Chapter 218: Leaving

Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing were good thus the entire residence of Prince Rui seemed to have release a long sigh of relief.

What was a blessing in disguise was that no only they reconciled, they seemed to have begun sleeping in the same room. This was simply beyond everyone's expectations. Tang Shu was the happiest and would brew daily some tiger whip or deer whip soup for Xie Jing Xing to drink and would often make Shen Miao speechless when she saw it.

Xie Jing Xing started to investigate the matters of the Ye family but the strange thing was that Ye Mei and her Younger Brother were indeed citizens and grew up in Great Liang. The life that they lived in Qin province was not even a little inaccurate. Shen Miao did not know why was it like that and later only thought that since she had relived this life, she had changed many things inadvertently. Just like Fu Xiu Yi's luck and just like the identities of Mei Furen and Younger Brother.

But no matter what changes there were, there was one thing that would not change. Ye Mei was her enemy in the previous lifetime and had entered the 'Ye' family in this lifetime. The opposite position was not changed at all.

Pei Lang's injuries gradually got better. Shen Miao went to take a look once but she did not enter the room and just took a look from afar. Seeing that he could drink the medication himself, she then left. Shen Miao had complicated feelings towards Pei Lang but Pei Lang most likely did not know about the matters in the past life and her knowledge of the past life matters made her unable to face the other in a calm attitude.

Thus she could maintain such a distance like this.

Xie Jing Xing was however very satisfied with this and said that she was much more sensible than she used to be. He took the opportunity to 'reward' her and seemed to replenish all the times that was not done since before they consummate the marriage. He had made Shen Miao unable to stay awake, like she was haunted by a male ghost.

The situation in Long Ye had looked like it was stabilised but the whirlpool of fighting was not something that others could imagine. After the Imperial Hunt, Emperor Yong Le had started to pull the net that was cast on the Lu family and the Lu family was busy dealing with the Imperial family, thus Xie Jing Xing became much busier.

Naturally Shen Miao could not relax as the letters from Ming Qi had arrived.

Luo Xue Yan had send letters to Shen Miao.

There were two letters in it. One was written by Luo Xue Yan, indicating that they were all well and repeatedly telling Shen Miao that if she suffered any grievances in Long Ye, she must not swallow it into her stomach and write to them about it. She also urged her strongly to have mutual respect with Xie Jing Xing and support one another then she asked about the situation at Shen Miao's side.

The other letter was written by Shen Qiu.

In Shen Qiu's letter, it was not the same of that of Luo Xue Yan's. When Shen Miao married, she had spoken about some things to Shen Qiu and even though she did not outright spoke of it, she had hinted Shen Qiu to be wary of the Imperial family of Ming Qi as the Imperial family of Ming Qi was a sinking mud and the Shen family have to protect oneself. No matter what methods were used, one had to always draw a clear relationship with the Imperial family otherwise one would be dragged in together and sink to the bottom of the mud. If it was necessary, the Shen family's clean reputation should be abandon and the priority was their lives.

This time Shen Qiu wrote about the situation in Ming Qi in his letter.

Upon calculation, it was more than half a year since Shen Miao left Ding capital. The situation in Ding capital was at the verge of change and there would be many changes on a daily basis, let alone half a year. But this change made one caught unprepared.

Emperor Wen Hui was seriously ill.

First it was cough then the illness got worsen and now it had gotten to the point where one would not be able to attend court. Even if he attended court occasionally, there was a lack of energy and would call it off after listening to some words. One did not know for what reasons there were even rumours in the Palace that Emperor Wen Hui was at his end and one feared that he would not last for a year.

When Shen Miao saw that line, she only laughed. Could Emperor Wen Hui only live for a year? Shen Miao did not believe it as Emperor Wen Hui did not die this early in the past live. Of course, it was difficult to see if there were any suspicious circumstances to Emperor Wen Hui's death. Ming Qi's Imperial family was intricately complicated and relationships between the Princes were not as simple as in Long Ye. For one person to ascend, there would be many people sacrificing, so what more could an Imperial Father be.

