Chapter 224: Imperial Edict

"Whichever eye you use, I will dig that eye out."

He dared to even speak of such treats brazenly, not caring of Lu Zheng Xuan's and Emperor Yong Le's presences. Lu Zheng Xuan was so angry that he almost looked up to Heavens. Xie Jing Xing clearly meant to make Ye Hong Guang change his statement in front of him! How could someone be that overbearing!

"Now tell me again." Xie Jing Xing played with the gold ingot in his head and spoke carelessly, "What did you see?"

How would Ye Hong Guang experience such a battle? Most likely he had not thought that there was someone who would dared to be so unreasonable in front of the Emperor. Under much panic, he looked towards Ye Mei for help because among all these people present, the only person who was related to him was Ye Mei.

However what made Ye Hong Guang disappointed was that Ye Mei did not help him at all and instead lowered her head to avoid Ye Hong Guang's gaze. Like that, Ye Hong Guang was even more helpless.

Emperor Yong Le and Empress Xian De did not speak. Lu Zheng Xuan was initially arrogant and irritating but Xie Jing Xing had a personality that would not take any disadvantage. When both of them faced one another, it was Lu Zheng Xuan who would suffer thus both of them would not speak at all.

Even though Lu Zheng Xuan was irritated by Xie Jing Xing, he dared not make a move easily. Emperor Yong Le still had the identity of the Emperor and moreover all pretenses were not torn off yet but it was different with Xie Jing Xing. In the beginning when Xie Jing Xing returned to Long Ye, there were also officials who pointed out suspicion points of Xie Jing Xing in the Imperial court and this person nodded along with all smiles to it but not long after, which one of those officials had a good ending? Xie Jing Xing was a vicious person and would seek revenge for the smallest grievances so unless it was the last resort, one could not tear all pretenses off in front of him.

Ye Hong Guang was unwilling to speak and at this time Shen Miao was instead calmed down. She walked up and stood beside Xie Jing Xing, looking at that youth in the wheelchair and said, "Did you really see me pushing down Consort Jing?"

Ye Hong Guang raise his head to look at her. Shen Miao was after all a female so Ye Hong Guang was not so afraid of her. Although his expression was a little unnaturally, he had more courage and nodded firmly after hesitation.

She said, "Alright. Then tell me where you were at that time?"

Ye Hong Guang was startled.

"Are you on top of the steps or at the bottom of the steps?" Shen Miao slowed her voice and there was warmth in her words, like she was a gentle older sister. However Ye Hong Guang suddenly became anxious because of her question and shrank his neck.

Ye Mei who was kneeling on the floor with her head down also slightly trembled.

Shen Miao did not give him the opportunity to think and was pushing him when she asked, "Recalled? Is it on top or bottom?"

"Bot… Bottom." Ye Hong Guang said.

Shen Miao smiled gently.

Lu Zheng Xuan and Lu Furen looked at her with anger, seemingly annoyed that she could still laugh at such an occasion. Empress Xian De was however was slightly relaxed while Emperor Yong Le stared at Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing folded his arms and looked at Ye Hong Guang with a smile but not a smile.

"That is really strange." Shen Miao said, "That stairs is very long and it is because of that reason that Consort Jing would be this injured after falling. With such a long staircase and you are standing below, how would you be able to see clearly me, who was standing at the top? One fears that even Consort Jing's shadow could not be seen."

Ye Hong Guang stilled for a moment. He was young and did not leave the residence doors all year long thus he was already very nervous seeing Emperor Long Le and now that Shen Miao spoke like this, there was panic in his expression.

Ye Mei slowly balled her fist.

Shen Miao asked, "Young Master Ye, think about it again. Could it be that one did not remember if one was above or below?"

Ye Hong Guang quickly said, "Above. I remembered. It was above!" He repeated it again confidently.

Ye Mei, who was on the floor, suddenly shrugged her shoulders, as if she was somewhat discourage.

