Chapter 188: Rescuing

"Because there is no reason to watch with folded arms." Shen Miao said.

Xie Jing Xing was silent.

Shen Miao knew it herself that her reason was not justified. In the eyes of others, before cooperating with Pei Lang, she did not have any interaction with Pei Lang even though there was a name of him being a teacher and her a student in Guang Wen Tang, not a few words were passed between them on normal days. When one was not familiar with another but still gave important responsibilities to him and did not have a trace of doubt at all, in another eyes, this was naturally very strange.

Particularly Xie Jing Xing was not a careless person and paid great attention to details that others neglected, making one feel timid with his acute sense.

However there were many things could not be understood. She could not speak about the things in her previous lifetime. Not only others would not believe, even she was unable to convince herself.

Shen Miao thought that Xie Jing Xing would continue probing but he nodded his head, "Alright."

Shen Miao was startled and release a sigh of relief.

The most satisfying thing about working with Xie Jing Xing was that before he was a friend, Xie Jing Xing would think of ways to learn all the secrets of another but upon becoming friends, he would respect others and not force one to speak of things they did not want to.

Of course, perhaps he would be able to figure things out through his own methods.

"However." Xie Jing Xing muttered, "There are many guards in the residence of Prince Ding. It is not simple to rescue someone under Fu Xiu Yi's eyes."

Shen Miao's heart moved, "You want to personally take action?"

"Else?" One could not hear anger or happiness in his tone of voice but there was some inexplicable feelings, "The person that you personally request to rescue, how could I dare to make a mistake?"

Shen Miao looked at him hesitantly. Currently Xie Jing Xing's identity was already a headache because of Princess Rong Xin and Su Ming Feng but fortunately these two people had slight affection for Xie Jing Xing in the past but there was none with Fu Xiu Yi. If Fu Xiu Yi knew of Xie Jing Xing's identity, if he did not take the opportunity to stir up matters then Shen Miao would have wasted so many years of knowing him.

"You… Be more careful." Shen Miao said, "I do not want to become a widow shortly after marriage."

Xie Jing Xing said, "How could you curse yourself like this?" He then smiled, "Don't worry. You will not become a widow."

Shen Miao, "…" Forget about it. This person was definitely playing with her when he said those words. Xie Jing Xing was such a cautious person and would not personally take action. She had thought too much.

After talking for a while more, the servant by Luo Xue Yan's side came over to inform them that it was time to eat. Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing walked out and the entire meal was eaten very harmoniously. Xie Jing Xing would even coax the then Princess Rong Xin, who was unwilling to be close to anyone, till she was happy much less the forthright and joyous Luo Xue Yan. He was knowledgeable and eloquent that even Luo Ling was unable to help but be attracted by some of his perspective.

Even a discerning person like Shen Xin was unable to say anything. Shen Qiu remembered what Shen Xin said to him in the afternoon, to let him exchange blows with Prince Rui for learning purposes, so during midway of the meal, he threw out a sentence loudly, "Today one had eaten too much so MeiFu, later accompany this Eldest Brother and exchange blows. One cannot just sit in the house all day and our family males should always be active."

The chopsticks in Shen Miao's hands stopped and Luo Xue Yan scolded, "Shen Xiu, your skin is itchy is it? Do you want Mother to exchange some blows with you?"

"Mother." Shen Qiu said in grievance, "You better not meddle in matters of us youths." He then looked at Prince Rui and suddenly remembered something, "Oh. Almost forgotten to ask. MeiFu, do you have martial arts skills?"

"Have slight knowledge of it." Xie Jing Xing looked at him and smiled.

Shen Qiu said seriously, "Then that is good. Since you are in the Imperial family, one thinks that the martial arts teacher would not be bad. Don't worry. Eldest Brother will give in to you. However this Eldest Brother is one that worked in the army and would often exchange blows with soldiers without caring how heavy one's blows are. If one is careless…" He cupped his hands together, "One hope that MeiFu would forgive this one time."

His words of 'Eldest Brother' sounded close but his words were of shame but his tone of voice and expression was joy and eager to try it out. One felt that if this meal was not finished at this moment, he would have immediately dragged Prince Rui to the field to exchange blows.

Luo Tan and Luo Ling stood by and watched the fight. Luo Tan was very curious as to what level Prince Rui's martial art skills were at. The common people knew very little about Prince Rui of Great Liang and previously only knew that everyone in the Imperial family of Great Liang had a beautiful appearance and this Prince Rui was of no exception. However as for everything else, he was very mysterious. His martial arts were not specifically mentioned by others so one did not think it was outstanding.