In the letter, Shen Qiu had mentioned that Emperor Wen Hui was seriously ill but one did not know why he made it difficult for his previously favourite Consort Xu Xian. Consort Xu Xian was demoted to the rank of Cairen and not only that, the Emperor was angered by the entire Xu family which implicated the two brothers, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing. These two brothers no longer manage any court matters at the moment and Shen Qiu had no knowledge of the specifics. In short, Consort Xu Xian together with Prince Zhou and Prince Jing has lost favour. In the fight of the heir apparent, Prince Zhou and Prince Jing seemed to have fallen behind.

And Prince Li's fraction unprecendently had good relations with Prince Ding.

Prince Li's fraction was a side that had power in the fight of the heir apparent and Prince Ding, Fu Xiu Yi, did not have any relationship with them, so to have good relations at this moment, there was something wrong if one think about it. What was more suspicious was that in this fraction, Prince Li actually had some faint intention of letting Prince Ding lead.

After writing till here, Shen Qiu's words became somewhat sloppy. It was obvious that his mood was not calm at all.

It was alright as in summary, it meant that currently in Ding capital, between those Princes, the most popular was Fu Xiu Yi, who once had no desire or needs. Moreover Fu Xiu Yi's Consort Mother, Consort Dong Shu, had become Emperor Wen Hui's support that did not leave his side.

When Emperor Wen Hui was seriously ill, the one that he doted on was the one that was closest to him so some people guest that with this trend, even though there was no Crown Prince, Emperor Wen Hui was very likely to pass the Imperial throne to Prince Ding, Fu Xiu Yi.

Thus a wave of officials turned towards Fu Xiu Yi's side. No matter it was because of their own intentions or outside forces, no matter how one looked, Fu Xiu Yi had became the future Monarch of Ming Qi.

And Fu Xiu Yi gradually began to deal with the Shen family.

The Shen family's military power had been collected by Emperor Wen Hui previously but Fu Xiu Yi wanted to give Shen Xin new military powers so that both Father and Son can lead a new army. No matter how one see it, it was a pit that Fu Xiu Yi clearly dug up for the Shen family to jump. If it was not done properly, one would have fallen into Fu Xiu Yi's trap.

Shen Qiu wrote in the letter that currently the Shen family was using the reason of Shen Xin had fallen ill to not accept the military power but one did not know how long could this reason be use because since Fu Xiu Yi wanted to deal with the Shen family, he would not only use one type of method. It was fortunate that the Shen family was not completely helpless as Fu Xiu Yi's spearhead was also directed to the Feng family, which was Feng An Ning's family. The Feng family and the Shen family planned to join forces and combined with other Ming Qi's officials, it was enough for self protection.

However there were some words of a loss in his words. He seemed to be sighing that for the Shen family who had been loyal for generations, to end up being in a situation of mutual suspicion with the Imperial family.

After Shen Miao read the letter, she folded it up and was somewhat worried. Xie Jing Xing read it with her just now and upon seeing her worried expression, he asked, "You are very worried?"

"Fu Xiu Yi has started to deal with the Shen family." Shen Miao said seriously, "The speed that he pick up the matter is too quick that in less than a year, there isn't anyone who could compete with him. Prince Zhou and Prince Jing was initially so arrogant but now even Consort Xu Xian is declining and Prince Li was actually submitted to him." Shen Miao said, "His means and methods are truly not simple." Even though she had long knew that Fu Xiu Yi had become Ming Qi's Emperor the last lifetime, but there was no Shen family this lifetime. He could still turn around an undesirable situation and this made Shen Miao felt that the Shen family's arrangement was too rash and perhaps she had underestimated the enemy.

"It is not strange." Xie Jing Xing smiled, "In order to win, he had started preparing so many years ahead. Even though Prince Zhou and Prince Jing have the advantage but they were late in the decisive opportunity. One need not talk about Prince Li as he does not have the maternal family's support and simply not comparable."

"But why does he want to target the Shen family?" Shen Miao frowned, "Reasonably speaking, since the Shen family do not have any military power, there would not be any threat to him, just like the current residence of the Marquis of Lin An. He did not deal with the residence of the Marquis of Lin An but does not let the Shen family off…" Fu Xiu Yi would not waste time of meaningless things so why bother to suppress the Shen family, when it was considered as non necessary moves?

