Chapter 180: MeiFu (Younger Sister’s Husband)

The movements in Ming Qi were unable to be hidden from the rest of the world.

One did not know how it gradually began to spread in the marketplace that HuangFu Hao died in the hands of the Crown Prince. Emperor Wen Hui had the thought to place HuangFu Hao's guards under house arrest but now things had become out of control and if it was not managed, one feared that it would become chaotic.

But how would the people in the residence of Prince Qin be able to sit and wait? News was sent back to the ears of the Qin Emperor and after some short few days, there was someone who rush over to send over a message, wanting Emperor Wen Hui to give an explanation else troops would be sent to level Ming Qi.

If it was the previous Qin country, Ming Qi naturally would be able to compete with them but now with unclear ambitions of Great Liang who was lurking at the side with tiger's eyes, with the Qin country's attack, Ming Qi would considered to be finished this time.

Under the conviction of evidence, Emperor Wen Hui had no choice but to send the Crown Prince to prison. Even though he specifically instructed other to take good care of the Crown Prince, at the end it was a move to abandon the chariot to protect the marshal (chess moves).

The older Emperor Wen Hui had gotten the unwavering and firm personality that he had when young were finally wiped off. Not to mention how the other sons would think, even officials would feel chilling when seeing it. In order to protect oneself, even though he obviously knew that there were suspicious circumstances with the Crown Prince killing HuangFu Hao, he still send the Crown Prince to prison.

In fact Emperor Wen Hui was not to be blamed. The reason to why he placed the Crown Prince in prison, other than to show the Emperor of Qin his attitude was to temporarily calm the Qin Emperor's anger and to ensure the safety of the Crown Prince. HuangFu Hao's guards were eying him like tigers and had all the intentions to take revenge for HuangFu Hao thus it was highly possible that the Crown Prince would be killed by one of the guards if he was careless on any day. Now that the Crown Prince had become a prisoner and there were so many people guarding in the prison, such things would not happen.

Unfortunately Emperor Wen Hui's thoughts were not understood and because of this move of his, even the Empress could not sit still.

The Empress stepped into Yang Xin Dian and angrily asked, "Your Majesty knew clearly that the Crown Prince was unjustly accused by others, so why is he being locked up? Did Your Majesty thought of how would the officials look at him in the future?"

Emperor Wen Hui frowned as he did not like the feeling of being questioned by others, "Zhen have one's viewpoint."

Emperor Wen Hui still had some affection for the Empress as the Empress was his official wife and when the Late Emperor was alive, the battle of the heir apparent was as fierce as today and if it wasn't the maiden family of the Empress that was supporting, Emperor Wen Hui would not have necessarily be in this position today. Now the power of maiden family of the Empress was deliberately returned to the Emperor, there would not be any possibility of the dictatorship of a family in the court. Thus Emperor Wen Hui was willing to give more affection to the Empress and moreover the Empress is the birth mother of the Crown Prince.

Privately the Empress was indeed not a bad Empress. She did not get jealous and also managed the Inner Palace rather well.

"ChenQie beseech Your Majesty to revoke the order." The Empress said, "The Crown Prince would need to face the court officials in the future thus Your Majesty's action would only let the commoners under the sky misunderstand." If it was previously, the Empress would have not refuted Emperor Wen Hui's decision but as a mother, one would always be more sensitive with matters of one's son. The Empress was not willing to have any mistakes in the Crown Prince's future, not even a drop of dirty water could stain him.

What was more that this time it was an ordinary fault. Once the crime of murdering the Crown Prince of Qin country was confirmed, one feared that it would even be difficult to ensure the safety of Fu Xiu Yan's life. Even though the Empress does not interfere in political affairs, this did not mean that she had no knowledge of the matters in the court. Once there was a dangerous seed that was formed, there would also be a seed of elimination.

Emperor Wen Hui had been troubled these days when dealing with this matter and his heart was very frustrated. Of all times the Empress chose to agitate him at this time and he said impatiently, "Zhen do not need you to criticise or give orders when Zhen actions."

