The Violent God of the Sea

"The unusual weather that has suddenly struck the world is thought to be caused by a change in the deep ocean currents."

A report on the unusual weather was shown on the TV.

As the camera switched, a series of unusual weather events occurred in various regions.

A summer snowstorm, or an emergency flood caused by a heavy rainstorm without warning...

Then, the screen changed to a three-dimensional view of the ocean floor below, showing the trajectory of the currents under the Orange Islands.

"Deep currents are the currents that flow deep beneath the sea floor of this planet and are said to control climate, weather and nature around the world."

In front of the TV, Professor Oak, who was still wearing a white lab coat, looked at Shamouti Island, Fire Island, Lightning Island and Ice Island on the screen, and murmured thoughtfully, "That means that the sea current has undergone a mutation, doesn't it?"


At this time, the sound of a layer of crisp glass breaking entered his ears.

Professor Oak turned his head to look, and was shocked to find that the flying snow outside the window had broken the glass of his institute.

The weather anomaly from the Orange Islands had seriously affected Pallet Town in the Kanto region!

"The center of the anomaly is said to be near the Orange Islands."

The news reported the source of the anomaly in general.

At those words, Professor Oak's expression changed.

"Orange Islands?"

He remembered that the place where Ash was traveling was the Orange Islands.


A message popped up in the upper right corner of Professor Oak's computer.

"Phone call..."

Professor Oak answered the phone, and a video window appeared over the news program.

Inside the video call, a woman with purple shoulder-length hair and a white lab coat over a tight dress that looked like a swimsuit appeared without expression.

"This is Philena Ivy from Orange Islands."

As soon as the call was answered, the woman immediately stated her identity.

Of course Professor Oak knew her.

They'd been friends for years.

"Oh, Ivy!"

Professor Oak's expression was grave.

He knew that Professor Ivy wasn't the type to call him to pass the time.

If Neki took the initiative to call him, it could only be because something important had happened.

"The Pokémon in the Orange Islands have mutated."

As expected of Professor Oak, after a completely unnecessary introduction, Professor Ivy succinctly explained her side of the problem.

She sent Professor Oak what appeared to be an unmanned aerial camera footage.

Professor Oak opened the file and was stunned by what he saw.

Only to see, the endless sea constantly raised a huge wave, but despite this, there were all kinds of Water-type Pokémon swimming to the more and more rough sea recklessly.

Under the dark clouds of rolling thunder and lightning, groups of Pokémon such as Pidgey, Spearow, Hoothoot, and some other Pokémon with the ability to fly were flying at full speed in a certain direction, and while they were flying, some unlucky ones were struck down by the lightning that fell from the sky, but they still flew towards the front regardless of the situation.

On some islands, Pokémon without the ability to cross the sea or fly stood on the shore, as if they were pilgrims, looking earnestly at the unsettled sky...

It was a very strange picture.


Professor Oak's expression became more serious.

"We need to go over and investigate, this incident is very serious." Professor Ivy still had the same expressionless look.

However, her tone was full of seriousness and earnestness.

"Uh, I see."

Upon hearing this, Professor Oak did not hesitate for a moment and immediately got up to pack up his things.

Seeing this, Professor Ivy unilaterally cut off their conversation.

Needless to say, this doctor who loved Pokémon immensely must have prepared the necessary facilities and information over there.


A moment later, Professor Oak, who had lifted up a handbag, couldn't help but look out the window at the snowy sky.

"Ash, you have to be careful."


At the center of the blizzard was the ice island of Orange Islands.

Now that the God of Fire and the God of Thunder have awakened and become active, the remaining God of Ice won't be able to stay at home.


In the middle of the snowy sky, a light bird song came out.

Floating in the sea of Ice Island is like a giant iceberg, mountains and land are covered with a thick layer of snow.

Suddenly, a ray of ice-blue light broke through the sky, freezing the snow between the mountains into real ice.

The God of Ice, wearing the same icy blue feathers and with a beautiful appearance, flew out of the valley with a light and agile body, flapping its wide wings.

The ruby red eyes of the God of Ice looked around under the cloudy sky.

Its beak, which was much shorter than the God of Fire and the God of Thunder, but as delicate as the art of ice carving, opened, and the frozen beams of light spewed out from it violently swept across the ground, from the towering mountains to the flat ground, from the rocks on the mountains to the coconut trees on the ground, all of them froze under the coldness of the frozen beams of light in an instant.