Xie Jing Xing muttered to himself, "Perhaps because of you?"

"Me?" Shen Miao looked at him.

"You have married to Great Liang and Fu Xiu Yi was suspicious about the relationship between you and me, thinking that Great Liang is the Shen family's backing. After returning to Long Ye, I have instructed people to monitor Fu Xiu Yi's movement and discovered that he is investigating everything about me in the residence of the Marquis of Lin An and perhaps knew of my identity. There might be misunderstanding between the relationship between the Shen family and me and thought that the Shen family had already seek shelter with Great Liang or perhaps he has other plans." He spoke after pausing, "Fu Xiu Yi's means are vicious and extreme and he is suspicious by nature thus once he discover that something is not right, he would definitely cut the weeds and eliminate the roots. Once he feel a little uneasy with the Shen family, he would spare no effort to eradicate them."

"This I understand." Shen Miao's gaze became slightly cold. Even at the end of her previous life, Fu Xiu Yi would clean the First household out because of the military power of the Shen family.

"But you need not have to worry." XIe Jing Xing pinched her face, "I have made arrangements in Ding capital. No matter what, one has the ability to protect your family's safety."

"You have long made arrangements?" Shen Miao asked, "Why did you not tell me earlier?"

Xie Jing Xing said, "Is credit needed for this kind of thing? That is also my family so how would I let them stay in Ding capital without any arrangements made?"

When Shen Miao heard Xie Jing Xing spoke 'that is also my family', her heart seemed to have tasted sweet honey and there was a slight smile in her eyes before she said, "Speaking of which, I did not expect that the Feng family would join hands in alliance with Eldest Brother." In the beginning, in order not to let Feng An Ning repeat the mistakes in the previous lifetime, she specially reminded Shen Qiu to help watch over the Feng family but one did not know how such relations were form. However from how this looks, it seemed that Feng An Ning would not be like the past lifetime, marrying that Older Biao Brother with a gilded exterior but shabby and ruined on the inside.

"There is still one matter that I want to speak to you about." Xie Jing Xing's face suddenly became serious. "Fu Xiu Yi has some secret contacts with the Emperor of Qin country."

Shen Miao was startled and asked, "To borrow soldiers?" Once speaking of this matter, Shen Miao was reminded of the five years that she was in Qin country as a hostage. Now that Fu Xiu Yi was not married, could it be that he found another hostage?

"It is possible that some agreement has been reached privately and the most likely was that the land would be divided." Xie Jing Xing said.

Shen Miao frowned, "Is it to help him to gain the heir apparent? But by borrowing the power of foreign country, there would be a lot of future implications so Fu Xiu Yi need not be like that."

Xie Jing Xing's eyes sank, "To deal with Great Liang."

Shen Miao looked towards him, "They want to deal with Great Liang? This is craziness." Even though the strength would be much stronger when Ming Qi and Qin country join forces but Great Liang's strength was obvious, thus both sides would suffer loss. After enjoying peace for so many years, why would one take the initiative to provoke a dispute?"

"This is the temperament of unable to tolerate a thorn in one's side." Xie Jing Xing laughed, "Furthermore Long Ye is slightly in disorder due to the Lu and Ye family thus they have an opportunity and would not let it go."

Shen Miao thought about Xie Jing Xing's words for the moment and said, "You are right. There would be such a day sooner or later." It was just that to start a war now is not a good opportunity for Great Liang now.

"You don't have to worry." Xie Jing Xing pat her head, "Leave these things to me."

"I am also the WangFei of the residence of Prince Rui." Shen Miao glared at him as she was extremely dissatisfied with his words.

Xie Jing Xing looked at her calmly and unruffled in the midst of chaos, "Oh? Don't one suffer losses from being an Empress to a WangFei?"

"One has already suffered from it so what use is there to speak about it now?" Shen Miao snorted.