Shen Miao was still smiling but her gaze became sharp as she said, "Oh? Young Master Ye's legs are an inconvenience thus with such a long staircase, one think that it would not be possible to go up alone and there should be someone that carried you up or perhaps carried your wheel chair up. There should be servants by your side. So how could one say that it was only you who saw me pushing but how about your servant?"

In that moment the entire room became quiet.

There were large beads of sweat appearing on Ye Hong Guang's forehead. His face was red and he could not speak for a moment, as if one was overwhelm with guilty conscience.

Emperor Yong Le said coldly, "Do you know the offence of deceiving the Monarch?"

The offence of deceiving the Monarch was something that one could lose the head. It was Ye Hong Guang that could not withstand being scared. One had to know that those smarter would be able to search for excuse from Shen Miao words, for example the servant when to retrieve something and left him alone or even other. In anyways usually people would not admit to their offences that obediently and would fight back. However Ye Hong Guang admitted to his lies this easily and that showed that he did not often do such a thing and was not very skilled. If it was Ye Mei, a veteran at this, it would be much easier for her to lie with her eyes wide open.

Xie Jing Xing's lips raised, "Older Imperial Brother, official family members knew of the crime and yet did it, it is an additional offence and would be directly thrown to the justice department and perhaps be paraded?" He said lazily, "Else anyone could bully the people of the residence of Prince Rui. If so, then how would I live on?"

Xie Jing Xing was clearly avenging private wrongs with public methods. However he was not a good-natured person and had never had a good impression of the Ye family so when he said all these, he had no hesitation at all. However Ye Mei's face turned white and Lu Zheng Xuan's face became ugly.

Killing a chicken in front of a monkey. At one glance one would know who was the chicken and who was the monkey.

Empress Xian De said, "Ye Hong Guang, how dare you lie in the Palace and even slandered Rui WangFei."

Her severe expression scared Ye Hong Guang so much that he almost cried. However Ye Mei ignored him and as he did not have anyone familiar in the Palace, he was very helpless.

"The Young Master of the Ye family is young and it is understandable that he saw incorrectly. Most likely he saw Consort Jing fall and in a moment of urgency wanted to catch the murderer and had misunderstood." Shen Miao helped Ye Hong Guang to exonerate himself.

Everyone was indeed shocked by her action. Ye Hong Guang slandered Shen Miao and even though Shen Miao was not a vicious person, she was never merciful to those who had harmed her. From the examples of the Second and Third household of the Shen family to the Imperial family of Ming Qi, when had she been soft? Thus at this moment when she gave the other a way out, it was indeed doubtful.

Xie Jing Xing also raised his brows.

Shen Miao slightly bent her body to be on the same eye level with Ye Hong Guang before speaking warmly, "Or was it that you heard others speaking something and misunderstood me? Did someone taught you to speak like this?"

Ye Hong Guang's body suddenly trembled. Shen Miao was close to him and was able to see clearly the flusteredness in Ye Hong Guang's eyes.

Ye Hong Guang actually did not know to lie well. Even though he had appear a little but almost everyone could see that he was lying. Xie Jing Xing's eyes became sharp but Ye Hong Guang lifted his head again and looked at Shen Miao firmly, "No one taught me."

No one taught him but he no longer insist that Shen Miao was the culprit.

Shen Miao said, "I understand."

Empress Xian De frowned and thought about it before speaking, "The matter of Consort Jing would be handed over to the Ministry of Justice to manage. Ye Hong Guang, since you have lied, it would meant that you are not truthful. The most urgent task is to check if there are assassins in the Palace and Consort Jing's body have to be collected." Finally she looked towards the husband and wife of the Lu family, "Does General Lu still have anything to say?" At the end, her tone of voice had some mocking tone.

