Chapter 196: Emperor Yong Le

In the morning of the second day, Shen Miao would be following with Xie Jing Xing to the Palace to see Emperor Yong Le. Because this was the first meeting, she had to wear the official clothes of the grade of what a WangFei of First Grade should wear. When Xie Jing Xing came out, SHen Miao could not help but be startled.

Great Liang's and Ming Qi's court attires were definitely different. Ming Qi's style geared towards delicate and beauty while Great Liang geared towards noble bearing. Xie Jing Xing wore a purple gold robe with embroidered Qilin and the official hat and green agate belt, it looked extremely imposing. The usual frivolous appearance was shed off and now he appeared to be somewhat unapproachable.

Shen Miao had a meal with him before boarding the carriage to the palace. Because of yesterday's matters, Shen Miao had felt somewhat uncomfortable but Xie Jing Xing seemed to be very satisfied with her appearance and when they were in the carriage, he mentioned it in a vile manner.

Shen Miao thought that this person really had no scruples because he was in Great Liang but because it was the first time meeting Emperor Yong Le, her heart was somewhat heavy but because of Xie Jing Xing's teasing, it became much more relaxed.

The residence of Prince Rui of First Rank was not far from the Palace and one did not know if this was done deliberately by Xie Jing Xing. When the guards of the Palace saw Xie Jing Xing, they released their carriage immediately. As Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were Shen Miao first ranking maids, they followed behind Shen Miao but dared not even breath loudly and walked carefully, fearing that any discourteous action would bring trouble for Shen Miao.

The palace maids and eunuchs of Great Liang's Imperial Palace were all doing their work with their heads lowered but when Shen Miao walked passed, she could feel some inquiring gazes on her. Since it was her first time in the Imperial Palace of Great Liang, perhaps everyone was talking about what kind of wife did Xie Jing Xing marry. The commoners were tolerant of her but people with official positions were different. In addition, Xie Jing Xing had a sensitive identity and if Shen Miao did not guess incorrectly, the position of the Consort of Prince Rui was one that a lot of people would fight for.

Her every move and action were not only representing that she was Rui WangFei but also represent the demeanor of the Shen family of Ming Qi.

Thinking as so, Shen Miao could not help but straighten her back even more and look more dignified. Unconsciously she had brought out the bearing of her past lifetime as an Empress.

Xie Jing Xing noticed her action and smiled meaningfully before whispering to her ears, "No need to be this nervous. You are almost as comparable as the Empress."

Shen Miao glared at him. What kind of time this was? Xie Jing Xing was still this cheeky. There were many eyes and ears in the Palace and most likely there were Emperor Yong Le's people. If Xie Jing Xing's words were carried into the ears of Emperor Yong Le, would she be given a name of a beauty who brings disaster? Thinking of the being a virtuous and respectable Empress in the past lifetime, she had not been an troublesome and disastrous beauty before.

Just as she was thinking about it, Xie Jing Xing took her hand and Shen Miao quickly struggled to break free, "Someone will see…"

"What would be the matter if someone sees?" Xie Jing Xing was not happy, "Do one need others agreement for this Prince to hold WangFei's hand?"

Shen Miao wanted to say something when she saw that she had walked to a side hall with Xie Jing Xing and there was a fat eunuch who stood outside the door. When he saw both of them, he said, "Greetings to Your Highness Prince of First Rank, His Majesty and Her Ladyship have been waiting for a long time."

One did not know if it was intentional or not but he did not greet Shen Miao.

"Deng GongGong, this is this Prince's beloved wife." Xie Jing Xing did not let this matter pass and push Shen Miao forward, "Why are you not greeting?"

Shen Miao rolled her eyes at Xie Jing Xing in her heart. This Deng GongGong apparently got an order from his master to treat her as such. Other than Emperor Yong Le which other master could there be? Even if this was Emperor Yong Le's thoughts, not only Xie Jing Xing not go along with others, he deliberately brought it out. Was he here today for a quarrel?

Deng GongGong's smile remained unchanged and immediately changed his tune and said to Shen Miao, "So it is Your Ladyship WangFei. This servant did not have eyes. May Your Ladyship WangFei forgive oneself."