However Luo Tan believed her instincts. The last time when she went to the residence of Prince Rui to request Prince Rui to help, she felt that Prince Rui was a powerful person.

What kind of scenario would it be when Shen Qiu went head to head with Prince Rui? Luo Tan had been a master of being a busybody, which was an ideal onlooker.

Luo Xue Yan was so angry that she could not wait to go up and beat Shen Qiu up but Prince Rui was present and she need to maintain her air of being a matriarch of the household. She could only look towards Shen Xin and said in a threatening tone, "Don't you care?"

Who knew that the usually obedient Shen Xin did not even lift his eyelids and swallowed a mouthful of food before showing a look as though all this were worldly matters, "What is there to care? Matters of the youth should be resolved by themselves."

Shen Miao could see it in an instant. How would Shen Qiu have such a courage and challenge Luo Xue Yan's patience for numerous times? It was obvious that he had Shen Xin behind him supporting. Shen Xin wanted to test Xie Jing Xing's martial arts?

Shen Miao looked up at Xie Jing Xing who was by her side. He seemed to have noticed her gaze as Xie Jing Xing's head turned to the side as his lips hooked up.

How could this person have such skills like this that gifting a wedding dress and lead others to want to give a crushing defeat. Shen Miao really admire it greatly.

With Shen Xin's approval, Luo Xue Yan did not block it this time as it would seem that she was unreasonable. Thus after the meal, Shen Qiy could not wait as he pull Xie Jing Xing to the open space at the Shen mansion's courtyard.

Luo Xue Yan feared that something would happen and could only follow on. Naturally Shen Xin wanted to go and since Luo Tan dragged Luo Ling to watch the fun, even if Shen Miao did not want to go, she had to go. The courtyard was surrounded by a circle of people, making it looked like one was watching a competition.

Luo Xue Yan had already secretly warned not to create any incident and that he should be gentle as Prince Rui was a scholar and the children of the Imperial family did not suffer so he should not treat him like he did to those soldiers and scare him.

Those words entered Shen Qiu's left ear and exit from his right ear. He rushed over to lift a roll of weapons and asked, "Which one does MeiFu want? You can choose first."

He said it in an extremely magnanimous manner.

Upon seeing those weapons that were taken out, there were long spear, halberd, smashing iron bar, daggers, swords, giant hammer… There were even a few large axes.

At the first glance, it was extremely heavy and a weapon that was difficult to wave around.

Luo Xue Yan was so angry that she was not willing to look.

Prince Rui's gaze was slightly startled.

Shen Qiu said complacently, "MeiFu, these weapons are extremely balanced. Just pick any weapon you like, in anyways this Eldest Brother will give in to you."

Shen Miao, "…"

One did not know why but Shen Qiu was not one with many thoughts, he had the cold and iron blood of a military person should have on worldly matters. However when competing with Xie Jing Xing, he became clumsy, almost like a child.

Shen Mao could almost guess how funny her own Eldest Brother was in the eyes of Xie Jing Xing.

Xie Jing Xing took a glance at those weapons and picked a short dagger from it.

"This?" Shen Qiu was startled as he did not expect Xie Jing Xing would pick a short dagger and said profoundly, "MeiFu have a good eye but a chun (1 Chun = 1 inch) shorter means a chun more risk. Not many people would dare to carry this dagger. Do not choose it because it is light. Why not choose this sword? Although it is a little rusty, it is not heavy and you will be able to wield it."

"Many thanks to Eldest Brother." Xie Jing Xing smiled, "I want exactly this."

Shen Qiu snorted, "Then don't blame this Eldest Brother for not giving you any face when dealing with you. The weapon you chose is really to inferior."

The corners of Xie Jing Xing's lips was pulled.

Even though he was wearing a mask, but the smile on his lips always seemed to carry a little laziness and ridicule, making it easy for one to be angry. Shen Qiu immediately picked up a long spear and pointed its head at Xie Jing Xing.

Luo Xue Yan hid her face.

"May Eldest Brother please." Xie Jing Xing was very polite.

"Boast without shame." Shen Qiu attacked with the long spear first.

After so many years has passed, the young Vice Shen General had become a veteran General Shen and was envied by countless number of people in his life. He had won countless of victories and was known as the God of War and respected and worshipped by all martial arts practitioners… But he could clearly remember this afternoon that had a warm sunlight. This had become the memory… And shame that he could never eradicate for the many years in the future.

Everyone did not see clearly what was going on but Shen Qiu rushed forwards and both of them were up in a bundle. However they quickly parted and Shen Qiu's spear was on the floor while the dagger that Prince Rui was holding was steadily locked on Shen Qiu's neck.