Lu Zheng Xuan glanced at Empress Xian De and he sighed in his heart. Initially when Emperor Yong Le dote on Consort Jing, they had looked forward for Consort Jing to replace the position of Empress Xian De but no one was able to grasp any fault of hers with her actions and it had been unsuccessful for so many years. Lu Jing blew some air by Emperor Yong Le's pillow but at the end was unable to let Emperor Yong Le have any intention to dispose the Empress. It was with great difficulty that Lu Jing was pregnant but at this critical juncture, when they could have won this round, who knew that Heavens was unpredictable and it was like using a wicker basket to draw water.

In fact, Lu Zheng Xuan knew that it was too late to say anything now that Lu Jing was already dead. But he was unable to reconcile with it and hoped that Emperor Yong Le would be able to compensate something for him. He was this annoying and this angry, not because of the heartache of his daughter's death but felt pity for this Dragon grandchild. When Xie Jing Xing suddenly appeared, Lu Zheng Xuan put aside his temper as when comparing about viciousness, this Prince Rui did things in extreme and was even more sinister.

Knowing that there would not be anything today no matter what happen, Lu Zheng Xuan said unwillingly, "This official obeys Your Majesty's command."

At the other hand, there was a flash of killing intention in Emperor Yong Le's eyes.

The husband and wife of the Lu family left. From entering the Palace to leaving the Palace, they had not seen the late Consort Jing at all, as if she was not their daughter.

After they left, Emperor Yong Le said, "You all also return."

Empress Xian De looked somewhat surprised at Emperor Yong Le. This Ye Mei and Ye Hong Guang, one was with Consort Jing at that time and even though there was a CaiRen that testify for her, all doubts could not be washed away. The other one was one who slandered Shen Miao. Even if these two were not the culprit, one could not let them go. However Emperor Yong Le seemed like he did not plan to pursue it. Empress Xian De was puzzled but after seeing Emperor Yong Le slightly move his body, her heart was in shock. She did not care about anything else and said immediately, "Yes. Return now."

Xie Jing Xing frowned but did not say anything but inside looked coldly at Ye Mei who was thanking and Ye Hong Guang that was helped up by the servant before rushing out. He said, "Since there is nothing the matter, this Younger Official Brother would withdraw first." XIe Jing Xing would not conceal his emotions in front of Emperor Yong Le and apparently he was not happy at how Emperor Yong Le handled the matter.

Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing left Jing Hua Palace together and when they walked towards the exit of the Palace, they encountered the Ye Mei and younger brother. Shen Miao was slightly stunned but that Ye Hong Guang suddenly instructed the servant to stop and he turned over to look at Shen Miao, seemingly there was something to talk to her.

At that moment XIe Jing Xing's expression was not good to look at. The Ye family people were now classified as dangerous people to him and what would happen if something happen when these dangerous people get close to Shen Miao? Thus he followed closely and the dagger hidden in his sleeves was quietly withdrawn from its scabbard.

Shen Miao saw that youth stopped in front of her and Ye Mei, who was not afar, looked over with a complicated expression. It looked like she seemed to want to come over to stop Ye Hong Guang's action but Tie Yi and Cong Yang was hindering it and thus she dared not more.

Ye Hong Guang lift his head up and looked at her. His face was red and he looked very shy as he spoke, "Sorry." He seemed to want to say more and hesitated for a moment but at the end he did not say anything. He then looked at Shen Miao again before pushing the wheel chair to leave.

Xie Jing Xing raised his brows and did not seem to understand what Ye Hong Guang was doing. Shen Miao looked at this back figure but her expression became somewhat complicated.

On the journey back in the carriage, Xie Jing Xing watched as Shen Miao did not speak and said, "Let the Mo Yu Army capture that fellow and lock him up for a day or two, then he would tell us who is the mastermind."

He was talking about Ye Hong Guang. With regards to Ye Hong Guang's performance today at Jing Hua Palace, only fools would not believe if one said that there was no one behind him telling him to slander Shen Miao.

Shen Miao rolled her eyes at Xie Jing Xing, "What is there to say? Other than Ye Mei, who else could it be?"

Those little tricks and details that Ye Mei used might be able to conceal from others but not her.