Shen Miao was different with Xie Jing Xing. She smiled gently, "It is of no problems."

Xie Jing Xing swept a look at Deng GongGong, "Fine. Imperial Older Brother is not satisfied with me like this then why call me to come over?" He then smiled, "If it was not WangFei that persuaded me today, who want to come over to see him?"

Deng GongGong and Shen Miao, "…"

Shen Miao pulled his sleeves and Xie Jing Xing said, "What is there to be afraid? Being the matriarch of my residence of Prince Rui of First Rank, one do not need to be afraid of others. Don't worry, whoever bullies you, this husband will take it out for you."

His voice was not concealed or lowered, making the responsive and smart Deng GongGong unable to hide the awkwardness. Suddenly a cough was heard from the main hall and Deng GongGong was sharp and said, "May Your Highness Prince of First Rank and Your Ladyship Wang Fei follow this one in."

Shen Miao was pulled by Xie Jing Xing and followed in.

She lowered her head all the way and did not raise her head. It was the first encounter and one would follow all propriety. Shen Miao knew that Emperor Yong Le did not like her much and thus was not willing to make any mistakes in these details and could only be perfect. She was only able to see the smooth marble on the flow that was engraved with cloud patterns and the top was covered with a soft wool blanket.

"ChenDi greets Imperial Older Brother." Xie Jing Xing said lazily and even his gestures were barely passable.

Xie Jing Xing could be that impudent but Shen Miao could not. However she did not go down on her knees and bend her back to greet, "ChenFu greets Your Majesty."

"You are Shen Miao?" After a while, a majestic low voice rang out, "Lift up the head."

Shen Miao lifted her head up.

The age of the male that was sitting on the highest seat was not considered too old and looked like he was in his thirties. His brows and eyes were sharp, his nose was high and lips thin. He looked seven to eight tenths similar to Xie Jing Xing. However Xie Jing Xing's features were soft while his expression was sharp thus the beauty and handsomeness ratio was extremely well blended. The middle age male in front, most likely due to the high position that he was sitting for a long time, did not have any gentle bearing and compared to Xie Jing Xing's stubbornness, he was even more upright. His had a deep gaze that when looking at another, it would be somewhat cold as if one could see through to the bottom on one's heart.

Although these two brothers looked similar in appearance and were all elegant and noble, their temperament were as different as the North and South. Xie Jing Xing looked like a gentleman who went around to play and had a type of cynical laziness in dealing with everything but this person was extremely rigorous to oneself and would not let oneself off in any moment.

Shen Miao's heart felt very strange. She had not thought that the wise Emperor Yong Le throughout the ages would have such young appearance and also looked so handsome. It was very different from a head of white hair than she had imagined to be.

When she was sizing Emperor Yong Le, Emperor Yong Le was also sizing her up. Emperor Yong Le's gaze was very sharp and there was also a sense of pressure. He had a cold look on his face, as if he would burst in fury the next moment. If it was an ordinary female that he was sizing up, one feared that she would be so scared that one cried. However Shen Miao was different from ordinary young ladies. When she was facing Fu Xiu Yi before, Fu Xiu Yi's cold expression to her was much more colder.

Seeing that she still remained calm, a sharp gaze flashed in Emperor Yong Le's eyes but Xie Jing Xing lazy voice was heard in the main hall, "Has Imperial Older Brother seen enough? If one look longer, ChenDi will become uncomfortable."

Shen Miao was startled and was unable to hide it in her heart. She had always guessed what was the relationship between Xie Jing Xing and Emperor Yong Le would be like and was also faintly aware that these pair of brothers were more sincere than the brothers in Ming Qi's Imperial family but she had not expect that Xie Jing Xing would dare to say such things to Emperor Yong Le. Moreover Emperor Yong Le did not seemed to be angry at all.

In the Imperial family, there were many rules and regulation and each person's status was subtle thus it was just impossible to have a relation like ordinary brothers. It was already a luxury that bothers were not fighting and were on friendly terms. Moreover Xie Jing Xing was in Ming Qi for so many years but currently it looked like he was living with Emperor Yong Le since young.

"Jing Xing, BenGong will also be angry with your words." A laughing voice was heard and Shen Miao's gaze landed on the female by Emperor Yong Le's side.