Everyone in the Shen family, "…"

Prince Rui losen his hand and turned the dagger around before looking at Shen Qiu with a smile but not a smile, "Many thanks to Eldest Brother for letting one win."

Those words made Shen Qiu's face turn purple red instantly.

Everyone in the Shen family looked at one another as that did not understand what it meant. Luo Tan muttered, "Older Biao Brother… Lost?"

Everyone was shocked.

In the younger generation of Ming Qi, if Shen Qiu's martial arts was second, no one would dare to call themselves first. Firstly Shen Qiu was personally thought since young and every generation of the Shen family had the experience of war and there were many martial arts books that were kept in the house thus Shen Qiu was considered to have accumulated profound knowledge. Secondly, when Shen Qiu was young, Sen Xin had brought him by his side to the battlefield and recognised the swords and knives. With this two points, Shen Qiu's martial arts were all of substance and there was no unnecessarily moves.

But Shen Qiu's spear was disarmed by Prince Rui and Prince Rui's dagger was on Shen Qiu's neck. No matter how one see, Shen Qiu had no way out.

Shen Qiu gritted his teeth and even though his heart was unwilling, he could only say, "One accept the lost."

Luo Tan had already took the led to clap her hands, "MeiFui is so powerful to be able to beat my Older Biao Brother. You are Ming Qi's number one…"

Luo Ling quickly covered Luo Tan's mouth. Luo Tan was after all Shen Qiu's Younger Biao Sister but for her to encourage outsiders, one feared that Shen Qiu would be more upset when hearing it. He then looked at Luo Xue Yan uneasily. Thinking of her son losing to outsiders, Luo Xue Yan's heart must not be comfortable but who knew that when one look back, they saw that Luo Xue Yan had quickly walked over to Prince Rui's side and said, "Jing Xing, your martial arts skill is this good?"

"One have been practicing martial arts since childhood but it is all stylish moves." Prince Rui smiled, "It cannot be compared to Eldest Brother strong blows. One is ashamed."

"Young people do not need not always be humble." Luo Xue Yan said, "If one has an ability to be proud of then one should be proud. Then it would be like a youth."

Shen Miao said silently in her heart. Xie Jing Xing was already the first in terms or pride, if one let him be more prouder of himself then he would have ascended to Heavens…

This meal could be said that the guest and host were happy eating. Luo Xue Yan and Luo Tan asked Xie Jing Xing a lot of martial arts questions. Xie Jing Xing had a modest attitude and seemed to know everything which made Luo Xue Yan pleasantly surprised. After Xie Jing Xing left, everyone dispersed while Luo Xue Yan kept on murmuring, "Prince Rui, this child, looked not bad. Don't mention about his identity, just base on character, courage and character, it is the world's best."

"Who can see what he looked like under the mask?" Shen Qiu said, "Mother is being too bias. What if there is a scar on his face and it looks very ugly? Then again, how could one be able to see one's character? I see that he is nothing much at all."

"What do you know?" Luo Xue Yan said, "One have a stomach full of scholarly literature. Even though I am unable to see the face of this child, his temperament is not bad. Even if one's face was not that good looking, one's temperament can make up for it. Besides, the bridges I have walked are more than the roads you have walked. Character can be seen in one's eyes and cannot be faked."

Shen Qiu snorted, "This is biasness."

"Shen Qiu. It is enough for today." Luo Xue Yan swept a look at him and remembering of what had happened before, her anger burst out, "What kind of intention do you have of targeting others on everything? Have the time to be jealous of another's martial art, might as well practice your martial arts skills. Only exchange a few moves and the dagger is on your throat. Aren't you ashamed when this was spoken out?"

Shen Qiu quickly said, "I know. Mother, I will now look for Father to practice. Immediately. At this moment." As he said, he quickly fled away.

Luo Xue Yan stared at the wooden box on the table. Shen Miao's wedding dress is in it and thinking of how valuable it was, it was better to be locked so that she could be rest assured. She then moved the box to the storeroom but saw that there was a double layer on the cover of the box.

Her heart became suspicious and she opened it up. A little booklet wrapped in red cloth suddenly fell out.

At the other side, Shen Qiu was talking to Shen Xin.

"Father, that Prince Rui skills is definitely accumulated more than a few years. From appearance, it should be accumulated since young. Otherwise it would not be possible for him to win me within a few moves." Shen Qiu thought for a bit and continued, "In addition his moves are all very vicious and could not be compared to those soldiers. It is reasonable to say that the Imperial family need not need to be like so." Finishing he that said hatefully, "This time I have taken it too lightly. The next time I must beat him up till he have a new respect for me."

Shen Xin waved his hands, "Alright, you are not his opponent."

