Chapter 175: Great Waves

His kisses were hot but the silver mask was cold, as if it was carrying some unspeakable emotions that overwhelmed Heavens and earth. The more Shen Miao struggled, the more tighter he held her and lock her in his arms and took her lips like making an oath.

The flowers bloomed in winter, the butterflies flying in autumn, the ice springs in summer and the snowflakes in spring could not describe the bizarreness of this moment. There was the sound of wind by one ears but that beautiful youth's hug was strong and his kisses was burning, as if one had exhausted one life and could not escape.

When Xie Jing Xing let go of Shen Miao, Shen Miao almost went limp and could not breathe. In the previous life, she desired Fu Xiu Yi but from the beginning till the end was a one-sided enthusiasm. Even during Fu Xiu Yi's wedding night, it was just a perfunctory gesture. She had never been this intimate with any man.

Shen Miao was flew into a rage out of humiliation as she felt that she had lost her self-control just now. Xie Jing Xing supported her so that she would not fall as she glared angrily at Xie Jing Xing.

However she did not know what after she was being kissed just now, her eyes were almost watery. With eyes full of life and charming with a blushing face and red lips like petals, it made one want to feel tenderness towards.

Xie Jing Xing covered it up and looked away.

Other than being embarrassed and angry, Shen Miao was a little overwhelmed and did not know what to do. In all fairness, her heart more or less expected this scenario.

As to why did she not block it or let it develop, it was because her heart had unconsciously reacted to it but Shen Miao did not want to go into the reason behind it.

"Talk about your marriage." Xie Jing Xing had restored that frivolous tone of voice, "What is your plan now?"

Shen Miao looked at him unfathomably, "What plans?"

Xie Jing Xing looked at her with squinted eyes and spoke in a somewhat dangerous tone, "The Crown Prince, Luo Ling, Feng Zi Xian, Su Ming Feng and Pei Lang. Who do you want to marry to?"

Shen Miao frowned and had a serious look of consideration."

Xie Jing Xing's eyes coagulated and his tone was unkind, "You really want to marry to someone else."

"Why can't I marry someone else?"

"After kissing me, touching me, you still dare to make me wear a green hat. Shen Miao, you really have the nerves."

Shen Miao smiled slightly, "You cannot be thinking to let me marry you?"

"You are finally smart for once." Xie Jing Xing said unhurriedly.

Shen Miao was startled. It was not that she did not think about the relationship with Xie Jing Xing before. Both of them are allies but they were more ambiguous than allies. About matters between male and female, though one had not eating any pork, one at least saw pigs running. On those night when her heart beat that quickly, Shen Miao discovered some things.

However this did not mean that Xie Jing Xing could marry her. Xie Jing Xing is Prince Rui of Great Liang and she was a Di daughter of Ming Qi's General. Not to mention that Ming Qi side would not agree to it, one feared that it would not be easy to explain to Emperor Yong Le's side.

Especially in the current situation, Xie Jing Xing has a high status in Great Liang and the greater the power he has, it meant that Emperor Yong Le valued Xie Jing Xing heavily. There would be many things that one would not be able to act independently when being valued heavily by an Emperor.

This included one's own marriage.

Just as Shen Miao was still distracted, she heard Xie Jing Xing saying, "You do not have to worry about anything and just embroider the wedding dress obediently in the room and wait for me."

"When did I promise to marry you?" Shen Miao retorted back with a question.

"Oh?" Xie Jing Xing thought about it a little and a smile appeared on his lips, "I also don't mind turning the raw rice into cooked one tonight."

Shen Miao looked at him in vigilance but Xie Jing Xing laughed, "You look like you are looking forward to it."

Shen Miao decided not to speak to XIe Jing Xing about it. This person appeared genuine but was actually devious and would speak obscenities in every three sentences. She said, "With regards to the Crown Prince matter, I have an idea."

Xie Jing Xing raise his eyebrow, "You have a countermeasure early on?"