One had thought that this person should be Emperor Yong Le's wife, Empress Xian De of Great Liang.

Empress Xian De looked younger than Emperor Yong Le and she was wearing a pomelo green embroidered robes with a wide belt. This dressing was considered very plain and simple but she had a dignified appearance and with one look one could tell she was a female who was well-educated by a large family and was intelligent and calm. She was sitting by Emperor Yong Le's side smiling towards Xie Jing Xing.

Shen Miao remembered that Xie Jing Xing once praised Empress Xian De. There were not many female that Xie Jing Xing would praise as he was so critical and for Empress Xian De to become of them, there naturally be something special. Even if Xie Jing Xing not mentioning it, Shen Miao would still have a good impression of Empress Xian De because she had a graceful and calm bearing that even Shen Miao, who was an Empress in her pass lifetime, would feel inferior and ashamed.

"Jing Xing's wife, the Young Lady of the Shen family in Ming Qi." Empress Xian De nodded her head and smiled warmly, "BenGong has always be curious what kind of Young Lady would make Jing Xing curb his heart. Now upon looking, one understood. Jing Xing has good eyes."

Shen Miao repeatedly reply that she didn't dare.

Empress Xian De's praises however made Emperor Yong Le dissatisfied. He glared at Empress Xian De and seemed to be somewhat unhappy but he only said solemnly, "Ming Qi's and Great Liang's rules and regulations are different. Since you have married and become Great Liang's people, rules and regulation of Great Liang must be kept."

"Imperial Older Brother." Xie Jing Xing interrupted his words, "This ChenDi will naturally teach the rules and regulation. If one is unable to teach, Imperial Older Brother need not have to worry, the people of the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank will be looked after by ChenDi. It is better for Imperial Older Brother to manage your own matters."

Xie Jing Xing protected Shen Miao to this level and did not even give Emperor Yong Le any face in front of Shen Miao at all. Emperor Yong Le was finally angered and said, "You protect your wife this much? And don't even allow Zhen to say a single word? Why not Zhen give you this position to sit?"

"Forget about it." Xie Jing Xing waved his hands without any care, "Keep this position for yourself as ChenDi is not interested. It is just that it was so difficult for ChenDi to marry a Young Lady and if you intervene again and one's wife run away, what should ChenDi do? Be lonely for the rest of one's life?"

Shen Miao, "…"

If Xie Jing Xing were brothers with Fu Xiu Yi and spoke to Fu Xiu Yi those words, one feared that he would be dead seven to eight times.

Emperor Yong Le stood up and looked at Shen Miao. That long was filled with threats before he turned around and left with a brush of his sleeves. After walking halfway and seeing that Xie Jing Xing was still standing by Shen Miao's side and had no intention to follow, he was suddenly angry again, "Roll over to Zhen here."

Xie Jing Jing was helpless about it and said to Empress Xian De, "Imperial Sao, will hand Jiao Jiao over to you." Then he said to Shen Miao, "After matters are settled, I will pick you up."

After Xie Jing Xing and Emperor Yong Le left, Empress Xian De then smiled gently and stood up to walk over to Shen Miao, "The room is rather stuffy. Since you have not come to the Imperial Palace of Great Liang, BenGong will bring you around."

Shen Miao quickly complied.

Empress Xian De was a good person and seemed not to put on any air of an Empress. Both of them went to the Imperial Gardens to stroll around and on the way there, Empress Xian De asked if she was used to Long Ye. The conversation was intimate like talking to one's Eldest Sister, which made one's heart feel smooth.

"Ever since Jing Xing returned to Long Ye, BenGong had never seen him being interested in any young ladies. One had thought that most likely it was not possible for him to like any young lady and did not think that he would marry a wife in Ming Qi. Even though it was somewhat surprising, but one's heart was very comforted. Otherwise BenGong would really worried that he would not find a young lady for his entire lifetime and be alone."

When Shen Miao heard those words, she smiled and said, "How could the Prince of First Rank be alone? When he was young in Ming Qi, there were many Young Ladies that liked him so no matter what he would not be alone."

Empress Xian De shook his head with a smile, "Then have you seen him being particularly good to anyone?"

Shen Miao was startled.