The Empress's heart jumped. After being husband and wife with Emperor Wen Hui for so many years, she naturally knew Emperor Wen Hui's temperament. She immediately changed to a warm expressed and removed the questioning expression she had before softly speaking, "ChenQie knows that Your Masjesty is frustrated and it was ChenQie who is impulsive just now. ChenQie is also worried for the Crown Prince. One remembered that when the Crown Prince was young, his studies not not considered good and no matter how the Imperial Tutor taught, he was unable to learn and it was Your Majesty who personally taught the Crown Prince. Now both ChenQie and Your Majesty know clearly in one's heart that the matter has nothing to do with the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince's character is gentle and honest so how would he kill another? Even if he did kill another, he would definitely not to be so stupid to assassinate another in broad daylight. Your Majesty, the Crown Prince is innocent and you are the Crown Prince's father. Could it be that one would watch with open eyes as the Crown Prince was blamed and charged unwarranted offences?"

These appeasing words played a good role and Emperor Wen Hui's expression eased. Among the nine Princes, the one that Emperor Wen Hui wanted to support the most was the Crown Prince and naturally not willing to let the Crown Prince die like this. Just as he was about to speak, one heard the palace maid outside reporting, "Your Majesty, Her Ladyship Consort Xian has arrived."

The Empress's expressions were as usual but the hands that was clasped in the sleeves were nightly clenched. Among the consorts in the Palace, Consort Xian was the most arrogant one as she had gave birth to two Princes, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing, and was favoured upon normally with delicate good appearances. Even though her actions were arrogant, she was able to capture and retained Emperor Wen Hui's heart.

The Empress was not ignorant of the ambition of the two brothers, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing. Consort Xu Xian naturally hoped that her sons would be able to sit on that position so once the Crown Prince was in trouble, Consort Xu Xian would not let go of the opportunity to throw stones.

One could see Consort Xu Xian coming in seductively from outside. Even though she had gave birth to two sons, Consort Xu Xian's appearance did not show traces of aging. One had heard that she would use sheep's milk to bathe everyday so her skin was smooth and firm, even better than young females at the age of twenty eight but had the charms of a mature woman. There were three thousands of beauties in the Palace but Consort Xu Xian's appearance indeed made others jealous so it was no wonder Emperor Wen Hui would still favour her often even though Consort Xu Xian was domineering and arrogant.

When Consort Xu Xian entered, she said her greetings to Emperor Wen Hui and the Empress. Afterwards she then said smilingly, "Lately Your Majesty's mood is not good so ChenQie had instructed the Imperial Kitchens' pastry chef to make some purple snow bird's nests for Your Majesty to taste. One did not think that Older Sister would also be here."

The Empress smiled lightly and did not want to talk to her but how would Consort Xian willing to let this opportunity go? She looked towards the Empress and said, "Today for Older Sister to look for His Majesty, is it about the Crown Prince's matter?"

Emperor Wen Hui had yet to say anything when the Empress raised her eyebrows and said angrily, "Younger Sister is managing too broadly."

Consort Xu Xian grinned and looked at Emperor Wen Hui, who did not say a word, before looking at the Empress again and said slowly, "Originally these things should not be said my this Younger Sister but His Majesty is worried about this matter so why Older Sister cannot understand His Majesty and still harass His Majesty at this juncture?" She let the palace maid put down the basket as she continued speaking, "The Crown Prince's matter is not about one person's life. A perfectly fine Crown Prince of Qin country is involved and that day only the Crown Prince and the Crown Prince of Qin country are present. Younger Sister naturally believe that the Crown Prince would not do such insane and lunatic actions but one have to bring out evidence."

"If one is unable to bring out the evidence then how could everyone be convinced? Moreover at the Qin country's end, there are people watching closely. If His Majesty listens to Older Sister's words and let the Crown Prince out then once the Qin country hear of it, one do not know how much waves would there be. Older Sister cannot just think of oneself and the Crown Prince and have to think of the world." Consort Xu Xian said thoughtfully but the Empress's expressions changed.

"Shut up." The Empress said angrily.

Consort Xu Xian feigned a scared look and stepped back a little before looking at Emperor Wen Hui with grievances, "Your Majesty, ChenQie persuaded Older Sister with good intentions but Older Sister fail to appreciate the favour. ChenQie is wronged to death."