"Suddenly thought about it." Shen Miao stressed, "Need your help."

"Need my help?" Xie Jing Xing smiled lightly and whispered to her, "This husband will help you."

Shen Miao, "…"

When Shen Miao returned back to the Shen mansion from the residence of Prince Rui, the skies were almost in the early hours of morning. Naturally it was Xie Jing Xing who 'brought' her back and when he came to know that Shen Miao climbed over walls when coming over, Xie Jing Xing laughed till Shen Miao almost got angry. However as this night passed, there were many things that had quietly changed.

During the discussion with Xie Jing Xing in the residence of Prince Rui on the countermeasures against the Crown Prince's marriage, Shen Miao had a strange feeling. All the while when she was in the road of revenge, she was always alone and now unfathomably having a strong enough backing, it made her feel secure. Especially this support was intelligent and could see the loopholes in her countermeasures in a glance and propose improvements. Shen Miao felt that their partnership was very cooperative.

Unconsciously the words that Xie Jing Xing had said during the night floated up in Shen Miao's mind. Just embroider the wedding dress obediently.

Xie Jing Xing was one who would look at certain things casually but what Princess Rong Xin said was correct. He knew what he wanted and did not want from the very beginning and Shen Miao was not clear how much words that Xie Jing Xing said was true. However on the matter of Shen Miao's marriage, Xie Jing Xing had revealed his absolute strength and tyranny that no one had any room to refute.

Shen Miao sighed again. The road ahead was long and the muddy waters of Ming Qi was not cleaned yet. This was just too extravagant to mention about one's feelings. Counter soldier with arms and water with earth, if Xie Jing Xing really had that ability and he dared to marry the daughter of another country's General then there was no reason for her not to dare to marry.

Her lips were slightly tingling in pain, as if there was still a lingering heat on it which made her lower her head.

The mouth that could not deny and the heartbeat that could not be suppressed.

That youth was handsome and beautiful, and was intelligent and decisive.

It was difficult for anyone not to be tempted.

In the residence of Prince Ding, the lanterns were brightly lit the entire night.

After Fu Xiu Yi knew that Shen Miao's and the Crown Prince's marriage was suppressed because Prince Rui 'unintentionally' mentioned that one sentence. On this night, all the aides had reached the residence of Prince Ding and discuss about this matter from the beginning to the end.

"Previous I had guessed that the relationship between Shen Miao and Prince Rui was not that simple. Now after using the Crown Prince to test, the cloven foot had been revealed." Fu Xiu Yi laughed coldly, "Once anything happen to Shen Miao, Prince Rui will not be able to sit still."

Pei Lang stood beneath and did not say a single word. These day Fu Xiu Yi had changed his treatment to him and would not ask for his opinions on many things. Because the contrast before and after was too great, other aides noticed it and thought that Pei Lang had offended Fu Xiu Yi and took joy in his misfortune. However Pei Lang knew that as Fu Xiu Yi was an intelligent person, for him to inexplicably neglect him, he must have discovered some clues or perhaps his relations with Shen Miao was discovered by Fu Xiu Yi. Even though his heart was on fire, Pei Lang did not display even a little of it. Fu Xiu Yi still did not drop all pretences so it meant that he had his own intentions or perhaps he only suspected it but it was not confirmed yet. A full set of show must be performed when acting and one could not abandon it halfway. Pei Lang knew this truth well and only portrayed the reaction of a normal aide that was being shunned.

"What is Gentleman Pei's view on it?" For the first time, Fu Xiu Yi asked for his opinion.

Pei Lang's heart moved and dropped his head to say, "This subordinate thinks that one should immediately investigate on the relationship between the Shen family and Prince Rui or Great Liang. Shen Miao's position is special as she represent Ming Qi's most important military power. If there is some private agreement between the Shen family and Prince Rui, one fear…"

The aides started discussing. Even though they were not satisfied with Pei Lang, they did not admit that Pei Lang's words were incorrect. Shen Miao was after all a young female and not a great beauty that could overthrow cities and ruin states. It is better to say that Prince Rui valued the Shen family behind Shen Miao then to say that Prince Rui targeted for a beauty. This was then reasonable.