"Father." Shen Qiu turned pale with fright, "You did not mean that because of my one mistake you take me lightly? I really lowered my guard this time and who knew that even though he looked like a good looking white-face scholar, he hid his real talent. I…"

"These are the things he hid?" Shen Xin interrupted his words and a trace of complex expression appeared on his face.

"Father?" Shen Qiu did not understand, "What do you mean by that? Could it be that there are still things that he is hiding from us? Is he a good person or not?"

"Alright. You go out." Shen Xin said, "Don't indulge in flights of fancy and practice your martial arts well."

Shen Qiu, "…"

He only lost once. Why did is looked like he had become scholar who had no strength to truss a chicken?

Shen Qiu left angrily. He planned from this day forth to spar with others in the training field every day. But… When Shen Qiu left, he could not help but look back at Shen Xin.

Why did Father looked like he was very worried?

Shen Xin was indeed very worried. This worried was gradually magnified in his heart that it had almost reached to the point where it could not be concealed. He wanted to do something to divert his attention but the more he did that, the more he would think about this matter.

But he could not talk to anyone as he did not know how big the impact would be if he told someone.

He let Shen Qiu test out Prince Rui's martial arts skills and the intention behind was to see if Prince Rui was qualified to be a son-in-law of the Shen family. Before today, Prince Rui was only a name on the Imperial decree of Emperor Wen Hui, thus the Shen family had no expectation on his abilities. They regarded Prince Rui as one who had malicious ambitions and that Shen Miao's marriage was not fair.

But looking at Luo Xue Yan's happy interaction with Prince Rui today, per Shen Xin's understanding of his wife, Luo Xue Yan was very satisfied with Prince Rui.

If Prince Rui already started to satisfy Luo Xue Yan then once could not treat Prince Rui as simple as a name on the Imperial decree. He must become the son-in-law of the Shen family and had to go through different types of critical and demanding tests.

Martial art was one of it. One did not request for exceptional martial arts skills but had to be able to protect Shen Miao's safety. As a husband of a female, if one's wife encountered danger, at least one must be able to protect her safety.

Shen Xin thought it like that but unexpectedly some other things came out in this test.

The few younger generations were unable to see clearly but Luo Xue Yan and he could see clearly. It was especially so for Shen Xin that each moves that both of them made could be seen clearly by him. Shen Xin had once seen someone using the move of locking the dagger to the throat that Prince Rui used.

Xie Ding.

The Shen family and the Xie family did not see eye to eye in court for generations as the Shen family paid attention to the rules and regulation with the troops while the Xie family focus on surprise attack and did not follow common sense. Their ancestors had fought for so many years and upon reaching Shen Xin's generation, it was so natural that one did not know why the two big aristocratic family were at odds with one another.

The one that understood you the most was not friends but your enemy and this saying was very trues. Shen Xin had been secretly comparing with Xie Ding since youth. The Shen family had the Shen family spear which will kill everything within its surrounding. The Xie family did not have the Xie family spear but Xie Ding's dagger move of locking the dagger to the throat was envied by others. It was most suitable for assassinating commanding General. Thinking about it, it was indeed terrifying to suddenly have a dagger at one throat even when one was fighting on horseback with a spear in one's hand.

Just based on this move, Xie Ding almost won all the time.

Xie Ding did not pass down this move to anyone but his only Di son, Xie Jing Xing. He even did not pass it down to his two Shu sons. When Xie Jing Xing was young and was exchanging blows with other, he used this move before and at that time Shen Xin coincidentally happened to be at the scene and was surprise by the fact that Xie Jing Xing was able to execute this move so ferociously at such a young age. He even made a slight change to Xie Ding's original move and it became even more vicious.

When Prince Rui and Shen Qiu were sparring, this move was used.

Or it could be said that the move that was used was after Xie Jing Xing had slightly changed it and the angle was exactly the same. One did not know if it was done intentionally or not as it was much slower that it was originally, which was almost an deliberate attempt to let Shen Xin see it clearly.

Shen Xin could not hide the shock and horror when he saw that moment. Other than to cover it up with silence, he did not know what else to think.

Xie Jing Xing was already dead two years ago in the battlefield in Northern Jiang. But how would Prince Rui of Great Liang would know about the locking the dagger to the throat move? Especially when it was the exact same moves?

Even if another one did the same action, the same tricks, there would be a little difference but Prince Rui's and Xie Jing Xing's figure at that moment merged together and there were of no difference to Shen Xin's eyes.

Then a strange thought burst out. Could it be Prince Rui was Xie Jing Xing?

Xie Jing Xing was already dead.