With a chirp, bathed in the snowflakes falling from the dark clouds, Articuno, as beautiful as a Pokémon of ice and snow, danced its long, ribbon-like plumes and flew in the direction of Fire Island and Lightning Island.

Along with its appearance...

The turmoil of the Orange Islands has finally reached its peak!


"The center of the abnormal deep-sea currents is near Shamouti Island in the Orange Islands, and for some reason, wild Pokémon from all over the Orange Islands and most of the Kanto region are heading towards Shamouti Island, and the Pokémon without the ability to fly or cross the sea stood on the land closest to Shamouti Island."

A helicopter followed the flying Pokémon and flew in the direction of Shamouti Island.

A live broadcast took place in the cabin of the airplane.

When this abnormal weather disaster that the whole world was watching occurred, Professor Oak and Professor Ivy had utilized their energy in time and contacted the most authoritative TV station for a live broadcast.

"Regarding this phenomenon, let's ask Professor Oak and Professor Ivy for their opinion."

The host handed the microphone to Professor Oak who was holding a book next to him.

The cameraman also pointed the camera at the old man with gray hair.

"Legend has it that the God of Fire, the God of Thunder and the God of Ice live in the vicinity of Shamouti Island, if analyzed scientifically." With that, Professor Oak looked at his notebook.

The crowd's eyes and the camera's lens were also focused on it.

Only to see, Professor Oak drew a diagram of the sea and three islands on his notebook.

"When the power of something called the God of Ice freezes the sea, something called the God of Fire melts the ice, which creates the currents at the bottom of the sea, and in the stirred up sea water, the electric current of the God of Thunder works to create the proteins of the Creature's Origin."

"So what?"

The host asked.

Professor Oak, on the other hand, didn't even look up as he scribbled in his notebook with a pen in his hand.

"That is to say, the balance of the three gods makes the deep ocean current move gently, theoretically giving birth to the life of this planet, the center of the deep ocean current is the birthplace of life, and it can be said that it is the hometown of all life." After a pause, Professor Oak for this time the mutation, spoke out his own speculation, said: "As for the reason for the mutation, I guess because the balance of the three forces, to a certain degree of disruption, which will lead to very serious consequences, including but not limited to the collapse of the ecological chain of the Orange Islands."

Professor Oak didn't say too much.

Because, based on the hours of investigation, he and Professor Ivy have found that the anomalies in the Orange Islands' ocean currents are causing weather anomalies around the world.

However, the most affected area was the Orange Islands and the Kanto region near the Orange Islands...

If the anomaly continues, the destruction of the Orange Islands is assured, and the Kanto region is likely to be greatly affected.

But beyond that, it's hard to say.

It's understandable.

After all, the three gods of the Orange Islands aren't the only ones in the world who manipulate the environment and the ecosystem...

"It can only be said that the Pokémon had a premonition of the cataclysm."

Professor Ivy added to Professor Oak's argument.

She was also a doctor who focused on Pokémon ecology, and her words were extremely persuasive.

"Although they can't do anything with their power, it's because of their close relationship with the nature of the Orange Islands that the Pokémon instinctively felt they had to do something and gathered together."

The live broadcast was transmitted to news programs all over the world.

At this moment, the eyes of the world were focused on this originally little-known archipelago.


Hoenn region, Rustboro City.

On the top floor of Devon Co., inside the luxuriously decorated office, a handsome man looked at the news on the computer, holding his chin with both hands, with a contemplative expression.

"It's really familiar..."

In the video window next to the news program, Wallace, whose background was obviously the Sootopolis Gym, let out an exclamation.

In the video, the green-haired man in his usual flirty performance outfit was helpless.

"The weather, ecological problems, and environmental collapse caused by the God of Riots have created a regional and even worldwide crisis."


Wallace's words made Steven laugh bitterly.

Yes, how familiar...

Every Hoenn could empathize with the inhabitants of the Orange Islands at this moment, for they too had suffered similar pain on more than one occasion.

Groudon, who controls the earth and expands the land.

Kyogre, who controls the sea and expands it.

These two mythical Pokémon, born in ancient times, have awakened more than once to fight each other on the land of Hoenn.

As a result of their battles, heavy rainstorms and droughts inevitably arose, and the entire Hoenn region was devastated.

"Luckily, we have him."

Steven looked out the window as Rustboro City was caught in the middle of a storm.

The rain was pouring down, and the raindrops were hitting the windows with a dull thud.

For a moment, Steven was transported back a year to when Groudon and Kyogre were still operating in the Hoenn Lands.

Every time, Steven would think of that boy...

The hero who rode the Dragon of Heaven and saved the Hoenn region from destruction.