"Then why are you still not happy?" Xie Jing Xing pinched her face, "You also look very strange when looking at that fellow. Is there anything that I don't know about?" His eyes squinted.

Shen Miao brushed his hand away, "Do you remember about that dream I spoke to you about, that I have a son and daughter in it?"

Xie Jing Xing's joking expression paused as he looked towards her.

"The first time when I saw Ye Hong Guang, one felt that he was just too similar to the child in the dream. I thought that he was the child in the dream. But he stood at Ye Mei's side and help Ye Mei slander me. To be honest, I am very upset." Shen Miao said, "But afterwards I looked carefully and discover that they were not similar. They only looked similar. Speaking of which, upon thinking about it now, there were only seven or eight tenth similar. There are still many things different."

After a brief surprise and upset, Shen Miao had paid close attention to that beautiful youth. From a glance, there was almost no difference between him and Fu Ming but their temperaments were very different. As Fu Ming was unable to gain Fu Xiu Yi's favour and because she was in an opposing relationship with Mei Furen, he was matured quite early. Fu Ming's magnanimity, honesty, kindness and straightforwardness were the qualities that what a Monarch should have. However when facing this child, he was like a normal Young Master of an official family. Most likely because of his legs, he had some inferiority. Fu Ming would not lie. Fu Ming would not stand at Ye Mei's side. Fu Ming would definitely not help Ye Mei to deal with her. The most important thing was that when Shen Miao stood in front of that child, there were no waves in her heart. There were some emotional connection between mother and child so if he was Fu Ming, she would be able to feel it and her heart would not be able to be that calm.

Ye Hong Guang was not Fu Ming and only looked similar to Fu Ming. She was almost confused but she quickly reacted. No one could understand one's own child like a mother so there was no Fu Ming's shadow in Ye Hong Guang. This made Shen Miao disappointed but at the same time also relief. If Fu Ming really became the Ye family people in this lifetime, the Ye family would make use of him to deal with Shen Miao and this was something that Shen Miao was most unwilling to see.

"Similar?" Xie Jing Xing said unconvincingly, "So you are particularly tolerant towards him?"

"Perhaps it's this reason." Shen Miao said, "One is unable to be vicious towards that face. Moreover you are also clear that the culprit of this matter is another. Ye Hong Guang was only made use by others and one fear that he do not lie often. One is between laughter and tears at his lying appearance. It is just that I am very curious." Shen Miao continued, "If this matter is truly related to Ye Mei then why would Ye Mei push Consort Jing? This is not the way of doing things. One felt that it is just too sloppy."

Xie Jing Xing smiled, "Or is it just only an accident?"


At the same time, Ye Mei and Ye Hong Guang was in the carriage on the way back to the residence.

Ye Hong Guang had been very restless as the servant carried him to the carriage and sat him by Ye Mei's side. However the normally warm and gentle speaking Ye Mei had not been speaking to him after boarding the carriage, making Ye Hong Guang feel somewhat restless. Just as he wanted to speak, Ye Mei suddenly spoke, "Third Younger Brother, what did you speak to WangFei of First Rank just now?"

Ye Mei was smiling and this smile was the same as it was normally but one did not know why Ye Hong Guang felt somewhat fearful. He paused and said softly, "I said sorry to her."

Ye Mei's expression changed slightly.

"WangFei looked like a good person." Ye Hong Guang lowered his head and spoke softly, "I slandered her like that but she was not angry at all and even treated me amiably. She is a good person and did not look down on a crippled person like me… Eldest Sister, I have lied and wrongly accused a good person. My heart feels restless."

"Did I not said before?" Ye Mei said, "If you do not speak like this, the Emperor and Empress would definitely be suspicious of me. It is alright that the suspicion land on me but it would implicate the entire Ye family. Could it be that you want to see Father and Mother being implicated? The people of the Imperial family would not care about right or wrong. Parents are already old and to be tormented like this. Reputation is a small matter, what if one's health is impacted?"