Fu Xiu Yi said, "Gentleman said it correctly but today I have heard something."

Everyone was waiting for him to say the words next.

"Shen Miao had spend the entire day in the residence of Princess Rong Xin. The Princess's health had not been good all the time but she still hold her till at night. It seems that after Shen Miao departed, the Princess's mood was also not good." Fu Xiu Yi smiled, "Could it be that the Princess knew something?"

After a moment of silence, an aide said, "Perhaps Princess Rong Xin had inside information. Your Highness may wish to start with Princess Rong Xin's end and perhaps there would be some little clues."

"I too think like this." Fu Xiu Yi looked at Pei Lang and one was not sure if he was purposely saying it for him to hear, "Even though behind Shen Miao that is the big backing of the Shen family, she is very eccentric. Prince Rui only lend a helping hand to her every matters so there must be some hidden motive. If Princess Rong Xin is also involved then the matter would become interesting."

"Paper cannot wrap fire. I must uncover the secret between them." Fu Xiu Yi smiled meaningfully, "One have to rely on all of you."

Everyone responded that they didn't dared and Pei Lang lowered his head but felt a little uneasiness in his heart.

This night, the Princess residence was not at all peaceful. Princess Rong Xing had sat in Xin Zheng Yuan for the entire night.

Xie Jing Xing did not die and instead became the Prince Rui of Great Liang. This was something that Princess Rong Xin had never expected. In the past two years, Princess Rong Xin had countlessly hope that one day she would discover that Xie Jing Xing's death was just a dream and also hope that when she woke up that handsome and proud youth would still be standing in front of him and call out Rong Yi lazily. However when the actual moment arrive, Princess Rong Xin's first thought was not gratification.

He wore a noble purple gold robe and the corner of the robes were embroidered with a flying dragon with gold threads. He wore a cold mask and greeted her with familiarity but with a title of Prince Rui.

That was the biggest threat for Ming Qi.

Princess Rong Xin originally was angry due to the deceit and coverup but once she realised the true identity of Xie Jing Xing, Princess Rong Xin's instinctive reaction was to be vigilant. This did not mean that the many years of relationship with Xie Jing Xing was false but because of one another's position in politics, she was the Princess of Ming Qi and pride and suspicion of the Imperial family would always appear at such times.

She wrote a letter at the table to warn Emperor Wen Hui and stopped halfway before tearing the paper into small pieces. The entanglement and complication in her heart had poured over to her face but she was not willing to see Xie Jing Xing again because she did not know how to face him.

The initial part of Princess Rong Xin's suspicion was that Xie Jing Xing did not die so how would he become Prince Rui, the blooded younger brother of Emperor Yong Le of Great Liang? Prince Rui's name was obviously not something that could be use casually. Was Xie Jing Xing originally a person from Great Liang or was he bought over by Great Liang by coincidences. If it was the former then it was still excusable but if it was the latter then Xie Jing Xing had committed treason.

Xie Jing Xing was not close to Xie Ding and one would not be successful if one asked Xie Ding. Shen Miao must know some stuff but Shen Miao would definitely not say anything. Since Xie Jing Xing was also protecting her, it was not easy for Princess Rong Xing to touch her. After thinking about it, Princess Rong Xin finally thought of someone.

Grew up together when Xie Jing Xing was in his childhood, with good relations between both families and was considered to be Xie Jing Xing's best friends in Ming Qi. Because they grew up together and spend most of the time together, there would be times when one would be able to see the differences with Xie Jing Xing.

The heir of the Count of Ping Nan, Su Ming Feng.

Princess Rong Xing instructed the servants to bring an invitation over.

As the days passed, it got closer to the end of the year.