Emperor Wen Hui was having a terrible headache and did not want to see anyone. How could he not know that Consort Xu Xian's words were of provocation and it was all to let the Crown Prince not live well but Emperor Wen Hui had no way to deny it as Consort Xu Xian's words were the truth. The Crown Prince's matter not only implicate the Crown Prince but also Qin country's attitude. This time Ming Qi could not make a mistake at all as if this matter was not handled well, no one could tell what kind of disaster would be brought onto Ming Qi in the future.

Thinking about that, Emperor Wen Hui felt troubled thinking about the Crown Prince and became annoyed with the Empress too. He said to the Empress and Consort Xu Xian, "All withdraw. Zhen want to be alone."

The Empress took great difficulty before Emperor Wen Hui loosen his lips and did not think that when Consort Xu Xian mixed in, her previous efforts were of naught and her heart was unwilling to give up. Before she could say anything, Consort Xu Xian said, "Since Your Majesty is not willing to be disturbed by others, ChenQies would withdraw first. Beseeching Your Majesty to take care of the Dragon's body and don't let this matter hurt one spiritually."

Emperor Wen Hui did not even raise his head as he waved his hand.

No matter how unwilling the Empress was, she could only withdraw out with Consort Xu Xian.

After exiting Yang Xin Dian, the Empress stopped at looked at Consort Xu Xian before laughing coldly, "BenGong knows what your heart is thinking. But the sons you gave birth to would never be able to replace BenGong's son."

Consort Xu Xian smiled, "Younger Sister does not deserve Older Sister's words. The Crown Prince is as respectable as gold and as precious as jade. This Younger Sister sincerely want good things for him. The relationship between brothers are close so what is with the words of replacing?" She then giggled and admired the Empress's seemingly annoyed expression before speaking, "It is Older Sister that Younger Sister had always wanted to replace." After finishing she then stroke the pearl flower by her temple and walked away enchantingly.

The Empress remained alone standing in place with gritted teeth.

The matter of the Empress and Consort Xu Xian entering the Yang Xin Dian one after the other, quickly spread to other's ears.

Consort Dong Shu was sitting on the couch listening to the palace maid playing Qin. She played like mountains were high and water were flowing. The spring water splattering and the tall mountain as backdrop was indeed a wonderful painting. She did not like to fight with outsiders and would pray to Buddha. When she was not normally in the Buddhist hall, she would be sewing flowers and listening to Qin at the side hall, not behaving like a consort but an outsider. Among the four consorts, the one that was most overlooked was her that one would be amazed as to how she became one of the four consorts.

Sitting just below her was a man in jade brocade robes, who was slightly smiling as he tilted his head to the side to listen, as if he was immersed in the Qin for a long time.

At the end of the piece, the maid held the Qin as she said her thanks. Consort Dong Shu waved her hands and the personal palace maid went forward to bestow money and sent the maid out.

When all the people in the side hall had withdrew, Fu Xiu Yi smiled, "Consort Mother is exceptionally happy today."

"The Empress cannot sit still." Consort Dong Shu smiled, "She personally went to Yang Xi Dian to plead for the Crown Prince and of course Consort Xian naturally would not miss this opportunity. Prince Zhou and Prince Jing wanted to replace the Crown Prince and Consort Xian would definitely put in effort in the Inner Palace."

"It is a pity that it is not a good method." Consort Dong Shu picked up the teacup for a sip, "However, if the sandpiper and clam don't fight, how does the fisherman profit?"

Both mother and son smiled together.

Fu Xiu Yi's features resembled more towards Consort Dong Shu and would look cold normally but when one smiled, it would be soft and tender, making others unable to put up one's vigilance.

Consort Dong Shu said, "How are you lately?"

Fu Xiu Yi laughed, "One had found some interesting secrets and is currently investigating. One think that it would not be long before there would be results."

Consort Dong Shu looked at him, "You are always one who has a mind of your own so I do not have to worry much about these things. Speaking of which, you should also get married. You are not young of age and if this drags on, one fear that others would inevitably take advantage of it. Consort Xian could not wait for you to marry a female without power and influence as your Prince Consort." As Consort Dong Shu spoke, she sighed, "Initially that Shen Miao loved you and one had thought that if she carried it on, one would at the end let her enter the family and you would have the power of the Shen family. Who knew that things of the world are fickle, not to mention her temperament has also changed, now the marriage of the Shen family was something that you cannot endure."