Empress Xian De then carried on herself, "Jing Xing and the Emperor looked like different people but in fact both brothers are the same. The Emperor looked cold on the surface and his temperament is also cold. Jing Xing looked warm and easy to talk to but his temperament is also cold. Most likely they themselves are clear that their identities are special and should not think about things that one should not think of." She looked at Shen Miao with a smile, "One thinks that Jing Xing had told you about his secret so this is not a secret."

"That kind of child had to hide himself and live like this since young. Be it hiding one's identity or emotions, one's self control had been gradually developed but one's heart also harden. This is a good thing to the Imperial family but to himself, it was not a good thing. BenGong had always thought that if Jing Xing was the same as the Emperor then it would be too unfair. It was fortunate that he was luckier than the Emperor and met you."

Shen Miao listened to Empress Xian De's words and her heart was somewhat hesitant. In the short time of interacting with Empress Xian De, Empress Xian De had a personality that one would like on first look. Unlike the usual deliberate fawning, Empress Xian De was those quiet ones that would make others feel very comfortable. She seemed to live genuinely and not like a female in the Inner Palace.

But what was the meaning that she said that Xie Jing Xing was luckier than Emperor Yong Le's fortune?

This was too difficult to answer thus Shen Miao could only listen quietly without speaking.

"His Majesty deeply entrust Jing Xing." Empress Xian De said, "He hopes that Jing Xing can live comfortably and happy but does not hope that Jing Xing would change his original aspiration because of greed and comfort. His Majesty lived in hardship so if His Majesty hurt you because of this matter, you mustn't blame him."

Shen Miao smiled gently, "ChenFu is not qualified to place any blame to the decision of His Majesty." She looked at Empress Xian De, "Is it that Your Ladyship have something to say to ChenFu?

Empress Xian De smiled before sighing, "Just now when one first saw you, BenGong felt a familiar feeling in you. You are a smart young lady and BenGong know that it is easy for a smart person to see something fixated. If you cannot resolve it, then the knot in one's heart cannot be untied."

Shen Miao slightly frowned. She faintly felt that there was another meaning to Empress Xian De's words.

"His Majesty view Jing Xing very important and with regards to Jing Xing marrying, even though His Majesty agreed, one's heart is after all not happy. Jing Xing naturally have ways to resist His Majesty's decisions but you are different. You are a young lady of Ming Qi's and in Great Liang, there would be many places that are restricted." Empress Xian De said, "BenGong like you a lot but BenGong is His Majesty's wife and BenGong cannot change His Majesty decision and can only hope that you will feel comfortable."

Shen Miao said, "What is His Majesty going to do?"

Just as Empress Xian De was about to speak, a charming female voice came from behind, "Older Sister has such good spirits today and stroll in the Imperial Gardens."

Shen Miao and Empress Xian De turned their heads together and saw that from the other end of the small hallway, some palace people were supporting a female dress in palace clothes over. This female was wearing a silver red and purple robe with agate jade on her head. It was the beginning of spring but she dressed more beautiful that spring. As she walked nearer, one discover that this female had a beautiful face but one did not know if it was this dressing made her seemed slightly impetuous.

She came over enchanted and greeted Empress Xian De but there was a careless appearance, seeming not putting Empress Xian De in her eyes.

"Oh. So it is Younger Sister Consort Jing." Empress Xian De said blandly.

Shen Miao was thinking in her heart that this Consort Jing looked like she was in her early twenties and could be at the position of a Consort. It was either her family was extremely prominent or was extremely favoured. However Shen Miao felt that compared with Empress Xian De, other than being younger and beautiful, this Consort Jing seemed to be inferior to Empress Xian De and one was unable to see what other points were there that was worthy of Emperor Yong Le's favour.

That Consort Jing seemed to only notice Shen Miao then and asked, "This person is unfamiliar. Which Furen is this?"

Currently Shen Miao had already dressed as a married female and combed a married female's hairstyle. Thus even though her face was delicate, one would not consider her as an unmarried young lady of an official.

"This is the Furen of Prince Rui of First Rank, Rui Wang Fei." Empress Xian De did not seemed to want to introduce Shen Miao to Consort Jing and thus her words were simple.