Those words were already somewhat rude. Ye Mei had always been polite and kind to Ye Hong Guang and Ye Hong Guang also liked this older sister that looked like a fairy. For the first time being blamed by Ye Mei and there was even some faint anger in it, Ye Hong Guang did not felt good in his heart. He dared not speak anything more and only listen to Ye Mei continuing, "Moreover, how do you know that she was being wrongly accused?"

"WangFei had said that it was not her. The Emperor and Her Ladyship the Empress also trusted her." Ye Hong Guang said in a soft voice, "Older Sister, why does one need to lie? Why not let them suspect you and one must point out WangFei?"

Ye Mei finally showed anger on her face and she almost looked at Ye Hong Guang sinisterly, "You would rather believe her then to trust your Older Sister?"

Ye Hong Guang shook his head, "I only felt that WangFei is not such a person."

Ye Mei could not express her annoyance when she heard the words of believing Shen Miao. Emperor Yong Le was like that, Empress Xian De was also as such, Prince Rui was also like that and now even Ye Hong Guang was like that. What kind of magic did Shen Miao have that could always earn others' trust? Even she could not gain any benefit from Shen Miao at all.

Thinking about what had happened before, Ye Mei could not help but tremble.

She did not expect that Lu Jing would be that arrogant and stupid. Ye Mei had listened to the information of Lu Jing that Ye Mao Cai had inquired but who knew that Lu Jing's jealousy would be as such? It was alright that she deliberate made things difficult for her since Ye Mei was one who could withstand it.

It was just that later it was Lu Zhen who got angry first and Lu Zhen actually wanted to ruin her appearance.

But how would Ye Mei be one who would suffer any loss? And thus in the dispute, she accidentally pushed Lu Jing down. She fled from the scene and initially thought of escaping during the chaos as Ye Mao Cai would definitely not offend another because of her, thus Ye Mei could only depend on herself. However at this moment she discovered that after being in Long Ye for such a long time, she did not have a route to retreat. One could not even tell if this Ye family backing was a friend or foe.

However her luck had always been not too bad and would often survive a bad situation. Since Lu Jing was diead and there was not witness to speak, she did not need to flee.

Ye Mei slowly calmed down and thought of ways to bribe that unfavoured CaiRen. She knew that it was not possible to wipe off all the suspicious points away and simply made this pool of water murky. She let Ye Hong Guang be the witness by scaring Ye Hong Guang that if he did not lie, the entire Ye residence would be implicated. Ye Hong Guang was not courageous and grew up in the Ye family residence since young and would not be clear of the relationship and situation in the outside her and thus agreed under the fear.

However Ye Mei did not think that Ye Hong Guang would be this useless and was even caught by Shen Miao. This act of framing was useless at the end and Ye Mei finally understood the fear that the Lu family displayed during Xie Yuan's appearance. It was a terrible thing to offend the residence of Prince Rui.

Previously she proposed Ye Mao Cai to assassinate Shen Miao and today she instructed Ye Hong Guang to frame Shen Miao so Ye Mei felt that once Xie Yuan investigate and found out that she was involved, he would definitely not let her off.

There was also today. Even though Empress Xian De and Emperor Yong Le let her off unexpectedly at the end and Shen Miao did not delve into it, Ye Mei felt that something was wrong the more she thought about it and suspect that there was a deeper conspiracy. To speak about it after taking thousand steps back, Ye Mao Cai would sooner or later know of this matter. She had killed Consort Jing in an accident and created problems. Ye Mao Cai was such a smart person, so Ye Mei really did not know how would he deal with her.

Ye Mei's heart was both fearful and angry and there was also some frustration. This Long Ye place seems to be going against her. When she was in Qin province, she was able to call for the wind and rain but would repeatedly hit against the wall in Long Ye. Initially she had thought that by climbing to the Ye family, she would be able to soar up the skies but at the end she was unable to even comprehend the situation of the Ye family and even offended people that she should not offend.

One could no longer stay in Long Ye and had to leave the Ye family. Suddenly there was such a thought in Ye Mei's heart.