Xie Jing Xing still wanted to speak but Hui Xiang knocked the door outside and he called her in. When Hui Xiang saw Shen Miao and looked at Xie Jing Xing again, there was some expression of at a loss in her eyes.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Shen Miao looked at her unfathomably, "If there is something, just speak of it directly." This meant to say that Xie Jing Xing's presence did not matter.

Hui Xiang said, "Today at noon, Gentleman Pei wanted to go out to walk and the servants remembered that Gentleman Gao said that it is beneficial for Gentleman Pei's wounds to walk around as long as it was not far. Gentleman Pei wanted to be alone so the servants did not think much to it. He usually would walk around the doors for a while before returning but he did not return today after one waited till it is dark."

Shen Miao frowned, "Something happened?" Pei Lang did not have martial arts skills and if one meet with any danger during the journey, he would not have any way to protect himself.

"This servant also thought so." Hui Xiang said, "But Ba Jiao found this on the table of Gentleman Pei's room." She then took a letter like thing from her sleeves and passed it to Shen Miao before speaking, "Only some of Gentleman Pei's things and clothes were missing from the room. If this servant does not guess incorrectly, Gentleman Pei should have left."

Shen Miao was just about to open up the letter when she paused.

Xie Jing Xing's expression also slightly changed.

"Did he say anything before he left?" Shen Miao asked Hui Xiang.

"He did not say anything and behaved like usual. He also said that the weather is good today." Hui Xiang said.

Shen Miao was somewhat baffled when Xie Jing Xing said, "Take a look at the letter and what it says." He was about to get up to leave when Shen Miao held on to his sleeves.

Xie Jing Xing turn back and Shen Miao said, "Let's see it together."

Xie Jing Xing's stepped paused and after thinking about it, he sat down again but there was a trace of a smile on his lips.

After opening up the later, Pei Lang's handwriting appeared in front. Pei Lang's words were as clear as his person and there was an elegant style of those famous scholars. He also looked like one but made one hard to imagine how such a elegant person would become mixed into the battle for power.

At the beginning of the letter, it spoke of how long he had been in the residence of Prince Rui and that he had brought a lot of trouble to the residence of Prince Rui and thanking the couple for offering shelter to him. He then hoped that Shen Miao would keep her promise and settle the latter half of Liu Ying's life.

Pei Lang also wrote that even though he followed Shen Miao to Long Ye, it was only an interim plan and it was because of Fu Xiu Yi that he had nowhere to hide and thus came to Long Ye. However to continue staying in the residence of Prince Rui, there would be many inconveniences. He has his plans and prepared to travel around for the rest of his life to increase his knowledge and thus parted without saying goodbye.

Because he had some teacher and student relationship with Shen Miao and afterwards have some friendship, he had arranged some information for Shen Miao as he knew about some Prince Ding's matter when he was staying in the residence of Prince Ding and knew that Shen Miao had been guarding against Prince Ding. He hoped that in the future it would be of use to Shen Miao.

When this letter was handed to Shen Miao, their relationship would be considered clean and clear. No one owed the other and Pei Lang wrote that one did not know if there would be another opportunity to see one another thus he could only say take care of oneself.

Pei Lang wrote this letter extremely simple and there seemed not to be special. One did not know if it was deliberately done to make clear of the relationship with Shen Miao and it was even detached and polite when one read between the lines. It was just like one had returned to when one was a teacher and student in Guang Wen Tang.

There was another piece of paper in the letter and it was filled with all the information on Fu Xiu Yi. Some was about his confidants, some was related to his plans, some was on the future steps that would be taken and people to be win over.

Xie jing Xing originally swept a look casually with Shen Miao towards the piece of paper but upon reading the back, his expression could not help but become serious.

There was nothing but information on Fu Xiu Yi and as such, there seemed to be almost no secret that Fu XIu Yi had in front of them and everyone was revealed. With this, it was like grabbing onto a snake at where it hurts and drilled in one's heart step by step.

Xie Jing Xing said, "How could he know this much?"