When the words were spoken, Consort Jing's expression changed. When she heard those words, she called out in astonishment, "Rui WangFei?" Then she looked up and down of Shen Miao to size her up.

It was different from Emperor Yong Le's careful examination gaze, not to mention different from the kind hearted observation from Empress Xian De. This person's gaze was extremely rude, as if she was sizing some plaything. After finish looking, she snorted and spoke somewhat ill-intentioned, "One had initially thought that what kind of great national beauty would one be that it made Prince Rui of First Rank marry back to Great Liang despite the far distance. Now from this look…" She smiled harshly, "It is most likely my eyesight is not good and unable to see anything special."

Shen Miao did not know how was she embroiled with this one and so cautious that she was not willing to speak. Empress Xian De 's expression was however somewhat cold, "The people that Consort Jing sees as special are even lesser than less."

Shen Miao was somewhat surprised that Empress Xian De would be furious at Consort Jing for her and felt that this kind of Empress Xian De was similar to Emperor Yong Le.

It was just that the sarcastic words that Empress Xian De spoke was not effective and one did not know if Consort Jing understood it or not. Consort Jing looked at Shen Miao and suddenly smiled, "It seem that Older Sister has good relations with Rui WangFei and would stroll around the gardens together. One do not know what kind of private words did one have with Rui WangFei? After all things have to be said since it is Rui WangFei of First Rank's first time here and there must be many things that one do not know."

Shen Miao looked at Consort Jing.

Consort Jing smirked, "One think it is so. His Highness Prince Rui is busy very day so where would there be time to speak to Rui WangFei about matters of Great Liang? Speaking of which, some days ago, my Fourth Younger Sister was still asking when His Highness Prince Rui would be returning. She said that she had learned a song and wanted His Highness Prince Rui to give her some pointers."

Empress Xian De said angrily, "Consort Jing."

Shen Miao suddenly came onto realization in her heart. She was wondering why Consort Jing would target her for no rhyme or reason. So this was like that. Thinking of when Xie Jing Xing was in Ming Qi, he was well like by young ladies and now in Great Liang, with the identity of Prince Rui, there would be even more oriole and swallows flying around. She only reach here for a moment and was already hated by others.

Consort Jing was smiling as she looked at Shen Miao, "If Rui WangFei is bored, one can invite my Fourth Younger Sister over to the residence. My Fourth Younger Sister has always like to make friends and if Rui WangFei has nothing to do, it is good to have more sisters."

More sisters? Shen Miao heart laughed coldly. More like having more sisters in the inner courtyard.

One had thought of dealing with it lightly but her eyes landed on the white jade thumb ring that Xie Jing Xing gave it to her and suddenly Shen Miao changed her mind. She smiled, "One fear that this would not work."

Consort Jing was startled and Empress Xian De was also stunned, seemingly did not think that Shen Miao would say so.

"His Highness has handed over everything of the residence of Prince Rui over to me to managed, from the big matters of the common funds to small matters like revenue from shops, servants and guards, the invitations from those who come over, one is too busy with matters inside and outside that one fear that there is no time to entertain guests." Shen Miao smiled warmly and seemed to be a little apologetic, "Since one come over for the first time and His Highness trust this ChenFu, ChenFu dared not let His Highness down. If Fourth Young Lady likes, one can look for His Highness for a meet. ChenFu will not have time."

These words made Consort Jing dumb and speechless but a fire was burning in her heart.

Shen Miao's words looked warm and mile and spoke that she did not have time to accompany guest but in fact it was just a bringt show. Look at how Prince Rui of First Rank dote on her that he handed all matters of the residence of Prince Rui of First Rank to Shen Miao to manage. This was naturally because there was only Shen Miao, the only mistress in the Prince residence so one would dote on one person but there was no need to even pass all the management of shops, maids and guards over to her right? It was better to say that Rui WangFei of First Rank also manage Prince Rui.

Rui WangFei of First Rank had changed the way of showing how high her position was in the Prince residence.

Shen Miao was busy with official matters and also secretly trampled on Consort Jing's Fourth Younger Sister, indicated that she had nothing to do all day and ran around to other family's residence to cause trouble. This was not considered a good thing.