Fu Xiu Yi smiled, "Although I cannot endure, no one else in Ming Qi can handle. Apart from the Crown Prince, whichever brothers are tied to the Shen family would provoke Imperial Father's suspicions. Originally the Crown Prince have success within one's grasp but beyond expectations, such unforeseen misfortune happened. Most likely the Gods are standing on our side." He did not have any trace of regrets and only said, "All those official families that have power in Ming Qi would not be willing to be tied to the Shen family by marriage. Even though the Shen family is big, it does not mean that Shen Miao could marry well."

Consort Dong Shu sighed, "Correct." After speaking, she suddenly thought of something, "However this time the Crown Prince is indeed suffering grievous and HuangFu Hao's matter would not end easily. Do you think that this was done by the brothers, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing, or is it by Prince Li?"

Fu Xiu Yi did not enter any of the fractions as he did not trust his brothers and always held powers alone. At first Prince Zhou's and Prince Li's fraction were fiercely fighting but now that Emperor Wen Hui had the intention to support the Crown Prince and even let the Crown Prince to marry the Shen family, Prince Zhou and Prince Li were inevitably anxious but who knew that they would suddenly kill the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince had become their enemy and naturally they do not spare any effort to remove him.

This time the Crown Prince killed HuangFu Hao and everyone who had clear eyes would see that there were flaws to it and most likely the Crown Prince was schemed. After much calculation, only Prince Zhou and Prince Li had the possibility of doing it.

However such blatant schemes were not the usual style of both people.

Fu Xiu Yi shook his head, "It might not be the actions of the both of them."

When Consort Dong Shu heard it, she was startled and asked, "If it is not them then could there still be others?"

Prince Rui's and Shen Miao's face appeared in Fu Xiu Yi's mind.

There must be some hidden relationship between Prince Rui and Shen Miao. Even though he was not clear as to how this relationship was maintained, as long as it was about Shen Miao, there seemed to be a master coordinating behind the scenes and the indications was undoubtedly Prince Rui.

Previously when Emperor Wen Hui instructed the Empress to test the waters of the Shen family and let out rumours that Shen Miao would be marrying into the residence of the Crown Prince, not too long after, Prince Rui said those specious words to Emperor Wen Hui, making Emperor Wen Hui dispel the thoughts of wanting Shen Miao to immediately marry.

Now it was obvious that this appreciation of incense situation was targeting Shen Miao and now it was HuangFu Hao's and the Crown Prince's side that were suffering but Shen Miao was safe and sound. One heard that on that day Shen Miao was also heading towards Yi Feng Pavilion but during the journey, she knocked onto an old woman and did not go as she was delayed. How could matters be that coincident? Could it be that Prince Rui was also manipulating everything from the back for this time too?

If it was the actions of Prince Rui, he was in Ming Qi but dared to act so blatantly and schemed against two Crown Princes. This Prince Rui was indeed somewhat fearful.

Seeing that Fu Xiu Yi was so engrossed in thinking about something, Consort Dong Shu asked, "What is it?"

Fu Xiu Yi recovered to his senses, "Nothing." He then suddenly stood up and looked at Consort Dong Shu, "This son suddenly remembered that there are still some matters and will not continue chatting leisurely with Consort Mother."

"Official matters are important." Consort Dong Shu said, "You can go first."

At the other end, thank goodness Ji Yu Shu and Gao Yang were finally let out of the tower prison.

These days both of them oversaw the prisoners of the tower and saw the many means and methods of torture. It was still a little better for Gao Yang but Ji Yu Shu had a delicate body and had gotten a lot thinner. It was not because of anything but unable to eat due to nausea. It would be a wonder if one did not slim down.

After much difficulty they were then let out and both of them looked at each other in tears wordlessly. After a long while Ji Yu Shu said, "I have to go abck to Feng Xiang Pawnshop for a shower and change of clothes. Will say one's farewell here." Finishing, he ran away in a puff of smoke.

Gao Yang sighed and looked that his dirty face before his heart was stripped. Xie Jing Xing was so ruthless and did not even overlook a little bit and sent them to the tower prison. The tower prison was a place that even Tie Yi was unable to handle when he first went in, much less Ji Yu Shu and him, who were so pampered.