Shen Xin on one end felt that his thought was ridiculous and a joke but at on another end unable to restrain himself to think about this thought. He even felt that during the exchange between Shen Qiu, Prince Rui's moves were that slow that it seemed that it was deliberately done to let him see clearly.

Could it be that Prince Rui wanted him to see this fact?

Shen Xin's heart was in doubt but it was not good to talk to another about this. Thinking about it, it was better to investigate first before take a better look at a clearer picture.

After all he was not willing to see Shen Miao hurt. If Prince Rui was Xie Jing Xing then the various entanglements would not be that easy.


As the days passed, there was only a few days left till the end of the year. For ordinary people, the end of the year was the happiest period because it was always better to treat oneself better after an entire year. By eating, drinking and playing well, one would be happy every day. The happy days were short lived thus one would feel that one suffered a loss.

However for Pei Lang, each day passed slowly. Everyday his body was toss around and a small piece of flesh would be grinded and the next day, it would be continued on. Sometimes he could not wait for a quick death than being tortured this slowly.

He did not know how long he had been locked in the underground prison in the residence of Prince Ding. Other than the guards who were tormenting, even Fu Xiu Yi did not come over. The daily increasing torture made it painful for him as both of his legs were dripping wet with blood and sweat. He had heard that after today, the bones at his kneecap would be smashed.

Once one's kneecaps were smashed, one could only kneel and wait on others of the rest of one's life. To those who were proud, like Pei Lang, it was undoubtedly a nightmare of a lifetime. Fu Xiu Yi indeed knew the weakness of human nature. For a young man who had a full promising life to look forward to but had to kneel in the future to live, even if one were to live on for a day, one's life would be completely destroyed that it was better to die instead.

Strangely, even at such a time, Pei Lang did not plan to sell out Shen Miao.

Even though he rationally persuaded himself to speak of it as it would be a release after he spoke about it. Even if one were to die, it was better than going through this endless continuation. He was not considered friends with Shen Miao and it was only Shen Miao threatening him with Liu Ying and he had no choice but to work for Shen Miao. Even though Shen Miao was one speak fiercely, she had never take action upon innocent people. Even if he really betrayed her, Shen Miao would definitely not implicate the innocent Liu Ying.

After all, such torture like this was indeed too painful.

Even though one's reasoning was as such, every time when was about to loosen his mouth, he would keep it shut at the end. It was as if after saying it, he would have committed a unpardonable crime. Pei Lang was thinking could it be that in the past lifetime he had owed some big debts with Shen Miao? Else how would he be able to willing to suffer so much for her?

It was just that… After such a long time, no one came to save him. Pei Lang's heart was somewhat disappointed.

Shen Miao most likely had forgotten about him or it could be that in her game of chess, sacrificing an insignificant piece was not enough to place it in her heart.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard outside piping up. He did not know what was going on but only knew that there was lots of shouting and noise before sound of broken things were heard.

The heat wave almost attacked him.

Someone shouted out, "There is a fire! A fire!"


Pei Lang's heart was startled. This was Fu Xiu Yi's underground prison and normally only Fu Xiu Yi's close confidants and prison guards would come over. No one else would come. Because of the strict surveillance, there was no mistake made normally. However one did not expect that there would be a fire but most likely it would be extinguished soon.

However this time Pei Lang had guessed incorrectly. Not only the fire was not extinguished, it had grown bigger and some black smoke even entered. Those cluttering footsteps outside were getting weaker, as tough it was further and further away.

Pei Lang's prison cell was the furthest away so on normal days one would not be able to see it and it was as if he was separated from the rest. When the fire was raised, there was none inside but when the fire in front got bigger, it would separate the inside and outside into two and the deeper it was, the dangerous it got. Generally, there would not be anyone who would dare to enter.

This was much less for Pei Lang. There would not be anyone in this world who would risk their life to save him.

Seeing the waves of heat rolling, Pei Lang seemed to have experience this before, as it he had seen it somewhere and a feeling of relief appeared in his heart.

Just like this then… Ending like this was also good.

Just when he closed his eyes, one heard an unfamiliar voice in front of him, "Oh? Dead already?"

Pei Lang opened his eyes in shock and saw a black clad person standing in front. That person's face was covered with a black cloth, making one unable to see the person's features clearly. Only a pair of bright and vibrant eyes was revealed and it was not at all panicking in this ferocious fire. Seeing that Pei Lang did not answer, he seemed to be impatient and directly open the door with a key, that one did not know where he got it from.

This person actually came to rescue him.

Pei Lang could not believe in his heart but this appearance and attire could not be for anything else.

However Pei Lang's heart moved. Why did this person's eyes so familiar?