Hearing Steven murmur, Wallace was also very emotional.

"We have him, but who do the people of the Orange Islands have?"

Steven asked again.

Wallace frowned.

"Steven, what are you up to?"


There was a moment of silence, Steven's hands folded.

A suffocating atmosphere filled the room between them, Wallace's eyes burning in the video screen, gazing at Steven with great seriousness.

Steven met his gaze and smiled.

"I want to help out at Orange Islands."


Hearing Steven say that, Wallace showed a headache expression.

However, he also laughed.

"Really, it's really something you can say."

Because I've been in the rain, I want to hold an umbrella for others.

After experiencing the despair of the entire region being on the verge of destruction due to the disorganization of the natural environment caused by the God's fight, Steven and Wallace understood the feelings of the residents of the Orange Islands at this time.

The choice they made at that moment was to help...

Even though they weren't from Orange Islands.

But they are champions!

Carrying the weight of that name, Steven and Wallace knew what they had to do.

"Really, we could go up and fight against Groudon and Kyogre, I don't believe that the three gods of Orange Islands are any more formidable than those two monsters!"


The corner of Steven's mouth raised a confident smile.

Suddenly, at this time, a pop-up window appeared in Steven's eyes.

After seeing the name on the caller ID clearly, Steven was first stunned, and then he revealed a reassuring smile of relief.

"Oh, Wallace, looks like we don't have to do anything."


Wallace froze for a moment.

Then, looking at Steven's expression, he looked surprised as if he had realized something.

"Is that him?"


Steven nodded with a smile.

Then, he picked up the person's call.

"Hello, Steven!"

It wasn't a video call, but a simple voice call.

However, along with the voice of the teenager that Steven knew so well, there was also the sound of howling wind.

It was easy to guess that the person on the other end of the line was traveling in extreme weather.

"Send me the closest, most energy-efficient route from Dayan's harbor to the Orange Islands!"


Steven's smile widened.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything for you."

"Okay, that's a big help. It's windy here, I'm hanging up now!"

"Have a safe trip, Ai-kun."

The person on the other side hung up the phone.

After listening to their short conversation, Wallace showed a relaxed expression.

"Indeed, there's no need for us to do anything... How can I put it, he did make a move, and it always gives me a feeling that it was unexpected but reasonable."


Steven's eyes were complex, saying, "Not unexpected, but certain."

"After all, he did the same thing in the first place, volunteering to help us without asking for anything, and it's perfectly reasonable for him to help the people of Orange Islands this time around."

"..." Wallace was silent for a moment, and said, "Indeed."

"Worthy of a hero who has harnessed the Divine Dragon..."

"There's no need to talk about the Dragon, Wallace."

Steven interrupted Wallace.

"Don't you see?" He asked rhetorically.

"Aegon was never powerful because of Rayquaza, not because he possessed Rayquaza that's why he was powerful, but because he was powerful that's why Rayquaza was subjugated to him."

"... Ha."

Wallace laughs bitterly.

"It always feels like we champions are like insignificant people in front of Ai-kun."

"What are you talking about?"

Steven minimized Wallace's video window and began to map the area as he tapped on his keyboard.

"Didn't Ai-kun just ask me for help?"

Steven laughed heartlessly and said, "You're the only one who actually doesn't matter, hahaha, I'm Ai-kun's most trustworthy partner!"

"You asshole!"

Today's Water Artist was still furious at his friend's words.



On the lower level of Lawrence III's flying palace, the agile white Pokémon was trapped between a huge cage made of a dozen mechanical components.

It looked around with tearful eyes and let out a sad chirp.

This was the first time that the little guy, who had been with his mother since he was born, had ever traveled by himself.

The result...

Itfell into a trap.


It tries to break free of its cage.

But it was too young to be as powerful as the God of Fire.

The mechanical components that were so easy for the God of Fire to break free of, were a lot more difficult for it.


Unable to break free from its cage, it could only cry out in sorrow, calling out to its mother.

This mournful cry spread out, far, far away...

Beneath the sea, against the currents, the giant's eyes widened.

It heard... It heard the child's cry.

Mother and child, the god of the sea felt the child's grief, its fear.

Anger filled his heart in an instant, coloring his eyes red.

"Humans, you have taken my child."

It spat out human words, and its words were full of violence.

Ice-cold aura spread out from the body of the Sea God, it looked up at the sea above its head and swam violently up.

The pair of wings that can trigger a 40-day-long storm with a simple flap is finally no longer restraining its power!