The commoners were starting to rush to purchase new year's goods and thus the streets would be filled with bustle every day. Life would go on smoothly so normal people would not be able to know what was in the minds of noble people. It was like how the eagle and sparrow saw the skies, it was destined to be different.

Ever since Emperor Wen Hui had been shocked by the wildly ambitious 'casual chat' with Prince Rui, he was more and more inclined with an alliance with Qin country. It was just till now there was no conclusion to Princess Ming An's case, thus there was still a line between them. However with Emperor Wen Hui's increase sincerity, HuangFu Hao's attitude was somewhat soften.

All the different departments of Ming Qi's official could be dispatched by HuangFu Hao, that even the Bureau of Investigations would time to time be interrogated by HuangFu Hao. No matter what the result was, Emperor Wen Hui had gave HuangFu Hao enough face. Even though one was unable to discover the cause of Princess Ming An's death, HuangFu Hao did not think that Ming Qi deliberately cover it up since he had witnessed the process of the investigation. It might be that Princess Ming An had offended some powerful character else how would there be no traces left?

Not mentioning about the matter with Princess Ming An, the words that Prince Rui said to Emperor Wen Hui finally reached to HuangFu Hao's ears. If one were to say from the beginning that HuangFu Hao represented Qin country, he clearly had the intention to form an alliance with Ming Qi but purposely put up airs in an attempt to seek more personal benefits. When he heard the words from Prince Rui, HuangFu Hao could not sit still.

If Prince Rui represented Great Liang and really had the intention get the few cities that produces ore in Ming Qi, just like what Emperor Wen Hui worried, Great Liang would not need those mere cities but the entire Ming Qi. That meant that Ming Qi was in danger. Without the lips, the teeth would feel the cold. Just one Qin country was not power enough to deal with Great Liang, moreover it would be the Great Liang that had absorbed Ming Qi's military, weapons and wealth. At that time when Great Liang take care of Qin country, the Qin country would not have strength to fight.

The purpose of the alliance between Qin country and Ming Qi was to contain Great Liang.

HuangFu Hao sent this information back to Qin country. Even though the Emperor of Qin was furious that he had lost a Princess in Ming Qi without rhyme or reason, but comparing a Princess and the entire country of Qin, it was insignificant. Thus the Emperor of Qin let HuangFu Hao temporarily put the matter of Princess Ming An aside and form a good alliance with Ming Qi.

When HuangFu Hao gotten the message from the Emperor of Qin, he started to enter the Imperial Palace of Ming Qi more frequently. One had the intention to strike an alliance and the other was worried that there would be no help thus they click quickly and on the surface had joyous and harmonious relations. The relationship between Emperor Wen Hui and HuangFu Hao had became much closer.

Emperor Wen Hui had the intention to support the Crown Prince and previously wanted to get Shen Miao to marry the Crown Prince but who knew that he suddenly glimpse upon Great Liang's ambitions and dared not take action with the Shen family. Now that HuangFu Hao came over, it was good to let HuangFu Hao have more interactions with the Crown Prince so that so that the Crown Prince and inherit the relations with HuangFu Hao.

The matters in this world is inextricably linked. Normally the relations that would be even touched by a eight foot pole but now there were various connection. Intelligent people would find their usefulness in these relations but normal people would be lost in it if they were not careful enough.

In the residence of the Minister of Land.

Shen Dong Ling was drinking tea at the moment.

High grade Ye-er Qing (type of tea leaves) that was grown in the dangerous peaks of the southern country that one small handful would cost a few hundreds of silver. Her posture when she appreciates tea was beautiful and she was wearing the Southern Jiang's brocade robes and had family bracelets on. She was very pretty and delicate that when one take a glance, one would see that she was a charming woman that live like a noble.

No one would have though that not too long ago, she was still a obscure Shu daughter of the Shen residence that would not leave the courtyard all year round that even the servants did not know that she was a young lady of the Shen residence. Not to say when Ren Wan Yun was the head of the household, there was not even oil in the dishes for ten days to half a month.