She unconsciously glanced over at Ye Hong Guang. Ye Hong Guang was quietly stroking the fur on his lap with his head lowered and did not look at her.

Ye Mei's gaze turned cold.

In order to escape from the Ye family and get away from Long Ye, it was not an easy thing for her now. It was easy to get on the boat but difficult to alight, moreover there was a Ye Mao Cai that was watching like a tiger.

However if one were to continue to stay there, Ye Mei had a feeling that she would not know how would she even die.

It was better to discuss with Ye Ke in detail.


Because of Consort Jing's matter, a lot of time was wasted in the Palace thus when Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing returned from the Palace, the skies were already dark. After bathing and dinner, Shen Miao was tidying up some letters at the table as she spoke to Xie Jing Xing, "One did not expect that the matter was like this."

Xie Jing Xing's subordinate had send a message over and most likely had cleared up all the matters that happened in the Palace today. Most probably Ye Mei had accidentally killed Lu Zhen thus Shen Miao shook her head, "One feared that even if the Lu family knew that it was Ye Mei's action, they would not show the hatred in their hearts."

Xie Jing Xing leaned back at the couch and watched her tidying up and answered with an "En".

Shen Miao questioned, "Then what would happen when the Emperor discover the truth? Will he punish Ye Mei?"

"What would investigating the matter or not do?" Xie Jing Xing said without a care, "Even if Ye Mei did not kill another accidentally, the Ye family cannot be remained. With Ye Mei kill another accidentally, the Ye family can just scarifice a daughter that one picked up halfway. Ye Mao Cai would not feel hurt." Xie Jing Xing shrugged his shoulders, "Who cares about Consort Jing and the child in her womb?"

Shen Miao sighed. Emperor Yong Le detest the Lu family and had no expectations with child that Lu Zhen carried in great difficulty, thus he would not be bothered by it. Perhaps with Lu Zhen's death, it would make Emperor Yong Le sigh in relief. He did not love Consort Jing but it was his flesh and blood. In the future when the Lu family died, how would he face his son? Of course this child would not be developed fully and would suffer in this world.

Heavens had made a choice for him and perhaps it was the clearest decision.

"Speaking of which, in the Palace today when something happened to Lu Jing, the Emperor came but you were not present. What did you do?" Shen Miao asked. She asked naturally as Xie Jing Xing was a very frank person and as long as Shen Miao asked, he would answer about the matters of the Imperial family's secrets.

But today he only looked at Shen Miao and did not speak.

Shen Miao was actually waiting for his reply but upon seeing him not responding for a long time, her hands paused as she saw Xie Jing Xing gently smiling at her. His gaze was gentle, as if he was seeing her as a precious thing to him.

Shen Miao was startled and Xie Jing Xing's lips hooked up, "Come over here."

She hesitated and seeing Xie Jing Xing's serious appearance, she stood up and walked over to the side of the bed and asked, "What is the matter?" And she was pulled into Xie Jing Xing's embrace with a tugged.

Shen Miao was caught off guarded and ended up in his embrace. She used all efforts to get up but Xie Jing Xing did not let her move and lifted her chin up as he spoke blandly, "Do you remember the question that I once asked you before, if you wanted to be an Empress or not?"

"Remembered." Shen Miao paused a while before replying.

"Then now I will ask you again." He said.

"I do not want." Shen Miao said, "My wish is very simple. Protect my love ones and live well. Being an Empress is very good but I do not like it."

"Then how?" He said troubled, "I too do not like it but now have to do so."

"The head of the Gao family had said that Imperial Older Brother would not live more than half a year. The Imperial edict was written today."

"I do not believe in fate but there is no time left." He said with a sigh and placed Shen Miao's hands in his palm.

"I know that you do not like it but can you tolerate it for me for a while? At least I can guarantee that I will never let you become a disposed Empress."

"You will be the only woman of Great Liang's Emperor and the price you will pay is." He got closer to Shen Miao's ears and said viciously, "In this lifetime, there is no way out."