Even if Pei Lang was a spy by Xie Jing Xing's side and even with Fu Xiu Yi's previous trust with him, it was not possible for him to trust him to such a level. Moreover the spies that Fu Xiu Yi embedded in the deepest of places where all written out by Pei Lang. The details provided was like he was a favoured confident that followed for many years and knew one's master's matters like the palm of one's hands.

Shen Miao's fingertips was somewhat shaking.

Some of the matters inside would only occur a few years later. Even at this moment, Fu Xiu Yi did not encounter these people yet so how would Pei Lang have any knowledge of them?

Unless Pei Lang had the memory of the previous life time then he would be able to know Fu Xiu Yi's 'future' confidants and chess pieces and also 'future' plans.

When did Pei Lang have that knowledge? He previously did not know anything.

Could it be… Shen Miao heart moved. It was because of the assassination during Xie Jing Xing's birthday that she dreamt about her previous lifetime, could it be that Pei Lang was also the same?

She looked at Hui Xiang, "Is there any difference with Gentleman Pei these days?"

"Differences?" Hui Xiang thought carefully before replying, "There seem to be no difference. He would often be in a daze when sitting and one do not know what he was thinking. However Gentleman Pei's previous personality was quiet thus he was also the same when he is recovering from his injuries."

SHen Miao was unable to make up her mind and wanted to ask Pei Lang if he knew about the matters of the past lifetime. Pei Lang was the person that followed Fu Xiu Yi the longest and naturally knew Fu Xiu Yi the most. But just as she wanted to speak, she stopped.

So what about that? If Pei Lang really remembered the past lifetime, just like how Shen Miao was not able to face Pei Lang, Pei Lang definitely had no idea how to face her.

Both of them were not considered sworn enemies but also not friends who could trust each other with their hearts. There were blood debts between them but they were all personally paid off. In the depths of the Palace, there were times where matters were not of one's own volition but it was indeed one's mistakes. One could not take it as though nothing had happen but also could not state things clearly.

When Xie Jing Xing saw her uncertain look, he asked, "Need me to instruct people to bring him back?"

Shen Miao recovered to her senses, "No need. Since he wants to live his own life then let him be." Since seeing one another would lead to fights, it was better not to meet. It was good that Pei Lang left like this. She held that piece of paper and her eyes became serious.

When Xie Jing Xing saw it, he said, "The things that are written…"

"It is real." Shen Miao said, "One have to pass this to Eldest Brother. We are not in Ding capital so it is not easy to take action when holding this. Handing this over to Eldest Brother and Father, they would be able to play by the ear. With this, the Shen family will at least have some more chips on hand." After that she said with difficulty, "But this is very valuable. If this was being robbed during the journey back to Ming Qi…"

"Let the Mo Yun Army do it." Xie Jing Xing said it heedlessly, "The Mo Yun Army has been sending letters for so many years and have not been intercepted."

Shen Miao's heart felt slightly safer but before she could speak, Pei Lang's letter that was in her hands was taken away by Xie Jing Xing. Xie Jing Xing threw the letter aside intentionally and said, "It is late. Time to rest."

"How is it late?" Shen Miao said curiously, "The skies just got dark." She then said, "Even though there is no need to bring Gentleman Pei back, one have to at least ensure his safety else if one is stabbed for no reason or being watched by others…"

Before the voice land, Shen Miao was carried by Xie Jing Xing and thrown onto the bed. As he got nearer to her, he spoke darkly, "Try caring about Pei Lang again."

Shen Miao, "…"


In the Palace.

In the Imperial Gardens, the Lotus were blooming beautifully in the summer that the green lotus leaves almost filled the entire pond.

Empress Xian De sat in the pavilion and although there was no moon today, there were stars and the water was clear and crystalline, making it a wonderful scene. She instructed people to brew some tea as it was apt to drink a little during summer.

Tao GuGu stood behind her and smiled, "The Lotus blossoms really well this year."

Empress Xian De took a glance and smiled, "Last year one had instructed them to change the breeds thus this year, it grew much more prosperous." She also said, "It is also cooling in the summer."

Just as she was speaking, one could see someone walking over from afar and seemingly saw Empress Xian De and the few of them before slightly pausing in their movements and headed towards this pavilion.