When Ji Yu Shu returned to Feng Xian Pawnshop, he instructed Hong Luan to draw a bath for him and took a long beautiful bath and eat some snacks before returning to the study. As soon as one stepped in, a smoke of dust flew up. Ji Yu Shu did not allow the servants to enter this area as there were many secrets thus no one came in to clean. Ji Yu Shu initially wanted Hong Yuan to clean up for him but after thinking about it, he gave up and gave in to his fate and started cleaning up.

It was difficult for everything to look alright before Ji Yu Shu sat down at the desk and started reading after looking at the thick stack of letters on the table. When he flipped to the last letter, Ji Yu Shu was already a little drowsy but as he looked it, his sleepiness wiped off and his expressions became serious.

Pei Lang was actually locked up by Fu Xiu Yi. Pei Lang's identity was revealed.

Heavens. Did anyone know that such a big thing had happened? Could someone rescue?

Ofcourse there was none. Observing Pei Lang was Ji Yu Shu's own decision. After all he was curious why Shen Miao wanted Pei Lang to be a spy by Fu Xiu Yi's side. Even if Pei Lang had some talent, being a spy would require a great lot of loyalty and Fu Xiu Yi was very good at managing his subordinates, won't Shen Miao be worried that Pei Lang would rebel? The most important thing was that Shen Miao relationship with Pei Lang before was just plain and normal so how would she dare to make such a decision?

However one had not thought that this move had place a significant role.

Ji Yu Shu turned his head and wanted to leave and pass this letter to Xie Jing Xin when he stood still after standing up.

"Would Third Older Brother locked me up again?" Ji Yu Shu muttered.

The reason why Xie Jing Xing locked Ji Yu Shu and Gao Yang up was because that day the Empress summon Shen Miao to the Palace and tried to marry Shen Miao to the Crown Prince. This matter was left out in the report to Xie Jing Xing by the two of them so upon return, Xie Jing Xing threw both of them to the tower prison.

"Third Older Brother valued Shen Young Lady seriously and this Pei Lang seemed to be interested in Shen Young Lady and even said that he wanted to marry Shen Young Lady. As such, Pei Lang is Third Older Brother's love rival. Since he is a rival, will Third Older Brother beat one up if one tell Third Older Brother now? Third Older Brother would definitely not want to save him." Ji Yu Shu mumbled to himself, "Just like me, I do not like Young Lady Shao Yao smiling at that gentleman from the Prime Minister's family. Afterwards when that gentleman of the Prime Minister's family fell from the horse, I was very happy about it." Ji Yu Shu came to a conclusion by himself, "It is better not to inform Third Older Brother now. Since there is no new information, he should not have died yet. Let him stay for a few more days before one talk about it."

Ji Yu Shu thought that he had done well but did not know that this action of his would create what kind of changes in the future.

Shen Qiu and Luo Ling were commanding officers of the city garrison and they were very busy these days. HuangFu Hao was dead and left behind a pile of problems. As to the guards from the residence of Prince Qin, if they were killed, it would provoke the Emperor of Qin country's dissatisfiaction, if they were not killed, they keep harping of giving justice for HuangFu Hao and spread to the commoners that the Crown Prince was the murderer that these days it was chaotic in Ding capital.

One could not kill and could only place them under house arrest. However the Qin Crown Prince's guards were all personally chosen by the Qin Emperor to protect HuangFu Hao, so how would a normal guard's ability be able to match? Today they were house arrested tomorrow they would be able to find ways to escape. In order to avoid chaos, the garrison troops had doubled so that innocent people would not be harmed by those guards from Qin country.

After matters are finished today, the skies had slowly approached to evening. Shen Qiu and Luo Ling walked on the streets shoulder by shoulder. It was close to the end of the year and the streets of Ding capital would be bustling but due to the matter of HuangFu Hao, the commoners were reminded by the troops of the city garrison and returned back home early. There was only a few people walking even though it was not nighttime.

Shen Qiu sighed, "If the Ministry of Justice do not speak, the city garrison would no longer be able to handle it."

After the Crown Prince was imprison, at one side the Qin Emperor kept on pressuring for an explanation and the other side, Emperor Wen Hui felt reluctant to part with his only Di eldest son, thus the commoners had to suffer.

"It is not peaceful this year." Luo Ling shook his head, "No matter what the result is, one fear that Ding capital will be chaotic."