The corner of Empress Xian De's lips slightly rose.

Consort Jing was so angry that the colour of her face turned green.

Originally Shen Miao was not one who would be enemies of others, especially when she was unfamiliar with the people and matters here. It was just that Consort Jing had provoked the anger in her heart. If she did not pushed back viciously, in the future everyone would be stepping on her head.

With the correct conditions of Heavens, timing, interest and people, and with Xie Jing Xing supporting her, if she were to let it go, she would be a fool.

Shen Miao smiled gently, "One heard that a kindhearted person would always feel the same. For Your Ladyship Consort Jing to be so worried of ChenFu's loneliness and want to look for some sisters to accompany ChenFu, one think that one felt the same. Most likely Your Ladyship Consort Jing has also times when one is lonely. Why not in the future look for a few more sisters to come to the Palace to sit? Like that Your Ladyship Consort Jing would be joyous."

Consort Jing was so angry that she almost could not breath.

Shen Miao's words was saying that Consort Jing let Shen Miao invite her Fourth Younger Sister to the residence for a sit and wanted to increase the number of 'sisters' in the inner courtyard. Shen Miao was also a smart person and immediately return it back to let Consort Jing add a few more 'sisters' in the Palace.

Consort Jing gritted her teeth with hate. Sue was currently at her prime but it has been for a number of years. There were so many female candidates that entered the Palace every year and the favour of a Monarch was the most precious. If there were a few 'sisters' that could cause cities and countries to fall, then where could she stand?

This Rui WangFei's mouth was really sharp.

Empress Xian De however laughed, "Since Younger Sister Consort Jing is lonely, then it is easy to handle. Tomorrow I will mention this to His Majesty that these days the Palace is somewhat deserted and it is time to add a few more new sisters."

Consort Jing was quickly anxious, "Not lonely. I am not lonely." Empress Xian De's position of the Empress was very stable and naturally it would not matter to her to add in a few sisters but Consort Jing was at the period where she was most favoured thus she feared that the favour would be shared.

Shen Miao was grateful to Empress Xian De for pushing the boat along. Even though Empress Xian De only spoke about it, she said seriously, "Your Ladyship Consort Jing must not deny it. Since one cares for ChenFu, ChenFu should also return a peach with a plum." She said it like Consort Jing should instead thank her.

"Chi." From not far away, a chuckle was heard. A few people turned back to look and saw Emperor Yong Le and Xie Jing Xing standing at the back of the garden from don't know when. Because they were concealed by the trees, no one discovered their figures and one did not know how much they have heard.

Emperor Yong Le looked indifferent and one was unable to see any anger or joy as he said, "Prince Rui of First Rank, this wife of yours really have s set of fangs." It was at the end somewhat unpleasant so one thought that the deliberate teasing of Consort Jing by Shen Miao and Empress Xian De were all heard.

Consort Jing ran towards Emperor Yong Le in grievance, "Your Majesty…"

Xie Jing Xing walked over and pat Shen Miao's head, as if to praising that white tiger in his inner courtyard and said with great please, "Jiao Jiao is really sensible and know how to be actively compassionate towards others." He then swept a glance at Emperor Yong Le, "Since Consort Jing wants to have sisters then Imperial Older Brother should go along with it. It is not that the Palace cannot afford to raise an idler."

When Consort Jing heard it, her heart was anxious and panicking. She bit her lips and looked towards Emperor Yong Le with a pitiful appearance.

Shen Miao wanted to laugh. Consort Jing came over to bare her fangs and brandish her claws but she did not have brains. Now it seemed that it was them that joined hands to bully Consort Jing. One did not know why did Emperor Yong Le support this kind of female.

Emperor Yong Le said, "Since when do you want to manage Zhen's matter?"

"Isn't Imperial Older Brother's consort is also managing this ChenDi's consort?" Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at Consort Jing. He had a beautiful and handsome appearance and would often smile idly, the females in the Palace liked this appearance of his but they all knew deep in their hearts that this Prince Rui of First Rank could not be provoked.

Her eyes were sharp and his tone of voice was clam but one could not help but feel cold.

He said, "Consort Jing, are you sure you want this Prince to listen to your Fourth Younger Sister's song?"

Consort Jing shivered.