The difference from the past and now was like clouds and dirt. Humans seeks one's way up just as water seeks its way down. Even though the residence of the Minister of Land did not looked as powerful as other official families, it was considered to be very wealthy. There was no one that could live with only that little money from court. Before marrying into the residence of the Minister of Land, Shen Dong Ling had always thought that the Wang family was following Prince Zhou and only later learn that the real master of the Wang family was the Crown Prince. Being a Minister of Land but had such an abundance of wealth like this, it was not because the Wang family had some dealing with the salt smugglers but the money would naturally flow into the residence of the Crown Prince and these are only some fathers from a flying goose. Just these few feathers was able to let the family stay in Ding capital without worrying at all shows how profitable the business of privately selling salt was.

If one were to say that the matter of money was an unexpected surprise to Shen Dong Ling, then Wang Bi himself made Shen Dong Ling very satisfied. Wang Bi looked honest but was in fact savvy and was considered highly ranked under the Crown Prince. At the beginning Shen Yue did not look up to Wang Bi and did not know that it was her that had no eyes. Shen Dong Ling was born with beautiful looks, had a soft temperament and the most important thing was that she could always make some suggestions for Wang Bi's matters. However she would not interfere too much and would always keep a cautious distance. The more she did that, the better Wang Bi treated her. When marrying a wife, one would want to marry one who was virtuous and besides being virtuous and smart, it was even more valuable for one also understanding other people's views. Wang Bi had felt very fortunate that Shen Dong Ling and Shen Yue had exchanged their marriages. The family of the Minister of Land only had Wang Bi, the only sone and Wang Bi was very capable that almost everything in the Wang family was decided by Wang Bi. Naturally Shen Dong Ling became the matriarch of the Wang family. The servant would be very respectful to her and if Ren Wan Yun was still alive, one feared that she would faint in anger. That Shu daughter that she view like ants was not even more comfortable then when Ren Wan Yun was in the beginning and naturally Wan YiNiang was like the boat that floats when the tide rises and lived a wealthy lifestyle.

Today it was the same.

Wang Bi came back from outside and handed the pastry in his hands to the maids before saying, "One passed by Guang Fu Zhai and conveniently bought some cakes for you to eat."

"Husband is considerate." Shen Dong Ling smiled at him as she poured a cup of tea for him. Her every move was delicate and tender, most likely because she was after all a daughter of a YiNiang, there would be some amorous feeling. She smiled as she said, "Husband looked very happy today. Is there something good that happened?"

To Shen Dong Ling, Wang Bi did not hide most things from her because Shen Dong Ling was not one who would talk and could occasionally help to share his worries. Currently Wang Bi and Shen Dong Ling were newlyweds and would be in their honeymoon period. Wang Bi said, "His Majesty let HuangFu Hao have more interactions with the Crown Prince and most likely want to have good relations with Qin country. By giving the Crown Prince this favour, it can been easily seen that His Majesty wants to support the Crown Prince. When man attains the Tao, even his pets would ascend to Heavens. We are the Crown Prince's people so when the Crown Prince ascend to the throne in the future, we would have credits for our efforts." He smiled towards Shen Dong Ling, "Do you think it should be celebrated?"

Shen Dong Ling's mind turned and immediately showed a surprise happiness expression, "Really?" Afterwards she looked at Wang Bi with some admiration as she spoke softly, "Husband is really powerful. It is this one's past fortune to be able to follow Husband."

To be looked with such admiring gaze by a charming and seductive female, any male's vanity would be greatly satisfied. Wang Bi smiled, "This is easy to satisfy." He then sighed and spoke with some regret, "If a while ago, His Majesty bestow marriage upon Fifth Shen Young Lady to His Highness the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince would have the military power of the Shen family and it would be more advantageous. If so then our winning chances would be even higher. Now even though one have some relations with Qin country at the moment, in terms of military power…" He sighed again, "It is often the most important thing."