It was only when one walked nearer, could one see clearly that this person was not others but Consort Jing.

Compared to the previous arrogant and heavily dressed Consort Jing, the current Consort Jing looked like she was in tough straits. Or one should not say it was only today. Lately Consort Jing's situation had not been good and she had no mood to pay attention to her clothes and appearance thus there were some tiredness in the usually beautiful face of hers.

However when seeing Empress Xian De, that fatigue turned into hatred in a moment.

She said, "One saw someone from afar and was thinking who had such good spirits. So it is the Empress."

Empress Xian De smiled noncommittally, "BenGong is drinking tea here. Does Consort Jing want to drink a cup?"

Consort Jing coldly smiled as she stared at her, "Older Sister has the mood to drink tea but Younger Sister has no such thoughts."

Emperor Yong Le had begun to suppress the Lu family and even though the people of the Inner Palace did not understand the courts, they could see it through the Emperor's attitude. The previously favoured consort had fallen to a state where even crying or pleading would not shake the Emperor's expression and that had a deeper meaning to it.

"BenGong do not care if Consort Jing have the thought or not." Empress Xian De smiled and continue to pour a cup of tea, "The tea is always here."

Consort Jing was so angry that she was somewhat trembling.

Lu Furen came into the Palace to look for her, saying that Emperor Yong Le was dealing with the Lu family and his attitude was one that did not even care about any past relations. She also said that she had the favour of Emperor Yong Le, so why was there no effect in blowing wind by one's pillow? She wanted her to inquire and probe Emperor Yong Le's intention and if necessary, plead for leniency.

But Consort Jing had done it but it did not help at all. In fact for so many years, even though Emperor Yong Le extremely doted her that in the Inner Palace, Empress Xian De had to give her some leeway that no matter how arrogant she was, she would always get away with it. However she had never once change Emperor Yong Le's mind before.

Sometimes she would feel that Emperor Yong Le seemed to have seen everything and knew that she was deliberately pleasing him and sometimes Consort Jing felt somewhat shameful. However there were times where she felt that Emperor Yong Le indeed favoured her. Now that something happened to the Lu family and needed her, a daughter, to help, so Consort Jing would look for Emperor Yong Le but Emperor Yong Le's attitude was ice cold.

Consort Jing had been sailing with the wind and currents for an entire lifetime and had not suffered anything. When she entered the Palace, she rose to the position of a Consort easily due to her Lu family background and now that the Lu family is in trouble, she also suffered from it. Now she discovered that after so many years, other than antagonising people and creating unreasonable scenes, she did not do anything else.

On the other hand, the Empress Xian De that she was dissatisfied with, could actually sit in a pavilion to drink tea leisurely and unconstrained and that made Consort Jing's heart filled with resentment.

She thought that Emperor Yong Le did not love Empress Xian De and that Empress Xian De was only respected by everyone because of the position of the Empress. This was just too unfair. If there was no Empress Xian De blocking, she would become the Empress and Emperor Yong Le would not ignore the Lu family and she would not have a headache now.

A malicious resentment appeared in Consort Jing's heart.

She happened to see that in the pavilion that Empress Xian De was sitting it, there was a ladder near the pavilion to the lake. It was so that it would be convenient to feed the fishes on normal days and it would also look elegant but it was somewhat dangerous.

Consort Jing quietly got closer to Empress Xian De and said, "Older Sister has brewed so many years of tea, naturally one knew the rules of brewing tea. However this Younger Sister does not like tea as tea is bitter and those who drink it would not be comfortable so why brew it?" When this sentence was spoken, she shouted an 'Aiyah' and stumbled and headed towards Empress Xian De. Empress Xian De was sitting hear the water so by knocking onto Empress Xian De, she would fall into the water!

What kind of person was Empress Xian De? Consort Jing was stupid but Empress Xian De was not. This kind of little trick did not even enter her eyes. She had long been wary and seeing Consort Jing leaning over, she took a step back and avoided Consort Jing.

One only heard a 'blop' sound and splashes of water.

The palace maid by Consort Jing's side shouted out in shock.