Both of them looked at one another and both of them saw the worries in each other eyes.

Shen Qiu said, "Don't speak about this anymore. Yesterday I heard Mother said that Younger Sister's marriage have to be reconsidered from the beginning. Even though one do not need to worry about the Crown Prince's side but the more chaotic the situation seems, the more someone would want to take advantage of the Shen family. Younger Sister's identity is special so it is inevitable that others would lust for. If one does not set the marriage earlier, it would not be good for the future."

When Luo Ling heard those words, he was however startled for a moment and before he could speak, he heard Shen Qiu speaking, "Younger Biao Brother, what do you think?"

"I…" Luo Ling's face turned slightly red, "Doesn't Older Biao Brother already knew my thoughts?"

Shen Qiu snorted and one of his hands sling onto Luo Ling's shoulder, "You are after all one who practice martial arts and follow JiuJiu (aka Mother's Brother) to the army camps, so why when you speak about this matter, you are like those weak scholarly tarts?" He said, "From my view, everything about you is good except you have a thin skin. With regards to this matter, you don't talk to Younger Sister about it, could it be that you want Younger Sister to take the initiative to look for you?"

Luo Ling smile somewhat awkwardly.

Shen Qiu tempted, "My Younger Sister temperament on surface is gentle and soft but was stubborn and proud to the bones. If you wanted Younger Sister to take the initiative to look for you then one fear that you should not think about it. Males must have a sense of manhood, like means like, just go directly. Even though you cannot beat me." Shen Qiu looked somewhat picky at Luo Ling, "But the current situation is different and you barely qualify. If you are my MeiFu, I will recognise it."

Shen Qiu said heroically but Luo Ling was more startled, "This also requires Younger Biao Sister to agree."

"You don't even talk of it, how would Younger Sister know of your thoughts?" Shen Qiu blinked, "Not to say anything else, first you have to find an opportunity to confess to Younger Sister what you actually think. Younger Biao Brother, I will honestly tell you, I don't like that Su Ming Lang was previously sick. Feng Zi Xian… The last time their Feng family almost caused Younger Sister to lose her life, thus this should not be mentioned. Speaking of this and that, you are actually not bad."

"Many thanks to Biao Older Brother." Luo Ling smiled, "If there is an opportunity, I will do it."

Shen Qiu still wanted to say something when he saw a horse suddenly galloping over from the other side of the streets. That coat of fur on the hose was smooth and shiny that even if was evening, it was heroic and eye-catching. Shen Qiu and Luo Ling could not help but be attracted to the horse.

The person on the horse was also valiant and one could tell from afar the graceful manner of the person. When the person got closer to the both of them, suddenly the horse stopped and it's front hoofs raised up but the person who sat on it was extremely stable. It was obvious that the riding skills were exceptional. Shen Qiu could not help but say, "Good."

The person on the horse said, "Vice General Shen."

Shen Qiu was startled.

Upon seeing that there was a person sitting on the horse, that purple gold noble clothes were getting more radiant under the lantern light. The person's stature was tall and there was a silver mask on the face, revealing an ideal shape of one's face. One's chin was clean and thin lips were slightly tilted as a pair of eyes looked downwards, as if it has some style of laughter but not laughter.

"Your Highness Prince Rui." Shen Qiu and Luo Ling quickly bowed with hands held in front. They have seen Prince Rui during the tribute banquet thus knew undoubtedly that this was Prince Rui. Moreover only Prince Rui alone had this lazy and arrogant temperament.

Prince Rui said, "No need to stand on ceremony. Just now this Prince thought that one had seen wrongly and did not expect to really see Vice General Shen. Thus one stopped to greet." He only spoke to SHen Qiu and did not look at Luo Ling.

Shen Qiu was somewhat shocked with the flattering. This Prince Rui had always had the temperament of not placing Emperor Wen Hui in his eyes and he actually took the initiative to greet him and spoke so courteously? At one end, Shen Qiu was secretly alert wondering if the other person was up to some trick and on the other end felt a sense of self-satisfaction.

Could it be that his Vice General reputation was so famous that Prince Rui of Great Liang would be so eager to pursue?

However he did not see Luo Ling's pale white face.

On Prince Rui's waist, there was a safety pendant that was hanging, which was oddly familiar.