck, like a snake-necked dragon.

The Pokémon had a blue belly, with bumps on its back and tail, and the same thing on its eyes.


It let out a childish chirp, and this particular chirp traveled a long way along the ocean currents.

As you can see, it was still a child...

However, the wild Pokémon around it swam faster in response to its call.


The little guy tilted his head.

Although it didn't understand the purpose of these wild Pokémon around it.

However, it had a feeling that the destination of these wild Pokémon had something that attracted it as well.


After the thunder, the rain fell.

Groups of flying Pokémon flapped their wings and flew towards the end of the Orange Islands, defying the wind and rain.

Raindrops fell in sheets on the sea, increasing the waves' roar...

This was no ordinary weather event.

Something special is happening in the ocean.

The movement of the sea has awakened something huge that sleeps beneath the Orange Islands.

Beneath the deep abyss, where no life or human technology could set foot, the white behemoth violently opened its eyes.

It had the same appearance as that particular Pokémon.

But in terms of development, this Pokémon was truly mature.

As if searching for something, it stretched out its long neck like a snake-necked dragon.

However, the little creature that was supposed to be sleeping here with it was nowhere to be found.


The behemoth's eyes flashed a flash of anxiety, it could not help but chirp, the special sound in one breath in the sea out a long way.


Time passes by, the behemoth's call is always waiting for a response.

Now, the giant sleeping in the trench moved.

Its body was big, but its speed was very fast.

Flexibly flapping its wings, it rushed out of the trench like a snake, following the current.

This caused the sea to become even more unstable.

Between a large group of Magikarp, there was an unusually large Magikarp.

However, if you looked closely, you could see the strangeness of this Magikarp - it didn't breathe with its mouth open like the normal Magikarp next to it, and it didn't even swim forward by flapping its fins.


A Magikarp with an iron head slammed into its body with a dull metallic crash.

The red paint fell off, revealing the Magikarp's true colors - a Magikarp submarine made of steel.

"Hey, shoo, hey, shoo!"

Inside the Magikarp submarine, the Team Rainbow Rocket trio were working hard to power up the submarine with a bicycle-like device.

It's an embarrassing sight.

You say they're stupid, but they can hand-wash a submarine at light speed and even give it a Magikarp skin.

You say they're smart... They made a submarine that's purely human-powered.

"Hey, Meowth, Jessie, I've got a feeling something's not right."

James shivered as he watched the wild Gyarados swim past the window.

Without looking back, Jessie said, "Don't dawdle, let's just get to shore and there'll be nothing to be afraid of."


Before James could finish his sentence, a huge impact hit their submarine.

It was a wave...

The wave washed the Magikarp sub out of the water, and now the trio didn't need to pedal, because the wave was pushing them along.



"I'm gonna throw up..."

The trio's screams were drowned out by the cries of countless wild Pokémon.

They weren't the only ones affected by the unusual weather and ocean currents, there was also a speedboat traveling further ahead in the sea.

"What's going on, this strange weather."

Inside the cabin of the speedboat was Ash, who had been traveling in the Orange Islands, constantly challenging the Orange League and planning to challenge the Orange Islands' chief trainer.

He was on a speedboat today, heading to the next island where the Orange League dojo is located, but halfway there, the originally sunny weather suddenly turned into a dangerous weather that looked like someone was making waves, and he showed a depressed expression.

"Hey, Pikachu!"

Ash probed towards the Pikachu at the front of the speedboat and shouted, saying, "It's raining so heavily outside, don't get sick from the rain!"


Pikachu ignored Ash's words.

It stood on top of the railing of the speedboat, and with a serious face as if it had discovered something strange, it looked at the distant sky where the thunder rolled.

"Pikachu, what's wrong?"

Ash asked.

Beside him, Tracey Sketchit, his traveling companion from the Orange Islands, came over with a smile, holding his drawing pad.

"Pokémon are more capable of sensing weather anomalies than humans, so maybe Pikachu sensed the reason for this hurricane."


At that moment, the voice of the woman driving the speedboat came out.

"Hey, Ash and Tracey, the situation at sea isn't quite right right now, we're going to dock at the island in front of us!"


The speedboat accelerated ahead, and between the hurricane, a crescent-shaped island appeared in front of Ash and Tracey's eyes .


Unlike the stormy sea, the flying palace, which was parked above the clouds, did not have to endure the ravages of the rain and wind.

Lawrence III smiled and looked at the moon in the distance.

He then looked down at the display in front of him.

The virtual projection showed the shape of a chessboard, with three large bird-shaped pieces, red, yellow and blue, standing in a three-legged position.

They represented the natural colors Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno.

"Since ancient times, the three forces have been balanced with each other, but as the saying goes, when one force leaves its place, it will inevitably cause the other two to change."

Lawrence III's eyes were filled with laughter.

As expected, the checkerboard-like map showed that Moltres was constantly moving.

At that moment, the AI of the flying palace issued a timely reminder, saying, "Moltres is moving towards Lightning Island, the probability of meeting Zapdos is 80%."

"What is the probability of a battle?"

"Legend has it that the Gods of Fire, Thunder and Ice in the Orange Islands have been fighting since ancient times, if Moltres and Zapdos meet, the probability of them fighting each other is 99%!"