Shen Dong Ling's mind turned and she conveniently leaned into Wang Bi's embrace and reached her hand out to place it on Wang Bi's chest and said tenderly, "Husband is too demanding on himself. To be able to do to this level, one would not be an ordinary person."

This was exactly what Wang Bi wanted to hear. He smiled, "You are really contented?"

"This Qie is contented with a man like Husband." Shen Dong Ling smiled delicately and asked inadvertently, "Currently one cannot let Fifth Younger Sister marry the Crown Prince?"

"Fifth Younger Sister?" Wang Bi was startled before saying, "Almost forgot that you both are sisters."

He said it unintentionally but it was particularly sharp when it was heard by Shen Dong Ling as he seemed to say that she was a Shu daughter while Shen Miao was a Di daughter and there was a difference between Di and Shu. Human's greed would change accordingly to the change of environment. In the past, Shen Dong Ling was busy ensuring her safety in the Shen residence and schemed for a good life for herself and could tolerate all the ridicules and sarcasm and would not have the energy to be picky about it. However she was now the Furen in the residence of the Minister of Land thus she was particularly sensitive to these things.

She buried her head in Wang Bi's embrace and did not let Wwang Bi see her sullen expression but still asked, "It cannot be done?"

"It is not that it cannot be done." Wang Bi said, "It is just that Great Liang's ambition is difficult to make clear thus many things need to be delayed as one still require Shen Xin's reputation. It is just that Shen Miao is currently not young of age and one heard that the Shen family is not willing to let Shen Miao marry into the residence of the Crown Prince. The key point of the matter is to resolve it as soon as possible. As time goes by, there will inevitably be changes and Shen Xin would have found a marriage for Shen Miao and married her off. At that time, the Crown Prince's place would have fallen through."

"Why can't the marriage be firmed up first?" Shen Dong Ling asked.

"Silly." Wang Bi said, "The Shen family do not want Shen Miao to marry the Crown Prince and Shen Miao herself also is not willing. If some tricks are used now, it would make Shen Xin dissatisfied."

"Isn't this bullying others with one's power?" Shen Dong Ling's lips twitched. However her words did not take Shen Miao into any consideration at all and made the bandits who imposed others on their demands as the aggrieved people.

"It can be said like this." Wang Bi said with a smile.

"Then on what grounds they can use power to bully others but not let the Crown Prince bully others with power?"

Wang Bi smiled, "The Crown Prince is virtuous and would not do such bullying."

"The Crown Prince cannot do these but other can do it? Just like ordinary people, those ordinary commoners. If everyone under Heavens request Fifth Younger Sister to marry to the Crown Prince, can this be considered as using the power of the commoners to bully others?"

Wang Bi initially thought that Shen Dong Ling was saying words of anger but who knew that when he heard what was at the back, his expression gradually became serious. He looked at Shen Dong Ling as Shen Dong Ling sat in his embrace charmingly, as if those words she said were just casually done.

But Wang Bi was an intelligent person and could hear some details in Shen Dong Ling's words thus he asked,"It could not be that you have thought of some ideas? Let's listen to it."

"Husband is really crafty. What benefit if I were to speak of it?" Shen Dong Ling asked.

"Mmm." Wang Bi pretended to think about it, "If it is good then I will think of ways to request an Imperial mandate for you." He was thinking that if Shen Dong Ling really had a way to get Shen Miao to marry to the Crown Prince, then he would have made a big achievement and in the future when the Crown Prince succeed the throne, he would be grateful for it. There would not be any loss to ask for an Imperial mandate for Shen Dong Ling.

When Shen Dong Ling heard of it, a glimmer of satisfaction appeared in her eyes.

She said, "I not doing to be a Mandated Furen but for Husband. Whatever Husband wants to do, naturally this Qie would support. Husband wants to help the future Monarch and this Qie is just a little female and can only show one's inadequacy." The playfulness she used while speaking was even more pleasing to Wang Bi's heart.

"Actually this method is very simple. One only need the Crown Prince of Qin country to cooperate." She said.